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18181178 No.18181178 [Reply] [Original]

Transmute yourself into spiritual gold

>Spiritual Alchemy & the Hero's Journey

>Carl Jung (Red Book, Active Imagination)
>Joseph Campbell
>Emmanuel Swedenborg (Heaven & Hell)
>Terrence McKenna
>Law of One


1) Conquer your fear
2) Master a craft
3) Start a dream & synchronicity journal. Look up Jungian Active Imagination. Is your life paralleling a myth?
4) Follow your dreams and your heart
5) Ask that girl out

>> No.18181186
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Light is sentient. It perpetuates and renews itself by seeding and growing life on rocky planets like Earth. The novel & good organisms are harvested into the nearest star.

Heaven for Earth is the Sun.

Every star is a sentient collective. Every star is a heaven unto itself. If you are a good person in this toughest of dimensions, you get harvested into heaven when you die, where you live forever with your family and everything you loved in this life and it is beautiful forever.

The Egyptians called the “as above, so below” phenomenon correspondence. In this density, you can notice correspondences by picking up on what Jung called synchronicities.

>> No.18181203

>Master a craft
I can't decide what craft anon - does medicine count?

>> No.18181205
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Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system

>Infinite: Egyptians interpreted this as a recursive type of infinity, which can be best seen in the Ouroboros or the geometry of the Torus. The beginning is the end is the beginning.

>Negentropic: light and life is inherently anti-entropic. This is achieved through orthogonally-stellated dimensions.

>Holofractal: the all is reflected in the individual. The Big Bang, the Nile, Ptah, Pangaea, your conception - these are all holofractal representations of the same thing: the beginning of a universe.

>Lorenz system (see diagram): a fixture in chaos theory, these systems describe how a polarized order - highly sensitive to initial conditions - emerges out of chaos. In our case on Earth, the two most pressing poles are that of Good and Evil. Light never dies. Heaven and Hell are forever - the seeds of which are sown in this life.

>> No.18181222
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Human consciousness is a self-similar reflection of the day-night cycle of Earth. The active conscious mind, just like the Sun, outshines all subconscious influences. Those subconscious influences are always present, however, just as the infinitude of stars are always in the sky, whether we can see them or not. When sleep approaches, the conscious mind slips below the horizon, and the variegated influence of a distributed infinity dominates.

Think of the mind as having a primary locus (consciousness) with an infinitude of secondary, subconscious influencers, of varying magnitude.
All is one; your mind reflects the consciousness of every star (each a sentient collective) whose light touches it.

A corollary to this is that you as an sentient entity, are present in the minds of everyone you know as a subconscious influencer. All of humanity is linked in this way because we are all one.
Each focal point of consciousness is the universe experiencing itself from that unique perspective.

>> No.18181237
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The respective anima/animus for powerful lovers (Twin Flames, soul mates, etc.) can be in fact the higher self, or angel, of their partner. This four-way relationship is a cornerstone of the dynamics at the fourth-density and beyond. Lovers are intertwined outside of time - the universe has always been and will always be a metaphor for their love. The more the pair perceives the metaphor, the more powerful they will be in driving their spiritual evolution and that of their species. Synchronicities related to the relationship will abound. Syncs are clues that the linear mode of consciousness we're used to is an illusion; reality and consciousness behaves more like a fractal or a mandala. Look for patterns in your life, archetypes, & clues that hint at your arc; your narrative, your story.

The relationship matrix can be thought of as a local, predominating resonant frequency, with the octaves ringing out in the higher densities. These octaves can be thought of your/your partner’s higher selves, angels - each higher self in turn has a “higher” higher self in a higher dimension. While we perceive the angels as a merely a whisper or echo in our environment, they do in fact live a life in their environs that is effectively incomprehensible to us in the third density. They do this all while caring for their loved ones on this plane with undivided attention at every moment. Even though you have not yet met your twin flame, her higher self is with you. This love for a personal god is for example the kind of love that Sufism is founded on - in every corner of the universe, you can find your lover.

If you tap into this, you become aware that the universe is founded on this loving interplay between male and female. You, your lover and your respective angels are a fractal of the grander universe, the one verse: I love you.

>> No.18181258


Don't be a bitch to big pharma though.

>> No.18181277
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In layman’s terms: every proton is the universe in fractal form.

>> No.18181291

What's the route for this? I'm still a junior and am publishing research. Do I go onto medical school and then try to form my own institute/sanatorium?

