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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18266016 No.18266016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ is saying this guy should be executed but I just don't see what he did wrong.

>> No.18266048

Jackalism is a threat to public health. You know what he did wrong lol.

>> No.18266061

they always advocate for lynching and torture against every single race, not seeing what's weird here

>> No.18266073

Republicans do this shit every day and /pol/ worships them for it. The world is full of hypocrites and cowards

>> No.18266086

Guilty of being alive and jewish at the same time

>> No.18266099
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>Routine business is the exact same thing as this

>> No.18266139

other than this, nothing.

>> No.18266155

what's the difference between this and retarded marketing gimmicks to create demand out of nothing? masks don't even work

>> No.18266158

>/pol/ is saying this guy should be executed

Fucking based.

>> No.18266197

holy shit I'm laughing so hard right now, this nigga Baruch is going to be responsible for so many hasidic jews getting punched in the head in new york. Fucking black israelites are on the case.

>> No.18266226

that fucking pfp

>> No.18266229


Because hoarding masks at a clearly opportunistic time can cost people lives. There isn't even anything abstract about this, it's like hoarding food from the store in a famine then making them pay 10x or die.

>> No.18266239

They just cant help themselves, fucking kike wasnt satisfied with 50% or 100% profit kek

>> No.18266277


>> No.18266313

But he was selling the masks to hospitals. The hospitals were ok with paying the price he wanted.

>> No.18266330

This but /pol/ is filled with children so don't expect children or the with a childish mind to think critically

>> No.18266362


Apparently not since they reported his ass

>> No.18266380


>> No.18266400

That's a supply side issue.
The jew isn't responsible for it.
You're just a commie

>> No.18266402
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110 and never again

>> No.18266416


The supply side was not prepared for some rogue actor to step in and buy the whole supply, create an artificial scarcity at the worst possible moment, and lead to potentially hundreds of preventable infections and some deaths.

>> No.18266429
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>the jew isn't responsible for it
>literally arrested for hoarding and price gouging
rough morning huh Rabbi?

>> No.18266451

>you can't organize and stop us from profiteering
Sure thing Schlomo.

>> No.18266466

Ok Mr. Goldberg

>> No.18266472

he dindu nuffin wrong

>> No.18266504

Well then the factory should have planned ahead and sold to the hospitals if they wanted to.

>it's against the law so it's wrong
This is actually business as usual but the panic over the pandemic is causing federal agents to unfairly apply the law when it suits them.

>> No.18266505

the far-right, guys like richard spencer are starting to wake up to the evils of capitalism. boomer conservatism and lolbertarianism are on their way out.

>> No.18266522

And redpilled

>> No.18266543

Who is paying you shill

>> No.18266547


Why are you trying to be stubborn and pretending like the law doesn't have grey area precisely for unprecedented situations like this? We all know what he was doing was wrong and opportunistic in a threatening way. This isn't really the time to get on a free market soap box, for starters he isn't even a permanent free market fixture he's just a scalper.

>> No.18266566


>> No.18266610

Anyone notice whenever a Jew gets called out on /biz/ then we have (((anons))) calling those anons calling out the kike a “communist”? And then when it’s some degenerate non Jew news all the (((anon))) comments’ are pro- communism?

>> No.18266623

Can we actually blame the Jew for acting within its programming?

>> No.18266624

Jews will stop at nothing from exploting human tragedy and suffering. They are literally a soulless, mass-psychopathic sec that needs to be wiped out at once - even the "good" jews - because we just cant trust them anymore. They had their chance.

>> No.18266668

>implying I care about law
If there was no law and this happened in my community I'd organize the lynch mob myself if needs be.

>> No.18266697

why in god's name would any fucking foreign intelligence service try to infiltrate 4chinz? that's like trying to get retarded.

>> No.18266720

hes using the free market to end the free market. aint no markets when everyone is dead bro.

>> No.18266722

he did nothing wrong. It's supposed to be a free market. the dude can buy whatever he wants. this is unamerican

>> No.18266960

Look me in the eyes and tell me it's "american" to sell protective gear at over 700% markup to medical personal trying to save lives risking their own amidst a deadly pandemic.
Americans from when your country was good would have tarred and feathered him.

>> No.18267060
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>> No.18267145

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.18267162


>> No.18267185


>> No.18267196
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>700% markup

>> No.18267208

No. Edison, Carnegie, Rockefeller and JP Morgan would all say he did nothing wrong

>> No.18267213

America was never good.

