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18343201 No.18343201 [Reply] [Original]

LBMA and COMEX are collapsing right now and physical gold and silver is quickly becoming impossible to get your hands on.

Not only will this skyrocket the price of the precious metals, it will force the masses to skip PMs and get into the ONLY other currency hedging asset available: BITCOIN.

At least 50% of your portfolio needs to be in one of these assets or YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT in the next 2 years.

>> No.18343209

link to article:

>> No.18343258

If Bitcoin moons then all altcoins follow suite anyway, so why bother investing in BTC when I can hold some jabroni shitcoin like LINK and achieve the same result?

>> No.18343309

JNUG calls good or bad idea?

I don't really mess with PM's pls no bully.

>> No.18343332

PoS coins will die. PoW will thrive

>> No.18343400

i doubt that. dominance will greatly increase

>> No.18343497

Because shitcoins dump far harder. If you can time the top then fairy nuff. If not, far less risky to get the sweet gainz of KING CORN

>> No.18343997

yes, you'll make a lot of money with JNUG calls. but you'll have to put your profits into silver/gold/btc so you might as well just get them in the first place to simplify the process.

>> No.18344059
File: 784 KB, 800x600, gold-and-silver-pepe-brothers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy gold and silver while you can. The window is closing.

>> No.18345125

I sure hope silver goes up by a higher percentage than gold here soon. You niggers talked me into trading seven ounces of gold for a monster box of ASE.

>> No.18345362

I got 100 shares of GLD

>> No.18345903

It will. At absolute worst, it will double against gold, at best it will 6x

>> No.18345991

When all this settles I’m so curious what the rate for btc/physical gold will turn out to be. I was too slow to get my hands on some physical gold but I have some btc. Presumably there will be gold bugs in the opposite situation that will want to trade a bit.

>> No.18346400

> I got 100 shares of GLD
Paper gold ain't gonna make it.

>> No.18347449

checked and correct

>> No.18347712

Rollin for silBer

>> No.18347723
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What is the make it stack?

>> No.18347743

The value of gold isn't skyrocketing, the value of the dollar is collapsing

>> No.18347784
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How many batbois to make it?

>> No.18348409

I bought gold miners/streamers. Everything I've read on the subject implies that they act as leveraged gold, and they really have suffered from the price fixing shenanigans.

The only thing that will really break price fixing is when people start demanding delivery on their contracts and delivery has to be suspended on contracts, at that point you are no longer selling gold just a derivative based on an index.

>> No.18348487

For normal people this doesn't matter. They are wondering how they are going to pay their 400k+ house and car and boat debt when they don't have a job, have no income etc and realise so many people are in the same boat liquidating is not a real option. When you have $400 in the bank you aren't thinking about if there is price fixing on the PM markets. When supply comes online it will be a physical flood and floor the prices. However, there was an obvious rush into PM's and in less than a week I suspect at least 2 or 3 months of normal physical sales happened. I suspect strongly that the largest dealers have been told to limit or completely stop sales though many are now many dealers are literally selling paper gold and silver. What a time to be alive. I think Max Kaiser is literally on the money - whatever is coming is going to be fucking stupid and worse than what we have now - though you don't need to be Max Kaiser to work that out.

>> No.18348501

13kg for gold.

>> No.18348585
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>When supply comes online
You mean "if". Inconvenient I know..

>> No.18348682

There is no doubt it will. I have no doubt now after interacting with my usual dealers (the biggest in their respective countries) that they are under instruction (not that they say so but from my observation) not to sell or sell fuck all. As a consequence they are offering paper silver/gold/etc... allocated. Of course in reality this is a bold faced lie if there is nothing backing these products up. My thoughts are that there is some metal in stock but more importantly they have guarantee stock will come and they are themselves know or bet the price will tank and they will be in the money in a big way – they stand to make more money in the next few months than in the last decade.

>> No.18348744

Exactly, I don't get why people aren't investing in things that will INCREASE in value. PMs won't increase by much, they will just hold steady against a devalued dollar. There are things you can buy which will significantly increase in value at the same time the dollar shits itself to death.

>> No.18348771

What mining/gold/silver calls should I be making? Which stocks? I dont like 3x etf's

>> No.18348820

This. Buy CKB.

