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18195388 No.18195388 [Reply] [Original]

I wasted my entire life. I'm now 25 years old. I always wanted to be an artist but I deep down inside felt like I wouldn't be liked or I wasn't attractive enough. Now I don't care and just want to do it, but during the day, I keep thinking about my age and whether it's too late since most popular artists are in their young 20s or their teens. I feel like giving up and I'm suicidal. The more I continue with this line of thinking, the more time I end up wasting, and it results in a vicious cycle.

Even if I make it as a singer, my mind says "what's the point? your success will last a few years maximum, then it'll all come crashing down. You won't be able to fuck younger women by then anyways and it's all over."

What do I do? Fuck I can't take this anymore so I am deciding to post this on the only board that I think is smart. I'm going to get banned for this later I know it but for now please fucking help me.

>> No.18195433

You have shit priorities and live in a fantasy land.
I don't now if you can be a singer, you probably can't, it's just the odds.
You should learn to fix cars or weld and make 40k a year in 16 months.
If you already make an OKAY salary then learn to like your life, people are only sad sacks because they choose to be.
Women are dumb anyway and fucking the ones that are pretty because they're pretty may aswell be jerking off.

>> No.18195485

Do the self authoring program anon.

You shouldn't do it for 'success', you should do it because it's meaningful.

You're gonna have to provide for yourself, so don't put all your eggs in one basket. There are a lot of other careers that involve singing that don't involve being the center of attention.

Would you want to be a singer even if you aren't famous?

Once you're in a meaningful mode of being, you'll stop suffering.

>> No.18195488

>entire life
nigga, your life is literally just starting
fucking harrison ford was a carpenter before he struck it big with star wars at the age of 35

>> No.18195635

What's a self authoring program?

>> No.18196384

Listen OP you have been fed bullshit all your life that you are special and unique yet people dont realize that the majority of people are in fact mediocre, so you might as well be good at living your life in mediocrity. Because if you had any semblance of willpower you would be getting off your ass doing something instead of using an /biz for your fucking diary.

>> No.18196399

Some famous musicians literally started LEARNING their instruments in their 30s, its never too late, just fucking DO IT

>> No.18196411


This. Sometimes it's all about that big break, no matter what your concentration is. From there it's just compounding gains and achievements.

>> No.18196578

Jews get stuff just for being jews

>> No.18196625

You're 25, not 45. Work hard, take risks. You still have time for it. Make money, save money, have sex.

>> No.18196637

It’s a scam by Jordan Peterson where you write a journal for $15.

>> No.18196664
File: 31 KB, 300x400, and into the trash it goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking his life is over at 25
>only motivation to be successful is to fuck younger women
you should save yourself and everyone else the time and just kill yourself now OP. its clear you will never make it

>> No.18196726

Fucking hot women is every mans motivation in life

>> No.18196742

fucking hot women is every unsuccessful mans motivation in life

>> No.18196745

Dont kill your self but this anon has a point. If your mind is on women ngmi but just for a second my friend what if your mind was just on yourself to push to become the best you you can be regardless of your age or what anyone else is doing. You can find meaning in your life if you stop fucking crippling yourself to not even fuckin try thats what cowards do and thats not you.

>> No.18196880

Your literally a kid.

>> No.18196906

>I always wanted to be an artist but I deep down inside felt like I wouldn't be liked or I wasn't attractive enough.
Wow that has nothing to do with being an artist, good going OP

>> No.18196936

I'm 26 and feel the same way except I always wanted to be a cop but I'm colorblind so I cant. Wasted my life and wish I could be a kid again. Life sucks and growing up sucks more

>> No.18197038

if you do what you want you will always be happy. the only times you have regret and feel like you wasted life and time is when you fight against doing what you really want to do

-35 yo boomer

>> No.18197497

you clearly want attention. that's actually the LAST thing you want. recognition has always been overrated. it's better to find that out sooner before your mind becomes a vegetable

>> No.18197849

You’re chasing a feeling OP. Tying the accomplishment to an arbitrary age (early 20s) and arbitrary activities (banging hot young girls) is just the workings of an scarcity mindset. The feeling you want can be accomplished in a million ways.

>> No.18198109

>wasted entire life
What a fucking joke. Get over yourself. I spent my late teens and entire 20s using drugs, drunk driving, hanging out with scumbags. I only began to change my life in my 30s. Now I have only healthy, positive people in my life, years clean and sober and now own a small business. It's never to late to change, but feeling sorry for yourself will get you nowhere.

>> No.18198121

This. In the words of the wise Biggie Smalls "Disregard women, acquire currency"

>> No.18198151

This will be the best post in this thread. Stop reading.

>> No.18198156

>stop reading
Your zoomer is showing

>> No.18198163

Please go back where you came from.

>> No.18198170

Been lurking here far long than you plebbit tourist.

>> No.18198827

Say the date, fagwagon.

>> No.18198846

Correct. I only started attracting women when I pretended not to care anymore

>> No.18198908

Now go a step further and really stop caring. By that i dont mean become asexual ascetic but to keep them outside of your focus in life and instead focus on building yourself and your life, have a mission and actively work to achieve it.

>> No.18198932

Got into AV engineering at 29, not too late anon. All I'd done before that is set up a couple PAs and plug mics in. Find a trade with something in common with prior experience. If it's music, do what I did.

>> No.18199746
File: 25 KB, 600x714, hebelievesthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we cope

>> No.18200172

Be more realistic faggot. Get a respectable career and sing for a hobby.

Be grateful for what you have.

>> No.18200282

Very popular meme back in 2016 but you already know that right?

>> No.18200343


>> No.18200406

you need to know that even if you told that earth is not flat water around continents still flat. You told that you can be... You can not be anything else then you already are human being.
Many of us think of love as a strong emotion, a feeling we have for another person. Take a wholly different and life-enriching approach to love. Love is something you "do", something you give freely from the heart. Learn how to express yourself nakedly and honestly to your partner, friends, or family, for no other purpose than to reveal what's present or alive in you. Discover what thousands of people around the world already know: A heart to heart connection strengthened by joyfully giving and receiving from the heart. Is that love you longing to experience?

>> No.18200433

Just have fun and be yourself OP
Also watch this motivational video https://youtu.be/glGQrS7Ub-k

>> No.18200435

If you like music, give up on being a star. Finding a good group of people to have fun and make music with is its own reward. If you love music, fame and popularity shouldn't even be an issue. Just focus on gitting gud and meeting other musicians.

>> No.18200448

>You have shit priorities and live in a fantasy land.