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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1821341 No.1821341 [Reply] [Original]

Hello anons, story of my life coming through, read if you want or scroll away, but the tl;dr is: help me rethink my relationship with money.

I come from a mid-class family, my mother's family has a lot of money, but my father's family was very poor. Either way, they don't keep touch with the rest of both of their families for other reasons, so it has always been me, my mother and father and my brother. My mother is a retired teacher, my father used to work at a bank. He knows his stuff because of it, but I don't think he has vision for making money and I just realize this now that I'm an adult. When I was a very young kid, he used to give me some money every week, but it was very little money. I saved for months to buy a poster I wanted for my wall, then one time I told him I was saving for it and he went there and bought it with his own money and gave it to me. At another period, he stopped giving me the money in cash and just showed me an updated note about how much money I had. But then we lost track and he was the one buying things for me anyway. You can see how this has taught me nothing. His parents didn't give him anything, my mother's parents also didn't give her anything in spite they being totally capable of helping her in hard times. But my parents turned to the opposite side in some sort of vengeance, they always treated their money as "ours", totally shared with me and my brother, we ask and we got it. But I'm afraid that has spoiled me, or, at the very least, confused me.


>> No.1821342

>>1821341 cont

I'm 27 years old. I'm at my last year of college, studying Visual Arts. Yes, you read it right (it's a free course though, no debts or anything, I'm not in the US btw). I do freelance works desigining some shit, illustrating covers and things like that, not much money involved and it's almost at a stop now. I also work part time at a library. My salary and some money my father gives me every month works for me to pay my rent and all other expenses. But I don't save anything. It's been a year that I've been doing just above zero, I have like 200 dollars spare and that's it the rest comes and goes. I can't even think of investing anywhere, or like, dream to buy a house with this perspective. I've also been very idiotic lately, spending money on things like eating out too many times a week or buying books on impulse and only half-read them. I want to cut the bullshit out of my life.

I want to save to solo travel after I graduate, in 2018. Perhaps work abroad in exchange of a place to stay. I also want to work with I do best (visual arts), though it is a very uncertain thing to do, whereas my library job is very safe (I could easily stay there for 30 years if I want to, just like some colleagues of mine) but pays very little and have little room for promotion. I would also like to save some real big money, perhaps to settle down later on, perhaps to invest on projects. I consider denying my father's money and, even if it squeezes my budget greatly, this desperation could make me smarter. On the other hand, I could just be smarter and make better use of this money.

I work very little, gain very little, spend very little, risk very little... But I have ambition. Right now, I'm looking for any financial advice from you to get me out of this limbo. You know, simple stuff like "save first, then spend and not the contrary" are things that I really need to learn to put into action right now.

What do you say, /biz/?

>> No.1821345

try r9k

>> No.1821386

as soon as i started saving money and investing it it kind of became addicting. Why put money into a savings account when you can put it in bitcoin or some stocks or something and potentially make more money? My biggest vice was tech but I finally got it through my head that tech value depreciates like crazy so just wait a year and then get the 1080 or whatever. I read a lot too.

>> No.1821421

Do you recommend any reading in particular? Intro stuff and all.

What's 1080?

>> No.1821442
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>studying Visual Arts. Yes, you read it right (it's a free course though, no debts or anything, I'm not in the US btw)

That's why I oppose "free college." It encourages idiots to waste their time with taxpayer money. Enjoy your 50%+ income tax rate, Yuropoor.

>> No.1821453

I can't think of anything off the top of my head I started at babypips.com to learn about charts and stuff
just try to find recommendations a lot is repetitive but you can find some good stuff around.
1080 - the gtx1080 graphics card lol

>> No.1821454

I didn't waste my time, I loved it. If there is something I did not waste, that was my time.

Taxpayer money, I don't know, I might have wasted that :^)

(I'm not european either, I live in a minor not-too-poor third world country you probably don't care about)

>> No.1821455

also investopedia
learning terminology helps a lot with getting the ball rolling

>> No.1821459

Thanks for the tips, man.

lol about the graphics card, I totally misread you into thinking it was something specific to /biz/

>> No.1821467

Serious response:

Why don't you just tell your parents that you won't accept their money, and see where that takes you?

>> No.1821483

I might just do that, really. Good to hear it from someone else.

>> No.1822010


>> No.1822421

Get you a real job. Work nights if you have to. Tell your filks you have ambitions to be rich and for the time being you'll be puting all of pops money in an investment account, saving it until u can invest, or tell him to keep it.

You can live your same life if u can properly budget. Go and eat on occasion. Go have a drink at the bar. Buy a book to thumb through. But if u increase income u have extra money to invest into making more money. Also read oersonal finance books for more direction.

See you on the other side op

>> No.1822423


Investing is a hobby.

Gambling is an addiction.

This is why yar addicted.

>> No.1822429

>not pre-ordering the amd with 10% better graphix and cheaper

>> No.1823022

Thanks for the tips. A couple of weeks ago I started taking note of all my expenses and keep them more in check, that has helped me with the budget thing.