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18245578 No.18245578 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18245600

real niggas know they are both completely insane

>> No.18245619


>> No.18245635

Does any guy anywhere who's not mentally ill like that septum piercing shit? It's so ugly. The rest of her can be 10/10 it's still a left swipe for me

If you didn't know sometimes when you're swiping you'll find yourself in the "ugly part" of your deck (that the Tinder algo buried and collected together) and 75% of them are septum piercing girls, it's hilarious

>> No.18245637

What’s the point of the picture? Both are on tinder therefore both are whores.

>> No.18245638

Although im not a nigger

>> No.18245643

I hope the one on the left is male.
That would make her 10x better

>> No.18245679

Really irritates me how "confident" these whores are in themselves

They know their life is easy mode

They should be chained to the kitchen and punched around by their husband

Fuck this clown world. At least when they get to 28 max they are withered and have no value. Tbh it all goes downhill after 23 for them so make the most of it whores

>> No.18245682

sure thing tyrone

>> No.18245689

Viral biologist

>> No.18245716

You don’t respect women bro

>> No.18245729

Doctor of gender studies

>> No.18245742


>> No.18245769

The wall is the great equalizer. It is a glorious thing watching confident whores go from easy mode life to litearlly being trash on the side begging for some beta to give them a child.

>> No.18245797

Pretty much. Women who do masculine things are damaged as much as your average feminazi.

>> No.18245815

The wall is giga cope. They can still get fucked at 28 or even 30 if they don't let themselves go (and even then they can still get laid). It's just the poor sleep, lack of exercise, shit food, alcohol and drug abuse that gets to them.

>> No.18245836


Caveat: the top 20% of "high value" men they seek to settle down with are now firmly out of their window. At this point they work their way down to beta bux.

>> No.18245839


>> No.18245893

It's not the necessarily the "top 20%". The Pareto principle is bullshit.

But yes you're right. The men they deem sexually attractive and who have the wealth do not want them for the most part. But then again you have plenty of high SMV men (esp. businessmen and actors) in their 30's and 40's who marry 30 year old women. Again the wall is a pathetic and sad cope.

>> No.18245915

Welder 300k a year.
Weld Engineer 500k a year.
Stay poor faggot.

>> No.18245922


I don't think you can use celebrity life to characterize normal people, they're weird as hell and settle with people out of all sorts of arbitrary reasons (due to having access to basically whoever and having been with tons of people already)

>> No.18245943

Nah they lose value and also feel dead inside with every dick. They compare every dick to prime Chad they had when they were 18-23. They then get depressed wrinkly and grey lmao

>> No.18245945

unrelated, who the fuck calls their daughter Yah or Charley? that's gotta be the most retarded thing i've ever heard

>> No.18245950

How does being able to get laid relate to living life on easy mode ? Maybe you haven't seen it but the difference between 25 and 30 is staggering in terms of looks for women. They can get laid sure but their days of being the center of everything is over. The majority if not already married is at that point just desperate to get some beta and get a child or raise the one they already have. The wall is very real but I guess you are the beta who married a slut that got hit by the wall so of course for you the wall is just a "cope".

>> No.18245958

Cringe at simps like you

>> No.18245961


>> No.18245991
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>> No.18246022

I was a boiler maker and power plant engineer for 20 years. That little blonde who're probably watches the confined space holes on shut downs. Runs tools and gets fucked by bikers on meth.

>> No.18246038

> How does being able to get laid relate to living life on easy mode ?
Being sexual attractive confers advantages to you in terms of wealth, employment and your overall likeability.

The word incels get thrown around a lot here but like 20% of the population are legitimate involuntary celibates and cannot get an intimate relationship with the opposite sex with someone they desire no matter how hard they try, and the lack of physical intimacy is devastating to a person's psyche. So yes having access to sex with good looking people makes your life better.