>> No.18348830

Kirkland Lake Gold

>> No.18348842

>There are things you can buy which will significantly increase in value at the same time the dollar shits itself to death.
What things?

>> No.18348847

wrong. silver is currently severely manipulated and undervalued against the dollar. you need to look into the history of silver in the last 50 years if you think that silver or gold are appropriately valued against todays purchasing power of the dollar.

>> No.18348994

What is their true value then and where are they both going with all the bullshit going on now?

>> No.18349028

Why buy Boomer rocks when I can use Kleros as an ETH shovel? Fuck off Boomer.

>> No.18349302

Gold $20 to $1600. Silver $1 to $20. Nothing to see here. Invest in things that increase in value? Idiot.

>> No.18349314

I don't know what you just typed but you can do that. Whatever. I don't care.

>> No.18349370

>all these niggers not in the industry opining on shit
I deal with thousands of kg of gold a day, from mine to market. Physical will be at an absolute premium for at least 6 months while this coronoashit continues to fuck with global supply chains. Gold goes internationally by air, and the price of airfrieght right now is astronomical as airlines attempt to gouge anything they can in order to keep their shitty overleveraged businesses afloat without 1 billion chinks on holidays to keep them afloat. The enormous cost of moving anything from the mines to the few refineries still open will mean that the end buyer will have to cover that cost. As long as the Wuhan Wheeze is here, PMs will stay expensive even if the USD recovers fully ahead of the rest of the world.

>> No.18349394

5 maple leaf coins enough to make it?

>> No.18349431

nigger what are the coins made of
How heavy are the coins
Whats the fineness
Come on negro

>> No.18349440

I am looking at buying some Silver Eagles, 50 probably. It's days before they are sold out, every thing else is selling out as I speak. Its only kangaroos and eagles now. Yesterday there were still maples. All gone...

So should I join the FOMO bandwagon now while I still can or do I avoid silver for a while... I dont have any silver by the way and I fear this is the last opportunity before prices skyrocket.

>> No.18349474

You measure your understanding of value IN DOLLARS, thereby completely missing my point. No shit the dollar value of gold and silver will increase, because the dollar is going down.
I agree that silver in particular has room to grow, but compare the fluctuation of a raw material to the development of business and technology. If I could go back and buy Google or silver in like 2000, I would buy Google.

>> No.18349504

How can i get a foot in the gold industry ? T.mining engineer more leaning toward finance (before you say, no gold mine in my western country)

>> No.18349540

Why would you buy a call in JNUG when it loses value over time because of volatility and daily rebalancing?

>> No.18349554

Tell me a better place to store my wealth then for an extremely long period of time with zero risk. I'm waiting.

>> No.18349574

Well that's the benefit of it, safe storage. Investing is riskier but can pay off more. If dollars were stable would you just want to save all your money in a bank account or invest it?

>> No.18349592

Tell me a place I can put my money with zero risk that will keep pace with inflation. I want zero risk, I don't care about returns, I don't want to invest in this highly risky environment. So please, please tell me an asset I can store my wealth other than gold and silver

>> No.18349593

Will 2020 coins be more valuable than usual since all the mints and mines are closed? And its the last year for the current designs?

>> No.18349624

Holy shit then buy metal pussy, it's not a bad bet, I'm just saying there are potentially much bigger opportunities that come with this "risky environment"

>> No.18349746

imagine not having silver and PNK

>> No.18349798

You think global elite will let boomers hoarding shiny rocks become wealthy? It is in nobodies interest for gold to moon, because it would make the currency of countries with large good reserves much stronger.

>> No.18349976

> True Value

Multiply the current spot price by the "Paper:Silver Ratio" on the lower right table. If all derivatives were eliminated (bringing the ratio to 1) that product would be its price. Same goes for gold.

> Where it's going
With any hope the world backs all USD in circulation to gold and silver. Look at the "Dollar:Silver Ratio" in the same lower right table.

>> No.18349981

The public's hoard is indeed going to start to trouble the establishment.

>> No.18349986

Note that those values are in USD today but it's better to look at them in terms of purchasing power.

