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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18215692 No.18215692 [Reply] [Original]

How will landlords survive this economic apocalypse? Are my fellow anons striking? I'm not but I also have a job.

>> No.18215732

maybe it's an april fools joke they are playing on him

>> No.18215858

Send eviction notices and watch most of the rent come in evict everyone who doesnt pay(with private security ofc) get new tenants and this shit wont ever happen again.

>> No.18215892

They cant be evicted. Government says they dont have to pay and you cant evict until crisis is over and they want landlords to tack those months they missed onto the remainder of the lease so in the end then landlord still gets his money

>> No.18216353

Burn down the complex and collect insurance money. Then you dont have to worry about people not paying rent as they won't have a place to stay and pay rent at.

>> No.18216382

Evictions are banned for 90 days in NY, and that's coming for the rest of the country I'd imagine. Landlords are fucked. Best case scenario, they can get a nice government loan to tide them over for now.

>> No.18216384

lawyers. or, take them to KLEROS COURT, duh!

>> No.18216406

Better pay up wagie.. or you're out on the street with ruined credit and no chance of ever getting a new place again. It's also really hard to get a new wagie job when ur homeless. Take care wagie..guess we won't be seeing you for a while.

>> No.18216411

just burn down the building

>> No.18216429
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Rent meme


Rent is still enforced to be paid by the 1st no later than the 3rd per your lease contract. Evictions can and will be filed for non-payment or not complying with the payment agreement. All legal evictions will be heard by the county court as soon as legally possible.

This is the time to tap your rainy day fund or ask your parents. There is NO rent holiday program being offered. You shouldn’t rely on government assurances for protection against the eviction process.


>> No.18216452
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Up against the wall, you!

>> No.18216456
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Property ownership is a business.

If you act like a proper businessman: manage your property, fix things in time, treat your clients (tenants) humanely, your clients won't fuck with you.

If you act like an entitled commie faggot: don't manage your property, blame clients when consumablesa break, treat your clients like they owe you gratitude merely for existing, then you deserve everything done to you by your unhappy clients.

Run your business or shut the fuck up. You're reaping what you've sown.

>> No.18216501

landlords are retarded
file for economic loss SBA grant
get paid for rent
when shit gets back to normal get wagies rent
double rent profits

>> No.18216677

I'm not striking because I'm not a deadbeat POS like the rest of you

>> No.18216690

>with ruined credit
I have a hunch some law will be passed making anything that happened during Coronademic ineligible to appear on a credit report.

>> No.18216873

Sounds like a good way to get your brain matter splattered across one of your own walls

>> No.18216918

Fake reddit post quit the gaslighting incel

>> No.18216955
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>> No.18216962

KYS faggot