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>> No.18288642
File: 450 KB, 500x706, 1583007495690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of you are alright
don't come to smg on monday

>> No.18288646

So how much money are you losers down YTD?

>> No.18288655

>I think it's terrible what he did. To write a LETTER???

lmao what a time to be alive

>> No.18288662

I'm up 6k cause I've been gaming the oil industry
Thanks CVE!

>> No.18288664
File: 371 KB, 661x900, 1583385494184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18288672

>he didn't write that. that was written by a democrat operative


>> No.18288677
File: 12 KB, 494x79, Screenshot from 2020-04-04 17-08-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bottom was on March 23rd.

>> No.18288679
File: 640 KB, 688x480, 1572058682050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't write that
>he's probably not watching
>he probably wouldn't understand if he did

>> No.18288681


>> No.18288684

>He didn't write that. He's probably not even watching right now, and if he is he doesn't understand what's going on

>> No.18288686

>blown biden the fuck out

>> No.18288692
File: 229 KB, 916x1173, 1585426398513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be 100% honest with me bros, is the world going back to normal anytime soon?

>> No.18288703

I'm going to be 100% honest with you, there is no such thing as normal.

>> No.18288707

depends on your definition of soon.

>> No.18288712

Oilpocalpyse next week

>> No.18288713

Expense ratios on inverse ETFs are much cheaper than theta decay or margin interest rates

>> No.18288716

Trump is claiming Biden doesn't write his own tweets which is almost certainly true, politicians that aren't Trump don't tend to write their own tweets

No. It's April. We're barely even into Q2 2020. Did you forget we almost started a war with Iran and that Africa is being ravaged by a plague of locusts?

>> No.18288719

I'm going to be 100% honest with you, there is no such thing as the world.

>> No.18288723

not normal

I think we start up on May 1 but it will be with restrictions.

>> No.18288731

>Oilpocalpyse next week


>> No.18288733
File: 441 KB, 624x549, generic-bad-guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this guy look like the most generic villain you could imagine, /biz/?

>> No.18288737

Its the chin

>> No.18288739

>beard cope

>> No.18288741

3m BTFO!! sell all 3M stock

>> No.18288742


>> No.18288743


>> No.18288750
File: 96 KB, 1080x1240, 740F0C1F-C4D4-45EA-BCC8-9A7A55587658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just threw $20k in GE get at me crybabies

>> No.18288751

BC has been on lockdown and is way in the fuck middle of nowhere lmao. Further, all the chinks there are probably pretty great at quarantine.

>> No.18288752

>all in long oil
>when pretty much all travel is shut down
>during a price war
literally why? Oil has basically infinite supply and zero demand right now

>> No.18288753
File: 24 KB, 500x338, 351472-kane2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bald and beard? Yep

>> No.18288755
File: 593 KB, 2718x4096, im tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tired.
See you tomorrow
Nice pic

>> No.18288765
File: 481 KB, 512x512, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godDAMN this tastes like shit

>> No.18288771

There's literally 73 cases in my entire health region and I'm 90% sure one of them is my neighbor
t. vancouver island anon

>> No.18288773


>> No.18288777


>> No.18288780
File: 85 KB, 500x375, 89B6CDF0-8356-452A-ACCD-BE26EBA3D60F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else like me actually had a better life since this virus started?

>> No.18288782

But is she a virgin?

>> No.18288784

What booze should I drink tonight, /smg/?

>> No.18288787

Honestly a smart long-term decision, GE is an insanely safe bet. Don't expect to make money while all this shit is going on, but they're pretty much guaranteed to rebound in a year or two, that's a resilient as fuck company.

>> No.18288798

vodka redbull

>> No.18288804

>ive been against OPEC all my life


>> No.18288805

Trump talking about oil right now.

>> No.18288808
File: 117 KB, 826x720, 1581889612582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opportunity to buy cheaper oil etfs!

They grabbed some cool actor. Nice.

>> No.18288809
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>> No.18288810

He said he wanted cheap oil, right?

Do people seriously have such short memories

>> No.18288817
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>> No.18288824
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>> No.18288826


>> No.18288827

Not even OPEC cares about OPEC guys

>> No.18288836
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>> No.18288837
File: 33 KB, 1022x563, 1345528821185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I have to do something
>I'll do whatever I have to do

>> No.18288845
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>> No.18288848
File: 504 KB, 800x534, Paul right now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care about OPEC
Well looks like I'm buying USO on open

>> No.18288852

>I don't care about OPEC
At what point will the market admit Trump is only ever bullshitting and start dumping when he praises or promises something

>> No.18288853


>> No.18288854

>Germans interbreeding with Mexicans
What did you expect?

>> No.18288857
File: 26 KB, 478x474, 1569159457435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288861

Theres credible rumors floating around that one if the big reasons for the abrupt cutting of rates to 0% was done for GE who needed to refinance debt or go bankrupt the following week

>> No.18288866

Trump has too much fun doing this daily briefings, why did he ever stop?