>> No.18181348
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>> No.18181393
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FOLLOW YOUR HEART, money will follow

Throughout history, nomadic-missionary caravans came to embody the transitory yet continuously regenerating nature of the soul itself. The word caravan itself roughly means ‘sun god will protect souls.’ To always be moving, to renounce attachment to the material, to harmonically engage with one’s environment are each virtues that the lifestyle facilitates. Today’s archetype of the gypsy most closely represents this lifestyle. As the Romani flag demonstrates, the dynamic between the heavens (blue), the earth (green), and the threshold-crossing nature of the gypsy ignites the passion of the truly free soul (red chakra wheel/mandala). This quest for balance and harmony ultimately leads one to the very essence of the universe and the underlying structure of duality; balance, reconciliation, and integration between the spiritual and material, light and dark, conscious and unconscious, male and female, yin and yang, subject and object, linear and nonlinear, causal and acausal. By synthesizing and spreading these concepts via the Silk Road, the wanderers were crossing another threshold, bridging another duality: East and West, in both a geographical and philosophical sense.

>> No.18181410
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Threshold crossing, or “going down to the crossroads” is a fundamental aspect of a nomadic lifestyle and the theme plays a pervasive part in many myths and legends. Hermes (who is also variously known as Atlantiades, Thoth, Enoch, Mercury), the messenger of the gods or “god of travelers”, literally means “heap of stones, boundary marker.” The duality from which this reference stems is life and death – the heap of stones at a gravesite that stands at the threshold between the material and spiritual. Similarly, the word hermaphrodite, which shares the same root, is characterized by having attributes of both sexes – a literal manifestation of the integration of anima/animus. Similarly, Shiva and counterpart Parvati/Kali/Shakti were originally a merged entity known as Ardhanarishvara. Symbolic crossings of fertile, life-giving rivers is another related, consistent theme: the Egyptian Pharaohs’ ritual crossings of the Nile and William of Orange’s perverted ritual crossing of the Boyne both symbolically represent the Sun crossing the “starry waterway” of the Milky Way and passing into the underworld (the duat). This spiritual journey is symbolically represented on Hermes’ staff, the caduceus – the two snakes of the kundalini (representing earth) wind their way up the spine, activating each chakra, until they ultimately set the soul free into the heavens (represented by the wings at the top of the staff).

>> No.18181433
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One’s seeking reaches a milestone pivot point when it confronts and integrates the duality within its own soul, recognizes its oneness with the universe, and the eternal nature consciousness. This awakening event is metaphorically deeply ingrained in many myths and cultures across the globe: the search for the Holy Grail which endows eternal life, the alchemist’s quest for the Philosopher’s Stone, which transmutes base metal (ignorance) into gold, and Jason’s mythical search for the Golden Fleece of a holy ram are just three examples. The parallels between these traditions were recognized by the Rosicrucians, who reframed the common, underlying spiritual quest in Christian symbology. The Rosicrucian inscription “Ingi Natura Renovatur Integra” is reminiscent of the Romani flag’s symbolism and means “By the (divine) Fire (of Love) all Nature becomes renewed.”
The integration of the unconscious anima/animus by the conscious mind and resultant rebirth is perhaps best demonstrated symbolically however by the depiction of the violent interplay of the primordial demon-slaying goddess Kali (unconscious raw energy) trampling on her husband Shiva (the substrata of universal consciousness) while holding the decapitated head of the ego. Slaying the ego can also be seen as the opening of the “third eye” or ajna chakra – the Shiva/Shakti energies reside there in their merged, primordial state as Ardhanarishvara. This dynamic is also reflected in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life as the intertwined relationship between Chokmah (male) and Binah (female). As the Egyptian descendants learned and then propagated, this experience – while painful – pales in comparison to the inevitable world-destroying trauma of an ego left unconfronted and unchecked. Once the male and female principles have reconciled, they reside back in the heart center.

>> No.18181448

Give me some books anon. I'd like to have some starting points.