> The wall is very real but I guess you are the beta who married a slut that got hit by the wall so of course for you the wall is just a "cope".
No I am not. I am just raving against those who use the wall like the coach red pill types when they themselves hit the wall at birth

>> No.18246044

>Women in trades
I hate when I have to deal with them, they universally need to feel like one of the boys and will go to extreme lengths to act like caricatures.
it's almost like despite working in the fields themselves they still get all of their information about their job from media

>> No.18246062

This is true. It I'd nah e of these plebbit bois to think that blond girl is not in the trades for fuck attention or was not molested by her father. ironically enough she id a bigger attention who're than the factor on the left.

>> No.18246083

Unironically delivery driving. Restaurants and cafes are being forced and incentivized to go delivery-only. Although most of the big franchise restaurants like McDonald’s and kfc have closed completely (here in the U.K.), more and more different places are starting to list themselves on uber eats/Deliveroo etc, and not just local restaurants/cafes but liquor stores and grocery stores. Some people cba waiting in line to get into Tesco’s or just don’t wanna leave the house full stop so they’re using delivery services. It’s also good for the stores since it helps reduce the foot volume in store

>> No.18246086


We've all driven past a construction site where it's all men doing things and then the one woman standing there holding a sign or something

>> No.18246087

I think they can be sexy but I also wouldn’t date a woman with one and I am mentally ill.

>> No.18246092
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yeah bruv simple as

>> No.18246103

Dude... It I'd easy mode for those ladies.
Are you dome virgin basement dweller?
Those little Bitches get the pick of the top providers as a status symbol.
Remember... Men compete. Women are competed for as the prize.

>> No.18246110

Interesting to see others confirm my observation. Also the vast majority of women will wear like pink fluro clothes rather than the stock standard orange or yellow.

>> No.18246124

>The national average salary for a Welding Engineer is $54,693 in United States.

>> No.18246144

I cant understand what you're saying mate. Sober up.

> Are you dome virgin basement dweller?
Basement dwelling virgins tend to be big believers in the WALL(TM).

>> No.18246153

According to your logic if a fattie gets laid then she's sexually attractive. When in reality the only reason fat pigs get laid is because either a) the guy is horny or b) has a fetish. If you get laid that does not automatically mean you are in any way attractive. Attractive people (Especially women that put out) have enormous benefits in our society, which is why confident whores under 30 have such an easy life. But once the wall hits them that party is over.

>> No.18246155

Cope. This is about to be mostly automated. It's basically feeding data into a system and making a certain output with it.

>> No.18246180

usually it's like 2 or 3 men doing something, and about 6 people of either gender standing around doing nothing, but that's the state construction crews

>> No.18246216

> According to your logic if a fattie gets laid then she's sexually attractive.
Well yes. Assuming sexual attraction is required for consensual sex.

> a) the guy is horny or b) has a fetish.
Which doesn't exclude her from being sexually attractive. Men have a greater appetite for sex so they find a broader range of things appealing.

I agree with the latter part of your post and not to flaunt my credentials as a based and redpilled individual (p.s. women should be property) but this part

> But once the wall hits them that party is over.
isnt exactly true. maybe not in the sense that most redpill type understand it which is to say there is a fixed age ( say 30) where a woman "hits" the wall, and her smv plummets. again if she doesnt abuse drugs/alcohol, gets good sleep and exercises she can still remain physically attractive into her thirties and get with young 20 year old men whereas the opposite couldnt happen. Or put in better terms there are more mid 30 year old women who could fuck 18-23 year old guys than there are the opposite. substantially more.

>> No.18246258

>Well yes. Assuming sexual attraction is required for consensual sex.
That's a flawed assumption.

>> No.18246291

how so lol. maybe I should clarify i mean sex where one party or both actively pursue(s) the other/each other. the part that is doing the pursuing is motivated by their sexual attraction for the other party.

>> No.18246297

Mate the chick at my trade school looked like left in pic

>> No.18246314

Lmao you are here on biz throwing a tantrum because women have it easier.

>> No.18246337

>the part that is doing the pursuing is motivated by their sexual attraction for the other party.
not necessarily, for example a man might fuck a woman he doesn't find attractive because he's horny enough not to care, and a woman might fuck a man they don't find attractive in order to upset someone else. Of course prostitution, porn, etc., are a thing. It's incredibly naive to assume that consensual sex only occurs when both parties find the other physically attractive.

