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File: 1.20 MB, 1274x1259, Nk0dyKV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18200656 [Reply] [Original]

THIS IS REAL???????????????

Fucking Jessica who is now in control of ALL of Chainlinks money is a porn star.

Omg. My investment is going to FUCKING ZERO.

>> No.18200669 [DELETED] 

she sucks cock SO well it got her to manage chainlink funds.
what makes you think she doesn't suck cock well enough to make institutional investors come?

>> No.18200674

The chain link future is women. Have sex incel

>> No.18200676

Chinklink retards deserve to lose all they have.

>> No.18200679

she sucks cock SO well it got her to the position of managing chainlink funds.
what makes you think she doesn't suck cock well enough to make institutional investors enter?

>> No.18200683

>A girl had sex
>Urr Durr I better sell the foundation of the 4th IR
Your mommies have done this too but nobody recorded it. Grow up

>> No.18200690
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being invested in total garbage like Chainlink to begin with

>> No.18200692

You’re emotionally invested. Stop, they’re shitcoins, make profit and move on to the next one.

>> No.18200698

so you are OK with your mother being a filthy whore as long as nobody films her plying her trade

good for you

>> No.18200699

>Oy vey a girl had sex!! Sell your Linkies don't you see it stupid goyim??
She did nothing wrong. She played her cards right and now has more money than you will ever have. Your mom did it for free.

>> No.18200702
File: 2.98 MB, 2560x1600, Head of Institutional Lending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Head of Institutional Lending
around 1:03
>are you studying?
>yeah... I'm a junior, in college.
>nice, what are you studying?
>hmmm... business... and marketing...? I think? Marketing and finance? I don't know anymore but... yeah... that's what I'm going for.

>> No.18200707


She's not THAT hot though

>> No.18200711

Your mom is a whore. You did this kind of things for free and nobody recorded it. So what's the point here? Your mom suck it for free

>> No.18200718

>prostitution is OK
>having a family for "free" is apparently not

wow, so progressive

>> No.18200750

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

>> No.18200760

who the fuck is this why i keep seeing this womens photo?

>> No.18200762
File: 685 KB, 1024x2791, Jessica Khater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18200767
File: 33 KB, 416x488, Heads_on_pikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a 24 year old ex pornstar who manages over 300 million dollars in assets for chainlink

>> No.18200768
File: 76 KB, 720x707, 1585324541539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey is the ultimate simp, he's like those guys giving tips to twitchthots but x1000

>> No.18200779

you should be the poster child for pro choice

if there ever was an irrefutable argument for abortion it is you

>> No.18200782

Imagine being the best cocksucker is what gets you to be the top brass of ch*inlink

>> No.18200786

She’s probably just trying to sound cool

>> No.18200806

Kek. And this is why I knew selling the top and buying CKB was a good move.

>> No.18200813

You are a retard.
>I can do as I want as long as I don't harm others
>W-what about murder??
Link fudder = low IQ

>> No.18200825

>your mommies got fucked by and sucked the dick of random dudes but nobody recorded it
yeah stop projecting you literal son of a whore

>> No.18200841

States like this have never even been imagined

>> No.18200843

Damn. Guess idubbbz was right.

>> No.18200858
File: 1 KB, 244x30, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck
why do women willingly mutilate themselves

>> No.18200873

Maybe I’m off base but has anyone noticed this new wave of fud happens right as all the incel Zoomers we’re forced back into their parents basements?

Welcome to human society, women fuck their way to the top happens all the time. You think hope hicks was trumps #2 based on merit? She’s a fucking executive assistant, literally a byword for a girl the ceo keeps around to make himself feel young. If anyone legitimately believes anyone would trust a 24 slag with anything other than unloading the ceos gun every night then they deserve to be left behind when we moon.

Tired sad of fud 0/10

>> No.18200903

> women are whores and I’m too pussy to do anything about it
Sounds like a cope bud

>> No.18200913
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>> No.18200934

Didn't know FUD meant facts.

>> No.18200949
File: 27 KB, 1029x299, 1562739335694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats how Sirgay won the SWIFT spelling bee?

>> No.18200964

Yes yes this FUD nothing to see here, go home and buy LINK.
hahaha fucking scam

>> No.18200973

unironically bullish
are you really so deluded you think crypto is based on anything real?
this is pure meme money
and i know you're already all in
so enjoy the ride anon

>> No.18200977

This video is low quality.
Do you have a link to a high quality one?

>> No.18201012

Chain link has no patents, no technical papers, and is based on a mathematically impossible concept.

>> No.18201070

She didn't record it and put it online for millions of men to masturbate to, though

>> No.18201082
File: 5 KB, 239x211, 1584289009289[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18201097

>based on a mathematically impossible concept.
What's that?