>> No.18267223


>Industrial titans would think some greedy little jackaling small time cunt is worth defending


>> No.18267260


>> No.18267276

That's literally how all America's """"Titans"""" of industry started

>> No.18267278

Any self respecting capitalist would defend him.


>> No.18267291

>/pol/ was saying

>> No.18267310


Believe it or not, businessmen believe in building major enterprises, not living as a squatter then seizing a pile of masks in your area so that grandmas can get sick and die. That is akin to being a thief, burglar, mugger, etc., just base behavior. Try to practice some nuance retards.

>> No.18267362

LOL no fucking way.

>> No.18267374

Democrats do this shit every day and the left worships them for it. The world is full of hypocrites and cowards

>> No.18267397

Holy fukin kike-cope

>> No.18267417
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>it's bad this guy hoarded masks
>it's fine that companies sell insulin that costs 2 dollars to make and has existed for more than a century for hundreds of dollars

>> No.18267453
File: 37 KB, 450x350, 29213923_228100407739307_4006761177823576064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just don't see what he did wrong.
Found the jew. And then you wonder why literally everybody ever in every single place inhabited by humans wanted to murder you or at least kick you out forever

>> No.18267469

>Unfairly apply the law.

What in the fuck.
You deceiving parasite!
Fuck you!

Do you want total war?

>> No.18267483

>Worshiping Republicans

>> No.18267485

op is a kike

>> No.18267493

Just as we can blame nigger personally rrsponsible for murder and violent robbery. Even tho "muh programming"

>> No.18267515

What would Tesla say about these people? Or Satoshi? These are our leaders

>> No.18267612
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>a totally free market in which you can create, advertise, and maintain a space specifically for your race or your people is "evil"
>freedom of disassociation is evil
>freedom of disassociation is "boomer conservatism" and "lolbertarianism"
you and every other individual on the "authoritarian right" can keep pointing to the keynesian-backed cabal of megacorps and calling it "capitalism" as much as you'd like
we all get what we deserve. sad to see that such a proud entity that comprises what the media calls the "alt-right" may be deserving of the same self-annihilation that communists reduce themselves to crumpled heaps of rotting organic matter with.
it's almost hilarious, how much these individuals will deserve it, when the time comes that they will deserve it—having resoundingly mocked communists for their enforcement of the central planning of widely different demographics, and then doing precisely the same thing themselves, and meeting the same fate. goddamned foolish humans.

>> No.18267641

I don"t look people in the eyes. i have the asperger. secondly stop being a bitch, free market or communism. there is no middle ground

>> No.18267664


Who says that's fine? And they use similarly artificial scarcity caused by FDA enforcement. If anything is under scrutiny by anybody it's the practice of jacking up meds.

>> No.18267759

market regulations were a thing centuries before communism was a concept, you retard

>> No.18267793
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>richard spencer
lmao i think youve got the wrong e celeb

>> No.18267810

>poor businessman trying to get rich bad
>rich businessman good

>> No.18267829

Tesla is on government welfare. So they are bad
But satoshi would support the jew.

>> No.18267855

What's the difference between price gouging and raising price to meet demand?

>> No.18267861

There can be a time and place for price gouging. Jews are all vermin who should be exterminated, though.

>> No.18267903

No real difference. Just that one is illegal as declared by the state.
One is like murder the other is like execution.
FBI agents raid good business men by saying "HEY YOU KIKE YOU'RE PRICE GOUGING" when the government says so.

>> No.18267938
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>y00ds buy politicians to create laws that makes it easier for the government to steal your stuff
>y00d gets stuff stolen by the government

>> No.18267973


twice the oof for you, for enabling him

>> No.18268009
File: 33 KB, 750x490, 28661106_983354435178152_3286852828740360354_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know that there is a reason why murder is different from execution, right? Or does the concept of a group of human beings sharing the same moral standard not fit into your jewish sample of a brain?

>> No.18268539

It's all subject.

>> No.18268577

Kek you can't even talk sense into the kike infested mind of a mutt. A lost cause.

>> No.18268631


I simply can't defend the arrest of a business man who was just trying to get rich.

>> No.18268637

What? Are you retarded?

>> No.18268653
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Leftypol, please go.

>> No.18268672


>> No.18268679

>not even the same name
I mean we all already knew /pol/ doesn't read, but there's a little more confirmation for you.

