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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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178314 No.178314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>going to different city for a job interview
>never been in that city, but I know a guy who lives there
>we grew up in the same area, his family are richfags
>kind of resented him as a kid because I was (still am) poor
>see him online on Skype
>say hi, ask how he's been, mention I'll be in his town soon
>"Neat! Wanna meet up? You can always stay the night at my place"
>end up going to a pub with him after my job interview, talk a bit over a couple of beers
>go back to his place, play some vidya
>mention I got my MSc lately
>"Damn, this calls for celebration!"
>pours us some cognac, bust out some fucking cigars
>spend the evening smoking a good cigar and finishing the bottle, go to sleep
>have breakfast with him, leave in the morning
>look up the cognac and cigar brands we had online
>Camus XO Borderies Cognac $150, Cohiba Esplendidos $40 per stick
Fucking richfags. Why? Why do you mock me?

>> No.178351

>bitching about a good friend

>> No.178359
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Would...would it have been better for him to offer you watered-down bud light and some cigarettes from the gas station down the street?

>> No.178369

He sounds like a pretty cool guy. Why can't you just get over being a resentful poorfag and be friends with him?

>> No.178365

It would make me feel like less of a pleb.

I had fun drinking our four beers at the pub. I bought the first round, he bought the second, I bought the third, he bought the fourth. I felt like his equal.

>> No.178374

On the image: If I could make 25,000 a year with investments alone, why would I have a job?

>> No.178378

money is like the ring of power, most people go GNYAAARRGGHH and lash out to get some, rarely do you come across a hobbit who is immune to its effects

be the hobbit

>> No.178385

Is the friend a hobbit?

>> No.178394

>Why can't you just get over being a resentful poorfag and be friends with him?

Because I'm a pleb and it hurts to recall interacting with him.

>> No.178390

It's laughable that this image is supposed to show average middle class.

>> No.178406

250$k is basically poverty

>> No.178413

go to bed Romney.

>> No.178435

Is this picture serious? Does the person who made this actually believe it?

>> No.178445

yes. Those are supposed to be poor middle class people that would be harmed by Obama's tax increases if he was reelected.

>> No.178444

It is the article picture from a very serious article from the Wall Street Journal.


>> No.178463

It is propoganda. So sort of. Pretty shitty propaganda too.

>> No.178472

They are the average middle class in the original socioeconomic sense though - that of a social class, not an income bracket. Just because the bulk of the US public has been deluded into believing they're middle class doesn't make it so, it just watered down the definition.

A member of the middle class is someone who doesn't have to work to support himself on a basic level, one who can do that based on his assets (investment income). If you have to work just to make ends meet (make your mortgage and other such payments, taxes, food and other basics), you're not middle class.

Lawyers, managers, doctors and other high-income professionals (as well as successful smal business owners) are middle class, not the average earner.

>> No.178526

I don't get the OPs picture. since when was a single parent earning 250k+

>> No.178549

You sound like an enormously ungrateful douche. Your friend was not mocking you. He was just treating a close friend and guest properly. If he'd served you cheap liquor and smokes you'd be bitching on here all the same about how he can't share the niceties that he has with a friend.

Think about it, did he rub it in your face how much the stuff costs? If not, then consider that he simply wanted the best for his friend.

>> No.178568

Alimony, dude

>> No.178630

>tfw I would do anything to have a friend like that

count your blessings faggot

>> No.178639
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There are no classes in america

>> No.178644

I know you had to pretend like you were bitter so you could tell us the story, but really. You have rich connections in the city. Make something of it.

>> No.178647



Maybe he thought you were on his fucking level. He was obviously wrong, oh so wrong.

You're implying that if you were living a life as good as him you would go out of your way not to be as good a host to those you feel are financially inferior to you. Burn in hell my friend.

>> No.179442
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>> No.179531

What a faggot. I hope your rich friend never gives you cigars again, you jealous, ungrateful fuck.

>> No.180615

>tfw richest member of my group of friends

they probably hate me

>> No.180619

Do you at least buy round of drinks once in awhile, or pick up the tab for food? if so, they don't.

>> No.180739

Not more so than anyone else, we just each buy a round when we go to a bar.

>> No.180751

>about to graduate with a politics degree
>rich parents
>just got myself on the property ladder in london
>plenty of time to think about what I want to do with my life
>got work experience at few places and have been in the running for a few jobs, but said roles were to be filled before I graduate

I am the definition of having it on a plate but I'm still worried about my future. I know i'm going to live a relatively comfortable life no matter, but If I don't get rich or get a job that is pretty cool, i'll be a failure.

