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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.18292455
File: 133 KB, 1420x1963, 1585870408338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best time to dollar cost average is now.

>> No.18292459

I fucking love collecting premium. Buy my puts goy.

>> No.18292464
File: 104 KB, 1200x675, 1574142862851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we finally bottoming out this week or next week?

>> No.18292474

Next month more likely.

>> No.18292483
File: 3.88 MB, 1860x1044, REDLINE_(2009)_[1080p,BluRay,DTS,x264]_-_THORA.mkv_snapshot_01.27.40_[2020.03.29_20.23.40].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey! I have a question about options trading/positions.

I have four contracts on USO calls currently which are way way way up - oil will probably crash again on market open for Monday, right?

Working off of that theory - how likely am I to be able to sell my calls if I place an order for execution @ market open?
I'd like to rebuy more at a lower price (or, if I was smart and understood hedges, do both that and buy puts before the price spikes on them).

How likely is it for my order to fill?

>> No.18292486

We will be going down for a while.

>> No.18292505
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March 23rd.

>> No.18292526
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Have any higher ups actually spoken out about China lying? I mean look at their line, it's a fucking joke

>> No.18292527
File: 40 KB, 635x443, 34.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My names retard and I'M a racist ...because projecting my insecurities onto other people is easier than dealing with my shortcomings.

>> No.18292528
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>> No.18292533

End of big swings by end of March
Slow bleeds of -1% every week until august

>> No.18292541

it is well possible that the real devastating damage to the stock market won't manifest for months

>> No.18292543

britbong government thinks the numbers are 15-40 times what chinks claim

>> No.18292552
File: 12 KB, 494x79, Screenshot from 2020-04-04 17-08-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't they just count people with actual pneumonia and not the total? Either way, I believe Italy and others have peaked.

>> No.18292560
File: 118 KB, 720x1232, 1570738515237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick reminder that you're never going to make it if you're still bearfagging.

>> No.18292562
File: 24 KB, 632x295, rick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 month ago
It's all so tiresome

>> No.18292563

Does DTO/SCO follow global crude oil price or US crude oil price?

>> No.18292570

How does one evaluate a stock, fund, or ETF based on their short term and long term returns?

>> No.18292577

Why would anyone listen to a tranny namefag?

>> No.18292580

You are out of your mind to buy any 3x ETF with this much volatility.

>> No.18292589
File: 185 KB, 773x823, bobo-dabbing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wont say anything publicly. YET. They have to wait for the virus to pass and move out manufacturing. If China isn't in a civil war and starving by then, US will just blockade China.

>> No.18292592

pls respond by late sunday, I need to think about orders

>> No.18292598
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>> No.18292613


Remember that asset prices reflect all available information. :^)

>> No.18292627
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>> No.18292633
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>> No.18292638
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This time it's different. It will never go up again.

>> No.18292640

maybe T-Bills

>> No.18292648

friendly reminder to never trust the chinese and taoism is for literal cucks

>> No.18292659

Wet markets are fine gwailo. Also can you sell us 200 thousand body bags?

>> No.18292666

Can you explain the point of that image? The chart is upside down. Also I’m new here, hi guys, excited to start buying in on Monday! ^_^


>> No.18292671

back to wsb

>> No.18292675
File: 1.95 MB, 342x262, 1574878116059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an unbelievably bearish post

>> No.18292679
File: 36 KB, 618x410, 10574746f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a prophecy

>> No.18292683
File: 9 KB, 261x195, 1580080109645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satan trips
>new tripfag

>> No.18292701

Oh wow, my first got!
Please don’t use that slur, thanks!

>> No.18292704

wsb and /biz/ are one and the same.

>> No.18292709
File: 3 KB, 709x33, cytube room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Movie night movie night! Get in here!
Tonight's feature is Cloverfield (2008), it's in New York and there's escaping in it, it's kind of the same thing
how does Mr. Scoops stay so based?

>> No.18292710

>wsb invented options

>> No.18292711

>LK Since Post
>Down 19.72 (74.98%)

JFC! He must be on suicide watch by now.

This a good time to pick up some cheap LK's or will they always be a scam fucked company?

>> No.18292716

Imagine if you placed an OTM put on LK before closing on Wednesday

>> No.18292720

I’ve been browsing 4chin since 2008 and have never, ever visited R*ddit. Not even once. You have to go back, they have never and will never be even remotely similar.

>> No.18292735

>racism can only be a product of insecurity

Actually I might agree with that... depending on what your definition of racism is.

>> No.18292742

Ahh we're dealing with bait. Gotcha

>> No.18292782
File: 84 KB, 470x960, 2(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I would

>You are out of your mind to buy any 3x ETF with this much volatility.
If now's not the time to buy, then when is?
How will you know when it's time to buy?
What better way to buy into this firesale than with SPXL, which is the optimal long-term leverage for the S&P?

>how does Mr. Scoops stay so based?
Bottomless pits of money and statistics to back you up.
The latest component of greatest that I've added to my arsenal is a book about hostage negotiation that I've been reading to help with shutting down the MBAs at work

>> No.18292795
File: 13 KB, 490x324, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I need a better way of keeping track of my stock buys.

Pic related is my current system.
I just make a text file of each transaction.

Now that I'm doing a lot more trading and also using shorts and options this is no longer a viable method.

What do you people use? Should I just make an excel file.

>> No.18292802
File: 130 KB, 270x288, 1585682675518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks or the heads-up, Satan.

>> No.18292815


>> No.18292825

is your online broker a donkey?

>> No.18292826


Microsoft already did this for you.

>shutting down le ebin MBAs
You're such a huge faggot dude.

>> No.18292847

inb4 you pay commission for this

>> No.18292857

I'm unironically considering taking the scoops pill and buying into SPXL, talk me out of it

>> No.18292858

Anyone else thinking about buying LK? Sure they lied about their financials, but they already fired their fall-guy & its not like they're going to go out of business over this

>> No.18292862

>If now's not the time to buy, then when is?
>How will you know when it's time to buy?
When the VIX calms the fuck down. 3x Bull ETF is better "fashionably late" than trying to catch the knife. Because you get fucked 3x as hard by the knife. Honestly if you really want to go pants on head retarded you can go to EU and get 10x Bull ETFs there. If you want to gamble that we are near the bottom might as well go all the way

>> No.18292864
File: 192 KB, 1920x1080, Sinclair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is your online broker a donkey?
Ummm, I want my own stuff, not what Interactive Brokers gives me. They don't give my what I want anyway. For example, I bought an option, then exercised it, but it shows my cost basis of the stock at the option price and not less the price of the option.

That template is really basic and has less info than my text files. I guess I'll create my own excel file.

We all pay for what we've done.

>> No.18292865

Yes but not yet.

>> No.18292871

Anyone got experience with Interactive Brokers? Since all options are a joke here, it's looking like only they or questrade are worth a shit, and good luck doing anything but a boomer long on even questrade. Fuck everything.
I did some reading and it turns out cucknadian regulations to fuck shit up for the locals were passed in around 2008 to make sure we couldn't make use of US investment services that have always been infinitely better in every conceivable way, even fees.

