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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1822662 No.1822662 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW you've wasted thousands of hours on 4chan when you could have learned useful skills, fostered meaningful relationships or at the very least earned money

>> No.1822668

Its never too late to start

>> No.1823128


>> No.1823137

Earning money is easy I ran out of NEET bux and found a $20/hrs job doing a bit of labor

>> No.1823185

You're allowed to have leisure time and enjoy doing something that isn't productive, if you spend every hour of your days on self improvement you will become Patrick Batemen.

Also, are you telling me you haven't learnt anything from your time on 4chan? Not picked up a taste in music, or films? Not learnt about Health and fitness, or Business and finances? Or good books to read? Personally I've learnt tons from 4chan, but I suppose it depends what board you've spent thousands of hours on.

>> No.1823190

I've spent too much time reading and not enough time doing.

I haven't accomplished a single thing in years.

>> No.1823219
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>daydream about making money on the internet
>quit job because its a dead end, suicidal, low paying and boring
>NEET time to learn how to make money on the internet
>browse endlessly
>watch tons of videos
>still have no fucking idea how to make money on the internet

>> No.1823233

Are you me?

That's LITERALLY The story of my life. I quit my fucking job and told my parents my "exciting" "plans" of how I'm going to be an "entrepreneur" and "leverage the internet".

Needless to say. 1.5 years later I have not advanced in any way what so ever.

>> No.1823247

Kneepads and chapstick

You know what feels good, you have a cock. You umderstamd your market Now get on down to the truck stop and make that money anon

>> No.1823507
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You've had 548 days not working and you haven't advanced?

Let me break that down further, you've had 13140 HOURS and you have learned nothing? Buddy holy fuck, I don't mean to bring you down further cause i'm sure you feel like shit as it is but you fucked up.

My advice would be to turn your computer off now, and start doing, instead of reading and intellectually jerking off.

1.5 years, jesus fucking christ dude...

>> No.1823518


Wasted you say?

Trying to put imaginary pieces of paper into a computer screen so you can have a nice shelter amd nice things and then attract a mate and reproduce, then the cycle can continue with your offspring,

that my friend, is the waste.

>> No.1823527

delete this...

>> No.1823537

>1.5 years

u m0t m8?

It took me 1.5 years to obtain an associate degree from a community college. In that amount of time I also taught myself basic programming. In 18 months I also networked and starting doing commission-based graphic design work. Stop letting life pass you by.

>> No.1823538

M8 this is /biz/

Bunch a fucks sitting around lolling at 'poor pleb wage cucks' for thousands of hours who, instead, could have taken that min-wage job and earned money.

>> No.1823543

>Stop letting life pass you by.

I try anon... but i don't try hard enough...

>> No.1823566
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>I try anon... but i don't try hard enough...

Well at least you're self-aware. I got zero sympathy for you man, I dont know how old you are, but i'm 20, working in a trade making $28.50 an hour, and I already have $30,000 invested.

I'm literally consumed by my goal of making it, and I don't even want a nice house, car, or any of that bullshit, material objects dont interest me. I'm going to work my ass off until i'm free, or die trying.

Look at how much of your time you've already thrown away to eternity. You're never getting it back. Yet you're still shitposting on 4chan. In the time between this post and my last i studied for 45 minutes, you in the meanwhile have done nothing.

I'm not even sure why i'm trying to help you, you clearly don't want help, you want other people to feel as sorry for you as you do for yourself.

>> No.1823569

>Look at how much of your time you've already thrown away to eternity. You're never getting it back. Yet you're still shitposting on 4chan. In the time between this post and my last i studied for 45 minutes, you in the meanwhile have done nothing.

....................... delete...... this.............

>> No.1823570

Of course it can be too late you delusional normie fuck.

>> No.1823577

ITT people don't understand the real crippling power of depression. The struggle is real.

So.. just accept your faggotry already and put on those kneepads. You know you aren't above it. Lolfag

>> No.1823580
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Your mother is going to die disappointed in you, I hope you'll be able to live with that, I sure as fuck wouldn't. My parents escaped a soviet occupied country in order to give me a better chance at life, and i'm busting my ass so that one day i'll be able to buy my mother and father a retirement property, because I feel it's the very least I can do to repay them.