What do.

>> No.180769

>politics degree
>got work experience at few places
What exactly do people with a politics degree work with?

>> No.180778

> tfw richest member of my group of friends
>and they don't know it

>> No.180779

>I'd sell one of my kidneys to have a rich friend to back me upp when im short on cash and leisure
Caprie diem, OP.

>> No.180780


>> No.180788

It's very open ended, which in reality, is a detriment as it means politics graduates lack specialisation. Some go into politics itself, some marketing, some journalism, many go nowhere.

My experience is in Journalism. The jobs I have been in line for have been in Journalism and I have a few accolades such as awards for young journalists. I know you won't become a rich man doing it but it's my ideal job. What worries me is if I fail to make it into the industry because I don't know where i'd go from there. I'm lucky enough to have time and money on my side (I'm a joint director of a small business with my brother which gives me an income) but it worries me because the profession I'd like to get into if notoriously hard to break into and no-one makes incredible amounts of money. I think if thats the case i'll have to find some way of getting on in business with my current crop of industrial properties I let.

tldr If I don't get into journalism I'll be at a loose end as my degree doesn't set me up for a career but is instead a load of academic mush.

>> No.180791

i was looking at that fucking image wtf money

>> No.180792

It's "carpe" you fucking faggot

>> No.180793

Dude he was not mocking you he was sharing with you.

You have to recognize that each individual sits entirely within their own perspective. The closest thing in existence there is to a hivemind is on the internet, rich people are just individuals. They're not collectively doing anything except shitting on poor people, but nothing constructive.

If they were doing something constructive, they would not be most accurately labeled a "rich person" but by what they were adding to the world instead.

>> No.180798

It's carpe, faggot.

>> No.180830

C'mon man he was just being nice. If he'd have told you how much the cognac and cigars cost in a smarmy way then yeah he'd be mocking you but he probably keeps that stuff for such occasions.

>> No.180837

>What exactly do people with a politics degree work with?
Politics, duh.

This is why you're poor.

>> No.180918

Im not poor, i have a masters degree in computer engineering. ~4000€ per month. I just dont see what someone with a politics degree produce that anyone wouldnt be able to do

>> No.180939

most people on the planet cannot understand politics

most people on the planet are very stupid, low iq , low knowledge about social dynamics, issues, and lack the hard facts

>> No.180946

There's a difference between showing off wealth and simply using it if you had it.

Your friend gave you a treat and you should appreciate it. I know it makes you sick when you consider how much more successful some friends are (I have a famous actor friend, lose sleep about it) but fuck it, what can they do about it?

As long as someone is nice then let them spend their money. Now if he had said 'get a load of this cognac, I spent xxx on it', then he's being an asshole. But he didn't, and he wasn't.

One day you might be able to do that for a friend. Wouldn't you want to be able to without being seen as a dick?

>> No.180992

>~4000€ per month
>not poor

>> No.181001

>says the student who never worked a single day in his life

>> No.181006

>needing to work for a living
>not poor

>> No.181008

>not getting paid to do something you enjoy

>> No.181014

>not doing things you enjoy pro bono while living off investment income

>> No.181017
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Fuck you lying kids on this board, making me feel like my $10k annual salary is like pennies to you

>> No.181019

Note that I'm not knocking you for working, it's very admirable, as is making a living doing something you enjoy.

But if you NEED to engage in wage labor to make a living, you are poor. Not that there's nothing shameful about being poor.

>> No.181021

*not that there's ANYthing shameful about being poor, obviously

>> No.181072

street beggars where I live make £40-90k a year

are you even trying

>> No.181123

Seriously? The industry is irreversibly fucked.

>> No.181137

I know. I'm fucked with it.

>> No.181321


And this is why.

>> No.181965

>are you even trying
I'm browsing this board trying to figure out how people make money. I literally have no idea how people make more than 20k/year maximum.

>> No.182437

My sister did one.

She works at a PR consultancy now. She's not making too much atm but I reckon her salary will shoot up in a year or two, as the company grows.

It also helps that she speaks French and German fluently though

>> No.183067 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 238x231, 1389893310291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live? Fucking Somalia?

>> No.183091

>just got on the property ladder in london

enjoy crushing negative equity in 2 years

>> No.183132

not about to happen, I own three properties in London, during the last "recession" they gained 10% in value (bought dumps in Tooting and Brixton).

I doubt they will lose value, although I doubt they will gain much now. My money is currently on Greenwich, although the recent increase in supply is probably going to decrease profits slightly.

