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18293592 No.18293592 [Reply] [Original]

>be schizoid who can't deal with basic human relationships
>don't want to be a loser, tell myself my goal is to get enough money for hookers and meth every weekend
>deal with 4 years of college, finally got a decent job last year
>find out women are fucking disgusting in person, not like the movies

I have no reason to go on. The only social interaction I have enjoyed in the past decade has been anonymous frog posting here on /biz/ with some of you I'll never meet. My life's goals have been based on a lie.

This is my last goodbye.

>> No.18293643
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>> No.18293651
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>> No.18293662
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It wasn't worth it anon, why did you do that.

You should have seen this disgusting wrinkley powered up monster that charged $350/hour for her time

I wanted to vomit.

>> No.18293668

see ya.
>My life's goals have been based on a lie.
everyone is like that though. everything is cope or rope.


>> No.18293720
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Get on your feet OP. Listen king, we all have been lied to. That is the /pol/ pill and it leads anons into despair and shitty ideologies. You are here on /biz/ though where the /biz/ redpill is making money isn't about degeneracy but is about making money to self improvement. That is making money is about knowing you can. Think about how far you've gotten anon. That is further then any whore loser has. Keep overcoming and look for something that lasts forever something that transcends. Good luck king.

>> No.18293812
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Fuck boomer parents for screwing up my social life.

>> No.18293831




what's not worth it is killing yourself
particularly killing yourself over women

>> No.18293833
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>don't want to be a loser, tell myself my goal is to get enough money for hookers and meth every weekend

>> No.18293872

Money is all that matters, it's how we measure power. Everything else is just cope and motivation.

>> No.18293900

Even being a millionaire doesn’t give you power to be free from the governments chains, you need billionaire money for that.

>> No.18293917

Got any schizoid lifehacks to share? That stuff is worse than all the meme conditions combined. Comparable to being paralyzed neck down in severity.

>> No.18293921

Life is simple
Think of something that makes you excited or that interests you
Create a difficult project or goal pertaining to this
Work on it
Once you accomplish it or work on it enough that calling it quits is respectable you start the whole process all over again with something different
Repeat until death
It could be anything anon, for me I recreate historical cities in unreal engine, race motorcycles, trying to write a book on political philosophy, animate cool shit to go along with songs I like, play the piano, play pick up soccer once a week, get high on shrooms once every 6 months, go to shows at my local orchestra, starting to oil paint, save enough money to become a 21st century landed aristocratic landlord and quit my job. I'm a diagnosed schizoid too I can answer any questions you have
For woman, most do not develop mentally past the age of 16, they are simple creatures to understand. Just ask them out and learn as you go along. It is not a life or death scenerio when you fuck up

>> No.18293930

Yeah you're definitely sub 130 iq

>> No.18293932

Why don’t you seek the Lord? He has said “if you grow near to God He will grow near to you” it worked for me, I called out “Jesus are you God? Tell me please” and He was faithful to answer

>> No.18293944

Online college classes saved me so much energy and probably a couple years of my life from avoided stress. Interacting with most people is physically exhausting

>> No.18293963

Dude a big titty hooker is amazing.

They just come over and treat you right and leave. It's amazing.

>> No.18294753
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Never give up apuposter, you are a king

>> No.18294772

Have you considered that you might be gay? Before you off yourself you should at least give that a shot.

>> No.18294805

>suicide because not a normie

>> No.18295265

Jesus you wanna look like a zombie? Smoke weed instead

>> No.18295314

Heroin and healthy lifestyle is much better than meth feels a lot better

>> No.18295370

man am i glad i live in the netherlands

>> No.18295391

lol its so easy to get laid i don't get some of you morons

>> No.18295395
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This desu

>> No.18295467

Unfortunately true, and checked.

>> No.18295492

OP you’re no different from anyone else who isn’t gigachad. Stop being a drama queen and just accept that life can be a disappointment sometimes and just go on anyway like the rest of us. Faggot.

>> No.18295566

Based and self-improvement pilled

>> No.18295818

Anon don't you know that you drug them, make them pregnant, steal their money and never show them your house?

