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File: 84 KB, 750x669, 2148FD30-A655-46E5-94F1-3345A14C358D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18181683 No.18181683 [Reply] [Original]

Any 101-129 iqs on this board? Kind reminder you should fuck off to PLEBBIT

This board is for <100 and 130+ iq only

You are simply NOT welcome as you will not understand the 4D posts and multiple levels of irony displayed here...

>> No.18181787

That's literally the same audience for communism. Retarded useful idiots and exploitative intelligent Jewish monsters. Time is a circle

>> No.18181877

low iqs dont like communism tho

>> No.18181930

Thank god I‘m 69 IQ

>> No.18181941

greetings fellow chainlink holder

>> No.18181991

OP says to fuck off to plebbit
But he has a plebbit account
anon i....

>> No.18182015
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>low iqs dont like communism tho

>> No.18182021

Tell that to the scientists on foodstamps, section 8, using the emergency room as a pcp, and costing $45k+/failing student annually in cities that have chased away tax base.

>> No.18182025


The lazy ones do by default. No amount of principle there.

>> No.18182040
File: 81 KB, 1125x1063, EUClBxKXgAAyIVz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laugh at people smarter than me often...they will never comprehend the emptiness and peace I feel...

>> No.18182051

So why are they all Bernie bros?

>> No.18182095


>> No.18182120

I dont think low iqs like bernie

>> No.18182140


Nope. Berniebros are exclusively midwit know it alls.

>> No.18182143
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>> No.18182153
File: 85 KB, 666x305, 1459739036Kazineds_pageberniemarch1_30_2016666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's very hard for low iq communists to realize them and their friends are low iq, unfortunately
they flee into thinking they're "unlucky!"

>> No.18182251

But you will never feel the satisfaction i feel when im watching you choke while drinking water.

>> No.18182297
File: 51 KB, 678x452, images - 2020-03-30T205547.413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who benefits the most from bernies policies?
Midwits with college debt.
Low iqs dont care about free healthcare and free college.
They dont go to college, they get medicaid and are already on welfare.
They want a moderate democrat like biden so they can keep leeching without crashing the economy.

>> No.18182341

>keep leeching without crashing the economy.
They don't even think that far ahead. They just dont want a socialist because gommunism.

>> No.18182395


so cringe op

>> No.18182433

>Low iqs dont care about free healthcare and free college.
Do we need to have a discussion about race and mo' money fo' fem programs?

Bennie Sandals is basically just promising, with no capacity to deliver, the same shit negroes have gotten automatically since the 60's to retarded white kids that thought a C+ transcript liberal arts bachelors would put them into comfy middle management, and the useful idiots gobble it up like dog food.

>> No.18182436


This subchan belongs to Reddit. Just like /pol/.

>> No.18182437

this is literally 100% true. you won't get any valuable information here if you're a midwit.
you're not able to read through the irony to get the subtle hints, misunderstand the meaning, and the big picture should be obvious anyways.

>> No.18182560
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Based. 162 IQ (tested by actual psychologist) reporting in.

>> No.18182613

so you wasted that iq and found urself on 4chan surrounded by other retards. good job.

>> No.18182658

Hello brother, 92 iq here

>> No.18182659

IQ was made to detect retard. High IQ mean overfitting patterns (aka believing in conspiracy theories). High IQ are usually brainlets. .

>> No.18182674

Seething midwits

>> No.18183172

Midwit here, I’m just trying to live a pointless life of hedonism until I finally rot away. Good luck to all anons, we are in this together.

>> No.18183204

138 IQ here

yes I've always felt that actual retards are more based than "slightly" smart people (aka most people who graduate college, use 4chan/reddit, etc). Mostly because the retards don't have any false presumptions of horribly cherrypicked and misinterpreted "lol syunts" behind their retarded claims.

>> No.18183315

“To be fair you have to have a high iq to understand 4chan”

>> No.18183698

Don't know my IQ, but I get along with everyone provided they aren't a self-important pretentious shitlicking cunt. I also enjoy this site for the comedy gold. Sometimes laughing with people, mostly laughing AT people.

>> No.18183736

152 reporting in

>> No.18183746

Lots of sub 100 IQ renters here. Hopefully they all die soon from the chink flu.

>> No.18183789

How can anybody be retarded enough to be below 100 IQ though?

>> No.18183800

146 reporting fuck off normies only brainlets and bigbrains allowed

>> No.18183873

Below 100 are usually based mouthbreathers

>> No.18184257

are there even online IQ tests made that aren't garbage

>> No.18185345

I guess you are one of under 100 then. Also a kissless virgin.

>> No.18185393

>dur me iq so hi
>hur midwit go antenna hed place hawhaw
Unironically fork toaster ty

>> No.18185551

sub IQ renters are the only ones dumb enough to keep renting. You need them

>> No.18185593

Lol @ reddit tier John Oliver watching 120 IQ bros in big boy sweaters

>> No.18185706
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>> No.18185925


>> No.18185966

147 iq god here

>> No.18186014

I have 1488iq (according to online test)

>> No.18186170

>Muh Commies