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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18245816 No.18245816 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18245837

I did a double take realizing this isn't just a flat line, holy fuck lmao

>> No.18245863

That’s alot of voters

>> No.18245907

Contrary to pretense otherwise, there were quite a few hundred years within this very country where factually well over half of the working-age population was not in the work force, voluntarily, and things were quite peaceful.

>> No.18245918

While true, that was a completely different system then. It may as well have been on another planet.

>> No.18245952

It’s basically UBI or we’re going Beyond Thunderdome

>> No.18245977

this would give me peace if i wasn't aware of how much society has changed in the last 100 years

>> No.18245998

But it's not another planet and nothing has changed other than the flushing-down-the-toilet of the perrenial job system whereby an entire market was fabricated out of bullshit to provide adult day care for going on over 50 years now.

That's all that's gonna go away. The rest of the actual work force continues on to this day, if not but for a flu.

If you're not at work right now, go ahead and enjoy your new normal. The rest of us will continue on, unimpeded as what'll certainly become a classist system where you've got youre and I've got mine.

>> No.18246002

Have we hit 10% unemployment yet?

>> No.18246013

at least burgers have their guns and can defend themselves when the boogaloo starts. Europe is so cucked that when I did an inventory of my "weapons" today, all I could muster was a expandable baton, pepper spray, a hammer and a couple of pocket knives

>> No.18246018

Official numbers come tomorrow.

>> No.18246023

>yfw unemployment benefits basically is UBI for people who need it

>> No.18246029

priced in lad

>> No.18246037

>The rest of the actual work force continues on to this day, if not but for a flu.
Oh yeah I'm sure, buddy, the whole job market will magically reappear as soon as the quarantine lifts and everybody leaves their homes to find out the place they used to work at has gone under due to lack of business

>> No.18246072

I’m still at work only because my boomer management thinks corona is just a cold and that work from home is the devil

>> No.18246074

There won't be, because there's no shortage of literally anything.

Their food and housing won't change.

The owner of the property they currently rent will certainly change, and probably be some arm of the future fed.

The housing will be -provided- as it's been, only now the adult day care routine will consist of you vacuously glued to your smart-not screen or w/e the fuck you kids're told what to think with these days and provide input or whatever the fuck you do.

Enjoy your meals and health care which will also be -provided- to you.

>> No.18246080


US was far from the system it is right now, back then. In particular, it was always possible to either A) livre from the labor of your local community while providing something less tangential in return or B) expect that cultural homogeneity in between members of your local community would ensure they would treat you like family and voluntarily share the fruits of their labor with you regardless. We now live in an atomized, heterogenous hellhole that demands ever-growing productivity from each and every individual. I mean, there aren't even stay-at-home people anymore lol

>> No.18246099

I don't think you understand what a 'perennial job' is fella.

Restaurants, strip malls are good examples of adult day care 'perennial jobs' that sure as fuck aren't coming back because they'll be moving entire online or defunct.

>> No.18246127
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the cope is real

>> No.18246134

Depends on what you define as unemployment. The U.S. utilizes the absolute most optimistic interpretation of the term. By a normal interpretation we've not only hit that, we hit it years ago and have exceeded it. By a more cynical interpretation, including jobs that are "make work", jobs that don't pay livable wages, and so on our unemployment in the U.S. is easily 70%.

>> No.18246142

>Restaurants are going away


>> No.18246161
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Phew, now that those pesky unemployment numbers have been reported, we can continue to our bull market

>> No.18246205

>people's desire to eat out will be gone so restaurants will vanish
And this post is just cope.
>ship production overseas
>transition into a service based economy
>corona deletes all the service providers
>"uhh yeah so like everyone will just go back to work lmao like it doesn't matter that the institutions that prop up the modern economy are all defaulting en masse"
Strap yourself in, fag, we're in for the Great Depression 2

>> No.18246212

In the near term, they are functionally gone. In the medium term, I would expect a third to half not to survive this crisis.

>> No.18246237

and now you'll continue to do so, except in place of 'local community' you'll have mammie UBI providing what you're issued. you'll be treated as family by your hordes of instatram followers or wtf they call it that year. after all you don't need anything physically from them as that's taken care of by mammie.

>> No.18246275

>A conservative US government will ever spring for UBI

>> No.18246277

Goddamn right we are headed for a great depression while literally all of everyhting i've just mentioned falls into place.

The drive to go to restaurants will literallly be supplanted with a seething hatred toward those fortunate enough to even remember doing such a thing ten years from now.

>> No.18246309

keks, except they're fully owned by the now nationalized fed/world bank and literally wont have shit all to say after the multiple capitualtions of both the democratic and republican parties and reformation into various forms of socilaists over the coming Great Depression of the New Millenium.