>> No.18350007

>so new he hasn't experienced btc running and all alts just bleeding sats all day erryday

Just buy alts anon.

>> No.18350027

Maybe because its 4am or im a brainlet or both but multiplying spot by the silver to paper ratio means 1 oz silver is $2600? And gold is $140,000?

>> No.18350206

Correct. That is how suppressed the price per ounce is without even entertaining a return to a bimetal standard. Derivatives reduce the price of commodities in the same way the brrring reduces the value of a currency.

>> No.18350237

Can someone explain why and how the amount of paper silver contracts would reduce... so holding the physical would go up?

>> No.18350303

You fucking retard.

>> No.18350313

But realistically once this virus goes away and we return to normal, after the mints open back up and the mines and the economy slowly returns to normal and after all the current money printing and any future money printing, where will silver and gold be assuming we dont actually go back to gold and silver currency and keep the USD

>> No.18350483

My 500g umicore bar and 250g bar just arrived here in the UK. Up to 3kg. Stuck the rest of my free money in bitcoin. Plus I'm a normie too.

>> No.18350504

Where did you get it from? Everywhere I look is either out of stock or not dispatching orders


>> No.18350552

Private seller

>> No.18350594
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>> No.18350619

You just have to be quick on ebay. Search for bars 100g-1kg on auction-ending soonest and buy it now-newly listed. Then contact individual sellers and knock the price down.

>> No.18350765

There are over 175 paper "ounces" of silver for every single physical ounce. If the money stayed in silver's market cap but the paper was eliminated the money would thus be over 175 times more concentrated. The idea of the derivatives market being brought to heel is a pipe dream.

>> No.18350779

It will probably go up a little more as people are unsure if everything is good again but after a year there will likely be sell-offs. I preduct <$20/toz by then.

>> No.18350780

there is no virus, so when social swindle goes away ... the very few financial institutions as founds and bonds holders will make profit by lending money to solve nothing happen problem, and another hand of the same Bank get in to debt small business owners so they gradually loose that illusion that they own anything just do as you told and you keep your place and benefits. Land lords start implement rules to luck his tenants up, every night in order to protect from flu. What land lord can do if he do not own anything his own ass in debt to the bank and the only way to keep his family fed and happy like nothing happen is to follow orders lock tenants up at night you get to protect then from flu, next will be check in and out control with ID registration , what ? You have to protect people from flu! You don't want your grandma die do you? Well well then welcome luck up yourself in to prison for your own safety.
Capitalism is competition by usury and lie what else would you expect ? Morality ? If you don't shit where you eat you are moral enough for the corporate world. Usury and lie ? Yes, that is name of the game, so what will question?
In a future you will be fucked by profit seeking company , because for 'them' you are 'they' Justice is realization that it just us and adjust our activities in a life serving way with out punishing any one or even hate any one.

>> No.18350824

I don't think I can trust ebay. Are they verified PM sellers? I already have a 2500 oz stack of silver and 20oz of gold so I'm just being greedy really trying to acquire more

>> No.18350833
File: 91 KB, 469x609, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's mooning for real this time

>> No.18350902

No, private individuals. But I have always found that if you stick to sealed minted or cast bars from lmba suppliers, Umicore, Metalor, Heraeus etc then as long as you have scales/magnet and know the dimensions you are safe. Not worth faking a 100g/250g/500g silver bar. I've never seen one.

>> No.18350958
File: 48 KB, 486x325, 157285937829738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it won't moon because there's no reason for it to.
Imagine having this much faith in the global economy, I'll pray for your soul.

>> No.18351223

Have 4 x 10gr of silver and feels like I have nothing
The 100oz of silver on the other hand...

>> No.18351535

Wow, just stop talking. Gold and silver are the ONLY real stores of wealth. Crypto is pretty good but one EMP and its over. Also crypto isnt safe forever, with the advent of quantum computing, PoW tokens will be a joke as you could literally mine all 17 million bitcoins in a day.

>> No.18352030

because it is nothing lol
>100 oz
still not much, yet I have only 50 oz

>> No.18352166

>I'm just saying there are potentially much bigger opportunities that come with this "risky environment"

>> No.18353882


>> No.18354021

Found the Fraudulent Reserve Jew