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18300781 No.18300781[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Chinese Question

There are two important things to keep in mind when it comes to China

1. China has historically been the marketplace of the world, it is where the entire world buys our goods because China has a lot of them, they sell them to everyone, and they sell it for cheap- they have absolutely tons of resources, factories, and the largest labour force in the world. Any good economy will rely on China for their massive quanitities of goods.
2. The Chinese state is an incredibly untrustworthy regime that is antagonistic to the Western world, possibly unleashed this global virus on us as an attack, is expanding its influence, interferes in western governments, censors media, bribes global institutions, abuses human rights.

So what do we do?
>Nuke them
Bad idea. Destroys the global economy in a way that it will never recover. We need China for its markets and goods. We need them now the same way the Victorians, the Italian city states, the feudal kings, the Arab caliphs, the Persian emperors and the Romans needed China.
>Just leave them be
Bad idea. Allows the Chinese state to continue interfering, antagonising and expanding its influence.
>Conquer them and rule their country from the West
Bad idea, because the Chinese people will never accept a westerner nation or corporation ruling their nation. Everyone hates a foreign ruler.
>Balkanise China into several nations
Bad idea. This would probably just increase conflict in the region and it would divide the powerful Chinese labour force.

Personally for me I believe the best solution is just advocating for regime change, with a native Chinese government except it is democratic/liberal/republican and is staunchly pro-Western. Like if the Republic of China from Taiwan was to take over. That would be the best solution.

>> No.18300903

I dont think regime change will change anything unitifed china will still be antagonistic to the world and will try to assert its dominance. In order to keep the economic labor market working and at the sametime keep china in check is dividing china into 2 or 3 enty to compete againts each other.This is not unheard of in historical sense that there were long period of time when china was divided into north south empires

>> No.18300933
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>> No.18300992

How about we move companies back to America and actually produce domestically again?
t. Globalist faggot

>> No.18301034

bingo! checkmate!

>> No.18301066

>Personally for me I believe the best solution is just advocating for regime change, with a native Chinese government except it is democratic/liberal/republican and is staunchly pro-Western. Like if the Republic of China from Taiwan was to take over. That would be the best solution.

This would fail. A Nationalist "restoration" would fail, not only because Taiwan is too small to exert any real influence over China but also because Taiwan today doesn't really identify with the historic Chinese Republic. They have become small n Taiwanese nationalists, probably irreversibly.

In fact, a big N Nationalist restoration would be most strongly opposed by the Taiwanese, because they know they would end up being absorbed into China and not the other way around.

Even though Taiwan is admittedly somewhat bigger, this experiment has already been done. There were wildly unrealistic hopes that the Hong Kong handover would lead to the liberalization rather than the other way around (something that proved unrealistic even back when Hong Kong represented 20% of China's GDP rather than <5% today).

The only way Taiwan could rule over China would be via war: and who would be able to fight, let alone win such a war? The Taiwanese themselves are unwilling and unable to fight such a war, and any foreign power would be bitterly resisted.

This is a cute idea but it won't happen.

>> No.18301136

Good points.
To the second reply, I was thinking more along the lines of a popular rising in the Chinese mainland itself of democrats and liberals, backed and funded by the West against the regime, and for the post-uprising government to be led by experienced statesmen from Taiwan. But if that's too unrealistic then hopefully some kind of balkanisation takes place, maybe by supporting separatist movements in different Chinese regions.

>> No.18301182

>kill them all without using nukes (very fastidious but have to preserve ressources and nature)
>advertise this new empty chuck of land as the new eldorado to blue collars of every developed country
>rid the first world of its low iq slave brainwashed mass dirty scum

>> No.18301244

We don't need China, we just need to nuke them and then go full Imperialism in south america while everyone elses loses their minds.

Kill every spic male, make their women into a slave race of burrito makers and dick suckers, and then rule the world with an iron fist.

>> No.18301268

I think you underestimate the usefulness of over a billion labourers
The world likes cheap shit and we don't get that if we kill the Chinese people in huge numbers.

>> No.18301276

>he thinks his own regime is trustworthy

>> No.18301278

Oh great plan migapede, who's going to do the backbreaking labor in factories and production lines? You? Your kids? Me? No, I don't fucking think so. That's why we need a slave race to do it for us, but one that works on our terms.

Enter spics, after we re-domesticate them. We castrate the males at birth, of course.

>> No.18301293
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I don't give a fuck about "the world". I give a fuck about the American Empire. We should encourage russia to invade europe and enslave those socialist faggots and gulag the ones they don't like, while we are at it.

American Empire + Russia can rule the stars together, and it would be awesome.

>> No.18301346
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>we need niggers to pick the cotton!

How about robots.

>> No.18301358

Imagine, back to back with Ivan, machine gunning down niggers in Africa to turn the entire continent into an automated breadbasket and mineral extraction center for the world.

We could solve the nigger problem FOREVER for the REST OF HUMAN HISTORY in a COUPLE YEARS max.

