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18272702 No.18272702 [Reply] [Original]

How do we fix the American job market?

>> No.18272749

The good jobs arent coming back

>> No.18272750

>And that's a good thing!

>> No.18273672

It's the same everywhere

>> No.18273714


>> No.18273725

Break the Fed so American labour can compete with the world

>> No.18273753
File: 26 KB, 600x338, 2B80450D-051A-4C88-95CE-6693F289AD6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based roastie LMAOOOO

>> No.18273780
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If the pay and pussy is good, it's lit.

>> No.18273976

God shes perfect

>> No.18273992

Stupid fucks enable the system. Don't be a wagie in a cagie after you pour your parent's money into a lib arts education. Start a small farm and you can make it. Join the military if you need a helping hand and capital. But these lazy fucks have never considered manual agricultural labor, never thought of reading a book so they don't need school. They have no conception of anything besides the system they live in and lack the intellectual capacity to see any other paradigm

>> No.18274144

They also let jewish media teach their children

>> No.18274484

Of course kikes posts this shit when they are the reason.

>> No.18274578
File: 915 KB, 490x367, FDE3D0DB-30ED-40F8-83D9-5C6667F7C1CB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just die for israel bro
>just have rich parents/take out a kike loan bro
delusional boomer. thank god the Day of the Pillow is upon us

>> No.18274653

There's nothing wrong with good looking women taking off their clothes for money. Shit, if they don't, they're fucking stupid.

Also, nice job comparing a job where you make your own hours and can make up to tens of thousands of dollars a month to a backbreaking miserable job making a dozen bucks an hour if you're lucky in a poorly ventalated sweatbox.

>> No.18274664

This. Women live life on easy mode. They need to have all their rights revoked.

>> No.18274898

This is what happens to people who don't think critically for themselves and just let society gently guide them into the meat grinder. Also being told that they are too good for blue collar work, even though it is respectable and pays better than any career they can get with their sociology degree.

>> No.18275599

I'm supposed to risk 100k to start a farm growing... what exactly? Lettuce?

>> No.18275652

>They need to have all their rights revoked.
They wouldn't be able to if western men refused to open their wallets for a blurry pic of a nipple.

>> No.18275674

Off with her head!

>> No.18275754

I'm 21 you nigger. You can join the military and never see an enemy combatant much less die. We've lost like 15k soldiers in 20 years, basically all Muhreen and Army infantry and such. I'm just not stupid.
Grow a garden and have some animals, grow what you consume and sell the surplus, not complicated. 15 acres is easily enough to support yourself and another person or two.

>> No.18275847


Even 100k is hobbyfarm territory.

The other thing is finding a job on farms is incredibly difficult because
1: Most people don't have the proper training and 2: Most old farmers see more value renting their land for s oy production than spending their 70's teaching some millennial faggot how to properly clean industrial farming equipment.

In order to move lots of people into farming you need to rebuild our farming infrastructure and offer government subsidies to small farms. The barrier to entry is pretty insane.

>> No.18275908

>tfw have good job that's also in healthcare so I probably won't lose it


>> No.18275912
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Jokes on her. Just graduated with a CS degree and got a job as a landscaper making 14/hr.

>> No.18275913


>Grow what you consumer and sell the surplus, not complicaed

For what profit? Have you ever grown large quantities of food in your life? Do you understand how incredibly difficult it would be to "sell the surplus"? Like you're not going to make a living going to the farmers market with a couple heads of lettuce. And where can you find 15 acres of growing land and shelter for less than 100k? foh faggot

>> No.18275935
File: 432 KB, 1024x751, Quaternionadler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation-pilled

>> No.18275937
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1492627535436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do internet prostitutes make money if only Amazon warehouse employees have the money to pay for them?

>> No.18275945

>Hello, I am an uneducated, unskilled, useless waste of oxygen, and somebody better give me a good job NOW

>> No.18275961


>> No.18275969
File: 68 KB, 538x563, deagelUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't.

>> No.18276029

Fuck no you degenerates. Stop dragging the world down with your degenerate apps.

>> No.18276059

Is she Asian qt or white roastie? Hard to tell with her skin color.

>> No.18276135


Grow something that can be picked exclusively by a machine.

>> No.18276169

why arent youth becoming lawyers and doctors

>> No.18276194


Unironically UBI

>> No.18276242


>> No.18276257

That’s a man

>> No.18276259

>the most doomsday scenario without being literally the end of the world.
Let me guess, another Gold & Guns fansite.

>> No.18276295
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> -100,000,000 people by 2025

>> No.18276352

based, stupid people have always been fucked, where once they were cannon fodder now they fill prisons and hospitals.

>> No.18276799

Zero immigraiton.

>> No.18276857
File: 6 KB, 249x217, 1585631484172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, she's right

muh free market capitalism not exactly showing itself to be all that great, desu famalam

>> No.18276869

shouldn't the market be like, providing good jobs for people. that's traditionally how it worked.

>> No.18276885

Late stage capitalism.

>> No.18276889

>t. incel

>> No.18276974

"Free market" was always a jewish scam. Read "the national system of poltiical economy"

Protectionism is what raises wages and living standards. Muh phree market TM is just kikery to avoid paying the white goys more so they can use brown goys for cheap scab labor

>> No.18277137

Well thanks to mass immigration now you have to put in more than 0 effort to secure a job that isn't total shit

Sadly "more than 0 effort" is too much to ask for many

>> No.18277139

it's not fucking free market though, because corporations are big enough to just buy any competition before it gets to be a threat and squash their product or integrate it. They also are big enough to buy or bury votes, media coverage, politicians. They jump through tax loopholes and open new ones, move money and capital overseas. Ironically the lack of proper (keyword) regulations is what is keeping the market from being actually free and doing what it is supposed to do, which is advance the most efficient goods and services.

>> No.18277158

muh bootstraps

Spics flooded the blue collar and pajeets flooded the white collar. You literally have to be born jewish or into wealth to make it in today's economy. It's neo feudalism where only your birthright matters