>> No.18295887


How do you guys cope with loneliness though? Albeit I'm surrounded by people and have a few friends, I have none that really understands me.

>> No.18295912

Go to church, take part in charitable events, social events etc with church meet nice God fearing girl who wants lots of babies...stop being a idiot following what "they" tell you need and want to be happy, its not money or hot sexy thots, all you need is God and a nice Christian girl and then kids...everything after is a bonus

>> No.18295949

Dude, you gave touched a woman over 25? Wrinkly, old, depressed, damaged cummed on by 500 old dicks
No fucking wonder, vomit inducing.
Wash yourself off in a disinfectant and quickly go chase some prime 18yos, even fat or 4/10 does not matter.
Block out those memories and never repeat that stupid mistake again.
Old roasties are not only physically and mentally disgusting, but will drag you down in every way possible just to make themselves feel better
Godspeed anon

>> No.18295961

The boilers bit I get but meth? Wew lad

>> No.18296096

>have never struggled to understand anything conceptually
>physics, calculus, economics, languages, psychology
>was at the reading age of a 12 year old at age 4
>was top 5 in pretty much all my classes of 120+ students in high school
>this was while being very, very depressed, barely sleeping, addicted to degenerate porn, too socially anxious to leave the house, sitting on my own every day in school and hiding in bathrooms at break, abusive father, bipolar mother, no friends
>get into college for computer engineering at a good university in my country
>still the same as usual, no longer coasting but able to put in enough effort to get average marks and be at the same level as my peers
>no real interest in what I'm studying, literally feel dead inside and clinically depressed, in my own head all the time, too weird for authentic relationships where I "be myself", put on different personas around different people from years of reading self help books and social psychology, learned how to be likeable and ingratiate myself with different groups of people through sales jobs and "fake it till you make it!", people have actually called me charming and charismatic, say I have a beautiful smile. I feel like such a fraud

>> No.18296104


>Have met two people I could actually enjoy a conversation with, an architecture phd in his late 60s and an old friend who is as weird and troubled as I am but now works 80 hour weeks in a big law firm
>interacting with others is exhausting, have "friends" but can almost predict what they are going to say and do before they do/say it
>completely bored with life, caught up in abstract thought all the time, regularly forget to eat and do other things that functioning human beings should do
>constant existential dread, see my life as absurd and silly, the idea of a relationship is laughable at this stage
>date girls I know I'm not going to have any real interest in on any kind of deeper level, literally feel like an alien most of the time but am good looking and manipulative enough to
>what's rewarded in college is honestly down to just memorising and regurgitating for the most part, I just see the whole thing as a joke, I could go to grad school at some top 10 university if I applied myself but I just can't bring myself to do it even though it's what's the most beneficial if I want to "play the game" and have a dick measuring contest with all these other people, I'm too lost in the clouds and I'm not even aware of what I'm doing most of the time, just lost in abstraction, like I'm a million miles away from the world around me

Surely there's someone here who can relate to this epic "smart but lazy xD" cliched meme of a man

>> No.18296120

>Aspires to fuck whores

Disgusting fag

>> No.18296157
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come on bro, it'll be fun to see if Elon succeeds to get us to Mars

also the final death count of Wuhan-19 will be interesting to find out

>> No.18296273

best reply in this tread
what is your book about anon? care to share any tract or part of it?

>> No.18296275

That's literally me bro. Sad part is that from a professional and social perspective I have a dream life according to all the normalfags around me. And the only thing Im excited about is about ending it all . I would probably an heroed if I hadn't heard about Link. I don't need to money, just a reason to look forward to s future that makes me want to be there. It's weird. All my friends don't get me but I have friends. I never clicked with all the woman I've been with but I managed to have long lasting relationships. And now I'm at the point of not clicking with life in general, I can fake interest in living until I die of natural causes or end it prematurely because reasons.

>> No.18296279

Need a scarf?

>> No.18296291

anon detach yourself from emotions interacting with women if they hurt your feelings long term. in a way, treat them as fellow "people" with a vagina that you want to fuck. stop glorifying them and expecting them to reach some standards. just fuck them and talk to them like you would to other people, and most importantly do not allow them to take control through some bullshit ideas like moving in together or doing some retarded activities.