>> No.18246358
File: 283 KB, 512x384, going mid against OD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It I'd nah e of these plebbit bois

>> No.18246374

> consensual sex only occurs when both parties find the other physically attractive.
read again i clarified my point there, and this was in response to are fat women sexually attractive, the answer is some are; yes.

>> No.18246467

The presence of "active pursuit" doesn't change my point. You can "actively pursue" someone for sex, despite not being physically attracted to them.

>this was in response to are fat women sexually attractive

that's not a question anyone is asking, I'm just telling you it's wrong to assume physical attraction is necessary for consensual sex

>the answer is some are; yes.
and stop abusing the semicolon

>> No.18246506
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Neither of those are former sorostitutes ready to settle down with me and have 2 children named Jaxyn and Keighden while maxing out credit cards at Lululemon, so no thanks.

>> No.18246512

Enjoy your busted back and knees.

>> No.18246543


>> No.18246555

You mean like FEMEN?

>> No.18246590
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>> No.18246596

this, it's like a billionaire turning back down into only a millionaire, he'll be more miserable than you average walmart wagie poorfag

once a thot tasted chad's dicks she wants no less for the rest of her life
it's like an ugly dude lucking out with a girl out of his league for a second and then the realization sets in that it was only a brief moment

>> No.18246650

not a single one over 6.5/10

>> No.18246671

>4th from left
>not over 6.5

>> No.18246675

You're very wrong, but I understand why you believe this. People think automation can do much more than it actually can because it's been meme'd as the solution to everything.
t. Software engineer who writes, among many other things, accounting software.

>> No.18246706

Thats bookkeeping, retard
CPAs will continue to be in high demand for the next 30 years

>> No.18246716

i am also a dev can you please, and iam actually genuinely curious, why not?

>> No.18246725

Phone posting. Typos faggot.

>> No.18246729

If you mean "the next pandemic" rather than the next depression----any IT job pertaining to software or websites since they can work from home and usually don't have to deal with equipment.

>> No.18246733

Meant for

>> No.18246749
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>I'm not a dope, it was my phones fault!
>what's proofreading?

>> No.18246970

>girls start working
>men keep working
>men wait till 30 and get surrogate or date and impregnate 16 yo’s
>women become single moms
>men make amazing parents without nagging hoes around
>women make for shit parents that raise degenerates
>men win
>patriarchy exists defacto and simping is made illegal for all time
The future will be as based as we meme it

>> No.18247000

So stop phoneposting, ultraretardo.
Or at least have the decency to proofread your post before submitting it.

>> No.18247241

Have ever even interacted with women before? They slowly start to lose it if they haven’t had a kid by 25. And >actors. Yeah they’ll marry a 45 y/o because they are fucking kids on the side anyway

>> No.18247281

Simple as is aussie

>> No.18247311

I guess the world's not fair

>> No.18247340

Same as any other trade. Only the true bull dykes can sort of do actual work.

>> No.18247434

Lol you're never gonna make it with an attitude like that

>> No.18247455

Dont kill my hopes of finding my perfect GF on tinder anon, its why I trade and also so I can pay my college debt.

>> No.18247477

If that ain't the realest thing I ever heard

>> No.18247518


Good luck with trying to get anything other than multiple pee-sleeves to put your dick in

>> No.18247571

Crypto trader
>t. both

>> No.18247622

Honestly man I've thought of become a wizard I'm 23 and never had a relationship due to me either being to fat (which I lost thank god for keto) or extremely shy. Also factor in how bad the dating market is where certain pairs shouldn't be happening and it just makes me depressed.

>> No.18247634

The most obvious difference between these two women is this: One had a loving father that stayed around, the other didn't.

>> No.18247645

Left looks actually p good for her age

>> No.18247691

Checked. Also the one on the right is only there because she maxed out her affirmative action card. Good luck getting her to lift something over 25 lbs.

>> No.18247945

It is physically impossible to make any money trading otherwise everyone would do it you moron

>> No.18247961

based non incel

>> No.18247985


I think it is physically impossible for a girl to turn out like the left if her dad was present and a good father. Lmao

>> No.18248059

trade school is a meme

>> No.18248091

>1 post by this ID
that's all you need to know.

