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18342870 No.18342870 [Reply] [Original]

Any idea on what consequences will this lockdown have on the USA economy? For now officially 10 million people lost their jobs.
Will the USA ever recover, and if yes, when?

>> No.18342897

That autistic guy from BigShort.

>> No.18343101

are you fucking retarded
were fucked
what are they gonna do drop intrest rates again OH SHIT I forgot its below fucking ZERO already
the recession was supposed to hit after 2008 and they fucking did everything to delay it by jacking up the system and pumping that sweet liquid green into the markets
now the markets are going to get fucked even more because we have to deal with the correction from 2008 AND the impact of the economy being completely DESTROYED by these retard politicians who couldn't 't be able to find their dicks in a mirror

every western country is going to go bankrupt because they can only destroy the currency to save themselves

>> No.18343179

What effect will that have on regular people and regular jobs?

>> No.18343206

This basically

>> No.18343215

what regular people and regular jobs
theres only going to be poor people and no jobs when this is over

>> No.18343252

Could be major. This isn't just a growth-based economy, it's a debt based economy, know what happens when millions of people are no longer able to pay for things? It affects the basic levels of every sector. Some major issues and bubbles that may have been living on borrowed time can pop and that can have an uncontrollable cascading affect across the economy.

Remember how big of a stink people were putting up for something as comparatively meager as tariffs with China? This is like 100x that in terms of scale. No one knows how we're going to adjust we're just throwing money at things right now and hoping it's enough to tide us over, but 15 million people out of work, another 20 million people at significantly reduced productivity at home or cut hours, and basically everybody holding onto their cash right now, that has a massive effect after 2 months.

>> No.18344549

Bru the money printer went brrr just chill is fine

>> No.18344575

there is a lot of money to be made betting against hyberbolic idiots like yourself

>> No.18344577

>but 15 million people out of work, another 20 million people at significantly reduced productivity at home
And? Its mostly just fucking restaurants and bars.

>> No.18344685

If you guys stopped going out and got your virus numbers under control then the economy would be fine. I don't know what the fuck you're doing over there in the US but you're doing something wrong. Why don't you listen to those who tell you to maintain social distancing? Is it a cultural thing? Is your freedom as an American citizen more important than those telling you to stay indoors?

>> No.18344722

t. Smoothbrain

When all those restaurants and bars permanently shut down guess who else that hurts? Suppliers and distributors. They might suddenly see a 20%-40% drop in whatever service they provide.

I work in a soda warehouse, and we've basically lost all of our OT because restaurants and bars were a major portion of our sales. You must be a brainlet to not understand the ripple effect that shutting down one portion of an economy can have.

>> No.18344732

we didn't have a job in the first place, so we don't exactly give a fuck about your normie world

>> No.18344784

>everyone holding on to their cash right now
What cash? Nobody has anything, most people have negative net worths. People are going to use the $1200 to live and pay bills but there's no way they're paying away debt with it, it'd be a drop in the bucket for most of them.

In 3 months time the average American will have capitulated on their financial life and either sell everything to survive or the government is going to role out some sort of debt forgiveness/work program that will most likely turn into the cannon fodder reserves for a long war with China.

>> No.18344810

Trumps got this under control. The virus is a hoax. Just a means to finally btfo the pedos and the jews.

>> No.18344822

>but there's no way they're paying away debt with it, it'd be a drop in the bucket for most of them.

I'm putting $600 towards my car note and $600 towards my student loans. This is the best money to pay off debt with imho.

>> No.18344853

If it was a hoax, people I know personally wouldn't be sick with it. It's far from a hoax, but there's been far too many lies surrounding it, how it spread, where it spread, and China covering their tracks because they don't care about anyone, but their own regime. In the short term, a stimulus package will keep a country from diving head first into the fire pit. But it's a temporary fix that will hurt mid to long term with hyper inflation and we are in line for a recession eventually becoming a depression.

>> No.18344857


That's still part of the economy. Those people buy things with the income they make there. And it isn't just them, all sorts of sectors are in layoffs now and that's just beginning. Everyone who isn't laid off is now operating at 50-60% productivity. It's a shit show and the effects will take weeks to start materializing.

>> No.18344863
File: 33 KB, 441x418, 1585997475436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're fucked, we should've listened to Ron Paul

>> No.18344876


>caring about student loans at all when you can go months without paying them without an issue, their interest rates are low, there's nothing to repo, and there's a 25% chance some candidate comes along in 5 years and wipes the slate clean anyway

Last thing on my priorities list

>> No.18345025

I care about my credit score

>> No.18345041


It's not hurting your credit score to pay the minimum and keep kicking the can down the road at any available opportunity, I don't mean literally skipping payments but deferment options exist. And the interest is tax deductible.

>> No.18345210

Reminder the social credit system in China was inspired by our credit score system.

>> No.18345238

I'd rather just pay off my debt ASAP. If someone forgives student debt then oh well. I'm not betting $40,000 on Congress actually doing something that will benefit the American people.