>> No.18201100

Actually lower than zero. Many shills will face prison time. Sirgay exit scamming soon.

>> No.18201104

You can choose 1080p there. I also updated the drive folder with the high quality one
Use whatever you prefer

>> No.18201117

The fucking cope lol! This shit is a fucking comedy!
Holy shit what a simp loser goldmine!
It just gets more and more embarrassing!

>> No.18201121


report here

>> No.18201124

just give me the episode number and im good.

>> No.18201128

A weird combination of simping and going woke and getting broke.


>> No.18201130
File: 869 KB, 640x640, chainlinkgf4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here to make a deposit anon?
what's the correct move here

>> No.18201133


>> No.18201135

Dont tell them i want them to lose all their money

>> No.18201137
File: 52 KB, 509x371, 1575033291242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilarious cope

>> No.18201147

at that point you have to deposit it helps that her face is now away from your view.

>> No.18201150
File: 1.52 MB, 7153x1897, 1585650644023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this new wave of fud
Why anon, whatever are you referring to?

>> No.18201149


God damn this is so funny


>> No.18201154

> receive interest in CEL tokens
> in CEL tokens

Fitting for a pornstar managed Chainlink fund

>> No.18201162

this cat is so out of the bag. ahahaha. this fucking cat ran out of your yard, jumped on an airplane and flew overseas. ahahaha. youll never catch this cat now. poor linkies. ahahaha

>> No.18201164
File: 645 KB, 1440x2853, 1580737162783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sergey has no understanding of mathematics or software development.
the concept he made isn't feasible in practice, which is why there are no real results after 4 years of development with incredible funding, and now he's saying it'll be 5-10 years before they have something.

his talent is bullshitting, wrote a whitepaper that was obscure enough to fool midwits and those with no comprehension of technology into beleiving it's something that will work easily.

all the marketing stuff that implies good results are made by some low-rank employees at specific companies bought off by the insane amount of investor money sergey received.
so they'll put the word "chainlink" hidden on one slide of their 30 page roadmap, get 100k link to be able to "study the project" and the head of the companies will never even know what that shittoken is

>> No.18201169

ty anon, no 2160 version bummer. I will cheggitout now

>> No.18201183

I mostly thought about a slut that sucks random cocks managing billions of dollars

>> No.18201223

Guys this is bullish for smart contracts and whores!

Buy the massive dip (flatline) !

>> No.18201240

I have been trying to say that there was never a fucking need for chainstink in the first place.
just use fucking geth and make your own daemons and what not and script everything.
communicate with the fucking ethereum blockchain using geth like youre supposed to since the dawn of times.

>> No.18201257


Well you have to understand the handicapped mind of a stinky. They were the only people who bought into CUM.

>> No.18201269

Cope harder retard

>> No.18201434

I haven't followed ChainLink since a year ago. I see that they have mainnet up and running. Wtf is ChainLink now if not providing decentralized oracles? "Kleros team is clearly closer to having a running Oracle" - CL doesn't have a running Oracle?

>> No.18201450

Gotta admit, this FUD is pretty potent. I'm actually debating if I should sell 50% of my 55k stack and go into tezos. Some OG marines, please talk me out of it

>> No.18201474

>CL doesn't have a running Oracle?
Of course they do.
And they outperformed MakerDao's decentralized oracles in a recent real-world stress test.

Fuddies just make up shit.

>> No.18201477

Would you like to see your banker's cornhole?
[x] yes
[ ] now

>> No.18201478

Your mother is on film sucking dick and being railed?

>> No.18201483

i'm framing this on my wall
this is better than the africa meetup picture

>> No.18201489

>stinky linkies investment manager getting choke fucked

>> No.18201518

She DEFINITELY gets fucked in the office.

>> No.18201532

We are potentially at a global financial reset and you want to hodl with this cock sucker in control? If you believe in the project follow who leaves the team in disgust and continues solving the problems Link is supposed to be able to fix. Invest in that project.

>> No.18201538

who doesn't?

>> No.18201557

Kek’d and checked m8

>> No.18201560

>whore gets fucked

>> No.18201567

I want to sell 66% of my 100k stack just because I’m so tired of whores. I’m tired of every girl having thousands of miles of dick on their hoe fax reports. Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.18201576

holy shit she looks a bit like <3 jennie <3 here. unironically /ourgirl/ jennie wouldn't let guys fuck her like this would she anons? please tell me straight frens

>> No.18201645

>be /biz/tard who hates women
>find out your stinkies are all in possession of a whore who at 24 handled more money and more dicks then anyone on this board

what next boys?

>> No.18201664

>stinkies are all in possession of a whore
But they aren't?

