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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 194 KB, 1600x1200, ChristinaHendricks1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18175646 No.18175646 [Reply] [Original]

it feels like the current arguments that are being had are the battle between some fundamental idea(s), just on this board the ideas are 'financially themed' ...

one camp thinks:
>we've outgrown our current financial system and require some significant change; with crypto being one of the main answers put forwards in solving the 'problem'

the other thinks:
>hahA brrrrrrrr
>our current system is fine and you deluded fucks are just trying to shill plastic tokens to try fuel a fire which you ultimately profit from, goodluck going toe-to-toe with the fed

what happened to the responsible mediator(s) who recognise that there's merit to both arguments and that a good way forward (if such a thing exists) is probably to take a bit from either side to pave a path forwards?

are we truly fucked and just destined to listen to two opposing camps clash whenever any issue arises? or is a pandemic the exact thing necessary to remind everyone that complicated issues are complicated but often a decision must be made?

personally this is the first time in my life where it's felt like we've hit an issue that won't just blow over in two weeks, which is honestly interesting to watch and participate in, but whether it will result in net-positive or net-negative (or if it'll back crypto or back brrrr) seems impossible to forsee

>> No.18175684
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>impossible to forsee

>> No.18175734

Change will be the last thing ever done until we need to rapidly achieve it.

Our very existence trends to 0.

>> No.18175762


>> No.18175773


>> No.18175781

>>hahA brrrrrrrr
actually works, halfway, when there is adults in charge. The adults have left the room now tho

>> No.18175914
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i mean you can always speculate, and can make big bux if you end up correct, risk reward and all that

if it's not broke don't fix it; often a necessary position to take, but sometimes can come back with a bite

this at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called woman, for out of man this one was taken

i mean that's the question isn't it, was the system left to rot and not maintained/iterated as much as it should've been, and now "the adults have left the room" so down we go? or have we been dealt a different hand?

>> No.18176675
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>i mean that's the question isn't it, was the system left to rot and not maintained/iterated as much as it should've been, and now "the adults have left the room" so down we go? or have we been dealt a different hand?

The current system is really not user friendly and not designed by anyone its just a mashup of bad ideas.

Think about the fact that USD stable coins do the most volume.

BTC = a property right that isn't dependent on government.

I think the crypto financial system will grow and simply merge with the existing system in about 20 years.

Slow progress, crypto just makes everything easier and less based on trust of the legal system.

how are you gonna play this fren?

>> No.18177216

imagine having a wife that got more attractive with age

>> No.18178307
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your model is fundamentally flawed.
fix that first.

>> No.18178360

There is a particular kind of person says this isn’t real, but if it is real it’s not as bad as it seems, but if it is as bad as it seems it will happen to niggers and jews only.

That type of person don’t have your best interest at heart. They don’t care if you or anyone you know gets sick. Remember that when someone you care about starts coughing.

>> No.18178628

Of course both could be true. Is the FED going to be able to keep up the balancing act over the last 10+ years? No one knows the future.
I'd say the money printer goes brrr people don't understand fx, money creation (debt), or SDRs. But sure, the USD has an infinite supply. Have look at the Triffin dilemma btw

>> No.18178671

That's a (mad) man

>> No.18178690

Regardless of what camp you belong to, CBDCs are coming, it is up to you to do what you will with this information.

>> No.18179073


>> No.18179767
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i honestly have strong hope that this will happen, the idea of crypto seems much more approachable and even understandable to me when compared to the - like you put it - mashup of bad ideas which is the current state of play

i think decentralisaiton has its place, and usefulness, within the current system full-stop (financial system or even others); just how it will develop (if it does) is much harder to understand/forsee, especially with the shitshow of useless alts & pump/dumps

which part? the two camps is an intentional oversimplification, all i meant was that there's merit to each argument which warrents good discussion to make steps forwards

it might not just be financial interest, some people (and i can't blame them tbqh) crave the structure provided, and even if change is good for them/others they'll sprint back into hiding

not to absolve anyone of being malicious, or willfully blind, but a vast majority of people might've been shown (or shown themselves) a skewed side of things

i'll have a look into it, cheers, idk i'll admit i struggle to understand the whole system - which as explained above probably drives my affinity to crypto as the technological & algorithmic aspect is more easily approachable (for me), when compared to the complexity of the bandaid-ish set of rules atm


>> No.18179822
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>what happened to the responsible mediator(s) who recognise that there's merit to both arguments and that a good way forward (if such a thing exists) is probably to take a bit from either side to pave a path forwards?
we've outgrown our current financial system and you deluded fucks are just trying to shill plastic tokens to try fuel a fire which you ultimately profit from, goodluck going toe-to-toe with the problem

>> No.18179926
File: 258 KB, 900x1354, ChristinaHendricks4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahaahahhaha holy FUCK, touché

i like your direction

>> No.18179947

Bag holder.

