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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18310342 No.18310342 [Reply] [Original]

She wants 500$ a month in rent and I have 10,000 LINK and negative 220$ in my checking account. I showed the dumb bitch where Link's price is right now and she knew where it was before. She's at her wits end with me and I told her to just give it 3 more months, but she isnt having it. She took away my XBOX too and I'm in South Dakota where there is nothing else to do but play Halo 3. Shes telling me to go work in an oil field but I dont want to be killed when we are so close to the singularity. Any South Dakota LinkMarines I can stay with for the summer? I'll give you 50 link a month. Or should I just hit the fat bitch over the head with a frying pan?

>> No.18311357
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>> No.18311800

Get a job and stop trading meme coins faggot

>> No.18311890

So a 100 dollars a month? Fuck you cheap nigger

>> No.18312046

500 link per month

>> No.18312274

how many times are you gonna post this larper anon?

>> No.18313073



>> No.18313091

Why not get a job and keep trading meme coins?

>> No.18313160

Tell her that you'll give her the $500 a month but only so that she saves it for you for when you're ready then actually move out. A parent shouldn't be their kids landlord. If she want to have you as an income for her, then she's a shitty mother that doesn't care about your future and you'd be better on your own

>> No.18313329

Linkies should look at Idena, its a new trend

>> No.18313380

I like how OP adjusts LINK amount from thread to thread following current price.

>> No.18313784
File: 33 KB, 600x450, thatsthejoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18313834

>10k link
>-220 in checking
This is why people shit on link holders, you're the desperate bottom of the barrel

>> No.18314761

No shit... This was posted 6 months ago. Fck off with your fake n gay post. Kike.

>> No.18315741

>parent shouldn't be their kids landlord.
Welcome to America.