>> No.18201666
File: 54 KB, 794x960, 1584969893327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak clown world achieved

>> No.18201669

Enlighten me who the fuck this is and how she's related to Chainlink, please.

>> No.18201675

>project run by 2 autistic nerds
>blow through 30mil without producing anything except lies and empty promises
>amass a following of retarded people who are equally brainwashed and obsessed
Stinkies truly are the bottom of the barrel idiots.

>> No.18201677

No, Jennie is on our side. Plus she has more of an image to preserve as a spokeswoman on the Weekly BAT Podcast.

>> No.18201695

>hates women

>> No.18201703

chainlink will use Celsius treasury service for a portion of their btc and eth holdings. where does it say they will manage 300M though?

>> No.18201726

>where does it say they will manage 300M though?
The lending department of Celsius manages 300M.
This Jessica woman works in the back office of that department.

Fudders are turning this into "she manages 300M of Chainlink's funds", and "she manages the majority of Chainlink's funds", and even "she manages all of Chainlink's funds".

>> No.18201735

Literal joke coin...
Sell chainlink before it's too late and buy bitcoin... or monero... or decred

>> No.18201790

Can’t handle a strong woman? Have incel.

>> No.18201839
File: 43 KB, 500x625, D228B279-2CC2-4691-ABD0-E6B38276A06E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg I’m gonn...

>> No.18201855


>> No.18201881

god damm subhuman trash

>> No.18201932

Jessica Khater is the Head of Institutional Lending at Celsius. She is the literal head of that entire department.

>> No.18201977

>literal head
i like what you did there

>> No.18202000

This, it's seriously an erc fucking token

>> No.18202012


>> No.18202026
File: 923 KB, 424x240, 1360726068052.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck do we need 20 threads a day now of this? is it really THAT big of a deal? how in the fuck does this affect your shitty scamcoin

>> No.18202042
File: 121 KB, 1597x553, celsius jessica khater porn lending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Head of Institutional Lending
She's the bottom of the foodchain in the Lending department.
She literally works in the back office.

>> No.18202043

Converted all linkies to ETH. Was a nice ride bros

>> No.18202089
File: 95 KB, 708x800, 1581919029312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18202127

>Autists jerk off to porn daily, drawn and real
>Get upset about people related to that industry afterwards
kek, you guys are unbelievably special.

>> No.18202133

It's called a slide thread. Notice how there are all of these threads instead of 20+ thread of Sergei and link memes? Link is in stealth/FUD mode now because the crypto ponzi insiders know the halving is extremely bullish.

>> No.18202134

>why the fuck do we need 20 threads a day now of this?
Because /biz/ is the ideal playground for astroturfing and obsessive samefagging.

>> No.18202158

>you had 2 years to dyor
>linkies didn't spot this for 2 years

>> No.18202168

She really does porn? XDDDDDDDDD

>> No.18202171

Why is her skin orange?

>> No.18202184

I remember what happened when Verge unveiled the major partnership PornHub xDD price fucking bottomed, i saw it live.

>> No.18202207


This, I mean JESUS, it's quite clearly a commercial failure by now considering they have zero customers.

>> No.18202227

>zero customers
Except for Synthetix, Aave, bZx, ... and the list of future users including Oracle and ETH, amirite?

>> No.18202241


Serious commercial technologies are not run by fuck-ups, scammers and whores anon.

It's a dud. Find a new shitcoin to ride 1000%, dump it, rinse and repeat.

>> No.18202252

The crazy part here isn't that she sucks dick on camera its that 300 million of btc is being used as collateral for 2.2 billion worth of loans. Just under 14% collateral.

>> No.18202284

She unironically probably fucks the whole office.

A week ago I wouldn't believe it and I'd assume family connections. But my spouse has a girl at work just like this - she's already fucked their boss, and two of their coworkers, despite being dumb as shit. That's how she stays there - fucking the whole office. It is a made up role an someone underneath her probably takes care of her dumbass

>> No.18202298
File: 222 KB, 640x730, 1582567772039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao crypto is such a fucking joke. I'm done with shitcoins.

>> No.18202308


>> No.18202320

this. time to dump lads.

>> No.18202325

sex workers deserve respect. it's 2020.

>> No.18202330
File: 57 KB, 550x467, 1561617443889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CEL tokens

>> No.18202348

then legalize prostitution

>> No.18202356

LinkedIn and Stick It In

>> No.18202403

Oh wow a literal scam
What happened to the financial deviratives market? All you twats rave about nowadays are crypto defi scams. Oh and your oracles failed during the crash.

>> No.18202429

>Oh and your oracles failed during the crash.
t. anon

>Chainlink worked fine outside of ETH lag
t. actual Chainlink users


>> No.18202445

Well, don't know what to say about this video. At least it beats cable TV.