>> No.18288867


>> No.18288873

Let the oil wars begin! HAHAHAH

Fucking smug anime posters telling me that OPEC was gonna reach a deal monday LMAO

>> No.18288883

Less than 10% of our oil comes from Russia and Saudi Arabia. Not like I expect you brainlets to know

>> No.18288886


>> No.18288897

i sold the news on their asses. im not hoping for anything, i will trade a little if oil dips more.

>> No.18288899
File: 122 KB, 1058x705, theres a point we need to stop clearly keep going and see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanted to buy Oil puts
>Did not because that senile boomer might tweet another bullshit statement and make oil go up magically
>He does just that right now
>Literally nothing changes and he probably does not even know what OPEC is
>WTI +25% at open
What a clown world.

>> No.18288900

Trump is going to ban handshakes lmao

>> No.18288901

We will all start bowing instead of shaking hands

>> No.18288907

Not the point retard

>> No.18288910
File: 1.16 MB, 900x1200, EEE8607E-7058-422B-A19D-6E521480CD31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump get a question about baron
>talks like he’s never met the guy

Environmental injustice isn’t really “racism” in the traditional sense. If that’s what she’s referring to.

It’s not that racism is a problem, it’s that poor people are disproportionately effected by negative environmental factors, and poor people are disproportionately minority groups compared to what you would expect based on the ratio of minorities to white (and/or Asians).

The problems that create these situations are a rats nest to unravel. But it’s pretty obvious that there are some positive feedback cycles. Once you’re poor, it’s very fucking hard to move up from that state.

>saving someone’s image from the last thread and posting it in the next thread
Just get some pictures you like from the rest of the Internet, damn. Takes all the flavor out of the threads.

>> No.18288920

Hoooooly shit
Based NOD poster

>> No.18288925

>Americans become more introverted, xenophobic
>Look down on loud, obnoxious foreigners
>No more touching, esp. in public

Japan 2.0 incoming

>> No.18288926

>All my patient died
Uhhhhh we're in good hands!

>> No.18288930

boss Fauci

>> No.18288931

Roman salute

>> No.18288939

What's the point of tariffs if we don't import oil then "retard"?

>> No.18288941
File: 275 KB, 498x498, 1573945609539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauci: All my patients died!

>> No.18288946

so its settled.
tarrif on oil incoming.
what does that implicate for the global oil price?

>> No.18288948
File: 46 KB, 720x597, 1578168467421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18288950

Down even more.

>> No.18288953

Nah shits goona suck till june

>> No.18288954

yea wtf he couldnt do anything to stop a nothingburger disease that killed millions of people that had no known cure?

>> No.18288958

Other producer will see no incentive to hold back on production when he has not promised to. Prices will go down

>> No.18288961
File: 45 KB, 500x483, 1585004114675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you but I'm buying puts on oil this monday

>> No.18288962

until what level? 10$?

>> No.18288964

American oil will be undercut everywhere else by Saudis and Russia. The only way to keep most of the supply solvent in the US is to inflate the price to 60 dollars/barrel or threaten every country in the world to buy US oil or be tarrifed.

>> No.18288965

Push the price down because the Saudis and Russians are now going to try and pump out enough oil to undercut the tariffs

>> No.18288974

My CSO is down fucking 33% since I bought it during the fake and gay oil pump thursday. That shit better quadruple

>> No.18288981
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, download (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick both.

>> No.18288984

My CSO and tanker stocks are gonna moon this week

>> No.18288988
File: 553 KB, 684x610, 1585174177076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying oil calls on Monday and nobody can stop me.

>> No.18288992

>Markopolous released the report to hedge fund he had dealings with before releasing to public
Stopped reading

>> No.18288995

Who knows how low, just that its going down.

>> No.18288998
File: 103 KB, 676x405, SmartSelect_20200402122252_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people didn't even know there were that many countries

>> No.18289000
File: 32 KB, 410x396, 1580761228182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Trump pretending to be religious right now?

>> No.18289002
File: 46 KB, 960x958, aaaaahhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this presser
>Trump in peak form

>> No.18289005

why not?

>> No.18289006

>buying puts
>not buying inverse ETFs
>not selling put/call spreads to take advantage of IV crush

>> No.18289008

she had a boyfriend in high school scared of dating ever since

>> No.18289016

So whats your oil conspiracy theory? Did trump use the Saudis to cripple iran venezuela? Saudis and Russia want to take out US shale? The saudis go full inbred?

>> No.18289029

Sounds like my kind of kurisumasu keiki waifu...

>> No.18289032

What do portfolios of millionaires look like?
They must be doing something right.

>> No.18289041

It's known Russia/Saudis want to cripple US shale production, that's the whole basis for this """spat"""

>> No.18289043

>Saudis and Russia want to take out US shale?
What little has come from them has been always targeted on taking out US shale.

>> No.18289044
File: 139 KB, 1200x800, 1731aaf81d01a07d6aa6d993c1da02ea22a82ec4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimmie a kiss Michael.