>> No.18292874
File: 334 KB, 500x1194, you-cant-give-her-that-its-not-safe-its-a-59821333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tip: Literally every company in China is fake.
Imagine a whole country is Enron.

>> No.18292881
File: 44 KB, 400x443, 1564438710202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fuck up as long as you don't go bear and you don't fuck with time-sensitive instruments, such as options

Nice satanic trips.
Remember not to dump all your cash in at once. A good strategy is to invest 1/3 of whatever cash you have available at a time.
I like to always have a little extra cash available or at least on the way into my account. For me, a little cash is a few grand on a total position of about 30 to 50 grand

>> No.18292888

I'm posting this from a Lenovo laptop.

>> No.18292929


>> No.18292937

Shell company isnt the same as an actual company, making real sales, with a real product, who embellished their sales. Lukin isnt getting shut down over this, which i why i think they can crawl back to $20/share & people will eventually forget/disregard this little episode over time

>> No.18292940
File: 125 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200404-202353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>shutting down le ebin MBAs
>You're such a huge faggot dude.
No, the MBAs are. If I don't tell them how shit's going down, then who is?

VIX looks done to me.

>> No.18292941

make your own, Or Level up at IB, maybe you get more details.

>> No.18292947
File: 38 KB, 1163x553, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched it but 联想集团有限公司 is real.

>> No.18292976

I have questrade TFSA account and invest on TSX like a true patriot.

>> No.18292987

If they get away with this event (very likely), the stock is worth the price. Look up the laws firms and who’s behind their IPO writings all big Wall Street guys. They wouldn’t let their investment waste. And LK seemed to be prepared. That lying COO is apparently sacrificing for the most. So he would take all responsibility

>> No.18292989
File: 44 KB, 1203x572, Screenshot from 2020-04-04 23-25-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom indicator.

>> No.18292992
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>> No.18293001
File: 158 KB, 1080x1394, Screenshot_20200404-170521~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is still fucked which worries me a bit

>> No.18293009
File: 78 KB, 1516x390, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help

This Excel looks so gay.

>> No.18293018

Try it and let us know

>> No.18293033

>lost everything on luckin coffee edition
imagine investing in Enron: The Country
hot take we hit bottom 4/20. there will be a moment when the hesitant optimism "Buy the dip!" crashes to complete despair, probably as hospitals are overwhelmed in every major american city. we hit bottom when the hope dies, and that's soon.
unironically useful

>> No.18293046

VIX above 20 is crazy. We have been "spoiled" by it sitting above that for like a month now.
It's also not good when its falling while stock are on a gradual decline week by week.

>> No.18293049

Why would you invest on tsx and not use ws?
I also hear questrade is as sketchy as people itt are claiming robinhood to be, despite the fees and everything.

>> No.18293057

Unironically correct.

>> No.18293069
File: 23 KB, 398x500, 1492046476936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're a pussy and it's time to smash the buy button, anon.

>> No.18293086
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>> No.18293090

That what im thinking. They're not closing their doors over this. Over time this will pass & because they fucked up hard once, they will prob always have bad PR now. So what? Look at Chipotle, as long as you keep making sales, it doesnt matter

>> No.18293126
File: 288 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20200404-204351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18293143

This is /biz/'s equivalent of election newfag flood.

>> No.18293144

Very spooky.

>> No.18293160

If during the entire crash TQQQ and SPXL led, now SPXS and SQQQ are passing them, does that unironically indicate a bottom?

>> No.18293171
File: 825 KB, 600x505, event horizon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Very spooky.
It isn't spooky at all.

>> No.18293183

Nothing big brained. It would feel wrong to sell low (CAD) and buy high (USD) currencies. Also the tax issue is slightly more complicated and I don't want to think about this.

>> No.18293188
File: 20 KB, 1209x415, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peaked at Oct 2008
Normans are onto something

>> No.18293196

Try using "Format as Table". Besides adding a lot of helpful features for managing tabular data, it has various different visual styles you can apply.

>> No.18293206

Which search is that for?

>> No.18293219

Okay, I'll work on making it pretty.
But first, given I'm changing my system I have to enter 3 months worth of trades in. Damn it.

>> No.18293222

we already bottomed. crab for 2 more weeks then recovery

>> No.18293226

Does anyone have any suggestions for grocery ordering besides Costco and general Instacart? It doesn't have to include perishables. I am also trying to avoid Amazon, as I do wherever possible, in order to crash the stock price.

>> No.18293232

reddit out

>> No.18293242

>shorting a bear market to 1 month after a bull rally of 10 years
Money printing delays the pain, not shortens it

>> No.18293271

That's not how it works.

>> No.18293308

im hoping that but im buying shorts anyways
what's your reasoning anon?

>> No.18293322

Honestly, does it matter? If you keep kicking the can down the road, sooner or later, the road will run out.

>> No.18293327

>betting against online shopping
>during an event that supports it
>when the west is becoming more shut in by the day

>> No.18293329
File: 8 KB, 224x225, 1585762558767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best time to DCA is always now, but especially during a crash. You can just lose all your money if you like, I'm not going to cry.

>> No.18293370

Quarantine has disrupted everything. Historical data shows that if this impacts the 6 best months of the economy, the effect will ripple into the following worst half, and into the proceeding best again. That means a slow burning recovery.

Insofar as searching for the bottom, the worst is yet to come. There's a lot of deliverance that's gone unmet. We already had dragging repo operations from '08, and those have now been re-upped in new sectors and previous sectors are still drawing on them. There's major businesses that are facing credit downgrades, translating their bonds to junk. Overvaluation of practically the whole stock market. Oil pricing war, which may or may not be resolved. CN is actually probably struggling, but who knows? And then there's people out of work who may well default on payments due or get sucked into a debt spiral over this shit. Sub-prime auto. Some people are suggesting a real estate bubble as well, with perhaps another mortgage crisis emerging.

Then there's more people projected to be unemployed. Once they're displaced there's no guarantee they'll be resorbed. And there's no guarantee that when and if they are, that it will be offered in a seasonable frame. There would be precedence for ramping up and that means delayed hiring phases for those who were cut. There's also issues with the SBA integrating the CARES act loan offerings.

We might see a surge of new trends with the forced remote work, which might drive down fuel utilization across the nation due to commute cuts. That could, ostensibly, impact the oil pricing affair. Social distancing might continue to trend, cutting down profitability for restaurants and bars for some time. Disrupted faith in the system is liable to be an emergent theme, depending on which way things move political and fiscal.

Who knows?

>> No.18293373
File: 134 KB, 800x1200, 0010-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what oil tanker / storage stocks are you goys looking at?

>> No.18293380
File: 159 KB, 720x960, 1561236259669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a man btw

>> No.18293396

famales will compete for males with access to resources during scarce times

calls on jobless basic bitches

>> No.18293399

I am looking for online shopping, BESIDES Costco. Costco is sold out of a lot of the things I want online.

>> No.18293419
File: 424 KB, 659x845, Parrot Southkorea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have 4K whats your stock portfolio and why?

>> No.18293423
File: 58 KB, 422x345, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight.
I have a handful of USO calls from $6-$7.5 expiring in a week or two. Should I just sell now on Monday at market open?