Anyways i'm going back to studying now, i'd wish you luck but you don't even want it, so peace man, keep on taking it easy.

>> No.1823589

Speaking as someone diagnosed with clinical depression, stop letting that be a crutch for why you don't get shit done. It's not the problem, you are. I completely understand how fucking hard it is to make yourself get out of bed and go about daily activities that don't interest you while talking to people you don't like (and who you feel don't give a shit about you) while completing seemingly meaningless tasks (why bother, you're just going to wake up tomorrow and still hate yourself right). You want the truth? It takes a little bit every day to get better. It's like working out, you can't get big (or small) in one workout. It takes an effort every day to make small strides towards bigger goals. We all are going to make it anons, you just have to keep on trying.

>> No.1823592

It amazes me that people can spend all day on online and not learn anything.

These are the kind of people that spwnd all of their time on the shitty meme boards (/b/v/pol/tv/sp/a/soc/vp/) and only post in generals.

The hobby boards on 4chan, biz included, actually do have good and informative content.

Try going to /out/k/ck/fit/qst/ and then ignore the meme, generals, and bait threads and read some of the actual discussion threads. Then go do your own research,and then go outside with it.

You might actually learn something and even have fun on this site again

This board is a treasure trove of free information, but I guess if you spend your whole day in shitcoins and robinhood garbage, then I don't disagree that you wasted your time.

>> No.1823630

>Your mother is going to die disappointed in you, I hope you'll be able to live with that, I sure as fuck wouldn't. My parents escaped a soviet occupied country in order to give me a better chance at life, and i'm busting my ass so that one day i'll be able to buy my mother and father a retirement property, because I feel it's the very least I can do to repay them.

as did mine... and im wasting it all

>> No.1823661

>stop letting that be a crutch for why you don't get shit done. It's not the problem, you are
Here here.

I'm also 'diagnosed' as depressed. When it happens, people do literally use it as the excuse for everything. Now I'm a teacher and I see depressed students a mile away and I want to slap them upside the head and tell them to quit bitching and start doing... but that's not PC

>> No.1823691

I already retired, so wasting time doesn't really bother me.

>> No.1823697

How much money did you retiee with and how old are you?

>> No.1823698

People are associating depression (even when they don't actually have it) as being a part of their identity or aesthetic or whatever on some Tumblr shit. It's stupid as fuck.

>> No.1823704

4chan inspired me to learn how to program by seeing all of the autists on /g/ brag about their scripts and riced up Arch desktops. I knew I could do way better. I now have applicable experience in Java, Python, C++, and C# projects, and a job where I "program" but really do nothing making $62K a year. Thanks 4chan.

>> No.1823705

Around 6 mil.
38, so pretty old.

>> No.1823707

how did you make it

>> No.1823711

Livin the dream. GJ anon. I'm learning Java now.

>> No.1823714

Startup got bought out.

>> No.1823721

What kind of startup was it

>> No.1823738

If you have zero money, you can still get extremely fit & in shape. And don't need a single piece of exercise equipment to do so.

Then it's absurdly easy to still fitness advice as a personal trainer. You need exactly zero skills. Unlike finance. Unlike cooking. Unlike academics.

Neanderthals can give basic fucking advice to people willing to pay to be told "eat this, run that, lift this".

No one here on 4cuck (which requires some form of internet & a device capable of rendering a website) is unable to do this.

>> No.1823751


These very vague answers are because he doesn't want to say too much about something that isn't real and that he doesn't know enough about. He doesn't have anything to prove that what he's saying is real.

>> No.1823771

Just another web based service that businesses like to waste money on.

That hurts, man.

>> No.1823915


Show a lick a proof. It's the internet, you could be anyone and saying anything.

>> No.1823934

>Show a lick a proof
Oh, I get it.
You mean, so you'll believe me, right?

>> No.1824268

what are you studying anon?

what trade you in?

How have you invested your 30k?

What advice do you have for an 18 yo apprentice who's working hard af but see's no happy future ahead?

>> No.1824837
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Hey I'm the same guy, just responding from my phone right now.