>> No.184172

>a guy i used to have a crush on said hi to me on skype, ask how i've been, mentions he'll be in my town soon for a job interview
>i feel giddy and immediately say
>"Neat! Wanna meet up? You can always stay the night at my place"
>end up going to a gay bar with him after his job interview
>talk a bit over a couple of beers and poppers
>i invite him to my place to watch some gay porn
>he mentioned he just got an enema
>"Damn, this calls for celebration!"
>i pour us some k&y, bust out my fucking cock
>he spends the evening sucking and finishing me off, go to sleep with my cock up his ass
>make him breakfast and he leaves in the morning
>later finds he calls me
>told me he looked up the condoms we use last night
>Trojan XXL Gold $150

>> No.184190

>and other high-income professionals (as well as successful smal business owners) are middle class
>high income
>middle class
>high income
>middle class

/biz/ is officially populated by retards

>> No.184228

Cohiba Esplendidos are one of the most counterfeited cigars in the industry because of its history. The sad truth is that when they were once good, they were really good. You'll find no such thing today, and even if you did, the tobacco crops in Cuba have been so bad as of recent DECADES that you'll find fucking seeds in your cigar sometimes. If you're not rolling your own cigars or get them from a maker in Miami you can visibly see don't even bother with Cuban cigars.

>> No.184313

>Camus XO Borderies Cognac $150, Cohiba Esplendidos $40 per stick
>Fucking richfags. Why? Why do you mock me?

how about being gratefull that he was happy for your success and blow 200$ for your sorry miserable Ass?

>> No.184341

Look at Nine Elms, what with the regeneration around the new US embassy and possible power station development it's on the up. It's where I'd buy if I had the cash at the moment.

>> No.184490

I'm not even rich and I'd pull out all the stops to entertain a guest. Especially one I wasn't extremely familiar with.

>> No.184550

A full time minimum wage job?

>> No.184559

>single mother on $260 000 a year
>those 'average people' salaries in general

What universe is that pic from?

>> No.184573

So according to you 99.9% in Latvia are poor, where average salary is 1000$ a month?

>> No.184575

Well suck it up then, what can I say. That's the trouble with having money, if I give you nothing you're gonna whine how I'm a selfish dick who deserves to die, if I shower you with expensive treats you're gonna whine how I'm making you feel inferior and how I'm just showing off (and deserve to die). You just can't win with these people.

source: daddy has money and my friends are entitled poorfags

>> No.184584

Poorfag here:
Why you have poor friends instead of rich friends?

>> No.184770

I have both, I don't pick friends based on their income. Some people I've known since birth, some were classmates etc. They do sift themselves out pretty well, though, you can usually tell who's a dicknugget and who just thinks you're cool.

The bad news is that you can only tell that by hanging out with them for long periods of time, and that richfags are usually morally looser, at least the ones I know. They fuck with a lot of things because they know that if they cry hard enough the teacher/employee will forgive them and they'll get out smelling like a bed of roses.
Those who are super poor, in my experience, aren't any better either. They'll look for any way to milk you for money or any commodity they can't usually get themselves, and if you don't give it to them they'll cwy how selfish you are and how money corrupts (while they cheat, lie and steal because "everyone does it nowadays").

>> No.184986

>implying full time jobs exist anymore

>> No.185118

As an avid, but poor, cigar fan I've never had the privilege of smoking a real Cuban. My friend brought me some counterfeit Cohibas from the Bahamas once, she was very proud of herself. I didn't have the heart to tell her that they should have cost WAY more than $20 for the 5 pack. But I'm off topic.

I have read in Cigar Aficionado that the reason Cubans aren't the undisputed king anymore is not because their quality has gone down, but because the quality of the competition has gone way, way up. Dominicans and Nicaraguans especially have achieved a level of quality that rivals the classic Cuban offerings, mainly because some of the old cigar families moved to those countries after Castro took power and nationalized the tobacco fields.

>> No.185284

Who get's 15k/mo in alimony?

>> No.185286

>social class, not an income bracket


>> No.185294

>wut is white collar

I lol'd, posted while "working from home" (read: no pants and on 4chan haha). No college, just skills (social and technical, I'm a networking consultant where if you have both you can go far)

>> No.185329

Money magazine confirmed for completely out of touch with the proles

>> No.185332

*Wall Street Journal

>> No.185340

>Who get's 15k/mo in alimony?

Gold diggers.

>> No.185585

Those poor rich people being taxed

Death to taxes!

>> No.185751
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And you wonder why you hold onto such petty emotions.