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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 414 KB, 2000x1409, goald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18261578 No.18261578 [Reply] [Original]

can someone pls explain what buying gold or silver will actually do??

>> No.18261593

Buy at the top retard

>> No.18261602

Those are some QT gold bars I want to hold them in my hand and lick them.

>> No.18261616

what does that mean

>> No.18261661

It will leave you stuck with a shiny rock that you won't be able to sell for years if at all without losing out on money compared to what you paid for it and if the economy ever truly crashes it will be worth less than toilet paper because you can't wipe your ass with a 1 oz bar

>> No.18261669
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Jack nigger's arms further as they carry it all away.

>> No.18261673

you buy it, and then that's great!

>> No.18261686

somewhat keeps the value of your "money" since gold will always be useful ie valuable

>> No.18261699


>> No.18261712


congrats. you are on mount stupid.

>> No.18261718

It does nothing except now you have shiny rocks. Just buy stocks you will earn much higher returns.

>> No.18261722

Hedge against inflation if you don't have faith in the stock market. Hopefully sell it and buy stocks while they are low if you gain confidence with our economy again.

>> No.18261729

Seethe harder goldfag, I can't wait to watch you idiots lose everything you put into shiny rocks and be left begging for scraps of food or basic necessities because no one has a use for yellow metal when their entire concern is what they'll eat that day

>> No.18261732
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>> No.18261750

It's just monetary history

Silver was always a pleb's metal and was only ever used to be traded at a ratio to gold
Similar to how people might use a shitcoin's chain to transfer small value quickly
Outside of industrial use, jewelry, or a civilization reset silver won't ever regain its place as a monetary metal in history.

Gold is a better rock than silver. It doesn't tarnish.
Gold's ability to withstand the tests of time make it intrinsic to our understanding of time value money and futures markets.

Gold might regain its place in monetary history, but cheap oil is allowing for increased gold mining.
Where gold can never compete with bitcoin is in custodial risk

So these 2 metals both have interesting monetary history, but neither can transition to a digital economy

>> No.18261754


>> No.18261773

If you buy it you too can have boomer rocks.

>> No.18261799

Keeps it so that if the dollar has inflation you keep some value during small but significant downturns. Its a small hedge bet thats taken too far by silverbugs who think they wont just get robbed if the economy crashes

>> No.18261847

they're both mostly useless, except in tinfoil minds of 0hedgers and the like

>> No.18261898
File: 444 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200327-145322_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White pill: good store of value in case of inflation in uncertain times

Grey pill: Trump and Q are going to do an economic reset and put us back on the gold standard. see treasuryanon

Redpill: If shit hits the fan silver will be one of the only non barter sources of transactable currency. Gold is probably too pricey to be useful for a few cans of deenz

Blackpill: gold and silver have incredibly conductive properties and damn near magical resonance and healing capabilities that make them incredibly valuable in a free energy and knowledge world.

>> No.18261899
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Economy crashes. You hold shiny rocks. Economy recovers. You still hold them or sell cheap in order to rebuy assets with volatility worth having during a bullrun. Everyone selling to get wherever the actual action is then.

>> No.18261918
File: 72 KB, 666x666, bigbrianpillzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget about gold and silver. Just get some super stable stocks. I hear the market is doing very well lately and will be stress free easy money. You could also invest in cyber pogs, it’s a breeze to use, has been adopted by literally everyone, and didn’t totally shit the bed recently.

>> No.18261932

Whatever. It's not like I'll be able to afford a large enough amount of gold that I couldn't hide up my ass.

>> No.18261958
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>> No.18262033

It’ll be your pass from slavery when aliens come.

>> No.18262037
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>> No.18262048
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>doesn't know niggers worked at TSA


>> No.18262068
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>congrats. you are on mount stupid.

>> No.18262568
File: 60 KB, 480x587, 29791933_596655300691915_6130354535900341996_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust me goy the single thing that has held value and was used for trading since the dawn of mankind is completely worthless, just buy stocks and crypto, that's the real money

>> No.18262658


>> No.18262755

it will roughly retain w/e purchasing power you used to acquire it, so if you buy about 100k in today's value of dollars on the side of this shit storm we are about to see you will be able to sell for about year 2020 100k purchasing power of w/e currency we will be using in 2030 (so about 0.1 bitcoin)

>> No.18263841

What am I supposed to do with my gold when the currency devalues? Unless we're heading towards a Mad Max post apocalyptic style situation who is going to accept gold for bread? Am I supposed to sell it for currency? Who is going to buy gold in a depression?