>> No.18246385

The Fed isn't nationalized, what Trump did was give the Fed the authority to demand that the Treasury pay for shit it buys. It's more like he privatized the treasury. And if you think the wall street jews will spring for UBI -- given that their useful idiots in the conservative wing of Congress only wanted to make 1 time corona payments for a 3 month quarantine -- you're delusional. Wall St is too greedy and short sighted to make such a move, they care only about getting golden parachutes and then fucking off to some foreign country or private compound while everything else burns.

>> No.18246748

Don't be such a filthy misogynist.

>> No.18246877

mhm, going 30% up in federal deficit doesn't put control directly into the hands of the fed. calling it a 'nationalization' is a nice way of saying 'the fed now owns our asses and what was originally 72k per head owed to them/180k per tax payer will suddenly become >100k per head owed with >250k per tax payer.

Do you think they have desks high enough to fit all these cocksuckers underneath when their loans come due one by one and the only way to pay off the ever-accruing interest which was just barely being met before this shitshow happened is to provde what? more 0% interest loans?

Ha! Nope, it'll be paid back with political power and cocksucking.

Invest in very tall desks, anon, so we can guarantee there's enough of them under there to suck enough dick.

aw look at your little limited concepts do to what's become the smoldering remains of your poor little brain.

it's as if you can't even conceive of a return to a single-income household, only without a nuclear family, or even necessarily, actually preferrably, without a bitchass man.

>> No.18246962

>the West
Nothing of value was lost. It’s Russian-Chinese century now. Prepare to be my slaves, mutts.

>> No.18247019

It was very obviously a joke, you fucking retard.
The irony's a killer.

>> No.18247031
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>> No.18247079

Your ID is fucking weird bro

>> No.18247099
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>> No.18247148

Very based and very redpilled

>> No.18247213

>posting on 4chan, created in america, by american, for americans
big mcyikeys cuck, without america you wouldn't be here you would be dead in a factory somewhere after your mom shat you out

>> No.18247310

So the manufactured response to this hoax virus is worse than the virus itself. Funny how that works.

>> No.18247333

>boo hoo we just want job security mr government

i guess you should get a gov job then

>> No.18247378
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.25_[2018.07.21_03.58.42].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the only one here hoping for the collapse of civilization am I?

As a low status incel male I've been treated like I'd be better off dead for as long as I can remember. With the system keeping me chained down for 30 years gone things can only improve.

>> No.18247399

>6.6 million more coders.
That's a good thing.

>> No.18247400

Are mexicans moving away get?

>> No.18247486

>things can only improve
that's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.18247522

How does this affect crypto exactly? All these people losing their jobs are waiters and other bullshit jobs that live paycheck to paycheck and never buy crypto anyway. Fuck them

>> No.18247560

As the economy worsens people will liquidate their crypto stores to have cash on hand to deal with daily expenses. This is true for ALL ASSETS. Gold goes down before it goes up.

>> No.18247599

Priced in

>> No.18247709

restaurants aren't going away but total employment at them will fall drastically
us restaurants have a huge staf compared to other countries due to your retarded tipping system
after the dust on this settles expect waiters to be going the way of the dodo, self service kiosk and other technologic application will supplant their jobs
because restaurants that do this will offer so much more competitive pricing and in a environement where moeny is tight, that will make or break you

remember when people said it was impossible to automate cashiers at supermarkets, yeah hows that going now

>> No.18247726
File: 148 KB, 1177x692, bux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to sign up with this site to get my neetbux and the resumes updated has been stuck at that number for 3 days now.

>> No.18247746

People who are buying crypto are not living paycheck to paycheck. The only people that will lose their jobs during this crisis are wagies. Sorry to cast a ray of light on your doom and gloom but crypto will not be affected at all by this.

>> No.18247844
File: 27 KB, 400x366, 1582299709285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I predicted 6.2 mill and I was actually exaggerating for meme purposes
jesus christ

2nd great depression here we go

>> No.18248119

Peaceful for women, not for men.

>> No.18248364

>Quite a few hundred years
>Within this very country
The country's been around for about 250 years matey.

>> No.18248472

now adust for race, age and population. most of those newly unemployed are useless eaters that won't be missed when they die from the gook flu. only good can come from this.

>> No.18249248

You should have put a call on UNEMP

>> No.18249268

just let 6.6 million people get jobs or starve to death, nbd, my stocks still gonna go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.18249349

mhm and what was going on on this soil from 1500-1776 there fella?

>> No.18250118

>russians and chinks
>not mutts
might want to pick up a history book