>> No.18293426

When do you guys think USO will tank? I have puts for late may, but I am wondering where to put the calls.

>> No.18293429

Btw, pic related is me and you

>> No.18293435

short term*

>> No.18293465

WMT to the bottom to counter inflation, diversify in the trough. M. Burry is suggesting small cap stocks that are heavily impacted by ETF inclusion will likely return the best yields, having a rapid rebound at the bottom individually. Chemicals and specialty foods, industrial wholesale and supply, contractors. Play the rebounds on those and invest in (previously) high yield dividend stocks after profit taking due to their inevitably substantial discount.

>> No.18293467

I'd probably put 500 into AMD right now and 1.5k if it drops down <41.

>> No.18293482
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>> No.18293484
File: 18 KB, 1225x187, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain why I didn't get charged a fee/commission for exercising an option?
I thought you do get charged.

If not, then there exercising options may be a superior method to limit fees.

>> No.18293498
File: 20 KB, 208x300, bad candela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18293533
File: 3.25 MB, 2560x1440, 287700_20200404224147_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn bros, idk why i put off playing this for so long its kinda fun.

also, i think i might buy some oil shorts on monday because this week was a meme

>> No.18293534

enjoy losing your money

>> No.18293538

actual intelligence post. makes me sad. i want to believe v-shape still

>> No.18293541
File: 683 KB, 870x1468, t-shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least wait until you start hearing some good news on corona before you make fun of bearish people

>> No.18293552
File: 146 KB, 828x1311, 1585877378768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good news on corona
I have an entire folder of good news on the nothing burger. Pic very related.

>> No.18293568
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2020-04-04-21h38m33s292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to drink your water and do your pushups~

>> No.18293580
File: 1.04 MB, 885x1000, 4F880501-7B50-43D8-8385-FD1B8391D749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t think this is the bottom, right?

>> No.18293586
File: 13 KB, 415x233, 2XEVGKTEMVOERWOCIFEPW3GG7Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw corona stops producing beer
>mfw corona cant be found in stores
>mfw people want corona
>mfw i have all the corona

>> No.18293590
File: 21 KB, 400x400, CSYf9TzWsAAf-Fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil speculators

>> No.18293594
File: 86 KB, 847x960, 1538609047457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just drink dos equis like the pig you are

>> No.18293600

it doesn't matter where the bottom is

they have a 70 day supply in the channels
I might buy STZ on Monday, they sounded enthusiastic about the CGC partnership

>> No.18293604
File: 383 KB, 800x800, drowning is good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people wonder why I want to keep track of my trades and not use my broker to do it.

Here is an example of my situation:

>ETSY trading at $35
>why is this option so cheap, I must have it!
>buy 4 contracts of ETSY $33 call for $2.3, expiring on Friday
>total cost $920
>if you are brainlet if etsy was trading at $35 and the $33 call option was $2.30, then $2 of that was free money, so the option only cost 30 cents per contract!

>friday comes and etsy was trading at $38
>I exercise the option and the call disappears and I buy 400 shares of etsy at a price of $33 per share. Etsy currently valued at $38/share.
>what is my basis?
>option $920, stock $13,200
>$14,120 cost basis

Current value of etsy (friday closing 38.15):
>$15,260 (over $1000 unrealized gain)

No broker will be able to figure out my cost basis, because they don't treat the option as the same transaction. Hence I have to do the math myself!

>> No.18293605



>> No.18293613

>started watching this Joonie theta gang podcast episodes from chronological order.
>neat strategies
>getting closer to up to date
>he is talking about how he is invested in Luckin coffee and Target and a lot of other shit that got fucked
He... is he okay? I'm getting scared for the next episodes is this guy gonna kill himself?

>> No.18293617
File: 148 KB, 1280x914, hiroshimoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really want to know what mootwo paid for 4chan

>> No.18293622

Silly bearcvcks missing an easy short on Monday. Stvpid, stvpid, dvmb bearcvcks. Every past Monday has been green, and yet, they ignore the opportvnity to make easy money. Pathetic, bearcvcks, pathetic. Green open. BVLL! BVLL! BVLL!

>> No.18293629


but for tax purposes, your cost basis is 13200 because that's what you bought the stock for right
that's the only cost basis that matters...

>> No.18293631
File: 38 KB, 400x644, ViviVivixx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt like it

>> No.18293635
File: 1015 KB, 885x1000, 1583053345231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the spacing has triggered my autism

>> No.18293636

In my experience the only issue with taxes is you have to remember to file them by april 15 in the us, which is earlier than in canada. Other than that it's pretty straightforward.
I don't know how the value of the currency will work against the relative moves of either stock (and I expect US stocks to recover more and faster).

>> No.18293637

Everyone knows what VIX is and what it measures. But is there a measure for NON-CORRELATION WITH MARKET?

I'd like to invest 25% or so into stuff that doesn't correlate with the market, or only slightly so.

>> No.18293644

big brain moves

>> No.18293645

I'm actually not sure, but regardless if separated for taxes I will still show a $920 loss on the option and $13,200 stock basis. Though combining them makes more sense to me.

>> No.18293649

treasury bonds?

>> No.18293669

are you looking for an instrument with zero correlation or are you looking for an instrument with negative correlation

>> No.18293672
File: 50 KB, 899x437, Screenshot from 2020-04-05 00-49-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have Canadian dollars and the exchange rates add another dimension to this.

>> No.18293682

>small cap

what sort of market cap are you looking at?

>> No.18293691

As little as possible. So if you rank all liquid stocks based on statistical day to day correlation with the overall market, I'd like to pick and choose something near the very bottom

>> No.18293697
File: 999 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2020-04-04-17h44m50s471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not too late to change your sedentary ways!

>> No.18293698

what about cash?

>> No.18293706
File: 191 KB, 500x642, hatate cutting 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried so hard.. for years now... please just enjoy the movie, it's a good movie

>> No.18293725
File: 442 KB, 1928x2048, 1415211783102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What movie are you even talking about?

>> No.18293732

>damn bros, idk why i put off playing this for so long its kinda fun.
Enjoy your disappointment. The worst thing about this game is how disappointing the overall product is; MGSV really is lesser than the sum of its parts.

>> No.18293733

2hu fan lore is soooo interesting!

>> No.18293738

i was already in STNG and EURN, the dividends have paid them off nearly fully by now...still down a lot on purchase price though.

STNG has a ton of banks invested and every earnings call they talk about making the company a good investment vehicle. But they keep failing to come through on that promise.

>> No.18293750


>> No.18293762
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The movies we've watched every saturday for almost 3 years >_<
2hu fan lore is legitimately more complicated and esoteric than ancient mystery schools

>> No.18293774

go to finviz and search by beta value. 1 beta is a perfect correlation to S&P 500, -1 is inverse, 0 is no correlation

>> No.18293835

>The movies we've watched every saturday for almost 3 years >_<
I just wanted to know what movie you watched. I didn't see the post. I see it now Cloverfield.
Also I'm still mad the one week where they wouldn't play the accountant.

