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File: 97 KB, 1358x934, BOXTHEOREM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18340028 No.18340028 [Reply] [Original]


Did anyone else get that email from legendary Wall Street trader Robert P. Waldon? Shit blew my fucking mind. I read the entire thing and I was left speechless. Is this really gonna happen bros? It looks fucking legit, and I know this guy is the real deal.

Robert P. Waldon also disregarded the bitcoin stock to flow chart. Called it "the greatest fraud in charting history", and a rouse to fool the dumb money into shorting when the price blows past $1,000,000.

>> No.18340186
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Sorry delusional faggot, but this is the reality.

>> No.18340315
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>> No.18340373

I mean, it’s the same as saying that $100/btc would never reach $10k. I know we had a big bull run but not a large percentage of normies even bought in. I think blockchain needs to be widely understood and exposed more for this kind of run to happen. Barely anybody knows what blockchain is, and the ones who know what is, barely anybody can describe it or why it’s worth a lot (security gives it the most value, the system can’t be cheated, all else is simple speculation)

>> No.18340414

Let me rephrase, most have heard of bitcoin, but most don’t even know what a blockchain is

>> No.18340427

Saying bitcoin would go from 1 penny to 10k was just as insane so it’s possible

>> No.18340490

statistically speaking. it was far more unlikely for bitcoin to reliably trade above $100 than it is for it to trade at $1m
we already made it.

>> No.18340531


>> No.18340663


>muh Fibonacci

This is why mathematical autists are retarded. Infinite growth isn't possible. Humanity has lost its mind, we've raped the Earth and the future is one of scarcity and hardship and this pyramid scheme of a civilization we've enjoyed so far will face a violent, painful contraction, and no one will give a shit about your computer money.

>> No.18340664

looks like it was charted on ms paint
he must be on to something

>> No.18340842

How much does legendary trader Waldon pay to have someone create threads to get his name out there and create traffic to his website? Or does wall shit trader bobby create them himself?

>> No.18341046

But communists all say there is enough free money, food, and housing for everyone

>> No.18341060


>> No.18341141

I think he means that Bitcoin needed to be accepted as an actually working product to trade reliable over 100$. After that milestone has been reached, fomo cycles will drive the price up and up.

>> No.18341160

Until a critical mass of people have exposure to the market, then it will grow and decline like stock markets, with percents and not multiplications.

>> No.18341196
File: 6 KB, 267x189, 1584032234138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Box theory doesn't work on log axis you fucking herb.

>> No.18341243

If anything you all should stacks a finite resource in the earth crust, the higher the energy cost to extract it, the better. Like silver :
- require insane amount of oil, water and chemical to be extracted
- very rare (0.075 gram per ton of dirt)
- require very expensive industrial machinery to get extracted
- have been mined for the past 6000 years, so the reserves left are very scarces
- vital product in many components of our daily life
- currently the most price suppressed commodity on the planet

>> No.18341259


Communists are retarded. Staunch capitalists are either retarded or sociopaths.

>> No.18341276

>it's going to 29 million!!!
>immediately dumps hundreds

>> No.18341322

in economics, the existence of a currency is known as a "regression paradox"..which is to say: "i trust to use the dollar because yesterday it had value".
This is a paradox because at some day had to be day 0. this paradox was bridged in old times because money was a specie of gold/silver...so you trusted it because you trusted silver/gold.
With fiat the paradox became real, in that its almost impossible to 'bootstrap a purely fiat currency into existence'.
Remarkably bitcoin somehow was able to do that...most tards even on this board don't appreciate the 1 in 100000000 chance that happen.

>> No.18341327
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>> No.18341410
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>$540 trillion mc

>> No.18341435
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>what is asteroid mining
>what are lunar mining operations
Yikes dude, SpaceX is already half way there, they now have reusable rockets.

>> No.18341459
File: 191 KB, 1228x1150, 1572978748194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every teenager with $500 in bitcoin lying around in their bitmex account will become a multimillionaire in less than 2 years time

>> No.18341506

Never Underestimate
The Power
Of Positive Thought

>> No.18341593
File: 11 KB, 264x292, timonheywaitaminute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fed's balance sheet reaches this level later this year, it won't seem so ridiculous

>> No.18341613
File: 192 KB, 598x554, 15855387343473367230746575224979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that they all hold steady until the peak

>> No.18341615

really puts it into perspective.

>> No.18341657

>With fiat the paradox became real, in that its almost impossible to 'bootstrap a purely fiat currency into existence'.

What is the Euro for 500 Alex

>> No.18341722

I'm a long-term bitcoin bull, and I believe in predictions like the $10 million bitcoin endgame (someday)...
...but $29 million, this very next cycle is just...


>> No.18341744

the euro didnt spring from nothing. it supplanted the franc, mark, lira, etc.
the regression paradox specifically deals with currencies that 'spring from nothing'.