>> No.18289045

>Saudis and Russia want to take out US shale
How can anyone reach any other conclusion? It’s what RUSSIA SAID they wanted when they rejected the Opec+ cuts. MBS just speeding up the process and really tightening the screws.

>> No.18289048
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>> No.18289050

>The saudis go full inbred?

They already are. Muslims have the most cosangiunous relationships in the world by far.

It's no real conspiracy theory that Putin played Trump... Again. now he has carte blanch to flood the market with cheapo oil and nobody can bitch at him since the US shot first.

>> No.18289051

So no then

>> No.18289059

Pretty vanilla and full of big names. They usually just have a ton of capital to start with and don't degenerate gamble

>> No.18289061

Trump desperate to open everything up again.

>> No.18289068

All you need to know is Russia and Saudis want to end US shale. It will not stop until US shale is dead.

>> No.18289074

Take out shale. Virus is too convenient for it to be anything else.

>> No.18289076

>We must shutdown if it saves one life it's worth it

Trump when it first started

>we must reopen if it costs lives whatever

Trump now.

>> No.18289077
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Please stop and think about what you're going to throw away. There are people that love you. Do you really want to hurt them?
You don't need to crash the market on monday. You can always crash it some other day. Just stop, calm down, and think about what you really want.

>> No.18289078

thats correct, would that hold you back? one single bf?

>> No.18289083


>> No.18289085
File: 574 KB, 760x536, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine if she was our president during this shit?...

>> No.18289090
File: 1.67 MB, 2048x1024, 1573664708348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18289095

Yeah it'd be a lot better having someone who doesn't make shit up for a living

>> No.18289099

Stop it, I'm long on oil.

>> No.18289100
File: 9 KB, 250x250, brainlet silo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US is the biggest consumer of oil in the world, why wouldn't you want the leverage that comes with them buying your shit?

>> No.18289103

Everything would be pretty much the same except no one would watch the press briefings.

>> No.18289105
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, 1583711000426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So whats your oil conspiracy theory?
US shales making bank by importing super cheap oil from Saudi/Russia.

>> No.18289107

No, nothing is going back to normal after Trump. Regardless of being a dem or rep.

>> No.18289109

He's mulling over whether to kill more boomers again. It's on cue with the stock market, it goes down "we're opening up soon tm" it goes up, "we'll extend the quarantine".

>> No.18289111


Why would Saudis target the US when their oil fields are literally being protected by the US army?

>> No.18289113


>> No.18289114

>tfw USO puts

>> No.18289119

If I can't take advantage of a market crash, i'm sure as FUCK gonna take advantange of an oil crash. Let's see Jerome BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR his way out of this one!

>> No.18289134

they just give it to professionals
if you have that much money, might as well give it to a professional and have them manage it
all the rich people that I know personally just focus on real estate, they are much more hands-on, and since they retire early, they want to do something, so they end up managing their properties and renting them out
returns can be 5-6% (or more) in rent, and the property can appreciate 3-5% annually as well

>> No.18289137
File: 55 KB, 660x680, angery bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because when the US stops needing to buy Saudi oil the US ceases to prop up the Saudis. Jesus Christ, you must be American - no other explanation.

>> No.18289139
File: 1.14 MB, 306x174, stonks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing on Monday?

>> No.18289147

Because we're a country with a braindead electorate who will protect the parasites that are sucking us dry

>> No.18289150

So was Sears

>> No.18289152

Why what? Are you stupid? Its well known that Russia and Saudis hate that US is making their own oil for YEARS. This shit fest was started by Obama/Bush a decade ago when he allowed shale companies to tap into US oil reserves because the price of oil was so high. Its was incredibly controversial, especially the environmental impacts of fracking.

>> No.18289153

sitting on my hands, probably
if my holdings hit my exit price, i'll sell
waiting until the drop in oil to go long

>> No.18289157

shit dude thats tough

>> No.18289162
File: 58 KB, 479x573, 1575791002175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost 5k for buying the dip too early. Didn't sell, so just gonna leave that for a few years

>> No.18289164

Is there a Walmart equivalent for GE?

>> No.18289169

You am retard. Understand?

>> No.18289170


>> No.18289176
File: 66 KB, 771x767, conehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stonk market is just gambling bro!!!

>> No.18289177
File: 54 KB, 788x699, 1572980863912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closing out all those USO puts that I sold to open at 0.75 for 0.01 each kek.

>> No.18289185


I didn’t like her, but she would likely have listened to the experts and not said so much stupid shit.

Would’ve been nice if we’d have started testing earlier.

>> No.18289187
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, 1557064074634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2k so that's all my savings gone.
Now I'm paycheck to paycheck without a paycheck

>> No.18289191

I dont frequent /pol/ like you

>> No.18289194

this tbqh

>> No.18289195

Holding. Monday will be another oil day. And it's a loaded spring, it will take but a Saudi glancing at a Russian to send it flying up.

>> No.18289198
File: 36 KB, 800x450, _0-4_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to get back! Back to work people!
Quick recovery!