>> No.18293840
File: 361 KB, 1500x1189, Five-Guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is five guys closed
because of the china thing
I want five guys so bad right now at this moment

>> No.18293864

Just get a mcdonalds quarter pounder. Tastes similar. If not make your own.
>pro tip crush your favorite potato chip into the meat.

>> No.18293867
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its overpriced anyways. get yourself a cookout tray

>> No.18293873

That did the trick, thank you. Finding lots of very interesting stuff at close to 0.

>> No.18293875
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someone posted a website on here the other day that showed options info for a given share and potential market maker moves to prevent them from getting JUSTed, does anyone remember what its called? pretty poor description im sorry

>> No.18293905
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Okay I did the table thing and put in automatic red/green in the profit column.
Probably put charts on the right side.

Not bad, but needs more work.

>> No.18293923

I only trade LETFs. Have fun getting in now and throwing money in the trash kek

>> No.18293939
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Oh I have an idea, you can play TwinkleToes

>> No.18294015

From what i understand never hold tankers for ever only hold them as temp oil plays.

>> No.18294022

Are REITs degenerate?

>> No.18294028
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>> No.18294036

profiting off renters like a filthy landlord is degenerate yes, but this is /smg/ we are only interested in making money

>> No.18294041

well done!

>diversify your assets to provide an additional revenue stream

>> No.18294049

Be careful. Know what you’re buying. There’re so many garbage REITs out there right now that will not exist in 3-6 months

>> No.18294058
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diversify blah blah blah your time is almost up

>> No.18294068
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Am I able to watch the movies from my phone or a Fire TV stick?
What service were you using to play the movies from?

>> No.18294073

woo-hoo you figured out how to take snapshots from movie files instead of screenshotting your mac desktop!

>> No.18294087

Banks - a lot of the largest banks are trading at a heavy discount. How do I know where to invest, I took a look at their structure and kind of debt they hold but essentially they are all riddled with all kinds of crappy debt (some Banks themselves consider BBB “good debt” in their annual reports). How do you make sense of all of this, how do you know whether a JPM, HSBC, BNP, Santander, UBS or ISP will rebound quickly or suffer from Coronasequences?

>> No.18294096

oh god pls let reits do better this year
I don't know :o
they play from cytube, does the fire have a web browser? I've gotten the movies to play on my iphone b4 but you can't read the chat

>> No.18294103
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how can one anon be so fucking based?

>> No.18294109

Banks still have room to fall but I’m gonna start slowly buying JPM on the way down. Emphasis on slowly

>> No.18294151
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>I am a landlord
>I can afford property and pay someone to manage it
>in the year 2011+9
>a landlord
>landlords are bad
>landlords are going to get some sort of comeuppance
>the time for landlords is up
>in the United States
>The USA is going to stop enforcing property laws and legally binding contracts
>The renters will win against the owners
>The poor will win against the wealthy

> > > > >

Yep! Just for you bud!
Now one of these days maybe I'll stop posting while driving like that other anon asked me to.

>> No.18294164
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I bought 1 (ONE) share of Godman Sucks!
Did I do good? Unfortunately we haven't heard much from Mr. Dimon, and a lot of the bank's reputation is tied up with him. Could get a real good price if he steps down for health reasons!

>> No.18294196
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>> No.18294208
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you're going to be disappointed
But that's a good life lesson

>> No.18294211
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i do appreciate it, now the images are actually saveable

>> No.18294233

I’m just glad he got his heart shit taken care of before coronachan started butchering americans. I don’t know much about GS. Why are they getting boned so hard? They hold shale debt or something?

>> No.18294237


not all of them

>> No.18294242

pity because i dont live in the jewsa

>> No.18294279


Say it with me:

>> No.18294282
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Why the fuck are bonds so much more complicated than stocks?

>> No.18294290
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What the fuck is going on this year? Are we seriously going to start a fucking cold war on top of all this

>> No.18294293

>NY Times
>Not archiving
>Expecting me to actually give that filthy organization a click

You have to go back

>> No.18294296

bro china started this thing years ago
it wasn't us

>> No.18294299
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>> No.18294313
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anyone else buying airline calls on Monday?

also i am very long on gold ETFs. anyone think gold will gap up this week?

>> No.18294323

What is complicated about bonds?

>> No.18294324


>> No.18294327

The only currency that matters is USD and if it actually becomes worthless humanity as we know it will cease to exist. I'm balls deep in SPY puts btw.

>> No.18294330
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I found the tax answer.

If you buy a call and exercise it, you do not list the price of the call as a separate loss. You add the price of the call to your basis in the stock!

>> No.18294334

Lol the comments - order by reader top picks for some quality reading: “Its Trumps fault, China has warned us in December”

>> No.18294342

>The only currency that matters is USD
USD has been petrodollar since the 80s. If that dies in an oil war the Euro or CNY might be the new world currency.
Gold is currently oversupplied right now.

>> No.18294346

We all knew there are millions of dead chinks.

>> No.18294361
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mining and steel production are the safest place for stocks after the dust settles. we're in for a massive infrastructure boom

>> No.18294363

Decapitation first strike, falsifying data leading to hundreds of thousands of American deaths as casus belli

>> No.18294393

Archive it yourself you fucking sperg.

>> No.18294394

>Callable/Call protection
>bid/ask as %
>min qty
>market price calculation
>likely hood of bankruptcy
>Treasury vs municipal vs corporate etc
Sure, the basics is that a bond is worth $1000 and it pays a coupon %. But then there's like a million calculations and people sell these bonds based on a percentage of the bond plus fees.Like, why would I buy a bond worth $1000 for $1250? Or why would someone sell a bond for only $800?

>> No.18294397

SPY puts is an uphill battle against what will be non-stop bailouts by the fed. plus your options still lose value if the market crabs

>> No.18294398

The only currency that matters is USD and if it actually becomes worthless humanity as we know it will cease to exist. I'm balls deep in SPY puts btw.

>> No.18294401

based on what quarterly earnings? this entire quarter is fucked so recovery cant begin until the quarantine is lifted

>> No.18294404

do bonds have big spreads?

>> No.18294415

Infrastructure bills are just congressional porkbarrels. Maybe you’re going to see an extra lane added to an interstate highway, and some potholes filled here and there.

They might, but they won’t.

Absolutely brainlet tier analysis. I bet you didn’t even realize the March end rally was largely due to rebalancing. So many tards thought they’d short the spy down 30% and I have no pity for them. If you shorted in anticipation of corona fallout after Italy, good for you. If you bought puts that had higher IV than your IQ, and held them for longer than a day, you get no sympathy for losing money.

Not everything is Jerome.

>> No.18294417

They are priced as a percentage of the bond and must be bought/sold in lots of minimum quantity. Fees are priced into the bid/ask. Because bonds are less liquid, there might not even be bids. The spread can be multiple percentage points. It seems like craziness to me.

>> No.18294419


>> No.18294421

hard to gauge intent on this was it done by the chinese to distract from hong kong protests and trade war or was by the US to further destabilize a shitty regime at a tolerable loss.

>> No.18294426

This post seriously demonstrates your low IQ, kek.

