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File: 108 KB, 600x600, U.S.-Money-Reserve-Gold-Silver-Platinum-Coins-silver-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18174084 No.18174084 [Reply] [Original]

"All you had to do was....go to the store and buy a few hundred pieces of shiny metal?"

>> No.18174150
File: 223 KB, 468x666, 1544695396764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


-Daily reminder the mined silver to gold ratio is 1:9.
-Daily reminder there are 70K tons of silver above ground and 180K tons of gold.
-Daily reminder there are 88 ounces of paper gold created&traded on the COMEX for each ounce of gold mined.
-Daily reminder there are 192 ounce of paper silver for each oz mined, which make silver the most artificially price-suppressed asset on the planet.
-Daily reminder the current gold:silver ratio is 1:120.
-Daily reminder out of the 860Moz of silver mined each year, 660M are consumed and destroyed by industrial uses. This number is constantly going up while there is less silver extracted from the ground each passing year.
-Daily reminder it's estimated 90% of the silver supply worldwide alrdy have been mined.
-Daily reminder silver is will be soon used for a new class of superconductor. It also exhibits the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal on earth, and it also have the weird and unique particularity of being an antimicrobal and antifungal which make it a vital component in anything related to water filtration and purification, electronics, space, green energies, batteries,... everything needed in the 21th century.
-Daily reminder JPMorgan, the world's most valuable bank by market capitalization and biggest bank in the US, have one of his ex chief trader who left and became a whistleblower. His revelations? The bank have been accumulating huge amount of physical silver in secret since the 2008 crisis. It's the only physical asset the bank ever stockpilled since it's creation in 1799. They never publicly disclosed this info nor ever sold a single ounce of physical since they started this operation.

Silver will soon moon to unfathomable levels. $2000/oz is almost fud.

>> No.18174172
File: 562 KB, 2021x1728, IMG_20200124_235556_839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes grandson. While everyone was chasing digital illusions of wealth like chain link, I was buying a supremely undervalued real asset...

It was simple, too simple but so obvious at the time...

>> No.18174215
File: 681 KB, 1000x1000, Lingot-Argent-15kilos-MelterAssayer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each time i see your stack i'm fuming bcuz i feel like a ridiculous stacklet compared to you. So this weekend i decided it was enough and ordered this monstrosity.

>> No.18174237

you should order a wheelbarrow as well lol

>> No.18174262
File: 9 KB, 276x182, Pepe-the-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no son... I didnt even need to leave my couch

>> No.18174276

My biggest regret was getting anything over 10 ounces in size. I shouldn't have bought a kg bar for example, I should have gotten three 10 ounces. Much easier to stack and sell as needed.

>> No.18174300
File: 42 KB, 678x381, granpvrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Metals? Haha, no son.. We live inside VRUSA. Real metal doesn't exist anymore"

>> No.18174308

it's literally crashing as we speak. and goodluck spending it during a complete lockdown when you cant even leave your home. stockpiling gold and silver is retarded unless you alread have a lifetime supply of food water guns ammo and an underground bunker. THEN you store gold/silver if you have money left over.

>> No.18174321

What is hack silver?

>> No.18174327

Keep cuckin'.

>> No.18174378

What do you think your VR HMD is made out of?

>> No.18174396
File: 31 KB, 728x483, 1567742664879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek good idea. Initially i wanted to pick a monsterbox but frens... the price of 1oz coins is getting ridiculous in my yuropoor country. First all the shops were out of monsterboxes, same for big tubes, so i had to look for lone coins. And the regular AES/kangoo/phily were either all around 30€/oz, or simply out of stock.
Then i saw this metalic pillow on one of the online shop : alone, dusty, sad, almost covered in peepee and poopoo. I wasn't really interested but out of curiosity i took my calculator out and converted the price per oz : 15.35€/oz.
I couldn't believe my eyes, i thought this kind of prices were long gone since the physical prepper rush/decoupling from paper. Probably the shop forgot to adapt the new (((premium))).
So between paying 30/oz or 15/oz... well it didn't take me long to add it in the cart.
It surely will be a pain in the poopoo to unload but i'm still happy with my purchase.

>> No.18174411

I think the majority of people that stack silver/gold already have guns and ammo plus plenty of food.

>> No.18174447

>Silver will soon moon to unfathomable levels. $2000/oz is almost fud.
The eternal "any day now"

>Digital illusions of wealth
Back to youtube

Who exactly is going to buy that? In exchange for what and why?

>> No.18174465

Honest question - was BTC created to distract people who would otherwise be stacking gold/silver?