>> No.18289202

>sold puts on oil
>oil about to plummet
>"buying back your puts for .01!"
Cope. Ready to go broke?

>> No.18289203

lol nice

>> No.18289204

>dr birx wearing a cape.

>> No.18289207

Like a dump or pump.

>> No.18289212

I’m gonna eat that meat.

>> No.18289213

oh actually considering opening a position
a covered call on a bank, expiring in october, probably

>> No.18289215
File: 128 KB, 750x615, 4BD9BD0D-5956-4AB9-9E59-66A91801BF7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18289216

Probably unloading by DRIP stack for better or worse

>> No.18289217

Tbh she would probably already be at war with Iran over this.

>> No.18289218

>how many people will die dr birx?
>id rather not say


>> No.18289221

Oil is literally going to rocket on Monday lmao.

>> No.18289229

Where were you when the Petrodollar died?

>> No.18289232

dump 1110000%

>> No.18289236

Fauci is mad at trump, trump is saying we must reopen if people die oh well it's unavoidable, Fauci saying the exact opposite and to stay home.

>> No.18289237

Hope you guys are ready for massive GIBS for US Shale

>> No.18289238

And what is your reasoning for this?
>meeting postponed
>tariffs maybe
>don't care about OPEC
>Russia/Saudis pumping more oil

>> No.18289250

Like a huge pump. We buy the rumor and crab the news.

>> No.18289251

I would rather just screencap all of your posts and taunt you on Monday.

>> No.18289252

Oof... that terrible communication regarding antibiotics preventing the virus from attacking the lungs...

Well I’m not going to dock too many points for that answer.

>> No.18289253

>tfw bought puts on brent on friday at 15 strike price,

Am I gonna be rich ?

>> No.18289254

The best you could hope for is that american oil companies might be bouyed on the promise of protectionist tariffs but this is NOT gonna increase oil's price

>> No.18289255
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>> No.18289259

We are damned if we do, damned if we dont. If we dont reopen the economy logistically and supply lines are going to get wrecked. If we open up the economy to avoid a great depression people will die.

>> No.18289263
File: 268 KB, 680x482, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doc F single-handedly saving my 5/15 $240 spy put
thanks doctor

>> No.18289265

Oh God Trump started whispering he knows all the boomers are as good as dead.

>> No.18289277

The economy will also tank when it starts up all over again with multiple peaks like fauci said.

>> No.18289279
File: 31 KB, 400x560, pepe_rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil green monday incoming, I'm feeling a tweet or bailout or something. Screenshot this faggots and prep the salt :)

>> No.18289286


>> No.18289296

Same bullnigger, same cope

>> No.18289306


>> No.18289307

all my money on XOM

>> No.18289313
File: 53 KB, 576x512, 1584729981196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's enough ventilators for everyone
there's enough ventilators for everyone
>there's enough ventilators for everyone
there's enough ventilators for everyone
>there's enough ventilators for everyone
there's enough ventilators for everyone
>there's enough ventilators for everyone
there's enough ventilators for everyone
>there's enough ventilators for everyone
I hope these doomers will shut the fuck up already.

>> No.18289318

I started trading on march 3rd without knowing anything and im down 7k

>> No.18289321

Infinite QE and an oil war is going to do far greater damage to the economy than the shutdown or the virus.

>> No.18289323
File: 486 KB, 610x457, rscON2X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people so afraid of cheap oil? Cheap oil means all products are cheaper. It's the best thing that could ever happen to the economy.

>> No.18289324


>> No.18289326

>the Petrodollar died
When KSA sells its shit for another currency like yen or euro as they tried before, they will LITERALLY die.

Trump is buying some time with the tariffs. But in a few months when everything is consuming oil again the tariffs are going down again because as he said by himself they are endangering us jobs.

>> No.18289328
File: 26 KB, 500x262, faab716521f38677e004e3c1388d2a1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18289331

trading is for insiders and autists with a Bloomberg/Reuters terminals.

everyone else is gambling and losing money

>> No.18289332

>The CDC recommends everyone start wearing masks. I won't though.

>> No.18289334
File: 42 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global order will be maintained if we have enough ventilators for everyone

>> No.18289336

Same lol, how the fuck did it pump twice in the same day when trump was caught lying? I'm so fucking dumb I should have sold when I turned a profit, it was fucking gone in 5 mins.

>> No.18289338

Not really comparable. If you knew anything about what GE produces you’d know that their competition is a lackluster alternative (lol Siemens). Sears was made obsolete, GE still makes good shit.

>> No.18289339

>50% unemployment is less damage than QE and oil

>> No.18289340

The ventilators are a political tool boy. 90% of those who are on them die anyway.

>> No.18289341

anybody think boeing will get back up to 170 next week?