I'm a mechanical heat/frost insulator, I also work rope access so I'm suspended in ropes very high up most of the day. I'm not gonna lie anon it's not easy work, nor is it for the faint of heart. But someone's gotta do it, and even tho it's hard work to me it beats rotting away in a cubicle farm working with sheep. Part of the reason I get paid the wage I do is because of the danger pay added onto my wage, however I'm still on first year wage, in 2 1/2 years times I'll be making $58+ an hour.

My plan is to work trades until I have enough capital to start my own business, so when I'm not reading literature/working out I study small business/entrepreneurship.

I'm heavily invested into Canadian weed stocks (Canadian btw), it's a high risk investment, but it's also extremely high reward. I figure since I'm young and can take a potential hit, and since legalization seems inevitable it is a good move. The rest is in a normie index fund.

What advice can I give? Shit man I'm not that much older than you, I still seek advice wherever I can get it, but what I will say is just focus on being a better man today than you were yesterday. Don't compare yourself to anyone else, just think about your dream every single day, and work towards it. You know what your dream is, deep down inside. Work towards it every day, don't be a fucking loser like that anon earlier in the thread who's throwing his life away. We get one shot at this shit, achieve your dream or die trying, death is coming regardless of if you make it or not. Good luck man.

Here's a pic from my favourite hike I did last summer, this is my personal dream, to make enough money to be free of society and to spend my time in nature.

>> No.1825027

Are you Canadian?

>> No.1825038


>> No.1825149

>I'm the same guy
Yeah, we can tell by the IDs, you fucking retard.

>> No.1825181

This op.

I study personal finance and come shitpost to unwind. All while wagecucking

>> No.1825186





Jeesus. Nobody wants one but u gotta pay the fucking electric bill and move out of the basement. Work on getting rich whike wagecucking like the rest of us. Fucks sake

>> No.1825189

Freedom. Thats the goal anon.

I figured i was alone here.

>muh lambo.

Fucking kids...

>> No.1825190

t. Employerburg

>> No.1825197

Underrated as FUCK.

Same here anon.

Took me the better part of 2 years to wake up and not wanna eat a shotgun.

Still kinda do but i'm taking baby steps to a better life. Or at least a less depressed and anxiety ridden death...

>> No.1825202

U are right about treasure but its more like those gold shows that always just barely cover overhead. 15 faggot etherium boards atm

>> No.1825214
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I'm on the different end of the spectrum, I learned from /pol/, /his/, /biz/ and /g/ what /NOT/ to do and became very educated (long before my first job or entering school) in History and Computer Science, luckily I was already fairly tech savvy and political before 4chan otherwise i'd have probably ended up a right-wing wanna be haxor autist.

BTW, from 2008-2012 I wasted a lot of time on here but ever since apps I 4chan on the go so I'll sit at bars pretending to be chad flirting with women while secretly shitposting about ryzen, linux and bitcoins while bashing president Trump.

If you've wasted time on 4chan, you would have found another avenue to waste your time on because I've only grown in my knowledge of how not to be while coming here; with the added benefit of getting to call people faggots and retards without hurting any feelz.

>> No.1825215

Basement dwelling neet faggot with 0 skills and even less initiative and ambition...

Your turn newfag.

>> No.1825219
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>> No.1825221

>he doesn't know what that word means

>> No.1825910

You are that Canadian that whines on /int/ all the time. Did they ban you there?

>> No.1825922

I should die. I really should.

>> No.1825924

yeah he does

>> No.1825926

That's right

>> No.1825941

This really. I've learned quite a bit on this Bhutanese friendship simulator over the years.

Just try not to get sucked in too deep anons.

>> No.1825960
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You just added +2 hours to all those lost hours.

I am the Korean that you called "kimchi rodent".

Please, take Wellbutrin asap for everyone's sake. For your sake, for your parents' (they are suffering), for Canada's, and for 4chan anons' sake who did nothing to deserve your depressing whines.

Wellbutrin will
1. Make you fit (I lost 31 pounds in 6 months) i remember you said you are chubby. Girls don't dig that.
2. Give you better erections (this will be useful when you acquire gf)
3. Most importantly, this will make you want to do something rather than endlessly torturing yourself on 4chan even if you don't want to. I have a part-time job and now am preparing to go back to uni and start an online business. All voluntarily. 6 months ago I was also a mass of lard that won't leave his bed, like you.