>> No.18294435

You think investors have high expectations for this quarters earnings? Lmao. That’s not the catalyst that controls the market right now. And doesn’t have much to do with the recovery. And the market will bottom before the recovery even begins. It’s just how it goes.

>> No.18294438

Youre trying way to hard

>> No.18294452

Can’t even tell what you’re criticizing if you just say “lmao ur dumb”

Not helpful to anyone

>> No.18294453

dude you can't just say the N word on 4chan... not cool bro

>> No.18294455

I hope this is bait, bro. I'm responding to bait, right?

>> No.18294475

what do I have to do for US taxes as a Canadian anyway? in the very optimistic scenario where I actually make more than I lose

>> No.18294476

Ok now this is garbage. If it was done by the Chinese intentionally it was not for the reasons you stated, it would be to do what is currently happening, which is weaken the U.S, put us on the ropes, and then use the opportunity to step in and save the world to earn more international influence, which weakens us further.

The question about the U.S doing it to harm China isn't even worth considering.

>> No.18294485

Two posts and no argument, just talking shit?

>> No.18294489

ur right bro mb mb lol good catch i'm not actually racist u kno ha ha

>> No.18294490
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>Two posts and no argument, just talking shit?

>> No.18294501

i dont, but saying it will be an instant recovery this month is moronic.

>> No.18294504

You are so Chinese it hurts

>> No.18294505

If X goes lower I might get some

>> No.18294510
File: 37 KB, 860x603, 496-4964447_apu-pepe-png-download-pepe-thinking-png-transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking at bonds all day, and I've noticed that all the worst bonds are oil companies, hospitality, and auto makers. If their bonds are collapsing, doesn't that mean their stocks are about to be fucked to oblivion?

>> No.18294516

Pretty much.
Cheap = more risk

>> No.18294520

What gave it away?

>> No.18294530

>Like, why would I buy a bond worth $1000 for $1250?
I'd like to see it. The coupon % and duration must be long enough to make it worthwhile. It could also be because the issuer will be going out of business or merged later which might offer the possibility of cashing out earlier than the bond or getting your bond converted into stocks.
> Or why would someone sell a bond for only $800?
Bankruptcy risk or need for immediate liquidity are the two that come to mind.
The YTM is probably automatically calculated and it already takes care of all of most of those parameters for you except the really ephemeral one, bankruptcy risk.
Of what you listed, I'd go with corporate bonds. Some of the YTMs look pretty nice, even considering bankruptcy risk. I see a few for Royal Caribbean and Ford that have YTMs almost near 20%. That is literally better than most dividend stocks and they are forced to pay it. And in case of bankruptcy, bondholders are near the top of the liquidation dispersion.

>> No.18294536
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Look at their stocks and see if they’ve already collapse. I don’t watch corporate debt but I doubt bonds tanked and the stocks didn’t.

Anyone saying that is shitposting, which is fun and harmless.

L8r t8r

>> No.18294539

Much like the CIA nigger who's posts glow, yours have the putrid bugman stench.

>> No.18294546

There is some variation on it but generally as long as you hold a bond you will get a guaranteed return. See >>18294530
I guess I also forgot to mention that the value also doesn't change. Bad because you can't get the kind of growth that is possible from stocks but good in that unlike stocks, if more bonds are issued yours does not decrease in value.
A lot of these biotech stocks become absolutely worthless over time because of diluting shares but their bonds do not.

>> No.18294551

its also possible it was unintentional a shitty chinese chernobly.if they were doing it for influence they are fucking it up with the testing kits and blatant fudging of their infection statistics

>> No.18294553

Of course the stock is hard hit, but if they go bankrupt, the stock will go to zero and any leftovers will go to bond holders. Which means if people are scared the bonds wont even payout, then that would imply the risk of bankruptcy is high and stock price will lower or even zero.

>> No.18294591

Entirely possible, honestly that video by alpha investments posted here the other day is the deepest dive I’ve taken into corporate debt.

He dropped some knowledge on me including: when GM got bailed out, it’s stock went to zero and stockholders got nothing. Bond holders got issued preferred stock in the new GM after restructuring. I bet those who bought it on the cusp of bankruptcy made out like bandits. It really makes me want to look into some opportunities like that. The cruise liners seem like they could be worth a gamble, but I don’t think the world will be the same after COVID19, so I’m not sure how I would even approach valuing cruise ships that will most likely need all sorts of retrofitting.

Any of those junk bonds catch your eye?

>> No.18294604

how do you determine the quality of a bond? credit rating, yield, etc?

>> No.18294631

>Warm, sunny weather
>Reopen because people want to go out again
>"Finally its over!"
>Wave 2 hits in full force

>> No.18294635

Hey friend I'm in the same boat, don't know shit about buying corporate debt but I like the idea of it if for nothing else diversifying my holdings. Carnival issued bonds on April 1st that had a 14% interest. Pretty insane I think.

Shucks, you got me, except I am both glow and chink, for I am the radioactive bugman.

Preston Pysh did a course on value investing, during which he goes into bonds and goes pretty deep even insofar as how to calculate the yield to maturity. Highly recommended.

>> No.18294640

holy shit that picture is disgusting

>> No.18294662

Exactly why I started seriously looking into bonds. I looked at bonds briefly before, like coupon rate and the order of how company debt is settled. Today I did a much deeper dive. Carnival was one of the bonds I was looking at, but there was also Norwegian and GM junk bonds. Imagine if you buy GM puts and it goes down to zero again. Whats eye opening though is the price of bonds also gives insight on the price of the stock. Same with options. When you learn about these new financial instruments like bonds and options, it really starts opening your eyes on why stocks move in certain ways. Its an endless rabbit hole. I'm thinking of just buying a bond fund/etf instead of buying my own.

I'm wondering the same thing!

>> No.18294672


thank me later

>> No.18294682

I gotta sleep

Someone post if they found these helpful. Honestly getting curious about corporate debt but more curious about assessing debt and assessing risk of obligations that are fast approaching. And I see the playlist has a balance sheet episode...

>> No.18294696

Just save it, it's a great course. Trust me it won't hurt and will in some way be worth your time.

>> No.18294703

And I heard they were fully subscribed, all the debt was bought. Makes me think they’re not in as much trouble as I would want them to be before I’d gamble on them.

I’m not sure if you can actually redeem a put if it actually goes to zero. How can you sell 100 shares of a stock you can’t buy because it’s been delisted and scrapped? Shorting to zero sounds fun but there’s always the risk of a squeeze and your broker forcing you to close your position during the squeeze.

>> No.18294704

Im watching, so far very helpful.

>> No.18294710

Is there a bot that tells you when a share has been over bought/over sold?

>> No.18294717

Everything Chinese is a scam fucked company. This includes their "bluechips" like Alibaba and Tencent.

>> No.18294727

Every option is backed by real stock. If it goes to zero, then the option writer just has to pay the strike in cash. Also Im not on margin s I cant get liquidated.

Smart man. China is all fake.

>> No.18294770

I don’t think you can short without margin, so that part only applies to shorting. I might have to look into what happens with a put if the company implodes and the stock goes to 0.

