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File: 1.85 MB, 853x480, asian guy gf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18297766 No.18297766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much Link to achieve this?

>> No.18297784

depends on how well crispr works and how much it costs

>> No.18297895

thats two men kissing

>> No.18297897

What's with the guy and the kike in the background watching them?

>> No.18297931


Yeah, that is some intense staring from an uncomfortably close distance. Also, that bitch must have a 3/10 face to be dating some moon face chinky.

>> No.18297985


>> No.18298010

What's with the guy filming them and the people watching the webm on a Guyanese flute crafting bulletin board?

>> No.18298014

You have to go back

>> No.18298021


0 it’s a scam

>> No.18298023
File: 74 KB, 737x758, 1574789704203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would never survive the happening.

>> No.18298024

fuck her ass was made for BBC

>> No.18298075

This type of girl sucks bros. She's legit crazy and only cares about the public appearance of the relationship. There's no actual emotional depth here or mutual understanding. She's just mentally broken (probably broken home) and wants the world to believe she has a perfect relationship, if only on the surface. Stay wide from these types my friends

>> No.18298106

>This type of girl sucks bros
NO shit, I bet he can't wait to get to the car!

>> No.18298193

>zoomers puppy love public fornicating
>those two boomers just watching
this is awkward

>> No.18298246

This, I was there and they were both man.

>> No.18298276

t. lonely neet incel projectionist
have sex

>> No.18298310

Watching two men kiss is gay and OP is gay

>> No.18298382

9 billion

>> No.18298423

The old saying goes, no risk no gain, its all about your gut and exposure some times, there are solid investment platforms in the space with security for investors such as Dutch auction and ICTO models from Finnexus,

>> No.18298462

I'm trying to help, even the sex sucks. Frigid and prude because of forementioned emotional issues. It's very simple: don't stick your dick in crazy

>> No.18298474

you need as much link as possible. reincaration and a new roll that gets you insectoid chad status is the only way.

>> No.18298485

just be tall

>> No.18298544

>Tales from the basement

>> No.18299551


>> No.18299553



>> No.18299574


This gook simp bought her flowers as well. Christ...

>> No.18299818 [DELETED] 

AN asian GF with negative ass? Like 100 link

>> No.18299960

Crispr will not make you white. You will never be able to infiltrate our tribe with your spawn, and I'll ensure that all crispr born abominations are labeled as such in due time.

>> No.18299976

I can confirm that women who want to be *seen* with you or seen in general are not typically thinking about having a family and a lifelong relationship - they're just infantile narcissists. 99.9% of women will feel completely empty and purposeless without children and the compensation for these feelings is pure chaos.

>> No.18300000

cringe. I remember did this years ago.

>> No.18300023

When you think of your precious possession, it is usually at home in a safe place. Women who want to preserve their race or bloodline usually keep their partner or children in safe places.

In other words, women who rely on public protection, admiration, or attention from people of a different race (or sometimes even from obnoxious people in their own race) are usually doing it to climb some social ladder. They may "hope" they will find a better mate. This may be subconsciously drive behavior.

Nevertheless, this woman ought to have been raised better than to date an Asian person. She can't be this naive... and we all like to think all women are naive...

>> No.18300033


>> No.18300040

Yikes man. Why did you do it?

>> No.18300136

I was "in love" and out of my element but I regret it deeply. It ended up not working out and all I'm left with is cringe memories.