>> No.18202609
File: 669 KB, 1440x1168, 1566294498139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sergeys "deposits" were significant...

>> No.18202656


>> No.18202722






>> No.18202778

And the outrage addicts keep spinning. Spamming the board until mods clamp down, then they cry victims of oppression again.

>> No.18202845


Fuck, I've been a second lieutenant Linky from 20 cent days, not even this recent crash made me sell...this is too much bros

>> No.18202860

Disrespecting sex workers is as old as sex work itself. Whores will only garner respect from simps. Fuck you.

>> No.18202887

it's the trump effect

>> No.18202938

fractional reserve schemes will be built on top of everything that is custodial in nature. never forget this! NO EXCEPTIONS!

>> No.18202943

OG marine here.
Had 53k, have 10k now.
Not selling 5 of those, the other 5 are used for swinglinking and I bought at $2.

>> No.18202946
File: 381 KB, 600x655, bobochart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody just photoshop this Jessie Khazar and bobo, I am lazy retard.

>> No.18203055
File: 204 KB, 2440x1768, 1534242646601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18203109
File: 1.92 MB, 1295x1059, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to buy rope swingie

>> No.18203174

Alright, time to give this a fap. Let's see how bad this is.

>> No.18203188


>> No.18203204

Your mom was a whore too stupid to operate a camera? Sorry

>> No.18203237
File: 1.95 MB, 237x240, 1520955112617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18203257

That was brutal

>> No.18203285

She's not in control of shit you retards. She was hired as a 'marketing assistant'. Some retarded journalist for Forbes propped her up because she's a woman and probably had no idea she did porn. If you really think a 23 year old porn star is in charge of $300 million then you are seriously retarded. She likely got a promotion for blowing the CEO then wrote up a fake story to Forbes and they ate it up. I truly hope this bitch gets fired when her coworkers find out she's a porn whore.

>> No.18203318

>Still using elementary insults.

>> No.18203354

You mean she GAVE head to that entire department

>> No.18203387


She probably would. All women are whores.

>> No.18203415

Trying to find the vids for a fap with no luck. Any clues?

>> No.18203422

she is repulsive to me yet my weiner still reacts
wat mean?

>> No.18203425

>according to Forbes

>> No.18203436

you might be clinically retarded

>> No.18203547

crying this bitch showed up to a pregame at my apt in the city a few weeks ago. she was like charting/trading some shit. absolute smoke show

>> No.18203603

I’m not even fucking kidding here guys. I’ve had low testosterone for the last year and have maybe jerked off twice to porn in that amount of time... and one of the two or 3 times I jerked off was to this exact porno. It was like 6 months ago before any of us ever knew who this chick was. We are unironically going to make it

>> No.18203610
File: 17 KB, 268x284, 1497511784953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is one of the greatest happenings in /biz/ history

>> No.18203619

No larping
I have my stinkers in cold storage 250km away from home

Do i kill myself?

>> No.18203635

That's gonna be a cringe from me dawg

>> No.18203715

depends if you are mentally ill enough to trust journo fud
other than that simple rule applies for all LINK holders: DR;NS.

>> No.18203791

>greatest happening in /biz/ history
>doesn't affect anything at all outside of /biz/

/biz/ is a fud echo chamber completely detached from reality.

>> No.18203794

Those faggots at chainlink are just doing this to spite us. It’s one thing to have a nigger or spic running something Semi important as token affirmative action hires, but they are really crossing a line having a dick sucking whore run this shit in its infancy.

This would be the equivalent of Henry Ford Sr. Putting a blind tranny in control of managing the assembly line right after he created it

>> No.18203817
File: 48 KB, 400x416, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18203821

>future users

>> No.18203826

In other words: /biz/ is to crypto like Twitter is to US politics.

>> No.18203848

> muh car man
he didn’t even invent shit, he was just a marketer

>> No.18203849
File: 204 KB, 1315x739, 1581947188952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18203868

nope anon, same as me during the stock market crash.
you just let them sit there.
Its a gamble they will moon if you are investing.

If you are trading then you swing.

All investments are moon or bust in essence for people without a serious discipline to not do anything emotional with cash.

>> No.18203880

You can't tell me she regretted that. She was acting up a storm.

I hate women. They live life on easy mode and now because of the sexual revolution, almost no penalty to them. If she gets fired, feminists will come to her aid and find her a job.

I hate this shit.

>> No.18203931
File: 1.51 MB, 720x480, flying goodboy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to advise everyone that there is currently a shill campaign being run on multiple boards to try to normalize women appearing in porn in our society, this being another example.