Will do!
Where were you a month ago when I was asking for the best finance vids on YouTube for my longass drive... now I’ve got too much to catch up on but I’ll try to fit this in.

>> No.18294810

literally a ticking time bomb

>> No.18294833

Oh god was there another press briefing tonight? And trump used it to talk shit on the officer who tried to save the sailors on that navy ship?

Tomorrow’s corona meeting will be “fun”. But I guess he has to do it because of chain of command bullshit and the guy knew he’d be fired.

>> No.18294845

Brokers generally have 2 options tiers:
Buying calls/puts and selling covered calls
and writing naked calls and puts
You do not need margin to purchase calls/puts because the risk is up front.

>> No.18294857

i hate to break it to you bears and put holders but i don't think coronavirus is going to continue to pull the market down.

there is no where for it to go down past those lows last month. . .

what should i long other than resorts and airlines??

>> No.18294876

Korea's CV pressers are 5 minutes. I don't have the time to sit through 1-2 hour long whatever those things he holds are if its a non trading day.
You can use any company mentioned by Trump or anyone else at the WH to scalp that stock. The bump doesn't last long (I've seen it start to fade after 5 minutes)

>> No.18294904

>but i don't think coronavirus is going to continue to pull the market down.
No, that would be the recession that was starting back in October/November.
>what should i long other than resorts and airlines??
Utilities, food distributors, insurance, etc. Staple industries that have relatively inelastic demand.
I feel like there is a real possibility that you can even long bear real estate ETFs

>> No.18294905

Lmao retards still thinking that chink flu will magically disappear in two months. 10 million deaths is a fuckin conservative estimate unless we all live inside a bunker until we find a cure.

>> No.18294912

>Still thinking the Virus is the reason for the whole economic disaster
Hopefully you use leverage long calls so that you get liquidiated asap and hopefully you buy airlines which are on the edge to bankruptcy (inbefore bail outs)

>> No.18294924

The magical cure will be around the corner and everyone has to digital confirm that he either was vacchined already or recovered - bill gates made enough hints already.

(((They))) have found a viable way to totally control society.

>> No.18294932

>ask why neighbours are still throwing parties
>bro fox news told me it's just the flu
retards keep ignoring the quarantine guidelines, burgers are doomed to fail

>> No.18294936

>Thinking corona is the cause for this recession
Its just an excuse

>> No.18294938

what is the other reason??

i'm already super long gold, why can't equities and housing prices continue to rise as things hyper inflate??

>> No.18294944

you guys are missing the bottom.

>> No.18294945

>i don't think coronavirus is going to continue to pull the market down.
this is just the beginning of the epidemic. Chicago, LA, Phoenix, San Francisco, Portland, Boston, New Orleans, and Philadelphia are all going to go through what NY is going through. when all the hospitals are overwhelmed everywhere, the market isnt going to go UP

>> No.18294958

is buying gold etfs unironically the best move right now for brainlet long term holding?

>> No.18294965
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>> No.18294979

contemplate the fragrance

>> No.18294980

Again there is no shortage of gold and no one is buying. Retail gold sales (lolbertarians) is a pittance.

>> No.18294996

>as things hyper inflate
>as the crisis crushes demand, the depression scares people into saving, and the price war over oil drives prices lower
Wew lad you got quite an imagination!
I wouldn’t look to USD to be the first currency to experience noticeable inflation.

It won’t be New York everywhere. It’ll be bad but nowhere else has the population density and public transportation culture.

Shit people in LA barely even leave their cars except for home and work. Except the people who go to gyms and clubs and shit, and gyms have been shutdown 2+ weeks already.

I hope we get a retest but we might not. we could just crab around.

Not really. I suggest owning some, but inflation will have to outpace deflation for it to start being felt, and gold demand may be dry up for a while.

Roses, lavender, and a hint of sõy sauce

>> No.18295009

>invest in Chinese company
>they get delisted for fraud
wew lad

>> No.18295010

>American intelligence agencies have concluded that the Chinese government itself does not know the extent of the virus
>Testing in the United States lags behind other countries.
what a load of crap lmao

>> No.18295011

Care to explain why? Not sure how to valuate banks and tell which ones have growth prospects

>> No.18295025

im talking about gold etfs like GLD i dont care if it doesnt go up that much i just dont want it to completely tank if this is a real recession

>> No.18295031

That’s why I specified “short”. Maybe I need to say short-sell for you to understand I’m not talking about options?
The jargon of finance is full of technicalities.

They’re kind of fun to shitpost about when they’re Happening, but there’s never anything important. It’s just fun sometimes to watch him throw a tantrum or contradict himself and his team or bodyslam anyone who isn’t OAN, Fox, and WSJ.
You actually watch the Korean pressers?

>> No.18295036

Both can very easily be true at the same time moron.

>> No.18295042

>It won’t be New York everywhere. It’ll be bad but nowhere else has the population density and public transportation culture.
>Shit people in LA barely even leave their cars except for home and work. Except the people who go to gyms and clubs and shit, and gyms have been shutdown 2+ weeks already.
>I hope we get a retest but we might not. we could just crab around.
i honestly pray we just crab around, considering the few hundred i make in puts will in no way make up for the economic catastrophe.
but i think its going to bad as bad as NY in a lot of other places. maybe some proactive cities on the West coast will do fine, but the south (unhealthy, unprepared) is going to be devastated, including the rural areas

>> No.18295054

Yeah I know what you were talking about, I own GLDM because the expense ratio is sliiiightly better. BAR might be better than that.

They should maintain value well if you’re just worried about inflation of your cash. But like the other anon said, gold isn’t in high demand. The dollar is in VERY high global demand. I’m not sure when that could reverse. I’m happier holding MUCH more USD than gold, but I’ve allotted 5-10% of my portfolio to gold and gold miners.

The virus needs humans to be in close contact with eachother to spread though. How much of the rural south is getting close together and partying like Nashville and New Orleans?

Oh god I forgot about Nashville. Yeah it could be real bad for some of these places. And while I don’t have statistics, my personal experience leads me to believe there’s going to be a lot of complications from obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver.

>> No.18295058

And if we do crab on the S&P, Dow, NASDAQ, I still expect bankruptcies in the small caps, so I’m short Russell 2000. Could be stupid, Mnuchin and trump just came out and voiced their commitment to small businesses again. We will see.

>> No.18295063

>You actually watch the Korean pressers?
About once a week. South Korea has, so far, handled this the best of any country on the planet so far. I think that this whole thing has scared the entire American healthcare system shitless and I think it will look to South Korea (or Singapore) as a model. They had to cut their teeth with MERS/SARS. And it's literally just 5 minutes. That is about how long it takes me to drink a cup of coffee or tea.

>> No.18295070

except we are already testing more than any country on earth by FAR and if china has "vastly understated " the deaths then they likely know the rough extent of it and that it's worse than they want to let on

>> No.18295075

I didn’t even know anyone besides trump was doing that, and they’re accessible to foreigners with subs. Cool

>> No.18295078

no anon, the bottom means that TVIX will return to the pre-crash levels.