>> No.18296328

You guys got cucked by school. People always told me growing up that I had to do this and that, fuck it, I'm 22, no degree, no nothing. But you know what? I'm fortunate enough not to be miserable like you guys. I was going to college, I wanted a PhD, but you know what? Fuck it. I quit my job, I quit going to school, and the world didn't stop (well it did) but you know. I hate the attitude that doing things you don't want to do will get you ahead in life. I literally had a guy tell me over vc in discord (college student) "You know what? People need people to eat shit and do bitchwork. That's what you need to be. That's what they want in the workplace". You guys are doing it! Is it fun? Do you wanna quit? You guys don't listen anyways...


I'm the guy that skipped school to smoke weed, you guys are the ones who tried it once and it gave you a panic attack.

>> No.18296345

I know how you feel. I don't like saying this because people here get triggered but I model part time alongside my studies. I have "it all". Yet I can't stop feeling like a fucking loser. I had an objectively horrible childhood and after ~7 years of trying every kind of therapy under the sun I still feel very depressed and alone most days. I don't know if I really can recover to a point where I'm ever going to be "happy", being happy seems too optimistic and unrealistic a goal for me and has seemed that way for some time. The reality is that I got dealt a really shitty hand in life with two parents who were completely incapable of looking after me. I had 18 years of trauma and pain and it's probably going to take a lifetime to undo it. It's only in the last few years I really started to understand just how horrible, inhuman and miserable my parents were. I was fucked from the start. And nobody in real life understands or cares. Even if they did, I don't know if there's anything they can do. How do you get back 18 years worth of love, approval and affection?

>> No.18296354

school was the least of my problems

>> No.18296373

you guys never listen.

>> No.18296389

>life goal is to associate with women

lol no. Literally noone in this thread is schizoid.

>how do you cope with loneliness
schizoids don't get lonely

>> No.18296419

based fellow SP"D" bro

>> No.18296443

Lol @ you. I did the whole party animal schtick during my teenage and early 20s. It just doesn't click. Whatever drive normalfags have that keeps them going doing what they do I just don't . And it's been like this since I was a kid but when you are a kid and begin asking things like what's the purpose of life in general to your peers you get blank stares at first and bullying if you insist. And I thought that would wear off once the others reached adulthood. Boy , was I wrong

>> No.18296466

You dont. Man up and suck it up. At least you are better off than me. You appear to have an origin point for your problems that you can attack. I literally lived the dream life. Loving family, lots of friends, gfs, money, etc. Never wanted for anything, just the drive to live on.

>> No.18296490


stop thinking being schizoid means having some sort of ideology. You can still be a crazy horny guy and a schizoid.
I was a schizoid for a while (still am but I semi cured myself by exercising and taking specific supplements/drugs) and its aweful. Thank fuck I am only a semischizoid now.

>> No.18296507


Dont deny the existense of the devil, but pray to god. He will guide you.

>> No.18296519

Get saved, anon

>> No.18296521


>> No.18296527

christcuckoldry is fake, fuck off

>> No.18296588

Listen to what? how to give up and be a degenerate, dependent bum who lives on Neet bucks? I don't know how people like you live with themselves, no matter what I do I'm not going to do that, if I have to shovel shit for a living it's better than depending on others to survive, nothing more pathetic.

>> No.18296657

I think he comes from a point that if you can't mentally suck up the grind to be better, than there is no point in taking the same effort of grind in your comfort zone for minimal payback, so you might as well give up on the grind and let """society"""" serve you.

>> No.18297596

OP she’s a hooker. She’s probably over the age of 25 and busted from age/tanning/drugs. Find an 18 year old to smash and you’ll see the difference. Most women in media are young or young looking.

>> No.18297982

The older I get, the more I think that your way of thinking might be correct. I always did the right thing, and was praised by my parents, relatives, teachers and others but in the end I have nothing to show for it except missed opportunities when I chose to responsibly eat shit as the authorities told me to instead of doing something I wanted. Still remember how I missed a 1 in a million random chance of getting on with a seemingly really nice girl because I just had to make sure that I will be on time in my college class as I always was instead of just saying fuck it and staying a while longer to get her number