Any replies that resemble the following are likely paid shills / trolls:

>have sex
>nothing wrong with it
>working the system

If this kind of news came out regarding any reputable company in the stock market, the girl would already be placed on leave and the stock would probably tank 10% that day.

>> No.18203959

Convert to Islam

>> No.18203983

>All investments are moon or bust
>Just hold your money for 10 years until it reaches $0 bro!

>> No.18203987

>tfw it was all supposed to be memes and giggles but chainlink /is/ slowly getting associated with NSFW degeneracies by machine learning algorithms and will eventually end up consumed by it
I think it was high time for a rebrand anyway. "ChainLink" is way too obscure and vague as to be appealing to the masses. Kind of like "RaiBlocks," which was replaced with the way more accessible "Nano." Or think of the "Apple" corporation. Doesn't get anymore appealing than that.

What do you Anons suggest? I was thinking something along the lines of "McLink" or just "SergMac Token."

>> No.18203991

It’s already normalized in christcuck society.

>> No.18204001


>> No.18204073
File: 158 KB, 1439x1416, 1584467919612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was an unfortunate fap. Bitch is obviously a liar, she can't give a single straight answer. Lies about how many people she's slept with, lies about her jobs, lies about modelling, lies about how many people she's slept with, lies about being with a woman at first then fesses up to having a threesome in paris. She is definitely a ho fo sho. Her face looks like she is 40 and she gives terrible blowjob with no attention to the balls. Her body is decent though and she can take a decent beating. 5/10 slampig. You can definitely tell how she ended up being successful with her "networking skill", aka fucking strangers, as well as her ability to lie.

All in all I would say that this is bullish for LINK, unfortunately. Her ability to lie as well as how terrible of a fuck she is will only help LINK in the immediate future. Long term she is bound to fuck something up, though.

>> No.18204087

Just go give people something graspable. Something they can relate to. Like a theme reminding them of their favorite fast food chain.

And it probably would because it does associate the token with NSFW and similar shit not accessible by children and co.

>> No.18204135

i unironically give thousands of dollars in donos to hot korean twitchthots and don't care if anyone knows it. i have the strongest yellow fever imaginable and literally MUH DICK in hand everytime i load up these streams and see these 10/10 egirls

funny thing is it has become almost a kink to see them on screen. i had a date with a 6/10 korean in vancouver like a month ago and wasn't even that excited, kept thinking instead about going home and watching twitch. what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.18204174

The absolute state of the western coomer

>> No.18204213

She’s from Florida all girls there sit in the sun constantly.

>> No.18204214

Wait there are people itt who actually believe (aside fudder shills) that she manages that type of money? That stupid bitch can't into basic mathematics.
This campaign has really no substance to it.

>> No.18204216

you can see how stupid these girls are. "do you promise those videos wont end up in usa?"
>2020, not knowing anything compromising can be put online for the world to see

>> No.18204226
File: 2.95 MB, 4554x3036, 1571625435001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all of you retards having trouble finding the clip,
Dont search for it with her name. GDP never used girl's names (real or stage name) for their episodes. (They actually never put the ep numbers themselves but reddit kept the record.)

Google "girlsdopr0n 349"
Its literally the first link for the full clip at 720p c

>> No.18204247
File: 13 KB, 236x330, rope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18204251

it doesnt matter if she actually manages the money or not, figureheads still need to SAVE face, not get cum on their face.

>> No.18204270

I said the assembly line fag not the car

>> No.18204281

Honestly does anyone else get turned on just looking at her headshot and knowing shes been spoiled by big cocks and an average dick will never please her again?

>> No.18204285

She’s not REALLY in charge tho right? I’ve been holding chainlink but haven’t really been following it since 2018. What is going on should I be concerned about this?

>> No.18204311

she's president and CEO of chainlink now, dude. sergey stepped down

>> No.18204325

don't reply to me you shit faced degenerate
do really think I give a fuck what you have to say when I search for ID
neck yourself

>> No.18204326
File: 119 KB, 1597x553, 1585662797681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She’s not REALLY in charge tho right?

>> No.18204333

Is her skin really that dark or does she get a fake tan every week?

>> No.18204336

She doesn’t really tho? I’m really trying to wrap my head around this.

>> No.18204337

GDP guys are like 7 inches max. barely above average.

>> No.18204342
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>> No.18204347

lol, we all know what "head" means in this context

>> No.18204351

so, how can i get a link to her pussy fucking sir gays dick?

>> No.18204353

Fake tan. Everything about her is fake

>> No.18204362

theyre thick though

>> No.18204371

new age fools tax

>> No.18204375

She's likely going to get fired, then sue the company and make way more than she would have working there. all thanks to 4chan.

>> No.18204391

God I’m so horny and lonely. I’m so jealous of the guy from GirlsDoPorn.