>> No.18181460
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Hieros Gamos (Holy Marriage)

The man who has conquered fear, integrated his anima, and undergone a spiritual transmutation is now primed to reenter the material world and embark on the next phase of his journey. This phase is best represented archetypically as the slaying of the dragon, which in turn wins the hero the love of a princess. Perhaps the most foundational myth of this type is that of Perseus and Andromeda. Perseus, having slain the serpentine Medusa (the embodiment of his fear), releases the winged Pegasus from her neck, is given winged sandals by Hermes. Perseus flies to Ethiopia to kill the sea monster guarding the princess and ultimately marries her. Andromeda – to Perseus, the collective consciousness, and the field of astronomy itself – represents fundamentally something that is “more than meets the eye”, a continuously unfolding revelation. Just as Perseus discovers she is not merely just a princess, but in fact the key to both of their spiritual enlightenment and immortality, the world discovered that the constellation of Andromeda of 12 stars actually contains within it an entire galaxy of more than 1 trillion stars (more than twice the number of our own Milky Way galaxy).

Full liberation can thus be seen as a four step, sequential, duality-bridging process. The female aspect first liberates the male spiritually (integration of the anima), the male liberates the female materially (the slaying of the dragon), the female liberates the male materially (the holy marriage), the male liberates the female spiritually (the integration of the animus) – this final step is hinted at by Andromeda’s very name, which means “to be mindful of man.” In Jungian terms, the result is a quaternio hieros gamos – a holy marriage between the four aspects of the two individuals.

>> No.18181528

to every man, his dulcinea

she's your other half, your inspiration, your muse, your wisdom, your sophia

>> No.18181857
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Very nice

>> No.18181944
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>The more the pair perceives the metaphor, the more powerful they will be in driving their spiritual evolution and that of their species. Synchronicities related to the relationship will abound.
My waifu and I go through these experiences all the time together. It’s made us grow in our love for one another.

>> No.18182029

Source for all of this: Dude I read it on a schizo blog and my ass


>> No.18182155
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Do you know anything about Saturn? Cronus castrated his father and ate his babies, but also presided over the Golden Age of mankind. It's very ambiguous

>By extension, "Golden Age" denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. During this age, peace and harmony prevailed in that people did not have to work to feed themselves for the earth provided food in abundance.

>> No.18182356
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Saturn = Set = Satan = Cronus (sun orC) = Shiva = Santa

Basically, Saturn is the harvester in this material density, the enforcer of 3D karma.

In Astrology, Saturn Returns when you are about 30 years old - it is at that time, generally, when your life takes a turn for the best or worst. The big seeds you have sown are harvested.

Saturn only seems like a menace (a destroyer) to evil people.

>> No.18182938
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thanks anon

>> No.18183020

42. Definitely

>> No.18183298
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speaking of which:

>Set cut Osiris into 42 pieces, before Isis put him back together again

>There are 42 judges judges of Ma'at (harmony, balance) in the Duat (the underworld)

> There are 42 principles of Ma'at (see graphic): this is where the 10 Commandments stem from

> and as we know, the Pyramid's answer is 42

>> No.18183354
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>Saturn only seems like a menace (a destroyer) to evil people.
Angels to some
Demons to others

>> No.18183390
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SAMAEL, the demiurge

>> No.18183417
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>Dude I read it on a schizo blog
Absolutely neuro-typical normie response
Go back to your social media ghettos of Facebook and instagram. There’s no one here to coddle your soft mind.

>> No.18183440

You are a schizo though
All your posts are garbage

>> No.18183810

I do not know who they want me to be

>> No.18183939

Synchronicity, as many have said, are gifts for you, signposts that say "hey, you're in the moment, you're aware, you're living, everything is aware, we just want you to have a good time."

They are clues that the linear mode of consciousness we're used to is an illusion; reality and consciousness behaves more like a fractal or a mandala.

At first, they're scary because they break the stranglehold modern solipsistic philosophical thought has had on the Western mind. In time, you look forward to them and they become a very welcome, very frequent part of your life.

Syncs are especially helpful in making creative decisions; if you're an artist, they are an invaluable tool.

Keep it honest, don't obsess over them

>> No.18183992

Don't listen to this advice. Take the courses and enroll in med school. Drink the koolaid. Then in your practice, remember, PLACEBOS OUTPERFORM THE REAL MEDICATIONS IN DOUBLE BLIND STUDIES. Heal your patients with your mind, but never tell anyone or your gift will disappear.

>> No.18184120
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>maybe if I practice the occult I'll get more money!

>> No.18184134

the little girl

>> No.18184201

>Heal your patients with your mind,
So I'll be really healing them by placebo, it's that easy?

>> No.18184281
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>Jungian Alchemy
Read Evola.

>> No.18184290

So many fucking tourists on here lately.

