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1833835 No.1833835 [Reply] [Original]

Lost my temper at the office today and rage typed an email to senior management basically about how shitty middle management are.

I think this is going to go one of two ways...

>Senior CEO goes "Damn that kid has some balls! Bring him in here, he's just the type we need to breathe some life into this place!"



What do you think?

>> No.1833839

You're getting sacked, bruh

Middle management exists for the retards to keep a job where minimum damage can be done

>> No.1833843

just hope your email was too long abd rhey didn't read it.

>> No.1833848

Well, it depends on the contents of the email. Could you please give us some context? CEO s generally aren't stupid, so if you brought up some valid points it might catalyse a positive change.

>> No.1833856

Shitty how? They lose money for the company? Might get something across. They treat you badly? Lol

>> No.1833859


They offered me a contract which I accepted and they went back on the terms, then switched job roles and they didn't give me the salary I was promised. It's complete shit. The only reason I lost my temper was my line manager told me I was "part time" now, had to take 2 valium to calm down.

>> No.1833860

lol, thats pretty retarded OP.

Enjoy your perma-range ban, word will get around about your shitty behavior and all the other employers will know about it.

Your shamfurr behavior is like a rotten fungus poofing hundreds of thousands of mouldy-ass spores into the atmosphere for other people to be infected with.

You're fucked mate, KYS.

>> No.1833866


Did they actually offer you a contract, or was it a verbal contract?

>> No.1833870


Actual contract I signed online

>> No.1833898

>those hips

Straight from heaven

>> No.1833903

Court nigga. Get your self a lawyer

>> No.1833915

This seems like a completely reasonable premise to schitZ out over. If you're with good company, the ceo will rectify the issue. If you're with a bad company, hire a lawyer.

>> No.1833924

And you have a copy of this contract, yes?

>> No.1833930

>had to take 2 valium

what is it with Americans and casual pill popping

>> No.1833964


Land of the free nigga

>> No.1833968

>working in a office
I found the problem.

>> No.1833976

>gets a promotion
This isn't some hollywood movie.

>> No.1834055

Lol dude u sound like a total loser. You should handle things at the lowest tier possible. I assume by how much of a huge faggot you are that you never brought up any issues you had with middle management directly. Everyone is laughing behind your back now. Congrats.

>> No.1834185

Good. You lost at life because you aren't a chad having sex with girls like that daily, so why bother?

>> No.1834196

>sent an email instead of expressing your feelings in person
>thinks somebody will think you have balls

I shoved my old supervisor in the face and told him everybody in the front office fucks his wife and that's the only reason he's a supervisor. I got fired and escorted out by police.

>> No.1834215

Start looking for a new job immediately.

>> No.1834234


Sounds reasonable. I like it.

Either the CEO cracks the whip of justice in your favor, or you get fired from a shit company.

In either case it's a win.

>> No.1834238


Probably the single biggest secret about the USA is how heavily medicated we are.

Rumor is Bill Clinton was on hella anti-anxiety drugs.

>> No.1834313

In a "startup", you may get promoted or your concerns addressed

In a SP500 corp, its either going to trash and noone will notice, or you're getting on PIP (and then fired)

>> No.1834317

Nigga all you have do to get prescribed SSRI's is say "I'm sad" or Benzos "I'm anxious". It's literally up to the GP lol. You don't even have to meet with a counselor if you don't want to.

>> No.1834359

Print it out and show it to the HR. Don't sign another thing and threaten to file a lawsuit against them if they don't rectify the situation in an appropriate time frame. Also make sure they don't retaliate against you or file a complaint with your local labor commissioner's office.

>> No.1834367

How is that a secret?

>> No.1834392

fired so fired

>> No.1834397

Post the email, OP.

>> No.1834886

You're fucked, post the email so we can ascertain the quantity of fucked you are.

>> No.1834901

Wait, they broke contract? That's more than shitty management. Lawyer up hard and fast, record everything, even verbal contact with management. Sign nothing they give you until your lawyer sees it.

>> No.1834985


I would more say that it's not openly discussed just how anxious and depressed our nation is, and how heavily we medicate our people to put up with the world we created.

>> No.1835544

OP here, a member of senior management phoned me during work and wants to discuss face to face. What's the best way to go about this?

>> No.1835549


>> No.1835551
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kind of like the "how are people so bad with money" threads,

could OP just briefly explain how you literally cant just chill and collect your paycheck? its insane

>> No.1835568


>> No.1835641

This is how bosses work.

1. They punish the manager.
2. And then tell the manager to resolve the situation with you.

>> No.1835671


Tho this is sunday; wtf kind of work hours do you do?

>> No.1836578

>a member of senior management phoned me during work and wants to discuss face to face.
bring kneepads it's gonna take a while your knees will hurt otherwise.

