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18181256 No.18181256 [Reply] [Original]

Won't the United States hyperinflate the dollar as much as they want, and then force the rest of the world to continue using it as a reserve currency at gunpoint?

>> No.18181380

New monetary system is comming. It will still be called dollar but at new laws.

>> No.18181499

thats what theyve been doing the whole time

>> No.18181536

The dollar will split into domestic and international varieties. The Fed was just absorbed into the treasury. The treasury will issue debt free currency at whim (MMT), but will be unable to inflate the international dollars.

>> No.18181582

everyone said this in 08 and it never happened
>the fed just holds on to trillions in liquidity and can make it vanish overnight
hyperinflation will never happen here

>> No.18181644


If you don't think hyperinflation is happening now, how many trillions would have to be printed before it would do so? 50 trillion? 100 trillion? If there is no limit, why doesn't the U. S. print infinite money?

>> No.18181686

No because if the united states economy crashes, the US armed forces have to be reduced in size (that or military dictatorship in order to maintain the size of the US military)

in the next decade real economic strength will be measured in a nations gold reserves.

>> No.18181858

USD is global trade currency. They can print and print and it won't make a dent. Small countries print some and hiperinflate, but dollars are global. Every country trading gas to do so in $. Planet can absorb quadrillion dollars before inflating.

>> No.18182215

in theory it could happen, Sparta the greek city state operated in a similar fashion where surrounding city states paid "protection taxes" to Sparta.
Which meant that Sparta were required to have a massive army to enforce this system, and in turn had almost no economy of itself.

What makes it very unlikely to happen, is that it is not soldiers that are enforcing the reserve currency or that oil is priced in dollars. It is enforced in a bilateral fashion, where the other nations actively chose to use the dollar as a reserve currency, or having agreed to use it in a certain way and therefor use it.
If the US want to enforce this usage, they would require millions of non-military bureaucrats stationed outside the US to make sure other governments use the dollar as the US desire them to use it, and in turn have military personal stationed to protect these institutions.

>> No.18182544
File: 1.11 MB, 2259x1773, New FED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump pardoned the FED and gifted them us treasury with no limit printing, they have no reason to print dollars out of value and change them to bancor like the imf wanted, the current crisis and low stocks are the best way to spend your dollars, if you don't catch the change you'll end with owning one of the most devalued currency in history

>> No.18182611

Unironically this. The eurodollar system is already outside of the control of the Fed.

>> No.18182702

Military might cannot be supported for long without a strong economic foundation.

>> No.18184707

Explain how it's different than what it's been seen bretton wood ?

>> No.18185441


What about, if, on the world returning to the gold standard, the U. S. just threatened to drop a nuclear bomb on Switzerland or Singapore unless it surrendered all its gold? It would not necessarily need to enforce the dollar.

>> No.18185464

Checked amd based

>> No.18185492

>gold reserves
My thermonuclear warhead would like to have a chat with you

>> No.18185520

Russia will offer nuclear deterrent for a much lower price

>> No.18185561

400 trillion
Debt makes demand for dollaes

>> No.18185867

It's all so tiresome

>> No.18185963


Russia could just make an agreement to attack all the small countries which have gold holdings and divide it up with America.

>> No.18186901

Federal Reserve Note < United States Treasury Dollar

>> No.18186944

Start forging treasury bills. The Fed is asleep at the wheel and you won’t go to jail

>> No.18187001

>they will inflate the international dollars
Who do you think is running this show?
David Duke or an international conglomerate living in Tel Aviv, Brussels, and Moscow?
If you get the chance, look into what happened to the city of Venice where silver(the people's money) was hyperinflated and gold(international money) was kept stagnant.
We are the ones that will take the L, not the international cosmopolitans

>> No.18187041

It’s a case of the USD being “too big to fall”

>> No.18187111

If the US seriously asked, Putin would 100% do this. A US/Russia coalition of evil would have complete dominance of land, sea and sky. Force projection and supply logistics like you can only dream about.

>> No.18187927


This is a pretty horrible thing to contemplate. Even worse if China joined in, and the three big countries simply divided the world amongst themselves like a new triumvirate.

>> No.18187981

1.5 Trillion is in circulation in the US now.
If more more enters circulation the price of goods will increase over time.

2008 did see an increase of products and housing did it not??

>> No.18188385

>will issue debt free currency at whim
Just because you believe in magic doesn't mean that reality has to adjust to your illogical understanding of value.

>everyone said this in 08 and it never happened
>never happened

Why do you think we are entenring an economic death spiral? This is the consecuences of 08

>Planet can absorb quadrillion dollars before inflating.

You're in for a world of hurt.

>> No.18188473


>Why do you think we are entenring an economic death spiral? This is the consecuences of 08

But everybody was so sure that the system would collapse during 08-11. It was just like now. The Peter Schiffs, the Max Kaisers, the ZeroHedges. My fear is that the central bankers will somehow pull a rabbit out of a hat again and keep this nightmarish system going for ever and ever.

>> No.18188574

>You're in for a world of hurt.
The only hurt around here is our brains, from the headache from reading your sperging and spastic doom and gloom.

"Muh economic death spiral" - the rallying cry of broke ass coinfags.

>> No.18188655

> the system would collapse during 08-11

They kept it afloat by injecting a shit ton of money trough bails, which in turn created the everything bubble and bullish run that lasted 8 years. The bubble is bursting right now. That's why more than 1000 CEOs resigned their positions in 2019 and a couple trillion bucks were injected on the first Quarter of 2020 as shadow bailout money, even before Corona. Now corona has accelerated the collapse. And yes, they are coing to keep the nightmarish system going on.

>> No.18188763

The dollar is an hyperinflated asset. It cannot tolerate an oil economic war on top of a frozen economy. You're going to realize this in the next 2 years.

>broke ass coinfags
Crypto will follow one of several patterns. Most of them are dependant on the BIS and CBDCs. If bitcoin survives, we all make it. If it doesn't, serfdom will be closer than ever.

>> No.18189384

More like a pretty based thing to contemplate.

>> No.18190233


Not really. A combined dictatorship of American degeneracy with Sino-Russian totalitarianism is not something which I particularly look forward to.

>> No.18190466

shut up i want a big tiddy russian gf

>> No.18190579

We would be very close to a world government at that point. All that would be left would be to merge the 3 countries. Which would eventually happen if 2 decide to conquer the third. And then one collapses in the end to the other one.

>> No.18190611


Precious metals will never be common currency again, because everybody has that one douchebag uncle or brother who's a gold bug and society is built on never letting these people crow about their gains.

>> No.18192133


Or it could end up like Orwell's 1984, with three countries perpetually in a stalemate war.

>> No.18192202

All of these are desirable outcomes.