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File: 219 KB, 968x832, B56DC475-0FBE-490B-BC1A-D18404853B3C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18228609 No.18228609 [Reply] [Original]



Lmao btw I love this “social distancing” angle the entire world took on after they realized anyone under the age of 30 doesn’t give a FUCK about this bullshit virus.

>> No.18228619 [DELETED] 

he wants it in the pussy

>> No.18228621


>> No.18228780

Its kinda like boomers and zits right

>> No.18229032

oooo look how edgy and hardcore this guy is guys. He doesn’t care about the virus! That’s hardcore!

>> No.18229088 [DELETED] 

>see Philippines in the list
lmao no

>> No.18229229


>> No.18229389

So, the disease I currently have does not exist? and no it is not the normal flu. I had that 3 months ago unless you want to pretend that mutated in those 3 months and has different symptoms aswell? Or are you ready to admit you don't know what the fuck you are talking about?

>> No.18229428

And before you say some retarded shit like: "It's a bacterial infection" then explain why others in my household have it as well? Most bacterial infections don't spread very easily anon.. We were disinfecting our shit and regularly washing our hands rigorously and still got it. That being said, the symptoms are mild for all of us so I still think the situation is being exaggerated. We should just let the boomers fucking die.

>> No.18229473

I wish I was a liar, I'm starting to get annoyed by the symptoms. I doubt that your hygiene is better than mine, especially considering since my mom has a medical background and raised me well. You are shit at comebacks. Schizo retard.

>> No.18229493

It's funny cause Hasids are the most infected community here lol

>> No.18229497

Nope, I have my own family. Try again, loser.

>> No.18229503

Boomers last big fuck you to everyone, everyone thank the boomer assholes for sending us into a global recession.

>> No.18229621 [DELETED] 

am i still immune

>> No.18229623

The virus is a nothingburger. Literally, 95% of the people that die have comorbidities like strike, heart attack, diabetes, and renal failure and are 80 y/o. The biggest problem is world health organization. They started freaking out in china and then caused everyone else to freak out. Everyone blames china but who was supervising china all the way.

>> No.18229662

Who freaked out in 2009 with h1n1. When fatalities were minimal, cdc and who changed the deaths to 300,000-500,000 with revisions and then started spamming these revisions when covid came up.

>> No.18229712 [DELETED] 

Is this as bad as the 2008 recession yet?

>> No.18229715 [DELETED] 

>3. never open coofers images
But I'm fine though anon.

>> No.18230359

>rejects basic science and viral testing
Yeah, im thinking based

>> No.18230404

>Literally, 95% of the people that die have comorbidities like strike, heart attack, diabetes, and renal failure and are 80 y/o

Wow so only unhealthy people get complications? Only 95% of America is at risk then.

>> No.18230422

If only you knew how retard you tard

>> No.18230428

Bulls mad

>> No.18230932

this. partisanship has basically forced this tho. People (women especially) will freak the fuck out if gramma dies without getting a ventilator. Everyone would point fingers at Trump.

Now when the economy enters a death spiral, everyone will blame Trump. I think the tradeoff is on the side of doing nothing.

>> No.18231001
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he thinks corona is only killing old people

>> No.18231039

You couldn’t be any more incorrect. DYOR for once you absolute faggot.

>> No.18231046

>oh no! obese young weaklings are in the hospital!!!
Fuck off.

>> No.18232069

"patients" != "dying". Of course the young mix and match more than the old, thus get infected more. But only the old actually die, so far, despite attempts by the media to pretend otherwise because they're scared of the boomer remover.

>> No.18232154

>tfw 30 years old boomer

>> No.18232274
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Um sweetie didn’t you know, they’re calling it the zoomer remover now

>> No.18232285

>"patients" != dying"
Oh my god so much this. So sick of hearing about people that have it. Most people that do just think that they have a bad sinus infection. Practically the same symptoms. Nausea, loss of balance, etc.

>> No.18232345

>""apparently healthy""
Yeah, that's why they fucking died. Picture perfect health and oopsies dead.

>> No.18232367

Who pays you?

>> No.18232435

Your mother, she pays me $5,000/hr to fuck her stupid. It's honestly not nearly enough, she's disgusting.

>> No.18232544

>Ismail Abdulwahab
So a child from an Islamic Fundamentalist family died. Let me guess: all 4 grandparents chain smoke inside the 2br apartment they live in. The last time they opened a window in that dump was to celebrate victory at Trafalgar.

>> No.18233026

Yeah, because as more people go to the hospital, and more equipment is used up. The lower your chances of survival are

>> No.18233054

Causality reversal. The virus didn't create the economical crisis. The economical crisis created the virus.

>> No.18233090

Nice, blowjob guy again with his mouth fetish. What a pathetic retard.

>> No.18233130 [DELETED] 


>> No.18233226

>Wants the flu permanently
> Mucophiliast

>> No.18233237

There is equipment besides ventilators, there’s antibiotics for the pnemonia afterwards
Also basic shit like gloves and masks

>> No.18233256

Oh wow

>> No.18233289

Give me your syndrome.

>> No.18233290
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>> No.18233564

Isn't that convenient. "Well uhm u should massively overreact and shutdown EVERYTHING because maybe, theoretically, small chance it could matter."
Moron like you would look at an overreaction and say "WELL, IT COULD HAVE BEEN BAD THOUGH".

>> No.18233675

Saying there will be a depression or even a recession again is like saying small pox or polio will ever be a major issue again. We know more about economies and how to manage them than we ever have in history. Trillions have gone into the research. Simulations have been run around the clock for decades. We have conquered the very concept of a downturn. We have slaughtered your black swan and made foie gras out of it. This is hard to accept, because it requires you to both accept that 1. there are people out there FAR more intelligent than you and 2. they have things under control. As a result, your life is not and will likely never be that interesting. You're a component of a controlled system. A recession or depression will not rescue you from the high quality life, the best quality of life currently available quite frankly that can still allow stability to be maintained, that you have been given. You might be feel trapped, but that's a good thing. It means the system is working and it also means NO recessions or depressions. We have "beaten" economics.