>> No.18174501

Pretty chad move anon

>> No.18174504

1200 oz?

>> No.18174517

It was created to multiply your savings and then use the profits to buy metals

>> No.18174629
File: 81 KB, 720x579, 1545713756753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuropoor fren reporting in.
Plenty of food but guns & ammos are mostly illegal here, and if you want one the paperwork and various psycho testings are insanely long and expensives.
Hopefully after looking closely at the laws i found a loophole and was able to purchase a gun, but.. it's kind of old. I'm afraid the /biz/raeli frens will mock me if i post a pic..

I don't think so, imho it was created by the NSA for the illuminakikes to push a cashless society where every trade us goyim are making can be traced. Also in a cashless society, having your digital wallet deleted is literally a death sentence, you can't even beg for some change as a bum : it's the ultimate coercitive tool. The fact satoshi nakamoto is a ghost is how so convenient : (((they))) don't have to admit it was created by them, and can sell the idea as revolutionary/anti system.
But it's carefully planned. Look at the trumpbux about to get delivered via blockchain : the idea was supposedly fresh from last week yet they gave the congress a 2000 pages bill about crypto issued dollar 2 days ago? How do you produce a fucking 2000 pages document in a week? It's like the 1500 pages patriot act proposed 2 days after 9/11.. what a fucking joke.

Thanks fren. The delivery is blocked for now becuz of the lockdown, hope it wont last for months, i want to rub my sex against this megabar asap.

>> No.18174666
File: 55 KB, 199x199, nadeko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depreciates in times of industrial recession
heh. nothing personnel kid.
You picked the shitcoin of shinies.
The exit scam of shifty Peter Schiff.

>> No.18174678
File: 1.38 MB, 2000x2000, A5907782-6A78-4822-8C35-AD77CEE14DC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no reichsmarks

Never gunna make it

>> No.18174829

Where do you think most silver comes from? Come on, big brain time. It comes from industrial metal mining which has all ceased. There is no more silver being produced until the lockdowns end.

>> No.18174941

>he's holding worthless paper fiat instead

>> No.18175064
File: 257 KB, 2048x1536, 1585513875412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us see this metallic pillow you speak of.

>> No.18175211


>> No.18175323

Same. I bought a 100 ounce bar and realized what the hell am I going to do with this thing. I traded it in for silver eagles. They made a decent mark up but I don't mind. The largest bars I have now are 20 oz and some small gold but I only got those because they are cool, not for investing really. Shiny yellow metal speaks to me for some reason.

>> No.18175721

Silver Eagles crew here
everything else is junk

>> No.18175921
File: 1.63 MB, 1366x669, 568965321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder silver will protect you against the coming hyperinflation.

>> No.18175956

the ideal allocation of bar size for silver in my opinion is 1/3 10 ounce bars 1/3 500g bars and 1/3 1 kilo bars.

1 kilo is the biggest a individual will ever need.

Gold is for banks and nations, but normal folk just need silver.

>> No.18176170

you're overpaying for literally just silver

>> No.18176205

that's what I realized before I got into buying silver

10oz bars gives you enough in bar-form that you can within dollar of spot price (except with everyone out that is), you have better control of your avg/oz by having numerous purchases, and you can sell portions as needed and not just dump it all

>> No.18176239

eagles will always have high premiums
junktards btfo

>> No.18176268

Silver is a fools game.

CKB put into the Nervos DAO give you 4%, atop the multiplier you will get in 2020-2021, which should be about.....8x at worst?

Stop fucking around. This BTC low is a GOLD opportunity for non brainlets.

>> No.18176339

>I don't think so, imho it was created by the NSA for the illuminakikes to push a cashless society where every trade us goyim are making can be traced. Also in a cashless society, having your digital wallet deleted is literally a death sentence, you can't even beg for some change as a bum : it's the ultimate coercitive tool. The fact satoshi nakamoto is a ghost is how so convenient : (((they))) don't have to admit it was created by them, and can sell the idea as revolutionary/anti system.
>But it's carefully planned. Look at the trumpbux about to get delivered via blockchain : the idea was supposedly fresh from last week yet they gave the congress a 2000 pages bill about crypto issued dollar 2 days ago? How do you produce a fucking 2000 pages document in a week? It's like the 1500 pages patriot act proposed 2 days after 9/11.. what a fucking joke.

I was always 50/50 on this until chainlink came along then I was sold it was kike subversion

>> No.18176360

Grandpa actually saw Liberty walking into the abortion clinic.