>> No.18345278
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I care about my credit score

>> No.18345283
File: 127 KB, 680x574, 348753678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will the USA ever recover, and if yes, when?
ha, what, that old thing? we are already bouncing back as we speak from that. nothing even happened. just media driven mass hysteria. this is a great buying opportunity

>> No.18345322

Fuck KIKE-O scores

>> No.18345350

Oh no not soda whatever will we do without that poison shit

>> No.18345398


Don't forget the importance of saving up your first $100k ASAP. Compounding is the most powerful force of your investing life. The loans will sit there and get paid off whenever and in the meantime, as I said, you can deduct them from taxes as well as cross your fingers that Bernie or whoever the fuck swoops in and wipes them out anyway.

>> No.18345459

>be retard
>double down on your retardation


I won't be saving $100k anytime soon at my current job. I'm just gonna follow Dave Ramsey's advice and pay off my debt first. I'm gonna end up with even more student debt when I get a master's anyway.

>> No.18345498


You're dooming yourself to eternal wagiehood friend. Not all debt is the same. A high interest car payment yes... pay that shit off. Student loans? They're a different animal. Can't be repo'd, can be deducted, may be forgiven, may be put in forbearance. They're baby gloves loans.

>> No.18345577

Yeah if you have a real job your fine

>> No.18345581

The mother of all liquidity crunches is around the corner. In Q2, US jobless claims will be 5 to 10x greater than any quarter over the previous 50 years. Retailers and restaurants in Malls and on high streets are often private equity owned and will be unable to pay leases (as private equity has stripped them of their property assets). Both the demand and supply side is going south for many sectors. This equity rally is a temporary relapse into central bank fueled insanity.

>> No.18345583

>may be put in forbearance
everyone with federal student loans can do this right now because of the virus. just call and ask for it. the best part is everyone's loans have temporarily switched to 0% interest so you won't even accrue interest

>> No.18345586

I understand your point, but I don't want anymore than is necessary. At the end of the day, the debt still has to be paid so I'm gonna pay it. Until someone actually promises debt forgiveness and a bill is in motion, I'm not going to assume its guaranteed.

>> No.18345623

Think of it like the economy is currently in a holding pattern. Which is evidenced by this non market. I expect it to come roaring back to life. In the meantime shorts is the game of the day.

>> No.18345642


My federal loans had this done automatically lol. I get 5 months of free money to put in other shit. If hyperinflation actually kicks in suddenly my loans and my mortgage mean nothing... diversification is good.

>> No.18345769

I look at this as 5 months pay off to the debt while the balance won't grow. There is nothing good to invest in right now anyway.

>> No.18345777

look at the S&P500. it has been pumping through this lockdown. nothing fishy going on

>> No.18345842

total bullshit
a world where America gets fucked and everybody else stays at equilibrium?
by 2025?
even IF yellowstone explodes the rest of the world is still fucked for the next century

>> No.18345880


>there is nothing good to invest in in the artificial recession investing opportunity of a lifetime

That's all I've got left to leave for you lol. You're way up Ramsey boomerdom already, retirement at 65 is imminent.

>> No.18345886

>as private equity has stripped them of their property assets
But they got their financial engineering so straightened out!
Fuck the whole rotten thing.
>look at the S&P500. it has been pumping through this lockdown. nothing fishy going on
Stock market is divorced from the boots on the ground economy.

>> No.18345953

I already have $5000 in stocks and $5000 in my 401k. I'm 24 y/o making $16/hr in a warehouse. There will be another dip and another recession later, and hopefully I'll be making actual money and have no debt when it happens.

This dip is for older millennials who graduated in the wake of the Great Recession. I'll get the next one. I'm not worried about it.

>> No.18346005

King Autist himself just keeps mumbling about the virus and not giving any hints on his shorts. The Bloomberg article he posted today referenced having some big bets on a bearish market, but no detail beyond that.

Tell us your shorts REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.18346030

What we are going through right now and will continue to go through, in my opinion, is the biggest confiscation of wealth from the American people in the history of this country and it’s going to happen in the form of inflation. We are seeing a period of deflation at the moment while people sit on whatever cash or credit they may have spent if things were normal. Once people get the helicopter money from the gov’t in any and all forms it is distributed, watch as the dollar starts to drop and foreign holders of dollars start to send them back to the US. It’s all part of the plan to equilibrate us with the rest of the world and empower the small group of ruling elites.

>> No.18346033


Now is the time to be aggressive and put every spare penny you can into stocks so that you can catch the bounce my man. Don't focus so hard on your lower income, maybe you don't get that chance in the future. This market is going to rebound hard in 2021.

>> No.18346059

I have been considering putting half the stimulus money into the market, but idk. I'll see when it actually hits.

>> No.18346075


My plan is to wait for a month or two and then dump money into SSO. It's leveraged, so higher risk, but at 2x it's feasible for a 5 year or so play to get your funds into gear on an upswing. Either the American economy recovers and my shit cashes, or it doesn't and it doesn't matter anyway since we're due for inflation and whatever else.

>> No.18346081