>> No.18289347
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>> No.18289357
File: 172 KB, 688x698, 1304124438370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are loans you can immediately pay off

wtf is trump on about

>> No.18289369

Virus and shutdown go away then there is pressure to hire a lot of people who were fired. Infinite QE and oil war removes demand to hire them back.
At this point Boeing's stock price is unironically determined by the Fed. That gets meme'd about a lot around here but it is pretty close to the truth with Boeing. That stock has no reason to be above 50 dollars, let alone 100 with how that company has been operating for the past decade.

>> No.18289373

Unless we get tests for antibodies and can issue immunity permits, and get some good results from kaletra or remdesevir this week. Something like that.

>> No.18289390

Most of the people who lost their jobs are waitresses and people folding clothes at Abercrombie.

>> No.18289391

Man. Oil could literally go anywhere now.
I dont even know if Trumps statement is bullish or bearish. Could be both? Nothing? Im just confused

>> No.18289396
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>Jack Ma is a friend of mine

>> No.18289398

>yes, pay off these loans, goyim! good goy good goy!

>> No.18289400

massive defense contracts?

>> No.18289401

>hire people
>to work jobs at business that no longer exist

>> No.18289402

About 37k EUR up, I've been such a lucky cunt

>> No.18289407

Are you hodl?

>> No.18289410

>Unemployment + Fed stimulus > my 30k / year job
>Daytrading (about 5k profits) + vidya games all day, working out, eating super healthy
Yea ChinaFlu working out real nice for me

>> No.18289413

It's not going to be as fast as a few months. Everybody is buying cheap oil and isn't even using it. This backlog can take years to clear. Price back to 60 doesn't mean demand will go up, countries will start using the oil they got for cheap first before they buy new expensive one.

>> No.18289416

Whatever happened to Trump bucks? It's all anyone was talking about for a week, now nothing.

>> No.18289419

Anime isn't real so I can demand whatever I want

>> No.18289421

Bros, the buffet airline dump scares the shit out of me, why did he do it?

>> No.18289427


>> No.18289430

>buffet airline dump
hate it when I overeat in the lounge

>> No.18289434

"horrendous time most horrendous time period this country has ever seen"

so basically monday is +10% dow confirmed right? if clown world economics continue to hold true? TSLA back to $900 tomorrow?

>> No.18289433

bro I fucking hodl bags all months its fucking gay I want off this ride

>> No.18289443

If you filed your 2019 taxes and have direct deposit, then it should be here in two weeks nigger.

>> No.18289444

15%. I was up 40% until jerome fucked me in the ass. But that's really my fault, I should have just set a stop loss

>> No.18289446

obviously to get in at the bottom later
based shitcoin whale manipulation strategy

>> No.18289449

I’m betting the old man has lost his touch so imma buy 100 shares on Monday if it’s still below $20

>> No.18289455
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>DOESN'T make shit up for a living

jesus christ how delusion can one anon be? at least Trump hasn't put out literal hits on political enemies ffs. or benghazi. or uranium one, the list goes on...

>> No.18289456

>so basically monday is +10% dow confirmed right?
trump said worse numbers than during world war I+II so thats incredibly bullish nowadays.

>> No.18289459
File: 267 KB, 564x600, 1584181555204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BA should be more than 200 considering how they're extremely important to the military and airline businesses. Compare BA to an expensive literally who/nobody company like TSLA. TSLA sells junk and autistic cars that nobody would even want to use and yet they cost 500!!!

>> No.18289464

Isn't Siemens more like Honeywell than GE?

>> No.18289469

because its going to be years before airlines make profits again, at least the ones that dont go bankrupt and out of business. tons of factors. planes need expensive full maintenance overhauls whenever they stay inactive for a month. travel will be down, corona will take over a year to resolve, consumers will be psychologically scarred and wont travel for years, economy going into recession anyway. add it all up

>> No.18289470

There is nothing open to use it you retard.
Get hired by LMT.

>> No.18289472

I love these stories and I'm so glad people are waking up to how shitty the wagecuck life really is. We might see a better labor environment after this when 30% of the workforce doesn't return by choice.

>> No.18289474

>at least Trump hasn't put out literal hits on political enemies ffs.
Actually, he just did with that Iranian general. Politically motivated.

>> No.18289479

Stupid fucking anime poster

>> No.18289480

But they will open before too long, and will have a huge stockpile of cheap oil to use

>> No.18289482

>what is market cap

>> No.18289493

Speak for yourself, Cornpop.

>> No.18289496
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I got 160 calls on BA when it was at 140 and fuck me it went to 120 now im like shitting myself they expire this fri

>> No.18289501

He's a washed up senile protoboomer. Only r*ddit follows him.

>> No.18289506
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>> No.18289508


>> No.18289518

redpill right here. Oil supply wont stop growing and demand already wasnt there prior to the virus shutdown.

>> No.18289536
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Why aren't you holding CSO and DRV right now?

>> No.18289553

You're a supporter of Gen. Soleimani? Really, dude? That's your ace in the hole in this discussion? Just give up while you're behind.

>> No.18289556

lol Good job, op.

>> No.18289581
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wtf do I make of Raytheon now?

