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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18297984 No.18297984 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else notice the decline of testosterone in /biz/? Seems like as if Leftypol did a raid, and some never left, I read a plethora of marxist comments and just think to myself, it wasn't even this gay during 2017 bubble.

I often think to myself, am I browsing on /biz. or /fag/, with some of these posts I've had the displeasure to read.

Anyway, lefties, stop trying to correct 4chan behavior, if anything it will perpetuate the opposite of your desired outcome.

Even though I think you guys are straight up faggots, I think ANYONE is entitled to use and learn about bitcoin (if you're buying anything else your retarded, but that's another ballgame). But please stop trying to rectify racist, sexist, etc posts. Go to literally any other forum and you will find peace.

>> No.18297996

well, you are here so can't argue with that

>> No.18298032

/biz/ has always been shit. I really wish there was a /crypto/ containment board. I've made threads offering my insight into what I did/do to run various businesses successfully (online and real-life services/products), because I thought I could provide valuable insight and writing things out in an explanatory way is actually really beneficial for me from a knowledge/learning standpoint (when explaining things to people it forces you to remember and think about small details you might gloss over normally). And I've had them deleted for "off topic discussion" lol. Fuck this board and fuck the mods

>> No.18298033

The decentralized nature of bitcoin will promote and perpetuate social collectivism. Absolute capitalism will become social communism eventually. Trump is going to start it by handing out money to keep the machine turning. The money wont stop coming and in turn become UBI.

>> No.18298041

I haven’t seen an increase in reddit activity lately, but you know I feel like people will on occasion all agree to act retard to bait people. I noticed it happened in /tv/ 3 years ago as well. I think it’s just jokes

>> No.18298118

nice reddit spacing, you overgrown absolute flaming faggot

>> No.18298138

You are a gentleman and a scholar
fuck those nigger trannies
at least we got rid of the rent rat posts
they were the scum of the earth

>> No.18298171
File: 59 KB, 513x510, 1495397803395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But please stop trying to rectify racist, sexist, etc posts. Go to literally any other forum and you will find peace.
that's the thing about faggot commie trannies
they want absolute control, very authoritarian, truth can only be suppressed for so long (nobody likes fags), eventually it will break out and hang them all from the nearest tree

>> No.18298184

/biz/ IS the crypto containment board you fucking moron.
>never been good
You clearly weren't here from the start.

>> No.18298211

All the smart people and content creators left a year ago. You just have the dredges now.

>> No.18298213

>/biz/ IS the crypto containment board
Which is why its always been shit

>> No.18298219

Commies have died down a bit. It was so tiresome. Believing that america was going to flip full communism because of recession #47. I guess it's there way of coping with Bernie running off with all their cash again and handing it to the government. Don't worry, what always happens will raid to this website is that a few stragglers linger a little too long and eventually go native.

>> No.18298240

>decline of testosterone
its possibly a natural reaction to being told wagie'ing is more important than not dying, or listening to that demented cunt Trump DEMANDING you swallow fishtank cleaner (results unproven) and get back to work, otherwise his precious Dow will drop a few points. Bitcoins dead btw. And fuck landlords as well

>> No.18298377
File: 253 KB, 638x768, 1585008123750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had a reddit account in my life, only clicked on links before, but if you prefer I can type wall of texts next time. or double-space?

Thanks brother!

Yeah I am down for free speech, as much I think you're a faggot, and you think the same as me, we shouldn't try to squelch eachother.

Hey wagie, rent is late! that's a 10% fee now. My mortgage is only 710, but I charge 1550 lmao.

Thanks boys, Thought I was maybe starting to lose it.

>> No.18298403
File: 140 KB, 1012x294, thinker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure do a lot of thinking OP

>> No.18298421

Yeah I should have proof-read it better, other cringey mistakes too, But I just got some really potent live resin, and am quite inebriated.

>> No.18298522

idk if it's lack of testosterone but biz always finds a way to become worse and worse, 2018-2019 was a slow pajeet invasion, and now 2020 it's a pol+leftypol irrelevant battlegrounds because rock market went kaboomboom
and because there are so many retards here, the biz hivemind can't effectively contemplate real ways of making money

we've been flooded since the coronavirus hit the west, % wise we pumped higher than pol
but this is home, so I remain hopeful

>> No.18298556

The sky seems to be clearing up again

>> No.18298585

Lefties will eventually get burned out. Their ideology loses money, not make it. You can only poverty larp for so long before it gets tedious.

>> No.18298633

back to pajeet scamming + irrelevant shitcoins again

>> No.18298966

I got to know many people here from /biz/ and most of them are absolute newfags and redditors and even shitskins and literally niggers.

At least no woman or not that many so we have that going for us.

>> No.18299009

fuck off faggot nobody gives a shit

>> No.18299038

Yes, you can really perceive that.

>> No.18299057

Literally the only people who made actual money in the crypto boom were blacks and pajeets. Whites and especially the most prolific white spokespeople ended up being the bagholders.

>> No.18299134
File: 89 KB, 805x851, oVJQTDI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ has always been shit. I really wish there was a /crypto/ containment board. I've made threads offering my insight into what I did/do to run various businesses successfully (online and real-life services/products), because I thought I could provide valuable insight and writing things out in an explanatory way is actually really beneficial for me from a knowledge/learning standpoint (when explaining things to people it forces you to remember and think about small details you might gloss over normally). And I've had them deleted for "off topic discussion" lol. Fuck this board and fuck the mods

>> No.18299318

>run various businesses successfully