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18326756 No.18326756 [Reply] [Original]

Kim Kardashian previous cuck is promoting link


Get ready for normie money

>> No.18326760


>> No.18326772
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This fag must be going broke with no game checks and desperately needs his bags to pump

>> No.18326784

This is a huge sell signal

>> No.18326785

here it comes boys hodl on to your wallets

>> No.18326798
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>> No.18326803

Wtf is going on

Was it a scam all along? FFS.

>> No.18326804

This is horrible

>> No.18326808

Top kek

>> No.18326824
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>> No.18326834


>> No.18326850


>> No.18326991

Media attention...

>> No.18327029
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what the fuck it's real

>> No.18327042

lmao which one of you hacked him?

>> No.18327081


>> No.18327082

Now we just need Kanye to post something similar. Trips and it happens tonight

>> No.18327100

How do we flag his post on twitter as financial service advertising and remove it ?
Normies will only damage this project.

>> No.18327110


>> No.18327114

>t. Latefag who didn't finish accumulating

>> No.18327119

Is he black? If he’s black we need to sell NOW!

>> No.18327127

He's white , but he's a cuckold

>> No.18327128

trips Ye comes out stinky

>> No.18327130

The few Normies with money left to invest.

>> No.18327143

I’m sorry who?

I buy link because it’s $1000 eoy, what some literal who on twitter says is irrelevant.

Link marines report the fuck in!

>> No.18327187
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Kanye will @ trump and @ chainlink in his next tweet, rolling

>> No.18327194

based red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled based red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled based red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled based red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled based red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled based red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled based red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled based red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled based red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled based red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red pilled based red pilled red pilled based based red red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red red pilled red pilled based based red pilled red

>> No.18327227

If that happens it confirms we are in the greatest timeline of all. It probably won't but we all know we are still in the 1000 eoy timeline so I can live with that.

>> No.18327287

The value of Link will be generated only by its added value to the smartcontract solution.
An important part of its value is its price stability.
If we start having BTC tier pump and dumps it may slow down the business adoption or make them want to use something more stable as a collateral instead of Link...

>> No.18327305

This latest scandal has done it for me. I’ve endured 2 years of sybil fud, toilet fud, JSON parser memes, fake google pnd, 700k dumps, literal dump to zero, fake partnerships (looking at you MOAB), the same slides over and over, stiff competition arriving (BAND, Tellor, UMAprotocol). I’ve endured it all, but this was the straw that broke the camels back. The Link dream is dead friends. We will go down in history as one of the most epic meme campaigns, but unfortunately reality has caught up with us. It was nice knowing you all, I wish you all good luck.

>> No.18327326

Real linkmarines never surrender.

First in, last out.

>> No.18327329

Why does someone on biz have any idea about what a z list twitter faggot says?

>> No.18327354

We are an aggregator of every piece of information on the internet

>> No.18327357


kris humphries !

>> No.18327382

This is obviously a marketing ploy by the chainlink team. Their coin has been under $3 for too long and now they're getting desperate lol. You literally have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. He's a paid shill.

Coincidentally Sergey does a podcast chat the same day a big time celebrity is now shilling it on twitter. GOOD FUCKIN LUCK

>> No.18327448

Or the more likely scenario, the one where you are actually a retard thinking he is smart.

>> No.18327463
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>> No.18327484

If they buy 100 link each that's 73 million gone

>> No.18327490
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and now imagine them losing their keys

>> No.18327494


>> No.18327496

lmao jesus christ. if ever there was a sell signal, this is it.

>> No.18327497

Guys, I know we’ve been waiting a long time but the price is too low to be celebrating this fucking normie and his followers getting on our rocket.

>> No.18327524

Nigga he's been retired for years now.

>> No.18327531

nobody thinks a paid shill is smart. what you said made literally 0 sense

>> No.18327541

>half African-American
>looks white AF
Kris I know you're in here, explain this shit. Maybe telegony in humans is real?

>> No.18327542

holy shit it's real LMAO. What the fuck?

>> No.18327547

>be me
>rolling to be in this benevolent timeline

>> No.18327551

how is this any different then the DINKLEVOSS twins?

>> No.18327554
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ayo i'ma let you finish, but you said we wuz kangz n shiet?

>> No.18327560

Sell signal. Buy PNK, it is the next LINK. Not too late linkers. Never too late.

>> No.18327576

you're retarded if you don't think PNK will need LINK to function. if you think PNK will make more profits than investing in LINK you might want to reevaluate your thinking

>> No.18327583
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Another paid shill. We should probably call the FED and tell them because he is supposed to disclose his shill bucks

>> No.18327591
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>> No.18327593

Go make your own thread pajeet. No ones buying your100 dollar volume jury duty crapshoot piece of shit

>> No.18327615
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>> No.18327684

I missed this. Did it happen? Do normies really follow them?