>> No.18295080

>The virus needs humans to be in close contact with eachother to spread though
This virus is more contagious than the regular flu. And the regular flu sweeps through rural towns too.
People are still gonna have to go shopping and that sort of thing. A lot percentage of the population will still be working.
These southern rural areas are doing the worst job of quarantining too. and they have the worst healthcare systems in the nation. it wont take much for them to be overwhelmed. even a slow trickle of cases might push them over the edge.
im pessimistic for them.

>> No.18295085

Anybody got a squeezemetrics account? Id be curious about the NASDAQ DIX & GEX, specifically Biotech sector and how it correlates to the free S&P 500 graph on their site...

>> No.18295096

why are you going long in this market? quarantine hasn't ended, china is faking a recovery, and trump is out of breath during the press conferences. safe numbers are 300K dead in murica due to coronavirus, with the press coverage it's been getting in msm have you the slightest fucking idea how much panic it will cause? and how many more months of quarantine in certain areas? I'm going out on a limb and guessing that the homeless population in california will get fucked into dirt next autumn.

>> No.18295106

>I'm going out on a limb and guessing that the homeless population in california will get fucked into dirt next autumn.
Yeah im thinking chink-AIDS is pretty based now

>> No.18295108

Why do people think this thing is just going to go away? Okay so we hit our peaks, let's pick a city, it hits peak, cases start to go down. Then what? Everyone just forgets about it and goes out like normal with no precaution or lingering fears of the virus? I don't see it playing out that way.

>> No.18295126

Can the DIX even be used in a bear market? It measures short selling and a BIG assumption of the entire model is that most short selling is by MMs in order to create a market and not speculative. What happens when short selling isn't bullish (like in a bear market)?

>> No.18295130
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Some of the highest per capita rates are already from rural areas. The american healthcare system is built for efficiency so these small hospitals have exactly the same problems as the big ones but with less capacity for dealing with equipment shortages or sick doctors.

>> No.18295136

>I'm going out on a limb and guessing that the homeless population in california will get fucked into dirt next autumn

Bullish af

>> No.18295139

Every country needs to do a random sample testing with a good sample size to see if the mass is already positive / immune / recovered, then you know if the virus is a nothingburger or not. Right now we are throwing around with flawed statistics and numbers just for the sake of fear. Probably they already know the answer...

>> No.18295148

how do i short the south?

>> No.18295156

That’s why I want to take a look at the correlation with Biotech, > 500m cap stocks on NASDAQ have mostly seen bullish weeks (apart from initial sell off which I suspect is endogenous and not only corona related) with lower Volatility - I’d be curious comparing this to the overall NASDAQ to see how DIX is behaving since you are right, theres no data from the last bear market in 2008. Other ideas on sectors that were bullish in a bear market recently?

>> No.18295165

not to mention companies will start releasing their quarterlies pretty soon showing pretty significant losses. biz is full of retards really.

>> No.18295174

I got banned for using a signature during the april fools bullshit. So I'm going to use this opportunity to say I post from multiple places, and... ehhem


Happy Holy Week everbody. The market will be closed on friday in observance of killing a kike.

>> No.18295175

>Why do people think this thing is just going to go away? Okay so we hit our peaks, let's pick a city, it hits peak, cases start to go down. Then what? Everyone just forgets about it and goes out like normal
Yes? Do you people not remember swine flu?

>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that swine flu infected nearly 61 million people in the United States and caused 12,469 deaths
>in 2009 to 2010—the first flu pandemic in more than 40 years. It was caused by a then-new flu virus known as H1N1, an influenza virus that's a combination of swine, avian (bird), and human genes that mixed together in pigs and spread to humans
>H1N1 is now considered a normal type of seasonal flu and is included in the flu vaccine.

>> No.18295179

HSBC is shady as it gets, just like Deutsche Bank, it's so bad that they don't hide their money laundering scheme anymore and just book it. they'd be the first to go if it came to that point.

>> No.18295186

>Yes? Do you people not remember swine flu?
there wasn't a massive societal shutdown for swine flu. also, coronavirus is going to kill more 100x as many as swine flu. we're up to 3,000 dead in NY alone and its just starting in the US

>> No.18295191

For the rest of us, Passover seder will be observed wednesday at sunset.... do what ever you want, it's fucking holy week.

>> No.18295192

No one expects good results this quarter, and investors are looking past this quarter to future quarters. Sure there will be downside surprises but everyone has lowered guidance and may have to lower again before earnings.

>> No.18295202

Any cheap stocks a bum like me could use to buy a 100 of, to sell covered calls?

>> No.18295207

I believe the investors will wait till the quarterly reports show stabilization or small profit from the first post corona release. This will take some times. Either that, or a huge positive news, like a working vaccine or some miracle cure etc. Global economy nearly ground to a halt for a month, you have to be really stupid to not understand the impact of that on the economy.

>> No.18295211

Not comparable to swine flu imo as far as how widespread it is, the media hype, government response, public panic, etc. Different bag of oranges.

>> No.18295217

Investors don't know where to go with cash... I wish I had money making opportunities, but we're in preserve mode... just short shit like movie pass... and maybe e-harmony or that online dating shit gets a bump because people are horny and want to hook up... that e-date bull shit, match.com.... expect big numbers from that. people are breaking quarantine, and you'll see a super surprise.

>> No.18295225

Yes, the CIA was saying they were full of shit.

Which is surprising, as a lot of (but not all) media in the US is taking China's numbers at face value.

>> No.18295232

300 dollariinos, double or nothing by friday. Any ideas frens?

Max leverage i can get is x15 but only for few indexes, oil and some misc.

>> No.18295235

i mean i saw these videos on twitter of people in wuhan being welded into their buildings... quarantines forced for any fever, even if it was just flu, you go to makeshift hospital camp.... you get infected with everything there... they didn't tally numbers, too fucking busy.

>> No.18295241

disney puts
they've ruined me, they can ruin you too
that company is due to fall much harder

>> No.18295242

>there wasn't a massive societal shutdown for swine flu
Correct. Still doesnt change anything I said though.
>coronavirus is going to kill more 100x as many as swine flu
Yeah totally bro. The CDC says an estimated 575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.
So youre saying COVID is going to kill 57.5 million people? Get a grip retard.

>> No.18295246

do you have more pictures from that chick?

>> No.18295260
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It worked well enough signalling a bottom had been set on the 2018 drop. Decently well around the double bottom lows of 2015. Very well on 2011 bottom shortly after the data started to be collected. It doesn't seem to be great when the readings aren't extreme, thankfully readings are indeed in extreme territory right now. S&P did rallies hard fairly quickly after DIX shows readers in excess of ~46%. Current is 50%, right at the top of the recorded range.

This is additional to my own simpler TA assessment indicates a high likelihood of a short squeeze powered sharp rebound for a few days or a week or two incoming. Maybe a reversal maybe not but it'll be a significant move.