>> No.18289591

That's the scary part. Monkey see, monkey do. If people think Buffet is dumping they'll dump too.

>> No.18289593
File: 67 KB, 521x697, 1482755867167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you and me both

>> No.18289607

This day next week, we will be talking about nothing else except how we lost out on shorting oil. Buy low, sell high.

>> No.18289637

Exactly why I'm scared.

>> No.18289644

are you actually bullish ? is there anything bullish that could possibly send it over 25 bucks now? no.. there isnt

>> No.18289645

Buying 10x bear certifictes on monday, was going to be bullish, changed my mind now.

>> No.18289647

Its a dog. Wish I had bought more LMT instead.

>> No.18289657

He's afraid because of how jerome has frustrated people's attempts to short this artificially propped stock market with unlimited liquidity. Too bad the fed can't pump oil prices! Hah!

>> No.18289662

Yeah. That’s kind of the problem. GE is a big ass fucking conglomerate and conglomerates turned out to be a massive fucking boomer meme that lack the agility and risk mitigation that smaller more focused companies have. It’s why GE has divested so much and will probably (read: should) continue to do so. All of GEs problems originated from its capital wing because Jack Welch wanted to play JP Morgan.

>> No.18289665

That's after we have to pay for people to take it while laying off workers.

>> No.18289676

I can see it:
Mon: Ree I should have shorted.
Wed: Fuck why did I buy calls.
Thu: I hate this crab market
Fri: What was that!!!

>> No.18289679

worst case scenario is you might be paying for oil a little more in the short term, but it will climb up back to at least $40 - 50 as the pandemic winds down

>> No.18289680

Give it time. I'm stuck with 11 shares.

>> No.18289681

I don't follow the logic, Trump just said screw OPEC we're going it alone and slapping tariffs on imports. American oil can charge whatever they want--granted its still low considering 0 demand but now they can squabble internally over slightly higher prices.

>> No.18289683
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Soleimani was a true American hero.

>> No.18289692

WSJ is reporting NY, Detroit, and NO will peak next week. Unload your dry powder on Monday.

>> No.18289695


>> No.18289701

you're a whole retard aren't ya?

>> No.18289707

This but unironically.

>> No.18289713



>> No.18289726
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>> No.18289733

i mean if we're going to that extent you might as well say Obama "put out a hit" on Osama Bin Laden. "Politically motivated" lmao why the fuck are liberals SO FUCKING STUPID?

>> No.18289734
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Logically speaking, there's no reason for oil to crash back to sub 20 anymore. You're literally buying at the bottom which is sub 30.

Nobody is afraid, and also Jerome hasn't really touched the stock market yet.

>Too bad the fed can't pump oil prices! Hah!
I don't think the Fed could also influence the stock market, so what's the problem here?

>> No.18289739

why? Trump isn't going to actually invest in public works or infrastructure projects and the rest of the private sector isn't going to grow or expand for a literal decade.

>> No.18289740

us needs to import in order to mix the brent with the light crude thats coming from saudis, US is still a NET IMPORTER when it comes to oil, also its a question of demand, which is dead, and will remain dead for months, the curve will revert and we will be back to normal, but then everybody wants to have all guns available to pump the oil, all in all, this shit will hit 10 bucks before you know it

>> No.18289744

Wow they are cute

>> No.18289761

What "logic"?

>> No.18289762

>Logically speaking, there's no reason for oil to crash back to sub 20 anymore.
Fuck supply and demand! Number go up!

>> No.18289775

yeah I think a lot of people and Trump is missing the aspect of the different blends of oil

>> No.18289778
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>Anime poster
>Doesn't understand that the fed buying up corporate debt isn't what's propping up the stock market

Pick two

>> No.18289782
File: 76 KB, 521x463, 1584724333368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i mean if we're going to that extent you might as well say Obama "put out a hit" on Osama Bin Laden. "Politically motivated" lmao why the fuck are liberals SO FUCKING STUPID?
Bin Laden lasted long, Saddam Hussein lasted long, Ghaddafi lasted long. But then again, who cares about a bunch of Muslim pricks.

>> No.18289784

pls dont speak about logic, you dont understand how loaded the reserves are, we have a massive 20 mb oversupply, and you are telling me there is no logic ?

>> No.18289785

How are people here -bullish- on oil? My entire twitter feed is going the other way.

>> No.18289790

Is there anything we can do after this coronavirus thing is over in order to protect ourselves from future habbenings? Is there some lesson we can learn or some infrastructure we can put in place so that the next time this comes around as asymptomatic infectious super ebola, we'll be ready and not put into the fucking dark ages again?

>> No.18289791
File: 73 KB, 347x145, 67E9A59C-5E7C-4CEC-9270-741D00235A0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holding and very concerned
Feds may keep a mortgage crisis from happening, as 2008 has scarred them.

Might ditch DRV and SRTY in favor of TWM next week

>> No.18289794


>> No.18289796

That's based.

>> No.18289801
File: 940 KB, 691x702, 1581953688040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bin laden was not a true American hero. Soleimani was.