>> No.18204397
File: 10 KB, 225x225, aliza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tal bentov https://twitter.com/tbentov21
and pic related: Aliza...

you know how the CEOs choose to hire

>> No.18204419

Do whatever you want lol personally who the fuck knows anymore.

>> No.18204427
File: 7 KB, 256x196, 1572216870896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what goes on in the back office?

>> No.18204448

I would be shocked if this chick even has a net worth of $100k. that forbes list is a joke. i've seen people on there who invent a shitty app that generates about $10k in income.

>> No.18204478

Emails, browsing social media, calling friends and family, making coffee, gossip.

>> No.18204482

You can make a lot of money being retarded. Smart people overthink things sometimes.

>> No.18204494

you're still gonna be lonely if you fuck a porn star or even a 1 night stand for that matter. it's not like they are talking to you and become your best friend.

>> No.18204498

It's fun watching stinkers come to grips with the reality that they are holding part of a Russian ponzi scam.

>> No.18204519

So you think male pornstars are lonely?

>> No.18204551

Yeah that's the real question!

Who has planted that cooked up hoe as his moneybitch.

>> No.18204555

what are hookers you dumb fuck

>> No.18204557


>> No.18204566

Does anyone have a link to the vid?

>> No.18204574

Existentially yes. Men innately want to accomplish something worthy of respect. Sex without love or without the accomplishment of conquest becomes self alienating over time.

>> No.18204576


>> No.18204581

if you werent full blown retard youd realize that it has been already posted, but i didnt expect much from a dumb cunt that invests in link

>> No.18204612
File: 59 KB, 759x607, kekius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18204666

it's worse than we thought, isn't it? Jessica isn't the only one, is it?

>> No.18204687

I don’t think I’d ever see a hooker. I fantasize about it a lot and look at Eros and Slixa. But at the end of the day, seeing an escort is pretty pathetic and exposes you to blackmail and possible arrest. Let’s face it, most escorts hate what they do and are probably really damaged.

>> No.18204701

I didn't invest in link faggot. I was just asking if the link was posted instead of clicking on the 40 different links in this thread. Fucking cunt.

>> No.18204715
File: 557 KB, 220x220, 1582435359874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me there's more former porn sluts in the team.
Chainlink is so fucked

>> No.18204731

Nice theory, outside the fact that Link is trash.

>> No.18204740

Why didn’t anyone post this to their twitter yet?

>> No.18204743


Hey iDubbz, just wanted to let you know that your girl blew me last night, but you already knew that

>> No.18204750

And i suppose your spouse is a saint who doesnt condone any of that, right?

>> No.18204764
File: 627 KB, 1932x1104, idf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this chick looks like she was basically in charge of developing online propaganda for the IDF before her business career.

>> No.18204770

also >>18204397

>> No.18204804

So you guys know the GDP story what do you think it was and which is worse
>got tricked into a fake “modeling shoot” ad and convinced to do porn
>did porn

>> No.18204811

she's basically an intelligence military officer and must be here to gather intel on those crypto funds

>> No.18204838

desu if you fall for these scams I don't feel bad for you. I almost fell for a teaching abroad scam, but thankfully noped out when I did more research.

>> No.18204866

I came buckets. Chainlink retards deserve it.

>> No.18204896
File: 61 KB, 582x407, D7-nzJSV4AADYya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK? ? ?

>> No.18204922

That actually makes a lot of sense, kind of bullish that an intel agency thinks this company is important enough to get in early and keep and eye on it.

>badass girl bosses
lmao yea I'm thinking this chick will tell them she was coerced into doing the porn and won't be fired.

>> No.18204953

>A girl had sex
>selling her body for 1200$ for all the world to see, not out of poverty but because she is a literal whore
pick one

>> No.18204963

Impressive resume
Please tell me she also did porn

>> No.18204980
File: 919 KB, 448x252, nutted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/10 body
4/10 porno

Still nuttted so 6/10 overall

>> No.18205030

>guy from girls do porn isn't even black

doesn't count as porn

>> No.18205051

Maybe shes a porn, but I dont think you can call her a star after only one apperance.
She became a star after this thing with link.

>> No.18205054

That would’ve been the hottest thing ever. Just watching these innocent looking girls take bbc.

>> No.18205067

BAD look for Chain link...not good PR strategy at all. No wonder no one takes crypto seriously still. Wtf.

>> No.18205091

A 24yo woman lol. Just imagine any 24yo female youve ever knowned. No imagine handling your money.

>> No.18205092

>isn't a chain
>doesn't link anything


>> No.18205098
File: 93 KB, 1048x1064, memed on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jessica who is now in control of ALL of Chainlinks

Jessica now controls the Chainlink. Sergey has been usurped. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW, STINKIES?