I pay $18 per month. I know Canada has national health insurance.


Even /r9k/ robots aren't as pathetic as you.

So, stand up, get dressed, and visit that shrink. Try it for 2 months and if it doesn't work, quit then. it has no withdrawal symptoms.

If you dismiss this reply you are a lost cause. This is last time I'm replying to you. Next time I'll just report your thread so you move to /r9k/ and be gone for good with like-minded fallen souls in there.

Tip: don't take Wellbutrin's clone drugs. They may be cheaper but they are not as effective. If your shrink does not have it, change shrink. I had to visit 5 shrinks before finding one with it.

>> No.1825963
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>Kimchi rodent

>> No.1825971

I'll look into it.

I'm going to an employment agency this week to see if they can help me find a job though, maybe things will fix themselves without the need for this.

>> No.1825972

"backstabbing kimchi rodent" to be precise.

he just insults anyone who points out his laziness and when someone says something productive he can do he just says "delete delete" over and over again. At this point I'm wondering if he's been trolling all along.

>> No.1825976

No take it. Without it, you will hate the job and want to quit. Do not believe in yourself. Would you believe in yourself? I wouldn't. Would you trust yourself with $100? Or $10? I wouldn't. Do not believe in your "willpower" because you have none now.

>> No.1825979
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>he just insults anyone who points out his laziness and when someone says something productive he can do he just says "delete delete" over and over again

>> No.1825982

>Would you trust yourself with $100? Or $10? I wouldn't. Do not believe in your "willpower" because you have none now.

My parents gave me $20,000 so that's how I afford to be a NEET. I invested in meme stocks thanks to /biz/ and made a few thousand dollars.

>> No.1825983

this thread has got it goin on!

>> No.1825984
File: 667 KB, 1086x1116, ETH NEWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not too late to learn about Ethereum: https://youtu.be/-SMliFtoPn8

>> No.1825985

I don't know how old you are, but if you don't take Wellbutrin, I bet and swear that you will be the same, or worse, which is more likely, than now when you hit 30. Now I'm going to library to study. I was procrastinating for a while because bad habits are hard to uproot, but you reminded me of what I am gonna devolve back into if I don't work hard. Thanks. Bye.

>> No.1825990

>made a few thousand dollars.
in what time frame? That is not much money than you think. Probably a month's worth of salary for many people.

>> No.1825995

Like a month or so desu.

I bought the marijuana stocks when they were shilled heavily here a few months back. Otherwise I just have my money in ETFs

>> No.1825998

expect short returns and to not see them any longer.. if you aren't doing year to year then your strategy doesn't hold water

>> No.1826000

I sold off some of my portfolio and used some cash to buy the meme stocks then I sold them (a little early i must admit) and then just bought etfs to stick with my original portfolio.

>> No.1826338

Good post. Listen to this man OP.

I've been here for half a decade. I got fit, learned how to not dress like a high schooler, learned how to get laid, make a successful tinder, how to travel and work abroad.

I'm 24 and have $24k saved,no loans and I'm starting my masters in teaching program this fall.

Honestly most of my success came from ideas and inspiration I found at odd hours of the night.

Just know how to filter out garbage. There's a lot of it. Find the oasis in the desert.

>> No.1826375

Cool, I'll start tomorrow.

>> No.1826390

>when you could have learned useful skills, fostered meaningful relationships or at the very least earned money
The truth is you probably could not, you would most likely have failed.

>> No.1826418

>4chan got me into darknet 12 years ago
>4chan made me invest money in bitcoins 10 years ago
>4chan trolls are the reason for the shitload of money it got me
>4chan made it bother less about the system
>4chan made me take a break to travel
>4chan made me realize the corruption of our systems and the psychology of human beings
>4chan got me to write a book about philosophy and psychology
>4chan got me into interested in higher physics
>4chan made me get a job in physics

>> No.1827194

how'd you access the darknet 12 years ago?
Was TOR available?

>> No.1827408

Yeah, it means you pay big black dick to come fuck your anime pillow while you watch and jerkoff in the corner.

That about sum it up newfag?