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18269939 No.18269939 [Reply] [Original]

i work in investment banking. i had a serious cocaine problem and was clean since november.

Couldn’t cope with the anxiety and co worker recommended me some dope (heroin / fentanyl)

basically it’s this white powder.

I snort it and feel fuzzy then like my fucking brains out. Sometimes i itch so much that my skin peels.

I’ve only been doing it for a week. I tried stopping and i seem to be sick on it and sick off it. off it i feel like crap but not nauseous and feel that i need to do it. then i take it and within an hour i’m puking and sweating bullets.

am i gonna go through withdrawal ? i lies and used it for maybe 2 weeks every other day again lied mostly everyday

>> No.18270019

ye and if you go back its gonna get worst, don't do it m8

>> No.18270049

how about you just stop doing and never do it ever again or you'll die? How about that?

>> No.18270086

Your barely sticking your pinky toe into the pool that is withdraws. As a former user the first couple weeks are the best, and if you don't love it now, you will really hate yourself in 2 months.

>> No.18270133


Stop and go to your doctor to get Valium and order some kratom prowder online....8 ounces or so ...drink the kratom in one tablespoon doses all throughout the day starting when u wake up and take one or two valiums at night an hour before u want to soerp. Take Valium every day for a week or two to get through the worst part but no longer than that or u will risk valium addiction. Valium and kratom ate life savers for coming off pretty much any nasty substance.

>> No.18270203

Buy the way u can take kratom for a long time. Addiction is very mild. It's pretty much a miracle herb imo.

>> No.18270247

you need the double the amount of drugs you take to get a positive effect on your health

>> No.18270296

used to do coke cut with a little bit of meth until the guy I used to do it with stopped letting me buy with him and my other coke friends were being stingy and I recently broke my collarbone bone and got a hydrocodone script and loved them but ran out and my mom won't refill my script also I think I almost died on molly and it was pure bliss

>> No.18270347

The withdrawal will get worse each time you use then stop. Get out while you can. This is your only chance.

>> No.18270361

send me some money and ill fly out there and zip tie you up and babysit you for a fuckin week.. Weak ass.

>> No.18271104
File: 279 KB, 611x661, 7C0F1D44-B33B-4CA4-81FF-49449E93D0AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you dude what kind of fren are you?

try being addicted to the most addictive substance and see where your strong will power takes you YOU FUCKING FAGGOT

>> No.18271203

You wanna know what actually really really helps? Its no fda approved but it works very well

>> No.18271258

Youre going to come out of this some kind of heroin ghoul or dead if you keep it up. Flush it and dont be a retard.

>> No.18271544


>> No.18271611

Lol you’re clearly pussy. Start by changing your mindset. Without a strong mindset you’ll get nowhere. Make a list of goals you wanna achieve in life. You’ll see if you keep taking this substance, you could actually already kill yourself. Your clearly off you path and need to get back on it, focus on your goals. It will be easier to stop using that devilish shit.

>> No.18272142

You just need to gradually wean yourself off the heroin/fentanyl and onto something better, like krokodil

>> No.18272157

Great finance thread

>> No.18272657
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i don’t get it. is this really withdrawals?

i’m puking because i’m high. is it going to get worse sober?

>> No.18272721

you obviously just want to keep doing it so stop expecting us to talk you off a ledge you want to jump off of.

unironically ngmi.

>> No.18272734

Capitalize your I's, you retarded fraud

>> No.18272756

Have you considered maybe you have some kind of allergy?

>> No.18272758
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>> No.18272915

on a side note has anyone here tried 3-fpm? I did it years ago and went through a week of snorting it and it feels like a massive gunshot to the face, followed by a high that feels like the rush of cocaine mixed with the euphoria of MDMA. solid for studying/partying, lasted a few hours, shits nice. Hurts like a bitch for 5 minutes though

>> No.18273138

Thank god you'll be dead soon, so we'll never have to hear this stupid shit again

>> No.18273255
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fuck you guys you guys are all jerks.

i’ll get the last laugh when my 25k stack in linkies moon FAGGOTS

and yes that’s blood in my puke

pic related you pussies stigmatizing me for drugs. you faggots probably can’t even handle a vaccine

>> No.18274169

Sweet, 25k taken out of circulation when you die

Honestly bro, get off that substance, there is no future with it. You’re deleting yourself

>> No.18275007

>bro i'm too anxious what should i do
>what about you take heroin/fentanyl bro
>you're a genius, thanks bro
just kys retard

>> No.18275032

amazing post. how do you feel about Bitcoin?

>> No.18275125

stopped doing coke after i experienced chest pains after doing it. Thouht I was having a heart attack. Afterwards read a lot about what coke does to your heart. Not fucking with coke anymore. And neither should you

>> No.18275184

one of the only drugs that will steal your whole soul, and just end up killing you.

>> No.18275272
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but really anon, stop doing it please
you can not make it when youre dead fren please stop it

>> No.18275352
File: 107 KB, 561x372, E9A4ECC4-BE9A-4104-9D02-27F8860FDF7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry biz frens

I understand it now. You guys aren’t enabling me and being true frens by calling me a faggot weak willed and telling me to quit.

I swear this powder is cut with some kind of rat poison because it makes my skin peel from itching and I instant projectile vomited taking a small bump from the taste.

Every line makes me puke.

It’s like ,y body is rejecting this poison.

I flushed what I bought down the toilet and deleted the two niggers yes niggers that have been selling it.