>> No.18205104
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>> No.18205121
File: 51 KB, 600x450, batjennie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, no. Jennie is pure. Don't ever insult her by comparing her to other projects' whores.

>> No.18205127

This is a zoom zoom.

>> No.18205144

crypto is the biggest scam of all. i don't know anyone who has made real money off of it without having inside knowledge.

>> No.18205146

Thank u for the link to the vid. Managed to rub one out I did not get to stick a pic of Sergey to the tv where her face was but I just checked held his face on my phone while I rubbed one out to her vid. Omg it was incredible, it was like I was Sergeys boss and Sergey had tits and a mangina. I am getting hard aga i n describing it... ohhhh getting bigger and harder now. If someone you could Photoshop or gimp Sergey face on her body it would be super hot.

>> No.18205154


pure skill in man-milking

>> No.18205170

Can you post that Africa meetup picture?

>> No.18205186
File: 196 KB, 1024x922, 1568655278261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18205196

Wow is that her? She's gorgeous.

>> No.18205213

a metric ton of makeup will do that

>> No.18205230

God I’m so horny and lonely. I wish that I could smell a woman’s asshole.

>> No.18205244

As a cuck and a chainlink holder, I just had the biggest coom session. Imagine investing in a project where ceo is giving millions to someone getting fucked by chad for everyone to see

>> No.18205265

pathetic. pick yourself up faggot

>> No.18205268

My mommy also isnt running Chainlink finances. No one is mad this woman had sex. We're mad that someone this dumb and clueless is a partner.

>> No.18205303
File: 19 KB, 374x246, jessica_khater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all checks out

>> No.18205307

Assholes smell like shit. Are you a scat fetishist?

>> No.18205316

If I held even a fraction of simpLink rn I would've already offed myself

>> No.18205325

In the future if women don’t have good throating or dick riding skills posted right on their linked in, employers will pass on account of lack of passion. She’s just ahead of the curve.

>> No.18205343

Women’s assholes don’t.

>> No.18205348

assholes only smell like shit if she does not know what basic hygiene is

>> No.18205354

Of course shes from florida...fml

>> No.18205404
File: 9 KB, 219x230, 1584900841209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and ropepilled

>> No.18205418
File: 315 KB, 590x593, bca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a scat fetishist?

>> No.18205424


I'm out.

>> No.18205428
File: 42 KB, 640x634, bf8efe7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually thinking of selling 50% of my stack. How big is she in this Chainlink sphere? I mean is this just a nothingburger partnership or something bigger collabo they are doing with Link? Fuck...............

>> No.18205439
File: 19 KB, 365x260, 1567755730408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the real world kiddo

>> No.18205446


>> No.18205451

I bought my first home on that rumor pump.

>> No.18205477



>> No.18205556

.I think its just a FUD, a really good and well planed FUD.

>chainlink manager does porn
>stocks go down
>even tho she is a hoe, she is highly capable of doing her job
>stocks go up again some days after the scandal cause péople realize that

I will wait for the dip and go ALL IN. Already dreaming about my lambos and 2021 Honda Civic.
Sorry for the poor english, im brazilian.

>> No.18205569

>gets fucked for money
>gets more money from GDP lawsuit
money-smart lady actually

>> No.18205589

>chainlink manager does porn
Uhhh dude, she's Chainlink's CEO.

>> No.18205592


achei o retardado que deu dinheiro pra xp

>> No.18205611

imagine some 30 year old guy who has to report to her as his manager. imagine having to ask this person for approval for a late lunch or time off

>> No.18205626

where can i watch this video?

>> No.18205662

What is happening with chainlink? Something big must be coming, the fudders have gotten more retarded than ever.

>> No.18205672

read the thread you utter fucking cretin

>> No.18205693

She has literally nothing to do with chainlink at all.

>> No.18205723
File: 20 KB, 431x401, ad8f77ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously do we fucking sell or what. This is fucking bad.

>> No.18205740


>> No.18205742
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1511694022428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount chainlink gives their money to them makes me think otherwise you simp.

>> No.18205752
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, linkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has literally nothing to do with chainlink at all.
>She has literally nothing to do with chainlink at all.
>She has literally nothing to do with chainlink at all.

>> No.18205757

Nah bro you don't understand; she's a lower-end stooge of the lending department of a new Chainlink partner, the treasury of which received some of Chainlink's BTC and ETH holdings.
That means she manages Chainlink funds.
In fact, it means she manages the majority of Chainlink's funds.
In fact, it means she manages all of Chainlink's funds.
In fact, it means she runs Chainlink now.