>> No.1836685

I think you should download as much proprietary information as you can from the company onto a flash drive, make a backup of all your emails, if possible, and apply for jobs with your clients/competitors. Exaggerate your job duties at your current position. It will be far easier to switch jobs while you're currently working than when you're unemployed.

>> No.1836799


Be direct. Explain your issues with the company.

Try to include some high notes, things you like about the company.

>> No.1836925

Be direct but don't throw the "I'm gonna fucking sue" card on the table until they threaten to fire your ass. See if maybe your original option A happens or if they will fix this shit ASAP.

Also I would definitely request they pay you back for the money lost with them fucking around with your salary

>> No.1837120

OP here

Well the meeting didn't go so well, he was well prepared for me and took me into a private meeting room. I let rip about a few things and he kept saying things like "I could reduce you to zero hours tomorrow" and "you've been here less than a year" and said "maybe if you're Mr Perfect you should have my job" sarcastically. I nearly lost my shit again but remained well tempered. All in all I kept my job but I'm on the lookout for a new one. I'm only 23 and willing to put this whole experience down to one big learning lesson. I signed TWO freaking contracts for the same pay and I'm not getting it, he even spoke about deductions to my salary. God fuck this place.

>> No.1837124

I kek'd but this is true. If it's longer than a paragraph you are fine.

>> No.1837156


Well. Call a lawyer first. The the DOL next.

Best case scenario you get some money out of this. Worst case scenario the company is investigated.


>> No.1837191

OP Here

Don't worry guys, this isn't me. I won't know my fate until tomorrow because senior management doesn't work on weekends

>> No.1837248


Fired. They wont want an emotional hothead fucking everything up.

>> No.1837263

This is why I don't go to a doctor.
Healthy is a very broad term compared to what docs say. Obv, not for fatties though.

>> No.1837266


>> No.1837269


>> No.1837276

>had to take 2 valium to calm down
>had to inject 2 marijuana to calm down
>had to snort 2 heroin to calm down

>> No.1837498

pussiest country in the world. can't face their problems, therefore rely on drugs to make them feel better

>> No.1838217

>i sent a strongly worded email and expect people to think i have balls


>> No.1838335

Wagecuck life is so degrading

>> No.1838783

OP here, new ID, switched devices.

Welp, the senior management team tied me to the conference table an took turns fucking me in the ass with no rubber, calling me a "fucking stupid millennial" and telling me to "enjoy the AIDS you fucking faggot." Worst of all, this form of discipline was clearly stipulated in the contract (which i didn't fully read desu), and I have no legal recourse!

>> No.1838798


Idea #1 basically never ever happens in the workplace. Its pretty much never a good idea to ever complain about co-workers or management. The only acceptable time to say something negative about another employee is if they are under you and reviews/layoffs are coming up

>> No.1838821


Little secret. You will always get fired. No company keeps an employee that sues or threatens to sue them. It might take a week, a month, a quarter, hell even a year... but they will get you for something, somewhere.

Also if you live in an at-will employment state, they dont even need a reason to fire you. You will get unemployment, but they dont actually need a reason

>> No.1839398
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Lawyer here.

>we want to discuss it face to face = we don't want this to go on record

Always handle conflicts via email.
In fact handle everything via email. It's more difficult to bullshit someone in writing.

>mfw some faggot tries to smooth talk me on the phone or in person

>> No.1839602


So so true.

Hey lawyer I have a question for you, let's say I have a business or legal dispute with someone. If I record a phonecall with them can I use this as evidence in a lawsuit?

>> No.1839629

Typically inadmissible.

>> No.1839693

Why don't you do some basic fucking googling? It's a well discussed idea

>> No.1839719

Fired. If they wanted balls, they would have issued them to you.

>> No.1839760

Depends on a few factors.

But what ever the outcome.. Own that Shit man.. Proud of you for doing that.

You will find another job. You are the fucking man/!!!

>> No.1839761

Just quit.. fuck them..

>> No.1839786

REAL OP here guys. My boss literally just told me to suck his cock to completion to keep my job and I counter offered with letting him fuck my ass for an extra hundred bucks on my christmas bonus. Jokes on him, I have aids and he didn't wear a condom

>> No.1839819


I like the direction this thread has taken.

Good work everyone. You are all getting Christmas bonuses this year.

>> No.1840680

Obama administration.
Victim mentality.
Rampant mental health problams.
Entitlement mentality of all these faggot illegals.


Easy to get hold of too i imagine.

>> No.1840687

Come say that to my freedom loving face u fucking shitskin

>> No.1840690

In kansas u can record a conversation it 1 of the 2 parties knows

>> No.1840715

>lose my shit at being forced to do my boss's job
>send a long rant to his boss
>he only read the beginning and end
>gave me a new posting
>without me to do his work, boss is let go
>everything works out for the best

Don't lose hope in the laziness of your superiors.

>> No.1840729

You're getting fired brah