>> No.18268856

Ah Ah Ah I am scared to die!
fuck the money if people die we will all be gone!
or not? =O)

>> No.18269041
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he wasn't fast enough

>> No.18269148

Is he was European they’d be calling him based.

>> No.18269156

He's Jewish
t. /pol/

>> No.18269393


please don't attack Jews they are still humans , but please point their actions and make request.

I don't like usury and lie and understand that is competition of usury (capitalism) we all do that it just Jews turns out a winners. Would you like to replace Jews with your own team? just stop emotional hate and look for what it is, other ways we never get rid of usury and lie why blame nationality/profession, that thrive on our own sins? from the moment we recreate Rule of the People highest order by Popular Peoples Congress (all we) just from the moment we unite in the circles of equals allover the places
1% 'fish heads' will be visible by everyone and grabbers calm down back to observable reality.
It happened before =O) It is a perfect storm don't miss opportunity (get a guns and kill each other ) Just kidding please don't , lets get BBQ with neighbors and easy to finger out how to serve our life together as long we have each other we all are fine, stop hoarding toilet paper there is enough for all ass holes don't create artificial deficit. How to make stop people hoarding on wealth, if they can not stop hoarding on toilet paper? Stop ! there is more ass holes then yours to clean! you forcing people convert to Islam and wash ass with water. because only Muslims know how to do it and they will not tell you until you convert to Islam. You can still can be Jew by profession as Joe Biden said, you don't need to be Jew in order to be Zionist.

>> No.18269580
File: 4 KB, 125x120, gudkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most jewish looking person on earth
> doing jew things
> /pol/ wants him dead
how is any of this not absolutely based?

>> No.18269627

When the government and companies sell shit at markup it's fine

>> No.18269672

what about Mossad that is 5 times bigger then CIA (Cocaine Import Agency) How about free masonry Jewish fraternity? It is gangs of the people competing for place under sun? of cause it is about usury . Scull and bones are same as on the flag of the boat. They are not really friendly. How about focus on who has delivered orders for a compliance with a swindle? Lets get together and go visit Wizard of OZ unite in a circles of equals and we will get 'Fish heads' like in the net of people connected by hearts.

>> No.18269700

Would a european do what he did?

>> No.18269719

Which episode is this?

>> No.18269948

we didn't do it before we stopped burning Jews, just saying.
>please don't attack Jews they are still humans
[citation needed]

>> No.18269967

Based Australian economist
>The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design - Selma Hayek

>> No.18271399

>please don't attack Jews they are still humans
Stopped reading there. What comes around, goes around, they'll get what they're owed. There are too few of them and they too greedy to rig the system forever. What's more they have a proven and long track record, highlighting that there is only one solution.

>> No.18271468

Driven out of every land they have ever inhabited for all of human history.

>> No.18271481

>guys like richard spencer are starting to wake up to the evils of capitalism
The fuck are you talking about you dumb nigger. As someone who literally wrote for radix we've known about the "evils" of capitalism for a long time you dumbass. We are quite literally 3rd position.

>> No.18271764

>Be pol
>"Communism bad"
>"Capitalism is good"
>Jew follows the rules of capitalism to a T
>"Kill Jew for being good capitalist"
>"Communism is good"

Every single fucking time

>> No.18271873
File: 556 KB, 1652x2048, E9B3835B-BA80-4896-82FE-7C2A7B2C6EA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


THE GOVERNMENT SNOOZED WHILE WNYONE WITH A BRAIN PREPPED. Now they’re trying to distract us from that fact by blaming hoarders.

How come these people got the supplies before the govt did? Because they’re incompetent and trying to draw attention away from that fact.

>> No.18271890

O-o-orange man good!

>> No.18271935

Orange man is also government. They all fucked this up, both the libs and the cons

>> No.18271940

>needing more than one monitor

>> No.18271977

He's pretending he's a bigboy Wolf of Wall Street type while camping in his mom's basement. His stepdad bought him those screens.

>> No.18271984


>> No.18272003

>muh leftypol bogeyman
There's no shame in admitting capitalism isn't a perfect system

>> No.18272053

>i-it wasn't real capitalism!

>> No.18272073

He was born a Jew.

>> No.18272076

>jews steal hospital gear and sell at jacked up prices
>jews also tell nurses and doctors that they'll be fired if they speak up about a lack of safety gear
lolbertarians need to unironically knife themselves

>> No.18272087

Nigger, if I want to see what /pol/ says I visit /pol/

>> No.18272100

no don't you realize capitalism is so great that it can't withstand even the tiniest criticism???