I had a problem with heroine two years ago and almost relapsed by slipping up and doing what these nigs call boy in Carolina.

I’m sorry friend thanks for looking out. I got depressed after not being able to work out see ,t friends and having to wfh.

I’m lonely and this lockdown drove me Nuts. Still coping with the stink Coin scam and realizing how delusional I was for believing this meme coin. I lost all my friends and my financial stability because of it

>> No.18275392

Thanks frens

I fucking love you guys for not enabling me. I was on the brink of hellish addiction all over again. I have no real friends to tell me to stop.

Pic related. Me flushing the nigger powder in toilet.

Waste of z100 dollars

>> No.18275397

You’re at a fork in the road:

1. Stop now and never do it again


2. Become a junkie and lose everything

Choose wisely.

>> No.18275511
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Anon, take small productive steps. Make progress every week and be positive with yourself as you improve. Find friends who support you :) this is how I got off alcohol

>> No.18275639

I use to do speed and GHB/GBL for years almost daily until I started having panic attacks. I quit 4 years ago but now my brains is permanently fucked. I am dizzy, anxious and tired all the time.
Drugs are amazing but you will pay for it in the future.

>> No.18275672

>hmm maybe I can fix my cocaine addiction with heroine?
Based and degenerate-pilled

>> No.18275722


>> No.18276240

Should I get an American English bulldog or a mini schnauzer

>> No.18276417

Yes enlightenmen me>>18271611
Fight me faggot

Clearly the molly has taken its toll

You’re right

Thanks from

I honestly tried to get bentos for anxiety. They always wanna out me on some bullshit like hydrozine which is just a benedryl

Where and how do I get a doctor that gives valiums . USA doctors are so scared to give Valium our

Want to put you on Zoloft seroquel etc trqzasone

>> No.18276440

>kratom prowder
is this good for social anxiety?

>> No.18276491

>Snorting for a week, addicted.
>gets aroused on skeg
>'itching my skin off'.

you need to ask yourself why you feel a need to larp about one of the worst possible lifestyles a person can have.

>> No.18276507

>basically it’s this white powder.
those are blue pills

>> No.18276521

It’s actually superb desu but it’s very mentally addicting because there’s more or less no bad side effects like hard drugs. I went through a period of 6-8 months where I was taking a good dose 3 times a day. It doesn’t stunt productivity in the slightest and it takes away anxiety and feels good, but some people have bad withdrawals. I didn’t have any

>> No.18276585

>Buy the way u can take kratom for a long time. Addiction is very mild. It's pretty much a miracle herb imo.
explain the effects

>> No.18276616

is this good for social anxiety?

>> No.18276646

whats your addition? sounds like crack desu

I took kartom before. it taste hobble and makes you nauseous. gives you brain fog so you wont get anxious

I had minor withdrawals but this was to get off pain killlersr. and I abusedd kratom

not surer what leaps means. if it means im lying im not...

I guess you could say im an emotional faggot. im depressed as shit mate... I got bored and invited chaos into my dodo again.... just fuck my shit up fren :^(

>> No.18276728

this covid19 made me cold turkey from the purest heroin you can find in usa. My mate in cambodia was a chemist and a very good friend of mine. We started this addiction together but he died there and I had to come back to my mother country. Please leave this shit, I cry every single day, I lost everything for this shit and now that I'm clean for a little time I wouldn't regret my decisions

>> No.18276747

no it's not, I've tried the red quality when I was in Asia because I wanted to wear off withdrawals and never look back again. Unfortunately it never happened, I kept using for years after that

>> No.18276791

benzos are so shitty, for withdrawals are ok but if you take them for like a week or two and keep dosing more for 'muh, social anxiety' you're gonna regret it so bad. Give your stash to a friend and survive for 4 days, then you're gonna be ok if you overcome the emotive part, physical is the worst

>> No.18276837

>I’ve only been doing it for a week. I tried stopping and i seem to be sick on it and sick off it. off it i feel like crap but not nauseous and feel that i need to do it. then i take it and within an hour i’m puking and sweating bullets.

I'll go away in a few days, you don't become a dope sick junkie in just a week you tard.

>> No.18276884

ur doing too much which is making the crash way harder. fucking noob. cut ur dose by 9/10th's, like my nano investment's value

>> No.18277444

Imagine doing heroin for the first time in 2020

>> No.18277515

You've got a habit bruh

Switch to poppy seed and do a slow taper. Nothing cranks up your tolerance like dope and oxy

t. junkie

>> No.18277522

Anon, get some K. It will smooth you the fuck out.

Kava or whatever if you need help with being dope sick.

>> No.18277528

>OP abuses literal fentanyl
I mean I don't know what you expected.

>> No.18278500

Where do I grt my hands on k? Any tips for this Jn dayton

>> No.18279482

be honest, you're a LINK holder aren't you?

>> No.18279596

your coworker is a psychopath who wants to watch you destroy your life. know that he will subtly encourage you to continue dosing, and he will pitch it like it's no big deal. if you want out then stay alert and get a new job and perhaps new digs before it consumes you. seriously, if there is anything you value about your physical or mental well being you've got to change course fast.
t. speaking from experience

>> No.18279759

Anybody know where i can get some good viagra on the black market? Everytime I order it from some indian pharmacy the quality is shit.

>> No.18281277
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were all in this together fren
go on a walk, chill in the sun, get a dog
we all gonna make it someday

>> No.18281287

>wash your benis