>> No.18205818

The google drive one wont play

>> No.18205912

almost as bad as the holochain scandal but not quite as bad..

chainlink's price will tank because of this for sure. Gives crypto a bad wrap in general to allow degenerate women like this in the cryptospace.

>> No.18205939

what happened with holochain?

>> No.18205971

The CEO makes bdsm stuff

>> No.18205976

It was supposed to be mineable until the 6 millionth coin but stopped at 6,000

>> No.18206001

They were probably saggy

>> No.18206006

All the coomers in this thread maxxed it out

>> No.18206007


Did you actually miss it? Hahahahahha their fucking CEO owns a rope bondage studio and has pics of her pussy in shibari ropes whilst hanging from the ceiling. Also some dick sucking pics and her cooch violated with ropes and what not. The fucking cope was off the charts when it was published.

>> No.18206089


>> No.18206135

>defending a whore
poor move simp

>> No.18206174


>jewish women

>> No.18206176


>> No.18206194

>orange woman bad

>> No.18206196

This latest scandal has done it for me. I’ve endured 2 years of sybil fud, toilet fud, JSON parser memes, fake google pnd, 700k dumps literal dump to zero, fake partnerships (looking at you MOAB), the same slides over and over, stiff competition arriving (BAND, Tellor, UMAprotocol). I’ve endured it all, but this was the straw that broke the camels back. The Link dream is dead friends. We will go down in history as one of the most epic meme campaigns, but unfortunately reality has caught up with us. It was nice knowing you all, I wish you all good luck.

>> No.18206206
File: 75 KB, 960x960, 1584683289181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha HOLY SHIT. im out.

>> No.18206238


>> No.18206241

then just imagine how good adelyn’s slob game must be

>> No.18206253
File: 130 KB, 1080x1080, EOo-riTU8AAdx6S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



which leads to


I'm too tired to post pics but my pic is literally her in bondage setting. Mary Camacho owns a rope studio and there were lewd pics online where she was showing her cooch all over strapped in shibari. She then damage controlled and deleted the shit but I'm sure many anons saved it all. It was pure comedy gold.

>> No.18206256

>Fucking Jessica who is now in control of ALL of Chainlinks money is a porn star.

It was a scam all along
Sergey is laughing his ass over all idiots who bought

>> No.18206271

honestly i think this is just becoming the norm. the net is exposing all of our secrets. soon some asshole will leak all of our medical records then some dickpie will code an app for a quantum computer which calculates every thought we've ever had. the great shamening is imminent whereby humans are incapable of lying and all secrets are made public, after which why the hell not squelch your porking portions all over the net.
plus kids today grow up with japanese octopoid-raping scatporn, porn no longer takes the form of a folded up pic of some pin up girl you hide under your mattress. the reproductive-region revolution will be huge. and disgusting.
even the bible knew.

>> No.18206272


>> No.18206302



Her literal fucking gofundme page with her FUCKING REAL NAME ON IT.

>> No.18206342

she is in control. confirmed via linked in

>> No.18206376

What are the reasons anyone should care?

>> No.18206401

let's be real tho she has an 11/10 midriff

>> No.18206402

where is the video

>> No.18206504

>What are the reasons anyone should care?


>> No.18206595 [DELETED] 

Damn this roasties career is fucking over. Just bought 100k linkies

>> No.18206703

does anyone have pictures of her as a kid?

>> No.18206715
File: 64 KB, 657x527, 2ikmudh7b1j41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the milkers pls

>> No.18206821

Congratz on this, stinkies, seriously

>> No.18206959
File: 101 KB, 701x588, wwfw4tgwevsdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Investing in an erc20 token, headed by a russian, located in the cayman island

And now this is just the cherry on top lmao
>inb4 tHE bOewR OF bOSItiVE ThANgeNN

>> No.18207026

i unironically want an israeli gf now. damn they are legit hot as fuck.

>> No.18207118

she fake-tanned herself with a can labelled 'hue de la hot dog'. would not leave wallet anywhere near.

>> No.18207157

To be fair, she does have a lot of experience in the head department.

>> No.18207208

why the fuck did i feel sad about her while watching the video?
this shit is disturbing.

>> No.18207377

You felt sad? Check out her instagram >>18207110

She is not miserable

>> No.18207561

yeah, thats why i asked why.

>> No.18207601

>i don't know anyone who has made real money off of it without having inside knowledge
are you serious?

>> No.18207886

chainlink is a fucking scam anyway it doesn't matter what muppet gets put in charge the departments

>> No.18207899

get help

>> No.18207911

>what's roasting


>> No.18208811

Honestly, this is the problem I have with this whole thing
Doing porn is one thing. But sounding dumb as fuck when asked what they're studying is a HUGE red flag

>> No.18208825

Nutting to this video for good luck