Look. I know you might think there's some creative forensics you perform that a machine can't. You went to school a long time and jump through a bunch of hoops. However, I don't see how all out of it can't be automated to the point where you need only one CPA in a fortune 500 who double checks the machines' books.

GAAP can be taught to a machine. It doesn't have to be "muh meme AI". It's a bunch of control flow logic based on a large database - i.e. ledger of debits and credits.

>> No.18248153

Septum rings are there to attract lesbiabs

>> No.18248164

Wifey her up. She won’t hire overpriced tradies at least. Can fix the sink herself

>> No.18248183

The median is even lower

>> No.18248362

At the beginning of 2018 I started had 39 BTC. By the end of summer I had 43.5 BTC and $50k. This was my first year of trading, I wasn't even that good at it. Cope harder little fella.

>> No.18248393

>I started with a trust fund
>I made more money
Anon, plz

>> No.18248405

At the start of 2018 I had 39 BTC. By the end of summer I had 43.5 BTC and $50k. That was my first year of trading. I wasn't even that good at it. Cope harder little fella.

>> No.18248855

Requirements change as a business develops. Outlier errors happen, and require manual intervention. You have to talk to customers or coworkers and figure out what's needed, then make it happen while ensuring various (often soft) rules aren't violated. Using a massive accounting system which does the actual record keeping and manipulation for you has been par for the course since the late 90s. Accounting in the current day involves talking to people, driving these big software packages, and making sure everything lines up. Surprise! It sometimes doesn't.

>>1 post by this ID
Now that's what I call autism.
>You went to school a long time
Four years of software engineering, but that's worthless compared to ten years in the field.
You don't see how it can't be fully automated because you've never worked in a large corp. Automation is applied LIBERALLY to the static bits. The absolute invariants. However, businesses don't do the same thing year to year or even quarter to quarter. Humans are good at changing a process at the drop of a hat. Software needs to be rewritten or reconfigured. The second a king shit says "we're doing it this way" and the software can't do what's required, a manual process is created. These accumulate until someone like me is hired at $90/hr to turn those manual accounting processes into software, because they've been doing it for years and at this point it probably won't change much more.

>> No.18249027

hehe blow jobs sniggers

>> No.18249186

I've dating an elite attorney female. Absolute garbage women. Stay away from those.

>> No.18249225
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>Again the wall is a pathetic and sad cope.

>> No.18249631


>> No.18250034

they can't
would do any chubby below average 18yo girl rather than 32 yo used up wrinkled, depressed cumdumpster

>> No.18250812

Yeah but chads won’t want them. Then their marriage will end up like /r/deadbedroom where she won’t be sexually satisfied

>> No.18250851

american women, the most disguting being on the planet

>> No.18250860

Deliveries niggas, drone operators for deliveries, human delivers, start now thank me later.

>> No.18250887

I work in the medical device field and I feel pretty comfy desu

>> No.18251205
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>> No.18251236
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>> No.18251506

just buy high and sell low

>> No.18252187

>tfw automation engineer

My job will be around for the foreseeable future

>> No.18253013

I agree with the red pill globally, but he is mostly right.
I would prefer a 30 something roastie with whom i have awesome chemistry, than a 20 year old with whom i have bad chemistry.
Of course incels don't know what male-female chemistry is, for obvious reasons.
Also, the virgin faithful women is, again, a myth. Many virgin faithful women have urges to cheat on their boyfriend/husband after a few years of boredom. Sluts are made mostly before they even had sex. I know girls who had 2 different partners, including me, and they are sluts. It's in their personality. On the other hand, i've dated women who had more partners, and it's obvious that they tend to be more loyal. Slutiness is not always only about the number of partners experienced. A virgin can be a slut, and a women who had 3-4 partners can be faithful.

>> No.18253175

Spitting some straight facts

>> No.18253217

Check and big dicked.

>> No.18253513

Any job that A.I, automation or 3D printers can`t do better.