>> No.18233713

What is that shitty green thing anon

>> No.18233722

Don't worry, shutting down the global markets was priced in. Rational actors and all that.

>> No.18233801

Isn't that convenient, that you claim that the entire reason they were able to "fend off" the virus was because of that equipment specifically.

>> No.18233868

You. Your retarded implication was that it was THE turning factor. Otherwise, why mention it at all? Stop being a little bitch boy.

>> No.18233870 [DELETED] 

pee pee

poo poo

buy chainlink retard

>> No.18233914


>> No.18234052

>so the whole world system based on Jewish banking debt is going to collapse in about 5yrs and there's nothing we can do to stop it
>we need to make it so normies have an excuse for the collapse so when their unemployed and lost everything they don't sit around on the internet for 6 months and figure out it was actually (((our))) fault
>it would also be nice if we could pre-empt any sort of social uprising with laws that force people to stay in their homes and outlaw street gatherings
>once that's all in place we might aswell bail ourselves out and make off with trillions to cover our losses that the stupid goy will be forced to pay off for generations
Coronavirus, how convenient.

>> No.18234057

Nothing is going to happen. This assumption that it will is hilarious. When nothing does, you'll go back to "w-well something could have!".

>> No.18234066 [DELETED] 

Did i miss the moon?

>> No.18234114
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There is an idea of a Jessica Khater, some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can fuck my pussy and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our portfolios are probably comparable... I simply am Mossad.

>> No.18234216

>Paid to work form home since what I do can be done anywhere
>Receive no work anyway because construction is suspended
>Got paid in full despite all that
I know this cannot last and the aftermath will be a bloodbath but might as well enjoy while I can

>> No.18234255 [DELETED] 

imagine drinking java out of her kava cave

>> No.18234321 [DELETED] 


>> No.18234323 [DELETED] 


>> No.18234411

Like... it's not crying wolf when there is a wolf going around eating all the grandparents and people too fat to run away from it. Just because you live in a block with a lot of fatties you can outrun doesnt mean there isnt a fuckload of sick people being eaten by wolves

>> No.18234417

>thankful to at least have a job right now.
Same, lets just hope the position will exist when this is over.

>> No.18234469

The spanish flu had a 1% fatality rate, and still killed one hundred million people. Corona is 3.4 and is going to kill about 400,000,000 by the end

>> No.18234496

>because it kills people who aren't me we shouldn't do anything to stop it
Fuck off retard

>> No.18234500


>> No.18234507 [DELETED] 


>> No.18234523 [DELETED] 

No bull ever made it to the moon following the scared sheep.

>> No.18234524

you care too much bro. Women are just children with a developed sexuality. Treat them like children, and you'll be their king. All you gotta do is show who's the adult.

>> No.18234567

>t. boomer

>> No.18234583

haven't there been deaths of people in their 30's over this corona bullshit?

>> No.18234642

Great talk dipshit. Have fun watching your family get shot in a parking lot over the last can of beans

>> No.18234681 [DELETED] 

I'm argentinian so pretty sure i'm le creme.

>> No.18234682 [DELETED] 
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onions onions onions onions onions onions onions

>> No.18234683

>other flu
Too bad this isnt a flu you dipshit

>> No.18234695

reminder people who end up requiring ventilation will need it for an average of two weeks

>> No.18234711 [DELETED] 

every normie on earth learned about btc in late 2017 dude

>> No.18234714

4channel isnt real life

>> No.18234739
File: 56 KB, 590x590, 73B4B906-A5F6-409E-8E2D-21D766AE8523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell

>> No.18234749 [DELETED] 

Alright here goes: DESU

>> No.18234793 [DELETED] 

I deleted system32 and it worked TYBG

>> No.18234803 [DELETED] 


>> No.18234832

Well, a low IQ faggot like you have no need to follow those rules since you live in your smelly bedroom 24/7

>> No.18234835


>> No.18234839

>I urge people to look up numbers regarding this whole thing and compare it to other flu's or illnesses in the past 100 years
Just looking at the US alone, every day 6 to 8 times more people are currently dying on average from covid-19 than the flu in the entire country.

>> No.18234848

Can we ban the infected already??

>> No.18234895

Go hug your grandma

>> No.18234897

>and no it is not the normal flu
>the symptoms are mild for all of us
what are your symptoms?

>> No.18234985

>they're the ones who buy the toiletpaper
Haha this guy doesn't wipe his ass!!

>> No.18235047

>pajeet detected

>> No.18235101 [DELETED] 
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Kek what a bitch
OP forever btfo

>> No.18235260 [DELETED] 

that's a woman

>> No.18235274 [DELETED] 

puffy vulva

>> No.18235453


>> No.18235771

Coof coof
Just a flu bro

>> No.18235793

i can't wait for my Trump bux.

>> No.18235917 [DELETED] 


>> No.18235919

calisthenics are sick

>> No.18236041

Reminder that come November 4th that there will be no more virus.

>> No.18236120

disgustingly green

>> No.18236175


>> No.18236259
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>> No.18236613

I always don't know why bullion dealers double box but they have some of the best packaging I've seen. Wish Amazon was half as good.

>> No.18236648
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Based coofer and dubs

>> No.18237260 [DELETED] 
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Duuude theres like 1 kid who died from it. Young people better get scared...

>> No.18237261

I thought you said this was a big nothing just a flu?

>> No.18237928



>> No.18240207

is the april f00ls over yet