>> No.18176362
File: 73 KB, 1200x1200, 11406517_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after looking closely at the laws i found a loophole and was able to purchase a gun, but.. it's kind of old. I'm afraid the /biz/raeli frens will mock me if i post a pic..

I know that the in the Netherlands everything centerfired requires paper so maybe you have a pinfire revolver or something? Some other countries in Europe have a "pre certain date" law which means you are able to buy quite frankly more than adequate weaponry for self defense. Obviously this is something the bootlickers will que in on sooner or later and ban, but for now at least we are able to buy pic related without papers.

>> No.18176367

Where's the best place to buy silver? Brick and mortar, or is there a place online with fair prices?

>> No.18176370

yeah so you're wasting money. Premiums are bullshit

you're adding in a bunch of subjective bullshit like mint, year, design, condition, etc.

You're not investing. You're just having fun with a coin collecting hobby.

>> No.18176405

Eagles are shit for investing. You are better off spending a few bucks extra on semi-numismatics then unloading that on normie collectors a few years down the line increasing your profits and enabling you to purchase more silver.

>Premiums are bullshit

I bet you think profit is bullshit as well.

>> No.18176433

If you pay +$3 "premium" for your ASE and then sell it for $3 over spot as your selling "premium," it negates. That's of course if you have enough subjective bullshit to meet the buyer's needs.

Bars are for investing because it's just a weight and a number. Nothing else.

Coins are for wannabe pirates who don't keep track of their average cost per ounce.

>> No.18176464

Your country's national mint is the best bet.
You can visit in person, its offerings will be well-recognized and trusted by people where you live, and it won't be fake.

Almost every country even middle-income nations have a national mint backed by the government that produces both silver and gold coins. Literally search online for YOUR COUNTRY + mint, see where they have branches, and pay them a visit. It's that easy.

>> No.18176466

it's probably some black powder shit and it barely qualifies as a gun

>> No.18176550

US mint allowing orderin for gold eagles for over $2 000. you can get sdbullion eagles for 1700 - 1800.

caveat emptor

>> No.18176569

Think it's still worth it to buy some ounces at 40% over spot?

>> No.18176595

Yeah in modern terms these antiques are quite shitty, but.. consider the following:

>Most shootouts are within 3 feet.
>The most effective caliber according to the coroners office in some large Amerifat city is .32.
>Most gunshot victims never receive more than 2 shots. .32 was the most effective in stopping an assailant in one shot.

Meaning, in most cases you don't need a 44, 45 or even a 9mm because those calibers have recoil and can be hard to aim or even get out in time considering their size and the proximity of the assailant.

.22 again is too small for it to be effective.

I'm sure many europoors are glad for their governments assesment that these things are antiquated, but again consider the fact that the design of modern firearms is essentially unchanged since the early 1900s, late 1800s. We still use calibers from the early 1900s.

>> No.18176619
File: 2.71 MB, 4128x2322, 20200330_070211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i purchased a 1858 new army cal. 44
If it was good enough to genocide amerindians and buffalos i guess it good enough for me. I love amerimutts old guns looks, but i wouldn't be able to compete if niggers on crack come to loot me with AKs.. =(

>> No.18176715

Have you ever even packed a cylinder and fired that gun? If you havent that gun will be as good as a club at best, or worse, a hand grenade in the least charitable meaning of the term.

>> No.18176744
File: 462 KB, 2880x1499, RS-23C-Colt-1878-44-40-38786_IMG_8109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. We are not allowed to purchase reproductions of any kind without paperwork, we used to, but not anymore. Right now we have to settle for "made prior to 1890".

Lots of interesting firearms made in that era though.

>> No.18176751

Eagles are the most desirable silver bullion ounce
Also the most easily identifiable by normies
If shtf you gonna trust some normie accepting a piece of junk or a silver eagle?

>> No.18176754

>Implying simply poiting it at someone cant have the desired effect.

>> No.18176763

any thoughts on every single PM spot price tanking tonight? seems like monday is gonna be ROUGH in the stock market.

>> No.18176785

Normies don't know the difference between their own rear end and a hole in the ground anyway and will have to be educated.

Point is diversification is a good idea and has been at least for me profitable. My silver eagles have done nothing for me whereas lunars, pandas etc have made me a profit on top of the silver price going up. Obviously this has a lot to do with mintage numbers and design of the coin etc, but you get the point.

>> No.18176851

>a club
stop acting retarded, retard.

>We are not allowed to purchase reproductions of any kind without paperwork, we used to, but not anymore
That's suck fren, tbdesu i purchased it for this reason, i think it wont take long before our 100% jewed gubment (francistan) rule them as illegal.