>> No.18272120


>> No.18272174
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>> No.18272176

>Hoarding medical supplies during a pandemic
>Business as usual
Of course the feds are going to fuck this jew. Every mother fucker on this country would beat the absolute shit out of this guy.

>> No.18272204
File: 60 KB, 480x587, 1585902463375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres literally nothing wrong with price gouging
its capitalism
its the free market
fuck commies

>> No.18272217

Medical supplies are being hoarded all the time. That's why healthcare is so expensive per capita in america.
Maybe everyone should be judged by the same rules? Instead the FBI applies the rules they want based on their whims.

>> No.18272239

maybe during a pandemic things are different, you fucking sperg.

>> No.18272268

Why don't take it to the extreme and call the confiscation-by-force of desired goods the free market as well then? Violence and the threat thereof, after all, are in themselves market forces.

>> No.18272311

Even in a pandemic things are the same.
You guys don't bitch when /pol/tards hoard all masks and toilet paper for their own use in their homes. But when a jew buys it so he can sell it to hospitals you guys flip your shit.

>> No.18272318

>/pol/ is saying this guy should be executed but I just don't see what he did wrong.

Good old /pol/, the only retards it's still ok to laugh at.

>> No.18272368

It's almost like we only have one political party in the US...

>> No.18272380

go back to the retard clinic
its called the FREE-market for a reason

>> No.18272443

The government is a force of nature. But it's a force of nature that we can depower through political pressure which rich people do.
Poor people can't do it the same way so the rules aren't the same.

>> No.18272468

you've got to go back

>> No.18272471

God I hope it's final this time

it's almost like jews are behind communism AND capitalism, right?

>> No.18272502

wtf I really like projecting, leftist retards and their stupid, destructive plans now

>> No.18272540

>it's almost like jews are behind communism AND capitalism, right?

And what exactly do you want to exist on? Feudal ducking economy?

>> No.18272545

>worshipping republicucks

>> No.18272587
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>I think /pol/ is ancap

>> No.18272611

question: what do Ludwig von Mises and Karl Marx have in common?

>> No.18272823

examples of systems that were *very close* to real capitalism:
>late 1800s america
>1990s, 2000s somalia
these are both undeniably instances where the general law was very close to what you and i would call anarcho-capitalism. in both systems every actor, more often than not, got what they earned; in somalia's case that would be squalor, and in america's case it was a massive abundance of wealth being generated in a capacity that no other country other than england had enjoyed any experience that beared even remote resemblance to it.
fuck off with this "no u" bullshit, you dumb fucking commie.

>> No.18272835

Yeah man. that's why I used these specific words.
The "if it isn't ancap it's communism" sentiment is very typical of aspergers, one of my best friends is a typical example.
Neurotypical society is a lot more complicated and grayscale.
Lets make sure we all work together to get society to a point where a thousand people like you working together can buy a rocket with 10 years of middle class wage savings and fuck off to build a self sustaining colony in the Oort belt, okay? I don't think you are wrong, but i think you are incompatible with mainstream humanity and both would benefit if you could fuck off and do your own thing unimpeded.

>> No.18272946

They're national socialist, sure. Which is to say marxists with a melanin obsession.

>what do Ludwig von Mises and Karl Marx have in common?
Yeah, they're both jew. Therefore all jews deserve death. Sheez

/Pol/ is based on an untennable paradox
>Might is right
>Ethnicity is the key to win
>Jews represent 0.X% of population, how can they control 99% of everything?
>Trough might
>And ethno gains
>Jews are bad

>> No.18272977

Rich people can insulate themselves against every force of nature while poor are forced to suffer the consequences of being overleveraged when it hits.
Government seems more corrupt than, say, a hurricane, but a rich people is safe from either where a poor one exposed to both.

>> No.18273128
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Typical brainlet tier understanding of /pol/
Either that or a newfag.
/pol/ is post-neoreactionary board with multiple layers of schizo obfuscation to keep normie / halfwit scum away or at least quiet. And 70% of posters are trolls as this is another defense against normies whereas the typcial autist / asperger / schizo can work around them.

>> No.18273135

uh yeah, because one is price gouging and one isn't. if this jew wanted to help people, he should donate them. if he wants to profit off of a pandemic situation, he can kill himself.

>> No.18273181

/pol/ is not 4chan, no one asked you to do anything.

>> No.18273190

>uh yeah, because one is price gouging and one isn't.
>if it's legal then it's good
Is that how you see the world?