>> No.18301372
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You can't make robots your sex slaves and make more robots from that. We enslave castrated spic males to pick the cotton, and use their women as domestic workers and fuckmeat that creates more workers.

If we get too many, we just kill them. It's easy.

>> No.18301387
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You can't simply solve the Chinese Question. Say what you want, but European/Atlantic civilization is in decline, both economically and demographically. The Age of Sinotriumph is coming upon us, get prepared while you can.

>> No.18301402

don't include me with that ten years old poltard's post. My solution solves both chinese plague and socio economic tensions in the west.
The chinese is simply not human, he proves it on a daily basis and needs to be removed from earth
Western societies in their transition towards an economy based on luxury and automation have trouble dealing with low qualified population whose skills have become obsolete.
Im sure there are a billion unemployed workers who would be too glad to go there occupy an empty house and work in a factory

>> No.18301436

>just kill all the chinese without using nukes!
IMPOSSIBLE. Their cities must be rendered uninhabitable in order to wipe them out.

>> No.18301456
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>Personally for me I believe the best solution is just advocating for regime change

>> No.18301457

We nuke the chinese. We get russia to do it with us.

Then we nuke Germany too by "accident" (woops my finger slipped) and put eurofaggots back into the stone age where they belong.

>> No.18301493

China always implodes on itself if history is any guide. Jut wait they always collapse .

>> No.18301548

How does /biz/ do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

>> No.18301600

Investigate balkanization more carefully. Your dismissal is pretty weak. Dividing the labor force makes it easier to manage. Increased conflict in the region can be prevented the same way its prevented in the Balkans - strong international institutions.

IMO the best option for China and the peoples that live in the region is a dissolution of the chinese empire into separate states. Historically the best time to be a citizen in China was when there was no central emperor.

>> No.18301781

Strong post. I will look more into balkanisation. Hopefully your solution is the one that comes to pass. I just can't see the current system with an aggressive and centralised China governed by the CCP being of benefit to anyone, not the Chinese people, not the West, not the world. There needs to be a change in the Orient and I hope it happens soon.

>> No.18301803

germans with coal trains managed 6millions
The CIA practically begged Nixon to take care of these demonic spawns before the world regrets it. But these fat fucks just said it would be the next generations problem now here we are

>> No.18301841
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Peru anon here,
we dont need to do anything with China , it will collapse as it had collapsed many times in the past.
China deployed the virus because they were already having bankruns back in December.


>> No.18302038

China as it exists right now with strong central authority exerts undue influence on global trade, geopolitics, and finance. Historically, China consolidates power during times of peace and devolves into civil war after economic or natural catastrophes. It's a never ending cycle that has lasted thousands of years. CCP and Xi Xinping knows this better than anyone, and have undertaken radical measures to control its people. If the Han people do not understand that they are suffering, they can not revolt and reclaim autonomy. Gorbachev dissolved the USSR because it was on the brink of civil war. He cared for his people deeply and did not want to see them suffer like many times before. I think Xi and the Chinese technocrats are not as sympathetic to their own people. Their vision of a single dominant superpower is a plan 200 years in the making. Xi and his government will resort to instigating global war in order to prevent the dissolution of the CCP. If the Chinese have a common enemy that they must hate and has caused all of their suffering, then they will gladly give up more freedom and ironically suffer even more for the sake of the CCP. This is their plan. This is why Taiwan and South China Sea are such key players in geopolitics right now. A sovereign Taiwan would give Chinese enemies uncontested access to 80% of China's populace and infrastructure. Xi can not afford to instigate global conflict while the underbelly of China is so vulnerable right now. State control of Hong Kong and then further escalation in Taiwan will be the catalyst for the next world war.

>> No.18302167

>Personally for me I believe the best solution is just advocating for regime change, with a native Chinese government except it is democratic/liberal/republican and is staunchly pro-Western.
Will literally never happen. The CPC enjoys widespread support amongst the populace, has complete control over the military, has significant control over key sectors of the economy, and is in a completely different context than the CPSU was during its downfall. The chances of the PRC disintegrating like the USSR are negligible.

I think many Americans got the wrong idea from the collapse of the Soviet Union, and started believing it is to be expected from authoritarian regimes to suddenly collapse that way, when in reality what happened in Russia was an extreme historical anomaly that we will almost certainly never see again in our lifetimes.

>> No.18302595

Let the Japs back in to finish the job

>> No.18303393
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Dr. Pavel

>> No.18303428

What do you mean, finish?

>> No.18303520

This right here. Reconstitute the Imperial Navy give them carte Blanche in Asia and access to our best tech. It would have happened organically if we hadn’t tragically crippled Japan with nukes and fast food pacifism

>> No.18303684

...and then what? How would East Asian Empire be significantly different for the west, even if it was ruled from Tokyo instead of Beijing?

>> No.18303767

God i hope we are in the christian infinite kingdom of heaven universe and not the buddhist infinite reincarnation universe.
How does god think this shit is worth it