>> No.18289804

Nuke China.

>> No.18289807

Learn from madagascar and close. down. everything. as soon as some chink coughs.

>> No.18289829

How many people did we kill in Syria with our funded terrorist groups oooops I mean moderate beheaders, ohhh I mean moderate rebels, wooops I mean Al-Sham freedom fighters. Fuck off for defending kikes. Imagine defending entices involvement and then complain about someone else that does the same except we are a complete outsider to the ME that shouldn't be there except you have to complete the yinon plan for kikes and take out 7 counties as planned by PNAC.

>> No.18289835

the point is that comparing the Clintons being literal political mafiosos to a president killing a literal terrorist is fucking absurd and hilariously retarded. the guys who "suicided with 2 bullets to the back of their head" weren't radical islamic terrorists they were just people who had dirt on Hillary or Bill.

>> No.18289836
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>> No.18289853

The only reason the US oil companies aren't dead is because oil can still be exported even on full reserves. If the US imposes tariffs which will make only their oil 60$ nobody will buy it other than the US people forced to. The US can't store anymore so they must use all they pump and with the virus killing demand who's going to use it?

>> No.18289864


>sand nigger up on a posted right near the Roman colosseum

What happened to Italy?

>> No.18289885

.Feds may keep a mortgage crisis from happening

There isn't enough money on the planet for that

>> No.18289886

Because I need people to buy and drive the price back up.

>> No.18289893

Heh, sure thing, junior.

>> No.18289907
File: 340 KB, 1300x866, EB6D0F33-27A8-43E9-9706-B20A3A3C6F1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah fuck that guy

Put them all in KIAs and let god sort em out

>> No.18289912
File: 118 KB, 775x720, 1584948349002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supply and demand doesn't necessarily always mean an indication for oil prices. There IS demand, there is production, but production won't last long once all oil in this world has been used up. So, where do we get oil in the future when peak demand is at all-time high? Fucking oil drilling on Titan? It's not the end of the world anon, demand will come back but supply won't and it will diminish faster than this planet could ever produce crude oil.

There's nothing to pick there.

Don't be ridiculous, and Twitter is full of fearful dumbfucks who doesn't appreciate the strong fundamentals of oil companies and general importance of having crude oil. Oil is being taken for granted, just like healthcare before the pandemic.

>> No.18289919
File: 133 KB, 750x1334, 236433E3-1630-45FE-9577-7058C03A3D71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down bigly.

>> No.18289926

obama is the only president to ever order an assassination on a US citizen. if you recall

>> No.18289931

Please use a tripcode.

>> No.18289932

Nah, they put a moratorium on collecting rent and pay some/all of rent out by letting the tax payer foot the bill, bingo ba go crisis shifted elsewhere for future generations so suffer.

>> No.18289934

It's simply a reminder of the power of Israeli influences on the US. It's made by a nationalist group.

>> No.18289940

Throw Epstein on the list. If I suddenly die of the coronovirus tomorrow, add me to the list also.

>> No.18289950

Jesus Christ you are retarded , if anything it's supply and demand drive ng the prices

>> No.18289953

He 'caught' bin laden tho

>> No.18289957

you're my favorite avatarfag

>> No.18289961
File: 34 KB, 609x636, 1456922244556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damnit frens my head begins hurting from that oily situation.
there are so many relevant factors in this 27D chess.
>trump subsidizing us-shale industry by tariff
>i have completely no idea on how much that will cost the us economy per month but i guess it will be a lot compared to what they could pay when they used oil priced cheaper from the world market instead of domestic only
>petrodollar wont perish because KSA depends on protection by us
>ruble crashed and russia stopped buying gold, something they didnt even do during the world wars so putin needs cash and therefore higher oil price
>KSA does have the lowest cost on production of oil but they have nothing else and enormous cost so they need a higher oil price
>probably lots of other factors i dont see yet

so when US shale needs 40$/b to operate cost covering KSA and RUS could possibly arrange a world market price of 35$/b to get as much profit from it as possible but then it wont hurt the US very much because the premium they pay to their local producers would only effect to 5$/b. so they probably want to have the price lower at 30$/b.

what do you think frens?

>> No.18289962

>bernanke printing money as the cartoonish villain
Why don’t people criticize him for actually raising rates every quarter until the crisis was inevitable, and then refusing to reverse those moves until wayyyyy too late?

The loosening wasn’t the problem then.

>> No.18289965

possibly worried about bankruptcies... dont want to be a majority shareholder at that point

>> No.18289972
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>> No.18289983

>doesn’t control for ANY FACTORS WHATSOEVER

>> No.18289984
File: 21 KB, 275x410, 1558441661973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there enough ICU beds for them? Are there enough RTs to do respiratory care and do vent shit? Are there enough CCRNs to run triple pressors on these pts? Are there enoguh PAs to monitor and replace electrolytes?


>> No.18289987

We dont need immunity permits. They just need to open shit up and let the chips fall where they may

>> No.18290001

>if anything it's supply and demand drive ng the prices
Did you even read my post? My point is that supply and demand is not the only thing that drives oil prices.