>> No.18273205

>muh secret board defense mechanisms
trust me dude, you don't need them

>> No.18273235

my belief that trying to profit off of a pandemic is wrong has nothing to do with laws. normal human beings with a conscience don't need laws to know what's right and wrong. autistic spergs like you might, unfortunately.

>> No.18273271
File: 57 KB, 1080x906, 92452180_1086919958351469_1232014207830982656_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>through might
Wrong, worm. Jews never did anything through might, only through subversion. It's just like saying that leeches are the mightiest animal on Earth because there's leeches literally in the 4 corners of the planet and they can parasite literally any mammal. That doesn't make them strong or mighty. It makes them good parasites. And without a host, leeches would die a miserable death. If a tiger is dying because leeches have taken over his life blood, the tiger will still be the top predator and leeches will still be the scum.
Fyi, I'm only replying to you so that weaker minded white people here don't fall for your rhetorical jewish mind tricks, parasite. Given the chance, I'd be gladly replying with a shotgun blast to your forehead.

>> No.18273285

>with multiple layers of schizo obfuscation
In that, you're right.

>And 70% of posters are trolls

No... /pol/ is not dark enlightment. /pol/ IQ is severeal percentiles below the minimum requirements

>> No.18273286

not only are you wrong, but they weren't even enough to keep the filth out.
Should have kept the animal gore posting up, maybe. Didn't have the stomach for it. Weak, weak.
If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.18273313

ok, i'll bite. you spend all your time doing these obfuscated defense mechanisms to keep the filth out so you can do.....what exactly?

>> No.18273330
File: 985 KB, 1366x768, usurer with social pretentions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're getting jidf'd hard, bro

>> No.18273356


>> No.18273364

If leeches are shit tier animals, the why they can take out you "mighty superior master race" tiger?, isn't a tiger a little too weak to be killed by simple little worms?

>> No.18273375

Subversion IS intellectual might, brainlet.

This fucking obsession with contaminants is a characteristic of mid functioning autist. Just wash your hands and fanny.


>> No.18273378

This. It's not his problem.
>price of masks go up
>producers now have an incentive to make more masks
>problem solved
So the guy was actually helping the market by raising the price of masks and signaling to producers to increase the supply.

>> No.18273386

Poor Moti should've done it before 9/11 happened.

>> No.18273392


>> No.18273418

Jidf stronk

>> No.18273432

yes, we understand your kikey lolbertarian ideology. it's morally wrong, and fuck this jew and fuck you too.

>> No.18273448

/pol/ operates under the assumption that 99.5% of posts are useless low IQ shit. Some posters (newfags usually) try to fight it, but it's a lost cause at best and against their interest at worst.
There are a lot of smart people there, mostly lurking, from time to time. When there is a major even unfolding, they congregate in relevant threads and it's a sight to behold. Able to dig through incredible amounts of dispersed, partial and usually obfuscated data. Only way to discuss events of significance with intelligent people without being steered in a particular direction by moderator fiat.
Results? Hard to say. History will be the judge.
Also impossible to discuss ideology meaningfully since this requires a certain level or presumed sincerity. /pol/ is strictly for events now, and the rest is left to the discretion of the lurker.
Ideally /pol/ will get abandoned by normies and shitposting can go down to being 50-ish% of the content of the board. I feel /pol/ would need to be disgraced first in the eyes of the normie / boomer thrump voter scum.
No issue with the cheeto in chief, he's doing well, but his election overpopulated /pol/ with scum and until they leave the board is hard to use.

>> No.18273450
File: 9 KB, 265x190, Jews are pedophiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be pedokikes
>cut, suck, kill your inbred progeny for over 6 thousand years
>use 'literally can't keep dick clean' and muh 'covenant with pedokike G-d' excuse to never have to think about taking the babby cock binkie out of your mouth
>intellectual might

>> No.18273498

Fucking retard. This is your problem and why I quit visiting /pol/ you will be called a jew if you don't agree with every fucking bullshit idiotic sub 100 iq crap you deliver.
Get lost

>> No.18273502
File: 93 KB, 960x742, 28783137_2062420717370814_5414112172768755712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mark Schaller, Peter Suedfeld
so, jews saying authoritarianism bad? Wow, that's really something never seen before. Got me there, jew.

>"mighty superior master race"
God Almighty, the jealousy is real. If I was a hook nosed manlet rat with a mutilated dick, I'd hate White people as well.
Remember, Zyklon B was sold as an anti parasite. And the tiger is still alive.