>> No.18327686



>> No.18327704

His prof pic is literally b8 for us to turn him into a meme..Who’s behind this?

>> No.18327715
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what in the fuck, probably isn't a real sell signal though since we haven't had a blowoff top, still reeling from black thursday

>> No.18327725

This unironically

>> No.18327738

Based accounting major

>> No.18327739
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I wish they charted this, normie fomo is up ~20% since that twet

>> No.18327761

his dad is a blue eyed black man, probably at least 40% white, sometimes dice rolls just play out that way, but telegony is probably real anyway

>> No.18327785 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18327798

Unfortunately, yes.

>> No.18327805


He's a very light skinned mulatto

>> No.18327806
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Actually I just read an article he wrote and it was pretty succinct and insightful:


I know some of the Players' Tribune articles are bullshit ghost-written trash, but Humphries definitely seems like he wrote it. Also seems like he got along pretty well with Dirk and I'm sure as hell Dirk didn't fuck around with the niggest players. Humphries went into business following his NBA career too, so maybe he really does have some serious interest in cryptocurrency.

Still fucking weird to see him shilling LINK though.

>> No.18327824

NBA career...... whattttttt career?

>> No.18327828

Normans will never buy Chainlink. Nervos, on the otherhand...

>> No.18327847

Kris is far from BIG time celebrity, he was a fringe NBA bench warmer with an in memorable basketball career. His only highlight from his career is getting cucked by Kim. But....this is a huge sell signal

>> No.18327867

I bought pre-ICO and, personally I'm selling all my link.

>> No.18327884

Every Ball watcher Normie with a Coinbase account gonna pump this. .

>> No.18327908
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I mean 13 years in the NBA, he talks all about it in the article. He acknowledges he wasn't the player he wanted to be, but also that he worked harder later in his career.

He had a few decent seasons.

>> No.18327927
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Kris if you are reading this I want you to delete that twitter post NIGGA.

>> No.18327938

You find that weird?
Go back digging up the archives and more and see how a chain reaction of conglomerate nepotistic famous people was kicked off in the time of late summer 2017, businessman's, musicians, politicians and more public figures (or more less public figures but important ones) bought into Chainlink ICO. Some will be revealed in coming years, most never

>> No.18327965

Link gonna pump, congrats NEETS

>> No.18327975

Wtf are you talking about

>> No.18327982

this but unironically

>> No.18327985
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>> No.18328025

HOLY FUCK ITS REAL: https://twitter.com/KrisHumphries/status/1247328995307372546

>> No.18328049

You realize what just happened? (((Kris))) just fucked us. Kanye can’t shill link or he’ll feel like a c uck now.

>> No.18328458
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Price volatility won't matter when it comes to staking, see pic related
Normie and institutional money IS coming, especially when btc moons post-halving into 2021.

>> No.18328622

A 7% token burn? Meh

>> No.18328656

Theres been a larp in 2018 with a connection to some musicians and told us some fund manager of an UK brand (i believe it was The Who) invested in LINK.

>> No.18328672
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Kanye btfo

>> No.18328676

Kek saved

>> No.18328710
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What if we are all in separate timelines and 4chan is what links us all together?

>> No.18328711
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>> No.18328734

so glad i sold at $10k

>> No.18328791

Fucking kek

>> No.18328952

Would explain why anons can never come to a consensus. Sergey was an anon and to solve this problem he created bitcoin for trustless consensus.

>> No.18328953
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10k confirmed as a make it stack.

>> No.18329014


>> No.18329147

Arctic Monkeys

>> No.18329198
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If there would ever be a slight, infinitesimal real demand for this abstract meme bullshit the established shops like GOOGL or MSFT will roll out their AAA rated solutions in a month.

Now fuck off stupid shill.

>> No.18330285

Rolling rock

>> No.18330314

Lol what are you doing in this thread you homo? I thought you hated link? Youre a shill. Shill Will Win more like

>> No.18330341

Extremely based and Minnesotapilled.

>> No.18331425
File: 262 KB, 1199x630, https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_a209bfd6-77c4-4240-b9ad-ce1e77d60f19_1199x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard he's Sergeys bestie

>> No.18332043

wtf is this real?

>> No.18332158

/biz/ was the original analog aggregator

>> No.18332387


>> No.18332411

What a fucking memecoin.

>> No.18332482


>> No.18332538
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So we here fudding hard for three years now. Accepting the fact link wont moon anytime soon because we're still accumulating and fudding our asses off. AND THIS NIGGER COMES AND RUINS ALL OUR HARD WORK BY SHILLING IT TO THE NORMIEST OF NORMIES FUCKING REALITY TV SPORTS FAN WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.18332569

Yea I think it's over, link is officially dead.

