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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18210268 No.18210268 [Reply] [Original]

Still waiting for that global economic collapse you guys were predicting.

>> No.18210308

What do you mean? It already began.

>> No.18210341

zoom out to six months

>> No.18210366

normies dont understand that we are printing 10% inflation injecting directly into stocks, call it whatever you want "repo something something", it's devaluation of savings and into the hands of investors, which is a good thing, hoarding cash is futile

>> No.18210377

> Millions of niggers flood our beautiful white countries
> Muh my neighbour is white so there cannot be any demographic change

Leave this board.
Do not come back.

>> No.18210740

So put all your money into stocks until the hyperinflation stops. Not that hard.

>> No.18210763

We hit the bottom Monday of last week. Since then it has never gone back down to that level. Not even once.

>> No.18210797

Are you new here? Do you not understand that prices don’t go in a straight line? Do you not know what a relief rally is? Lurk more

>> No.18210837

or any asset that the hyperinflation will go into, collect inflation, collect cap gains, collect dividends, savers lose

>> No.18210928

Back to /pol/.

>> No.18210943

Yeah, precious metals and crypto are probably gonna go way up too.

>> No.18210956

literal retard

>> No.18210965

>He thinks a new global depression would happen in just a month and not over a period of a couple years

Are you dumb OP?

>> No.18211296

Coronavirus won't last for a couple years, retard. Growth rate has now gone from exponential to linear in the US. It will be gone within a month.

>> No.18211440


Wait until Q3-Q4 for the effects to sink in.

The Coronavirus outbreak has already triggered it and there's nothing stopping it. The snowball is already building up.

>> No.18211521

The damage done to the economy won't be gone within a month. The debt bubble is popped. Now it has to unwind. That will take a while.

>> No.18211659

How can the debt bubble pop when all debts are frozen and interest rates are at 0%?

>> No.18211702

I'll never understand why you little spergs complain about browns and blacks coming to white nations.

Your people looted every corner of the world and justified it with pseudoscientific measures of racial "supremacy" so your rulers and capitalists could hoard riches and profit off of cheap slave labor, destroying and destabilizing every society, nation, and region in the process. They're flooding your countries because of the fucked up situations your kind created and continue to create. Deal with it, whitey.

>> No.18211841

we got invaded in the past as well
literally everyone has

>> No.18211867

Shut the fuck up kike.

>> No.18211933

Lol, I'm not even Jewish. I'm just pointing out that race-baiting doesn't belong on this board.

>> No.18211977

Because not all debts are frozen and there are people and corporations with too much debt and no income.

>> No.18212065

Most of the debt is from student loans, which are frozen.

>> No.18212082

>Your people looted every corner of the world
If by "looted" you mean improve immeasurably than sure.

>> No.18212100 [DELETED] 

I said shut the fuck up kike.

>> No.18212182
File: 134 KB, 638x1000, 1556036005370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the debt in this country is from student loans

>> No.18212252

Interest payments are frozen on student debt, you still have to make principal payments unless you ask for forbearance. There are still credit card payments due... mortgage payments... corporate debt needs servicing etc etc etc

>> No.18212276

>Your people

You mean the kikes? They're not my people.

>> No.18212383

I doubt people will be out of work long enough for it to have that much of an impact. I've read a lot about how the Coronavirus is impacting the economy in various sources from the Wall Street Journal to MarketWatch to mainstream news sources, and none of them are saying that the debt bubble is popping. It's all wild speculation on 4Chan.

>> No.18212695
File: 75 KB, 976x513, bfm79B0_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really not getting the scope of this. It's not gonna fix itself over night.

>> No.18212955

You’re definitely under 21 or we’re too young to remember 2008

>> No.18213008

>implying 2008 ever ended.

>> No.18213034

The point is he thinks this is an overnight process and that the damage already done can just be glossed over and things could just resume as before

>> No.18213119

Coronavirus is just the straw that broke the camel's back, it isn't the real reason why the economy will continue collapsing

>> No.18213194

> global economic collapse not happening
Larping faggot or an actual faggot

>> No.18214198

They are, however, saying that the housing market is popping and some are starting to warn that banks might die at this rate as a result. Combined with >>18212695 there's no way this ends well.

>> No.18215022

i got my first black neighbor in 10 years
guess which of my new neighbors sell drugs out of their house?