>> No.18273512


>> No.18273531

>God Almighty, the jealousy is real.
I'm sure jews are jealous of whites.
Mark Zuckerberg probably cries himself to sleep every night on his billion dollar bed because he isn't white.

>> No.18273556
File: 223 KB, 518x360, babby cock for jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like you did when your inbred parents passed you around the tribe?

>> No.18273584

>following rules
Anon, your entire premise is fucked up. Not only do Jews never, ever play by the rules, but we just got done spending the entire GDP of most countries on gibs specifically to nonproductive individuals.

>> No.18273592

Larp harder, dude. /Pol/ is very far away from the broterhood in the turner diaries.

>cut, suck, kill your inbred progeny for over 6 thousand years

Hey, whatever floats your boat. The last 3000 years have been dominated by jews and your life is controled by them right now. So yeah, cope harder.

>Mark Schaller, Peter Suedfeld
> jews saying authoritarianism bad?
>Everything I don't like is jew.

>The Schaller family name comes from the Middle High German word "schal"
>Suedfeld surname

>> No.18273601

>God Almighty, the jealousy is real. If I was a hook nosed manlet rat with a mutilated dick, I'd hate White people as well.
>Remember, Zyklon B was sold as an anti parasite. And the tiger is still alive.
Nice arguments bud, just remember, facts, logic, and nature doesn't care about your feelnings, peace.

>> No.18273605

>it's morally wrong
How is it morally wrong when the guy is incentivizing producers to make more masks?

>> No.18273655

Lol, you actually think life and happiness is about having a lot of make believe money. I almost feel bad for you. But then I remember you're just a lying, scheming, manipulative piece of human garbage who cannot grasp the existence of anything good and holy, that your eternal soul can't be saved, and that not putting bullets through your head and the heads of every single person in all of your extended family this very instant is a disservice to the entire human species, regardless of race.

hey Ben Shapiro, do they let you ride the rollercoaster at Disneyland already?

>> No.18273663

He's not incentivizing companies to make more masks though. They would have been sold out either way, at the same price he bought them for.

>> No.18273703
File: 1.98 MB, 166x126, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting it wrong, moral for /pol/lacks is whatever uncle hitlie says was right.
Which is wear short pants into your late forties, fuck your underaged cousin until she commits suicide, do metamphetamines and kill youself in your wedding night.

>> No.18273716

/pol/ is a sea of shit with some occasional islands of brilliance.
Most people can't stomach the shit. That's fine. They can go have sex of whatever is it that normies do for fun.
There is no brotherhood. The world is a bucket and the cancer is the perfect animal.
I would rather have a handful of ultra-smart autists I can discuss patterns with (in a crowded pub where a thousand retards shout over each other about shit of no consequence) than a hundred friendly midwits to go over the same small talk about the metaphorical weather with over the water cooler.
But that's just me.
At any rate. You are right to avoid it. It's not your place and no party would benefit from your presence there.

>> No.18273723

>Which is wear short pants into your late forties, fuck your underaged cousin until she commits suicide, do metamphetamines and kill youself in your wedding night.
Sounds pretty cool actually. Imagine being Hitler, I bet it would be pretty fun.

>> No.18273740

You posters really hot on my nerve while I was one of you... constantly, everything , all the time is a jewish conspiracy. Go fucking do that circle jerk... but biz is about making money

>> No.18273766

Get a load of this seething heeb lmfao

>> No.18273770
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>according to sources

>> No.18273782

I AM SICK OF IT. You faggot! Go back to /pol/ they WILL love everything you say.

>> No.18273840

In a way I must admit I do admire this man. The sheer CHUTZPAH of this schmuck. I mean...the hospitals are constantly overcharging for every little thing. $50 Aspirin? Oy vey. They should get a taste of their own medicine. 700% brofitz as well? Doesn't take an accountant to tell you the math works on that!!

>> No.18273983
File: 386 KB, 960x535, jew cock crazed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The last 3000 years have been dominated by jews
>muh cope

Low effort there shlomo, probably the best you can do though. Must have gotten your fresh baby cock and took your meds, good for you pedokike schizo. Now back to your deluded fantasies about how a desert child molester cult has controlled everything for whatever arbitrary amount of time you come up with.

>> No.18274030
File: 8 KB, 190x266, jidf threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18274164

is that really the guy...the inage...it...it cant really be that guy....really?