For silver it wont change shit if the spot tank any further, at this point paper silver could go down straight to zero and it wouldn't impact the price of physical for the slightest.

>> No.18176885

The eagles are just the easiest to offload and the most liquid. They are pretty, a US currency, and easily recognizable. The premiums are out of control I agree but they are going to keep going up. Our money supply just doubled overnight, we are in deep doo doo.

>> No.18176977
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Speaking of which, do you think coins minted in 2020 will hold any kind of premium few years down the line, for being printed during the year of the great collapse of everything?
After all, we can expect a lot less coins being minted this year considering most mints are shut down. What is your guess on this bros?

>> No.18176989
File: 88 KB, 400x400, 1430651984199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was retarded and got 500g and 100g of Gold instead of Coins, wanted the most gold out of my dollars. I still have 500 oz of silver but I cant forget the stupid mistake of taking bars instead of coins, or more silver. Oh well.

>> No.18177025

Why do you think you did a mistake?
Ok 500g bars of gold it's maybe a bit much, but it will be nice to trade vs real estate once the market crater into nothingness. If you got more metal out of your bux that's all that matter.

>> No.18177068

Because I fear it may be harder to liquidate. I dont regret buying Gold since at the time, I didnt foresee the WuFlu, I thought I would have a few more years to stack Silver, having those two bar of Gold as a foundation for the next few decade, and Silver as investment. Its a combinaison of being a Silverlet and Coinlet. A bit late to regret, I just hope I will have more time to reach 1000 once of Silver, I'm halfway.

>> No.18177148

serious advice requested.

is it about time to max out all credit cards on silver and gold bullion that i cant afford? if everything is blowing up anyway might as well get something right

>> No.18177188

Bar form is not harder to liquidate over coins with respect to gold but it is easier to fake which is easily verified with the electronic or XRF thermo testing for anything that's below a kilo bar or something.

My opinion is that you can't time when credit markets will freeze and the reset happens before they force you to bankrupt and liquidate. If you want to time it, I would say there is still some ways to go.

>> No.18177228

you cant buy direct from the US mint unless you are an authorized dealer

>> No.18177306

im just thinking about how things work and it seems like the entire credit industry is going tits up in a chain reaction. nobody is going to be able to pay rent or bills for the next 3 months

>> No.18177349

I know of a site that is offering silver but about $5 over spot price should I FOMO?

>> No.18177653

arent most of the big time physical silver sale websites based on the spot price? it's down like $.60/oz right now and im seeing that reflected on plenty of websites.

>> No.18177801

You might have a legal gun but never forget to check the actual self defense laws. You might go to jail once you actually use it.

>> No.18177831

Strange, you can from the Perth Mint, South African mint, The Royal Mint etc.

>> No.18177843

I'm seriously thinking about doing this to, but I don't have the balls of Sam Hyde.

>> No.18177848


>Silver Coins
>Produced and sold for collectors, silver coins produced by the U.S. Mint are beautiful pieces of art in fine silver. Coins are produced in proof and uncirculated finishes in a variety of options.

>Silver Bullion Coins provide investors with a convenient and cost effective way to add silver to their investment portfolio. Pricing for bullion coins typically depends on the market price of the metal. Visit the Bullion Dealer Locator to locate a dealer – bullion coins are not sold directly by the U.S. Mint.

> bullion coins are not sold directly by the U.S. Mint.

>> No.18177868

the premium is so fucking rediculous, spot 14, silver eagle 24
2 months ago, spot was like 17 and silver eagles were 20
i hate this clown world, all i want are ASE's at or under 20 dollars

>> No.18177950

In my country you have to pay taxes on precious metals and the spread is gigantic, so when you physically buy some gold/silver you lose 25% of value in a nanosecond. What do

>> No.18177977

Fake numbers. 1.6M tons of silver above ground, 192k tons of gold above ground.

>> No.18178176

Buy with cash, retard.

>> No.18178399

What does that have to do with anything? I still have to pay taxes and the spread is still exactly the same.

>> No.18178415

he means you would have to put in the effort to find someone who is willing to sell silver to you and accept cash payment without having any paper trail or sales records involved.

>> No.18178432

Wouldn't I be really easy to scam at that point? How do I know it's silver and not something else

>> No.18178752
File: 41 KB, 886x886, 1572111194736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only have 20 1oz silver coins and 1/10 oz gold coin
Am I going to make it bros?

>> No.18178789

Will 150 ounces buy me a place in the citadel?