>> No.18332580

>meme it to reality
>Singularity was all but a meme
>living the dream because of the meme

>> No.18332583

Please kill yourself

>> No.18332587

look at his last tweet date
some anon clearly paid him to do it

>> No.18332601
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Personal hairdresser adores Kardashians and just asked me about chainlink.

>> No.18332607

rolling Kanye WILL post about link

>> No.18332623


>> No.18333074

Literal chad

>> No.18333138

>no I don’t want two coffers full of money, I only want the bigger of the two
You’re an idiot.

>> No.18333265

trip strong creek davies ranger morning thanks

>> No.18333354


>> No.18333392
File: 201 KB, 750x457, A2082FC6-32E0-40EE-9E0D-84520A703C32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adelyn retweeted it. Fucking sell.

>> No.18333757
File: 683 KB, 1000x1246, 0D47BDC9-0ACC-44CE-B165-5DC90C7E189F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love that lady

>> No.18333778
File: 179 KB, 602x506, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice. another discount.

>> No.18333797


>> No.18333821


>> No.18334268

It's happening

>> No.18334442

Everyone that replied to this comment needs to have sex, incels

>> No.18334477


>> No.18334492

my god a rare trips check'em faggots it's happening

>> No.18334952
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>> No.18335051
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>> No.18335079

whats with niggers/low iq individuals and xrp?

>> No.18335113

(((they))) have controlled blacks ever since slave ships were invented

>> No.18335148


we can be on separate timelines that all still happen to make it anon.

>trips of best timeline
>1000 eoy

>> No.18335744

Just finished the article. This guy's gonna hodl longer than most nulinkers on this site and even folks who bought in the last 2 years.

Okay, this makes sense. It couldn't be that many elites invested in it. The amount of wallets to accommodate them isn't that many. The top 300 wallets starts off at 109K link tokens.

>> No.18336102

>He was hilarious. He used to call everyone “Burgers.” I don’t know if it’s a German expression or something he just made up. But if he thought you were a clown, you were a “Burger.” So if some dude on the other team was trying to do reverse dunks or whatever during shootaround, Dirk would shake his head and say, “Get a load of this Burger.”

Dirk literally confirmed for euro shitposter

>> No.18336118
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>previous cuck

Does that mean the spot got free? Man what I would giff to sniff her feet

>> No.18336123

>729k of those are bots

>> No.18336276


kek, based

>> No.18336452

i guarantee none of you nerds know what the actual non photoshopped card was

>> No.18336543

This would be better if you Photoshoped other crypto logos on the other players, I'm on mobile now so can't do it

>> No.18336558

who are you quoting?

>> No.18336575

Babe Ruth? Who gives a shit

>> No.18336598

I know, when I read that it all but confirmed Dirk browses /sp/ , which probably led to him recommending LINK to Humphries

ameriburgers btfo

>> No.18336760

I just read that article as well, weird that this guy knows about link. also weird seeing the replies to his tweet, I'm not used to seeing link memes outside of /biz/

>> No.18336791

this timeline is insane.

>> No.18336862

im embarrreseed to even talk or tweet about link in public anymore.

i cringe when i think about all the people i shilled link to over the past 3 years. oh god hopefully they all forgot about that,

i still holdd 35k linkies. but still not ever gonna say anything about it ever again

>> No.18337010

Lmao at Linkies being excited about this scrub shilling this scam.

>> No.18337467
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this washed up faggot cant even get more likes than a c grade e thot shilling XRP

>> No.18337659

Shilling to a bunch of normies is much more important that a bunch of simps and cucks circlejerking around a whore

>> No.18337679

What the fuck I still had money to throw at link couldn't he shut his mouth

>> No.18337741

If Kardashians X is involved then the great word title boxer Charlie Zelenoff will soon be wearing Link on his gloves. Hooray!

>> No.18337778
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$62,188,258 in career earning and he's shilling LINK instead of new pussy young pussy every day.

>> No.18337846

It's not enough. You need at least 100mil to make it. He knows this.

>> No.18337869

>i still holdd 35k linkies. but still not ever gonna say anything about it ever again

save yourself the trouble and sell

>> No.18337871

who has money? beta orbiters who frequent twitch. Those are the ones to view the e thots tweet. When normies see OPs tweet, theyll think
>oh look stacy, that retarded ex husband of kim kardashian is shilling internet money. what a joke lol
not to mention, 99% of the likes are from the linkmarines on twitter

>> No.18337877

Massive sell signal.

>> No.18338944


>> No.18339017

>99% of the likes are from the linkmarines on twitter
Oh you were just pretending to be retarded. Nvm

>> No.18339315

Anyone who banged that fat ass is high test and accordingly based. I just went all in again.

>> No.18340156

$1 eoy

>> No.18340737

based desu

>> No.18341121
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