>> No.18290037

>dude houses cost $40,000 in 1965 that means the market will crash

>> No.18290045
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>> No.18290050
File: 36 KB, 680x324, 46419176-D003-4087-9922-4E88BB255EDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 posts
>1. Nah hilldog would’ve fucked this up worse than trump and caused more traditional warfare tactics in the Middle East.
>2. Nah let’s just let the economy crash completely all at once by overwhelming the healthcare system and letting everyone with even minor health issues like appendicitis just die.
Fuck off retard

This meme is literally you

>> No.18290061

bullish and priced in btw

>> No.18290062

The virus spread everywhere in January.
The more you test, the more cases you will find. It's saturated the population.

>> No.18290063


Last week Cuomo said NY was short 100k beds. If the peak is being forecasted in the middle of April they're kind of racing against time here.

>> No.18290090


Long Stryker

>> No.18290097

kek there aren't even 100k icu beds in the whole country

>> No.18290100

Except testing has plateaued because we're at capacity.

>> No.18290103
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>> No.18290106
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>> No.18290124

there is not

>> No.18290141


Yes. Like I said anon, it's saturated the population.

>> No.18290144


SYK will be making 10k emergency relief beds per week. Anyone else to look into?

>> No.18290148

Are you trying to claim that car was hit with a Tomahawk? That's retarded. A Tomahawk is bigger than the car.

>> No.18290154

The US government is a far greater threat to Americans than Iran is. Soleimani killed cianiggers and is therefore an American patriot and hero.

>> No.18290159
File: 573 KB, 1920x1080, meidri smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we're getting mobile ventilators and these ventilators could just work at home where bed is available. I think you're thinking of the 1918 Spanish Flu style, but modern technology is now greater than before.

Trump said. But nothing could go wrong for being a little optimistic of the future, after all nobody knows where the future would bring us all.

>> No.18290169

>Doesn't make shit up for a living

>> No.18290176
File: 188 KB, 520x550, 1561600183013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byrd has made transport vents for over a decade, I believe that CAH bought them out a while ago? I have used them personally on lifeflights from Germany back stateside, they work fine for days at a time.

Also kys avatartranny.

>> No.18290191

Wait, you're saying that somebody is going to be intubated, sedated and ventilated at home? Holy fucking shit you're retarded. That's critical care and needs 1:1 treatment, just being on a ventilator doesn't really do much by itself unless you need high PEEP or to correct respiratory acidosis.

>> No.18290193

>Oil no go down
>Fed will save mortgages

>> No.18290204

You don’t really want the masses unplugged from the matrix. Agents keep them plugged in, as long as you’re not important enough to attract their attention, it’s better that way.

>> No.18290231

new thread

>> No.18290235

Yeah... what are you saying here? Are you implying the missile used was a standard issue explosive missile that failed to detonate? Or are you just showing that other missile for comparison?

>> No.18290286

Or Russia/Saudi Arabia could keep pumping, the price goes down even more, 95%+ of shale companies go bust then they do a huge coordinated cut and put oil at $60-80+ over the next year or two.

>> No.18290329

Anon calm the fuck down. I'm not a doctor nor good at medical care, I'm just an investor putting his life on the line in stocks. Just stating a possible solution to a very hard problem.

>That's critical care and needs 1:1 treatment, just being on a ventilator doesn't really do much by itself unless you need high PEEP or to correct respiratory acidosis.
Maybe it's time to hire those medical trainees into good use? A lot of them got laid off last week, might help raise the employment numbers a little bit.

>> No.18290346
File: 15 KB, 516x77, 6191-bhsohj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom in

>> No.18290398

I've almost bought SYK 5 times in the last month and it's done nothing buy gone down.

>> No.18290429
File: 2.45 MB, 360x360, Yeb moose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>production won't last long once all oil in this world has been used up
I'm sorry for making fun of you earlier. I didn't know you are literally retarded.

>> No.18290459

Emigrate to a country not run by totalitarian idiots.

>> No.18290504


The missile with an explosive warhead is 1 inch longer than the missile without a warhead. What’s your point?

>> No.18290672

That's my plan. Few medical, and grabbing cheap oil.

>> No.18290711

>Trump buys fuckton of oil
>bidding war ends
>US continues having the most oil in the world
>oil bulls out on parade

>> No.18290904

I am up 8%

>> No.18290947

>keeping up on worldly events makes you a /pol/tard

>> No.18290987

Unless we see an oil surge because of increase in building strategic reserves (which is happening, but not at levels needed to prop the industry, and especially not enough to keep US producers afloat and paying divvies), global military mobilization, or an economic recovery miracle, demand and price is busted until further notice. I'm not going to long an industry that will likely see anywhere from 25% to 40% of its domestic players bankrupt by the end of the year. Call me back when any of the three things I've mentioned happens.

>> No.18291036

Soooooo, what you're saying is a guarenteed buy and hold?