>> No.18179969


>> No.18180151
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I don't touch the market, I just come to watch the pink wojaks

>> No.18180225
File: 23 KB, 236x314, ChristinaHendricks5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting, but
a) show progressive conglomarate stating they've dedicated '''''''a team''''''' for CBDC (just like every bank has done)
b) show more sources stating a working interest of digital currency tech within finance sector
c) CEOs and buybacks
d) muh privacy
e) rich rule the world
f) hmm, no investor advice, but BTC is interesting and i think it'll be digital gold

not to immediately discount the whole narrative because i definitely do agree digital currencies backed by banks are coming - but stiring the pot with us vs. them and not just stating the streamlined benefits for everyone (tax, transparency, etc) is doing the argument a disservice imo

and also, maybe i'm missing something, but why is BTC specifically even necessary in the narrative? if fed wants digital backed currency wouldn't they just fuck off the old and in with their own blockchain?

same, too much in analysis paralysis to even throw my small bags down

>> No.18180237
File: 2.22 MB, 480x360, btc bull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think decentralisaiton has its place, and usefulness, within the current system full-stop (financial system or even others); just how it will develop (if it does) is much harder to understand/forsee, especially with the shitshow of useless alts & pump/dumps

I agree the space is noisy, being full of scams and delusions.

If you haven't already take the Trace Mayer pill.
An interview with Trace Mayer about Wyoming and the future of Bitcoin Regulation

Catlin Long is opening a bank in Wyoming that is 100% reserve and is a custodian for digital assets.

>> No.18180259

That's a man. How much ARPA is she holding?

>> No.18180322

What a fantastic job you've done of highlighting the two sides of the spectrum! I can't even tell which camp you fall into as you maturely propose this topic for rational debate, because you've done such an excellent job of fairly, and without bias, framing the key talking points.

>> No.18180354

I need sex, lads. Fuck

>> No.18180426
File: 267 KB, 590x864, ChristinaHendricks6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair point, i know it's biased one way but it's really a lot easier to frame the anti-crypto position as inflamatory because of all the current commentary

i should've put the for-crypto position as something more like:
>holy fuck, imminent collapse inbound, run to your homes and stash your digital cuck-e-cheese tokens, goodluck going toe-to-toe with your neighbour over toilet paper

but yeah, well deserved flack, will give myself a better neutral reread next time

listening to these as we speak, what's this whole wyoming project for someone uninitiated and out of the loop? hard to find information on either of these people besides twitter

this should help

>> No.18180449
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not enough

>> No.18180506
File: 240 KB, 425x425, ron paul gold coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to these as we speak, what's this whole wyoming project for someone uninitiated and out of the loop? hard to find information on either of these people besides twitter
The tldr on Wyoming is that the State has created a special type of bank that can custody digital assets with very favorable legal treatment.
The benefit of this is institutions like pension funds and foundations can use a bank like that to hold crypto assets and be compliant with existing laws.
Also if the Feds fuck with crypto they have to take on a state, think Cali with weed.

Trace Mayer has been in BTC from 2009

Caitlin Long ran Morgan Stanley's pension division.

>> No.18180562

>top sensible adult
I respect you man. Props. So fucking rare here.

>> No.18180729
File: 11 KB, 250x375, ChristinaHendricks8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very, very interesting, but how would such an act trickle into wider spread adoption?

i completely understand that state legislation to back a bank which has favourable holding conditions for digital currencies would be a huge win for crypto, but it only puts it further onto fed's radar and doesn't seem to force anything? probably missing something

the first video you sent of her seems very well informed, and actually helps explain a lot of the missing parts (for me) in the whole situation

goes both ways my guy

>> No.18181009
File: 101 KB, 1000x1378, parabolic adoption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very, very interesting, but how would such an act trickle into wider spread adoption?
for context in terms of adoption in crypto we are in the napster days of the internet, 1995
how it plays out into wider adoption is still murky
Zap by Jack Mallers is an example
Jack's family who sells weed in Colorado use Zap to collect money from customers because they can't get banked and have trouble getting paid..

>i completely understand that state legislation to back a bank which has favourable holding conditions for digital currencies would be a huge win for crypto, but it only puts it further onto fed's radar and doesn't seem to force anything? probably missing something
The Fed's will have Supreme court level fights to mess with crypto property if it's backed by a US State according to Trace, he's a Dr. of Law/JD. The Feds can't even stop weed... imagine trying to fight crypto.

>the first video you sent of her seems very well informed, and actually helps explain a lot of the missing parts (for me) in the whole situation
I highly recommend following what Trace and Caitlin do, a lot of the people in crypto aren't serious people. Crazy ancaps or slimy speculators. These two were already wealthy before BTC and had professional careers. Both are quality realistic libertarians in my view.

VWRlc2g#4757 is my discord username, if your on discord send me a message and I'll send you an invite to our trading/investing server.

>> No.18181566

Before this thread expires, what's the story to combed pepe? I don't get the methaphor

>> No.18181816
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>> No.18181878
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>> No.18182809
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I want to plow her so bad

>> No.18183128
File: 77 KB, 715x1024, Christina-Hendricks-Geoffrey-Arend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual Aryan man (not the euro pretenders) requires such a fine specimen of MILK TRUK for daily sustenance

>> No.18183559
File: 13 KB, 236x341, ChristinaHendricks9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18184911

Hendricks is the highest tier ginger.
Someone post the story about her resting her knockers on washboard grills and establishing mommy dominance.