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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1830733 No.1830733 [Reply] [Original]

>make $18/h working a pleb tier oilfield labour job
>tried and failed to find a trades apprenticeship, economy(Canada) in recession hard to find a job
>never had a gf
>only have $60,000 saved
>everybody else my age is a homeowner and drives a vehicle newer than 2008, also in long term relationships, married even

Who else /total failure/ here?

>> No.1830737

stop humble bragging you faggot

>> No.1830741
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>humble bragging

Maybe if you're a NEET or some shit, even 22 year old uni grads are making 70k starting

>> No.1830746

do your fucking parents take care of you? i make double what you make and i don't have 60k saved and i'm around your age. i have rent to pay, food, car expensese etc.

>> No.1830748

I've been saving since 15 years old and live frugally

>> No.1830753

also you are aware of loans and leases right? most of these people going out buying homes and new cars are not buying them in cash. they are slaves of the bankjew and will be forever.

>> No.1830754


Can we get a pic of you gazing forlornly at the lake on your parents' estate?

>> No.1830784


wish I could have done this instead of racking up debt at college

>> No.1830810

My god you people are shit with money. I make less than both of you, have 10k saved. All money in MGT. Gonna turn my 10k savings into 100k pretty soon.

>> No.1830824


So what faggot I make minimum wage and hit my second million at 15

>> No.1830826

wow, cool friend! you ever think of doing a youtube lecture series for poorfags like us?

>> No.1830830

If you have 60k saved there's no excuse why you can't turn that into a million dollars you stupid faggot

>> No.1830833
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You will never be happy comparing yourself to others Anon. Why care so much? Set your own standards and live your own life. It's the only kind of life worth living.

>> No.1830845
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>Unemployed, no car, no house, live with parents
>About $600 in savings
>6 years behind in uni, struggling

>> No.1830852

>Freshman in college
>tfw 20k a year
>wife left and trashed our house, living back with parents
>like 300$ in savings
>drunk bastard, probably gonna start going to AA

Nigga I'm just getting started your only a failure when you quit because muh lifes hard. You make 70K a year than you should be saving at least 20K of it.

>> No.1830855


Didn't mean to quote you there anon

>inb4 you're*

>> No.1830871

>turning 22
>work as shitty barista
>have $5000 saved up
>live with gf
>cant afford a decent education
Why live

>> No.1830945

>All money in MGT

>> No.1830963

20 yo virgin and neet with 9 bitcoin

>> No.1831361 [DELETED] 

22 yo virgin that feels ur pain, id appreciate a coin.


>> No.1831488

You got memed big time by Shekelberg

>> No.1831490

you two should char with each other, maybe you are of the opposite gender, maybe you´ll find true love in this very moment, maybe this is the person responsible for half of the genetics in your future child, maybe

>> No.1831586
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Compare your debt to theirs.

>mfw I'm literally a poorfag NEET and realize most people around me are indebted to the point where their networth is in the negatives

>> No.1831589

Ah faggots read this then
> 29
> Virgin
> 2 gfs in the past no sex
> Introverted
> Mba
> 50k USD in savings
> Not ugly but getting frustrated And it shows
> Moving to Canada to change life
> Can't find any jobs in Canada although I'm a permanent resident there
> More frustration

>> No.1831592

>$40k saved
>Only make $19/hr really need to get out of this shit job
>Dont know what to do

It's an awful place, I think about quitting every day.

>> No.1831628

>own 2 small businesses
>got a job in a private bank
>son on the way

>> No.1831780
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>same age
>tiny apartment
>dead end job in machine repair
>building collection of movie memorabilia
>0 debts
>everyone at work with kids
>debts 100k+ for each
>they have no choice but to work extra hours or default on interest payments
>look like utter shit after doing 80 hour shifts
>most drink heavily

Consider yourself a very lucky soul.

>> No.1831804


> 2 gfs in the past no sex

How does this work?

>> No.1831806

>>only have $60,000 saved
>>everybody else my age is a homeowner and drives a vehicle newer than 2008, also in long term relationships, married even


They're all up to their eyeballs in debt and are one missed payment away from losing it all.

>> No.1831839

>About 40k saved after I pay my taxes this year.
>6+ figure job and I work from home(software)
>Have 700 ETH which I bought at 5.6USD

This year's gonna be fun I can tell.

>> No.1832520

he's a cuck

>> No.1832651

>Everyone else my age is a homeowner

Wrong century, friend.

Also, having $60k is pretty fucking decent. Stop complaining and start investing your money.

>> No.1832676

>Have 700 ETH which I bought at 5.6USD


>> No.1832681

Is anyone in Canada even employed? Even engineers and tradesman are on /pol/ and /biz/ are suffering. Canada needs to be put out of its misery

>> No.1832683

This. Mostly everyone is an impulsive retard buying shit they can't afford

>> No.1832736

>FRESHMAN in Uni, so like 7 years behind lol
>8k Student debt and counting
>1.3k in cash
>Working part time in bookkeeping for weird Nazi Insurance lady, like 800€ monthly

This is what happens when you spend seven years living in the moment, chasing bitches and drugs. The worst thing is I actually still feel pretty good about myself

>> No.1832820


Sick pity party/bait

>> No.1832823

>6 figure job
>excited about a POTENTIAL 5 digit etherium payout


>> No.1833132


most girls will demand sex0rs after a few dates. how does this actually work wtf.

>> No.1833152
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Here's how the Canadian"""economy""" works

*calls up friend*
>hey buddy how's it going?
>good, you?
>not too bad, unemployed at the moment
>shitty bro I can get you a job my company is hiring
*get job via nepotism*
A few months to a few years later:
>price of [insert commodity here] crashed, everybody is laid off
>shit buddy better start collecting that there unemployment insurance, no point in finding a new job because welfare pays more than minimum wage

>> No.1833157

Are you khhv?

I'm 24 and have an office job that pays around the same. Only 5k saved and no gf ever, never even kisses a girl.

So fuck off.

>> No.1833167

>work as a waiter
>no gf, still virgin
>completely 4 years of my life getting a useless degree
>~23,000 in bank
Do I win anything?

>> No.1833177

Only if you're Chad/Stacy

>> No.1833198


~30k a year

Office job i'm very happy with.




Drive 2011 car

Gf and I have about 20k saved

>> No.1833200

Investing in what?

>> No.1833207

>xD im a failure :/

shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.1833580
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Why are you here if you all have is retarded advice about being happy or whatevr

>> No.1833582
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Smartfags know ethereum is wher it's at

>> No.1833586
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>only have $60,000 saved
What is Ethereum for $1,000 Alex.

>> No.1833589
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>> No.1833604
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>> No.1833605

>10K in bank
student loans a bitch, still should save more and start investing.

>> No.1833641

>Just finishing bachelors
>38k a year
>10k in savings , saved in less than a year
>2014 car
>No debt outside of car loan
>Spent years 19-23 touring in a band, no ragrats

Gonna have enough experience once I get my degree to move into a better, higher paying position.

>> No.1833787

>$25 an hour
>no savings because I live entirely on credit
>buying a house soon

>> No.1833792
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>16 + commission
>$4000 savings
>keep dumping my money into my meme car