>> No.18295293

>Correct. Still doesnt change anything I said though.
not sure if bait. the complete shutdown is going to going to have lasting effects on the economy and society. we cant instantaneously bounce back. its like he had an economy with some faint faultlines, and we attacked with a sledge hammer.
>So youre saying COVID is going to kill 57.5 million people? Get a grip retard.
it'll definitely be in the 10s of millions. we're looking at a disease that has between 1 and 5% mortality rate (leaning towards 5% in less developed areas). its going to wreck every major urban center globally, and itll likely tear through the rest of the world too

>> No.18295300

Oil desu

>> No.18295310

anywhere sporting >2% mortality rate 100% has the wrong denominator. South Korea is the only reliable statistic for the time being. Nobody else is testing anywhere near enough.

>> No.18295320

South Korea has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. its mortality rate will be lower than almost everywhere else globally.
and assuming that somehow this disease has only a 1% mortality rate globally, and assuming it only becomes a pandemic in urban areas, itll still kill 10s of millions

>> No.18295335

>not sure if bait. the complete shutdown is going to going to have lasting effects on the economy and society. we cant instantaneously bounce back. its like he had an economy with some faint faultlines, and we attacked with a sledge hammer.
despite these big scary unemployment numbers people keep parading around. the fact of the matter is most people are still employed, they just have zero hours. China is already saying fuck it and moving on and people in the US are going to do the same eventually as well. No one is going to sink the economy to prevent a bunch of retarded boomer deaths.
>it'll definitely be in the 10s of millions. we're looking at a disease that has between 1 and 5% mortality rate (leaning towards 5% in less developed areas). its going to wreck every major urban center globally, and itll likely tear through the rest of the world too
You are completely talking out of your ass.
The way your speaking about this also leads me to believe you were 100% one of those panicked retards at Walmart sporting a gas mask wrestling other fat retards over toilet paper and the last frozen pizza.
Seriously. Get a grip LOL

>> No.18295340

>So youre saying COVID is going to kill 57.5 million people?
Without the lockdowns in place? YES, YOU FUCKING RETARD.

>> No.18295344

Another retard has arrived.

>> No.18295352

>every country handles the situation the same
yeah Italy's dead bodies are fake news duh

>> No.18295358

You don't know SHIT about this virus. If the hospitals get ovverun the mortality rate goes through the fucking roof. Please tell me what you're long on so I can laugh at you.

>> No.18295361

>You are completely talking out of your ass.
>The way your speaking about this also leads me to believe you were 100% one of those panicked retards at Walmart sporting a gas mask wrestling other fat retards over toilet paper and the last frozen pizza.
>Seriously. Get a grip LOL
you type like you woke up early to go to cracker barrel. did you discover /biz/ this week after you heard in the news the stocks sure are crazy?

>> No.18295371

Kill yourself. This post makes me wish I had the money to double down on puts. Jesus Christ anon, open your fucking eyes.

>> No.18295379
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>> No.18295383

let the retard go long and cry in 2 months about losing his savings and being rooned, and ask if suicide is the only option. People have a tendency to be extremely arrogant before their investments and extremely humble after they get crushed. Most people don't understand that the only thing the FED is creating right now with their injections is another market bubble, that will kill the trust the investors have in some company and turn murican economy into JAPAN 2.0 eternal crab. And you guys are going to get 4 more years of winning.

>> No.18295386

based on how you type, youre 60 years old and diabetic. please take this seriously. if not for yourself, then for your children

>> No.18295389

That's what I look like when I go shopping? You wanna know why? Because I don't want permanent lung damage.

Kill yourself.

>> No.18295407
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Tick tock Boomers. People are going to stop giving a shit. There is too much money on the line to throw it away for you old fucks.

>> No.18295410

listen here trailer dweller chan. you shouldn't be talking about anything other than WWE, fingering your cousin, and how the FSU is doing. You are completely out of your depth in discussing geopolitcs and the potential fallout from bad decisions made now. If they end the lockdown too early, and the virus spreads and kills a million people in the states trump will legitimately be impeached, or removed from office one way or another I hope you understand that trailer chan?

>> No.18295420

Someone make a new thread not it faggots kys kike

>> No.18295423

out of curiosity: why don't you think the coronavirus is dangerous? do you disagree with the mortality rate? or do you think it won't spread? or is there some other factor?

>> No.18295432

You are not imune to this, retard. Healthy young people are getting killed left and right by corona-chan. They are the least liekly to die, but if EVERYONE is infected a sub 1% mortality rate is still massive.

>> No.18295436

Anyone who thinks China isn't going to take a serious hit after this is deluded. Not only did they start it, but now they're sending defective PPE and test kits to MULTIPLE COUNTRIES.

>> No.18295439
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>> No.18295442

I'm genuinely curious. I'm assuming this is bait, but if not, why do you think this way?

>> No.18295444
File: 731 KB, 1860x2790, cdf4c6c3d5fbcdde9e1f0592ed8fc06b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is in deep denial.

>> No.18295450

I'm not a boomer you obese zoomer faggot. And keep in mind when your retarded generation finally mutates the virus and starts drowning in pink foam on dry land. Just remember how ignorant and arrogant you were, and that you get what you deserve. We can just let natural selection play out, the only problem is some decent people might die as a result.

>> No.18295452

fag thread

>> No.18295458

>he doesn't wear ppe at the supermarket
Enjoy your testicular damage and lung fibrosis.

>> No.18295497

>is bullish on the markets
>doesn't understand the panicking people are actually the only thing generating money right now in retail
>mocks a pandemic and by default is destined to get the virus
you will be a sacrifice to the eternal bear op, thanks for your help, and go out to lick some sidewalks and post it on tick-tock to show your other high iq zoomer friends how unafraid of corona you are in minecraft

>> No.18295518

Good post

>> No.18295525
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>Spanish flue deaths in the US: 675,000
>SARS: 8 U.S. cases, zero deaths
>Swine flu: 12,469 deaths in the US
But yeah COVID is totally going to kill millions of Americans any day now.

>> No.18295542

nigger you cant even spell flu correctly, are you retarded? why are you talking about stuff that's so high above your mental capacity the only way you can attack it is by mocking it?

>> No.18295547

You have the lowest IQ on 4chan. DYOR. It will surpass the pig sniffels within a week.

>> No.18295562


>> No.18295570

Why are you like this

>> No.18295582

sold the previous dip, and bought the recent top, now he doesn't care about corona because his pathetic life lost any meaning to him.

>> No.18295591


>> No.18295598


FD is WSB lingo.

>> No.18295605


Keep watching CNN faggot and tell me how the end is nigh and hang out inside

I've already tested positive and recovered cuck boy. Not pleasant by any means, I can see how boomers die and how sedentary cuckholds don't make it. Felt like a wicked flu with a crushing feeling in the lungs.

Don't understand the hype afterwards

>> No.18295951

anon you are dead unironically, when you get reinfected by that shit it will fucking crush you. and you're a masshole which only makes it more likely that you get reinfected, good night sweet prince.

>> No.18296031

This fucker went to Uni of Arkansas. No way that his English is that shit.

>> No.18296397

Great assessment. GEX is also at record negative value, so maybe a dip in the coming week followed by a hefty rally in 2-4 weeks? I wonder if I should buy some SPY calls and if yes at what level, they are cheap (vs puts in same absolute amount) and worst case you lose a couple bucks. That high IV though...

>> No.18296603

someone has a good taste