>> No.18184431

So all i have to do is read jung and then ill be "enlightened" and i wont be miserable anymore?

>> No.18184537

good suggestion

>> No.18184590

most people who read Jung wont understand Jung

>> No.18184606
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am i on /x/ ?

>> No.18184613

his hypermasculinity seems a little faggy though

>> No.18184722
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It does take two to tango yes
But Jungian psychological views are too limiting.|
This isn't a figment of the imagination or internal dialogue or something.

>> No.18184725

One must seek balance between male and female

>> No.18184817

since you're new here ill let give you a qrd.
There is this faggot 42 and a couple other retards in their mind they think they are co opting link holders into their way of thinking. 42 keeps posting nonsense pictures and a bunch of other stupid shit and thinks hes doing gods work or something idk. I suggest you ignore him cause he will just respond with pictures. its easier for him to do that then it is for you to come up with an actual thoughtful response every time. responding back with anime girls seems to do the trick last time i cared. These faggots come from /x/ think that money and "hidden knowledge" go hand in hand or something idk its fucking retarded. dont get to sucked into it because you will turn into some self riotous faggot; or do it i dont really care

>> No.18184829

join @ChadLounge on telegram

>> No.18184871

based and lawofone pilled op. any advice for an anon at a crossroads? been holding link so long i cant see straight. recently lost a cushy 6 fig gig.. wanted to ride that out until i can leave but now i need to get my act together yet again. I'm 'one' pilled and '42' pilled i just dont know what my path holds for me, at all.

i've been focusing on my health of late, and broadening my understanding of the universe we live in.. but i dont know that i'm doing enough.


>> No.18184883

I just like the memes this board produces

>> No.18184939

its just recycled shit

>> No.18184983
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Pick up a hobby. If you're '42' and 'One' pilled then you should also be 'Taleb' pilled:

>The Taleb pill:
The Taleb pill:

Read Black Swan and Antifragile and try to live a 'bi-modal' life. That means: put your eggs in two (2) very different, but complementary baskets. It's a risk mitigation strategy, but also a good strategy for life.

i.e. Find a hobby, a passion that's different from your day job and pour your energy into it for 5-10 years. You'll then be a very interesting person with a passionate outlet, who has money to boot.


>> No.18185004
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And by hobby, I mean a craft. With Artistry and Creativity.

>> No.18185012

I have the taleb incerto lul. i need to reread it however. should i just take up trading... might be hard because IM NEVER FUCKING SELLING

i do have many hobbies of sport and thought alike, im just as likely to beat you in golf as i am in chess. but, i feel like i cant move forward in love and life without figuring out my financial situation. i crave stability and have... none

>> No.18185080

Give me some hobbies or crafts that I should look into faggot

>> No.18185086
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trying not to shit up this thread with my woes. heres a helpful guide for newfrens

>> No.18185103

see a bunch of pseudo intellectuals that spend all day reading. These are the same neets would have been spending there time reading manga all day if they didn't make it over to /x/

>> No.18185261

I'd rather be a pseudo-intellectual than an intellectual

music. pick up a guitar or keyboard. you won't make money - and maybe that's the point.

>> No.18185334

>music. pick up a guitar or keyboard. you won't make money - and maybe that's the point.
Writing is my only hobby I have that isn't career-focused at all. I was hoping to do something that's more with my hands. Is magic tricks a good idea?

>> No.18185346

>I'd rather be a pseudo intellectual than an intellectual
cool. i don't really care desu

>> No.18185417

why thank you im not new here but definitely not as frequent as around 2017
they are not far from truth if they think that money goes hand in hand with some mysterious power but its unlikely they will ever figure out whats going on with all this bullshit (yeah i got it figured out even though not by myself ) (and yeah we are in the endgame so whatever)

>> No.18185429
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The memory is retained when one "attains" what is perceived as enlightenment according to Dr David Hawkins. How else could the age communicate with their students, or write material?

Study the works of Dr Davd Hawkins and nothing else would be my advice. IMHO he has walked the entire length of the path.

>> No.18185563

>hey are not far from truth if they think that money goes hand in hand with some mysterious power
they are though. The only people that get to research any /x/ tier stuff is rich kids. Super wealthy people are to busy working

>> No.18186159


or read jung.

>> No.18186275

how does jung compare with lawofone? ive only read the latter

>> No.18186369
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How do I find the Andromedan woman?