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1833612 No.1833612 [Reply] [Original]

Does he actually give good financial advice?

>> No.1833613


>> No.1833618

I get the vibe that this guy is just living in a trailer park off of food stamps and overpriced merch he sells to bronies

>> No.1833621

If you are looking for financial advice from the right wing you are better of with some one slightly more coherent like ramsey.

But they don't give good advice. They give how not to be a retard advice . But if you are even asking it's probably best u follow it. Don't get any credit cards anon, you will just get burned. Don't buy any bridges either.

>> No.1833650

>muh Ramsey
Dave "Blanket Statement" Ramsey
Dave "I'm holding all of my wealth for God ;^)" Ramsey

>> No.1833716

I agree he ain't the sharpest , but the kinda people who call his show are in need of basic guidance. They are not capable of understanding the reasons, they just need someone they trust telling them not to max out their ccards.

>> No.1833735

Last I heard he was trying to sell googleable information

>> No.1833991
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Re Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.04_[2016.09.06_05.22.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answers for OP

Ghost is good for people who have 25 k and are new to stock trading because he gets most of his money from riding minute long dips.

Hes on level with the namefags on the rgt threads in terms of knowledge

I'd say hes more safer to get advice from than biz, because he looks at commodities like chocolate, pork, gold, etc rather than meme-aceutical companies. And he would probably teach you fundamentals.

People have made thousands but have also lost thousands listening to his advice

Hes probably in the 6-7 figure range, but probably not 8 or 5.

>> No.1833992

A short bio. He worked a part time factory job in his teenage years, before being kicked out of the house by his parents. Ghost went on to fight in the vietnam war. Not much is known about this time, because if anyone asked, ghost would comment: "I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT VIET-FUCKIN-NAM". After the war, ghost went on to stock trading in the 80s and started running brick mortar businesses. He one time bragged how he was one of the few people that bought cable when it first came out. As early as the mid 90s, ghost has been on the internet discussing right wing news. As for stocks in 90s, ghost talks about how even kids were getting rich off stocks in that time period only get fucked at early 2000s crashed. After discovering blog talk, people got a sense of ghosts true intelligence. Basically, if you read every single article from brightbart and the Drudge Report for a year, you're going to be as smart as ghost politics wise. Ever since the troll raids, ghost became a troll himself. He's kind of like half pretending political ragequiter, where he can manipulate and mess with his autistic fanbase by pretending to get offended by 90% of things that are said, but he himself is a bit autistic in views and attitudes. As years went on, ghost has becoming more and more tinfoil hat and pretty much lost the ability to debate against liberals like he used to. Now, ghost has literally made over a THOUSAND seeling autographs to fans; proving all the listeners, including the trolls, are pathetic autist pollacks.

>> No.1833996

One more thing

Ghost brags about predicting the 2008 recession, but keeps getting his predictions wrong for the next crash.

>> No.1834002

Did you gather all that info yourself? I listen to him mostly because he is such an odd person, would want to meet him just out of curiosity

>> No.1834007

Yeah. Ive been listening to radio graffiti since 2012, but only started listening to his full broadcast since his 2016 return, but stopped at the january, because.... his trolls itself are 4x more autistic and weirder in their genuine form.

If you guys have any questions about him, i can do my best to answer it. But keep in mind, theres a wiki http://truecapitalist.wikia.com/wiki/True_Capitalist_Wiki

>> No.1834012

ghost, certainly wont be revealing his face any time soon. But if you go to San Antonio(Hambonio) and do a bunch of bar hopping, you have a good chance of actually seeing him. Fans have actually called bars in places ghost lives; causing ghost to actually tell them to stop doing that on the broadcast.

>> No.1834027

great if you want to go broke, thank fuck markets are mostly efficient or he'd tank like titanic

>oil will never hit 80$ because he believes supply is near infinite
>fed will jack rates to 10% because they hate trump and act against him
etc etc.etc.etc.

>> No.1834139

>oil will never hit $80
I agree minus the arbitrary target pulled out of his ass. OPEC production cuts won't work because Canada and the US aren't degenerate muslim dictatorships and will flood when OPEC pulls off. Hell, Russia is half heartedly participating with those losers.

>FED hates trump and will jack rates

FED outlives all of us. They have no capacity to love or hate. They stop the inflation and grow the economy.

>> No.1834154
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Take 10 steps away from him you internet butt stalker nobody cares.

>> No.1834158

He's said stuff I agree with. I don't think I'd want to make any 2-3 year plays right now and just stick to long term (10+ years) and quick flips. His advice to gather liquidity and wait for the crash is fine to some degree especially if you've only got a small quantity of money. I haven't sold anything but I'm limiting my buying to my 401k and Roth contributions for awhile.

>> No.1834407

Go back to pol squidgirl for ghost

Not only are you an outdated weeb, you're autistic subhuman who sucks ghost's dick at every turn and avatarfags everywhere you go

>> No.1834418
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Nice job you subhuman outdated fag

>> No.1835396

To be totally honest, I never used to think this until very recently.

I actually like him more if he is living in a trailer park etc..

But yeah his advise, I am not so sure..

>> No.1835403

>but keeps getting his predictions wrong for the next crash

soon anon, soon