>> No.18263851

>It will leave you stuck with a shiny rock that you won't be able to sell for years if at all without losing out on money compared to what you paid for it
This can be true, especially in a good stock marke-
Oh wait.

>> No.18263869

In a collapse you sell your gold to the organizations that survive for goods. Total collapse is a meme, if anything it will be like Venezuela where Precious metals and crypto are crazy valuable.

>> No.18263870

I bought physical gold for $1606/oz a few weeks ago, no tax. Last time I checked, most websites had a sell to us price of $1750ish. Not a bad return

>> No.18263897

I don’t know about you all... but because of Corona this is the first time since college that I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for something like this to happen for 5 years. The point where things get so bad that 1 silver Roosevelt dime will buy me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.

Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered into conversation about Corona with a roastie milf that had a ring on her finger in the water aisle... and I said this is all a cover for trump to bring us back on a gold standard. She started looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me.

>> No.18263960

Gold is money retard. You can go on YouTube and see starving Africans panning for gold and when they accumulate .01 grams they exchange it for a loaf of bread.

You wait for the reset and the deflationary collapse of all asset prices. A silver piece the size of a silver dime used to be a days wage throughout history and still is today in much of the world. Americans are like omg wtf when they hear of some gook rice paddy farmer making 2$/day but that is right in line with historical economic reality since that 2$ will buy you a silver dime. Some fat asshole selling insurance and providing zero real value for society who is making 300$/day is making the equivalent of 15 ounces of silver per day if he converted it to silver. This flies in the face of all historical economic reality and just proves how badly we are being fucked through inflation and is only possible because of massive inflation. This is why you see Ernie supporters complaining about income inequality and about 15$ min wage. They aren’t wrong about what’s happening it’s just they have no idea how it’s happening and it’s because we don’t have sound money and a Jew fed.

So essentially for 20$ you are locking up 2 weeks worth of dahs wages for that silver ounce since 14 silver dimes equals 1 ounce of silver. So has little as 200 ounces of silver will be worth at least 7-8 years worth of days wages. You’ll literally be able to own slaves.

In Venezuela 1 single ounce of silver which costs 20$ here will buy you 3-4 months worth of food on the black market. You aren’t buying silver to sell it back to some asshole. You are buying it to trade for real assets for literally a penny on the dollar for what it cost you to buy that silver in the fiat paradigm

>> No.18263983

The currency wont devalue until after the depression is over.
They are printing trillions of USD shitcoins and the banks and investors on the receiving end are just sitting on them so the money velocity is very low. Hence the near 0% bond yields worldwide.
Once this hoax virus starts to clear up, money will start moving again but it will over correct, and everyone will start playing hot potato with trillions of fiat confetti.
If you held fiat and you had $100k before, it will have the purchasing power of $1k after. If you held 60oz of gold before, you'd hold 60 oz of gold after.

>> No.18264003

Allow you to become your own central bank while the official ones are printing fiat into oblivion.


>> No.18264077

Come on anon, are you Somalian?
Buy low, sell high. They meant that gold/silver is overpriced and smart money is selling now to reup once the CCP Virus is over.

You buy gold to preserve wealth against hyperinflation. Throughout time 1oz of gold buys you the same amount of stuff. A nice suit today costs about the same today in gold as it did in the 1900's as it did in 1800's.

Silver is heavily shilled on /biz/ because of the historic silver/gold ratio going back hundreds of years. Typically you can swing trade silver like you would LTC/BTC at .006-.012BTC.

>> No.18264127
File: 479 KB, 1088x1505, 522A062C-A31D-4257-AF0C-1559B150D7FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me rich

>> No.18264129

the butthurt from cryptocrash is strong with this one

>> No.18264149


>> No.18264158

Not that.. this.. clicked the wrong reply

>> No.18264243

I get the store of value part. I'm confused about what to do with my doubloons when they are most valuable. Will they really be usable as money? Or should I sell them for currency? It seems that silver would be more practical if you didn't sell.

>> No.18264610

is this a pasta?

>> No.18264660

Ask Paul Le Roux:

>> No.18264680

Gold has inherent value and has been used as a means of exchange since antiquity. No matter how bad inflation gets gold will always be valuable.