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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18172531 No.18172531 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone start a small business? Would it be a smart idea to take advantage of the covid pandemic once prices bottom out?

I have some decent products ideas and a few people that are willing join.

Please share success stories if you have them.

>> No.18172625


>> No.18172635


>> No.18172636

hommina hommina

>> No.18172646
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>> No.18173134


>> No.18173141


>> No.18173187


>> No.18173240

lol that's a guy

>> No.18173250

How long have you been on Sherdog, lad?

>> No.18173334

Bump for sauce

>> No.18173340

I have a small business and am going to apply for the SBA EILD Grant of $10k. Unfortunately, one requirement is your business has to have been active as of January 31, 2020. Still, having your own business, even just a Sole Proprietorship, has so many benefits. Do it now because I predict more small business gibs around election time.

>> No.18173351

u wish

>> No.18173410

Prove it.

>> No.18173638


>> No.18173684

A man

>> No.18173710

Lol, glad you got it. I bet he'll abandon thread now. Pretty sure I found her Insta as well.

>> No.18173738

then drop the insta

>> No.18173746

My only advice is sell what people need

>> No.18173908

Please stop spreading information about my gf

>> No.18173953

Please continue spreading information about his gf

>> No.18173972

please kind sir, I need to see more of this beautiful young lass

>> No.18174100

I cant find anything on reverse image who the fuck is this REEEEEE

>> No.18174108

Again, how long have you been on Sherdog?

Confirming. If it’s her, I’m posting it.

>> No.18174128

I’m trying to help you out, dude. I’m in that original thread and I don’t want to dox a Sherbro’s family member because her shit is out there. Whole family tree is on display on her profile.

>> No.18174265

Whats the insta so we can delte this thread lol

>> No.18174346

looks like an ex of mine without the tattoos

>> No.18174397

tranny wish posting

>> No.18174415

A man, duh.

>> No.18174462

link thread? I only hang out in the gambling forum so IDK what you guys are talking about
war Tony btw. He's coming for that neck.

>> No.18174637

you will never pass, you will never be pretty, you will never be a woman

>> No.18174642


who the fuck is sherbro

>> No.18174652

what thread did she post in

I don't want to dox her, just want to see more pics

>> No.18174658

I'm trans btw not sure if that matters

>> No.18174748


>> No.18174971
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>> No.18175077

cant fucking find this god damn image on instagram.

>> No.18175080
File: 93 KB, 500x500, feel so surreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. about to get the steel out

>> No.18175106


>> No.18175203


>> No.18175240

she's ugly but sexy at the same time ina weird way

>> No.18175303

i need to KNOW

>> No.18175422

Does she count as an investment? Bump for sauce.

>> No.18175510

So I have a small business(LLC) but I'm the only employee. A small e-commerce business that right as I was getting my very first shipment of goods from China, Corona broke out and I put everything on hold. Is there anyway I can qualify for a grant or if you know where I can find more information about this?

>> No.18175589

Get fucked drop-nigger

>> No.18175649

Not likely, I already am doing well from crypto, but if they are handing out money I'll take it. You should worry about yourself faggot, but you probably hate your life which is why you feel the need to call strangers nigger on a underwater polynesian basket weaving forum

>> No.18175726

honestly if no one posts sauce for OP im just gonna coom soon anyway and this pic will have no more power over me so hahaha guess you lose

>> No.18175767

does anyone think starting a modeling/thot instagram/blog/lookup and using ad revenue would be a viable business? Just do photoshoots with hot girls and post them on social media, youtube etc. target the coomer audience who bring in followers and then leverage that to brands to advertise for? and maybe launch a site that has ads on it for money there too.

>> No.18175977

Name one product idea so we know you're serious.

>> No.18176002

that's kind of what companies are doing right now, especially in the fitness industry (look at BANG energy, Gym Shark, etc.)

I think the economy tanking will have some long term negative effects on this though. That's not really viable advertising when nobody gives a shit about the product

>> No.18176047

so the girl in your pic is trans or not? if she's an actual woman than post more pics cuz i need to coooooooom. used to have nudes of my ex that she sent me a long time ago but lost them to a hard drive crash. girl in your op i swear to god could be her twin. my ex was half white, quarter chinese, quarter indian.

>> No.18176218

Guys, I'm just here to talk about business. Didn't realize my gf would be so distracting

>> No.18176309


>> No.18176312

What if I wanna do it just to make some money but a way to meet slutty women to bang

>> No.18176316

would love to suck her cock

>> No.18176419

Flip the script. Sell American made shit to China.

>> No.18176438

is that a pajeet or a hawaiian? where is that woman from? hard to tell

>> No.18176439

We already do: USD

>> No.18176538

Here is where I got the info for my state, should be same for everywhere:

Here is the actual application

>> No.18176548

since she looks almost exactly like my ex, i'm guessing the same as my ex. mix of white, pajeet, and maybe some chinese

>> No.18176564


Bro, stop the porn. Really.
No fap is real.

>> No.18176630
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>> No.18176635

thats a man

>> No.18176649

Nice comeback faggot, you gotta go back

>> No.18176661

Amazing thank you sir

>> No.18176666

Seethe. Enjoy poverty.

>> No.18176679

Heh, I can imagine the hooker you will pay with your year savings of trading shitcoins laughing at your tiny pecker as it prematurely ejaculates without even touching her.

Good luck even getting it up, actually.

>> No.18176689



>> No.18176701

that's what you get for coffeeposting. don't coffeepost if you want actual replies and not just (You)'s. now show us more pics.

>> No.18176706

drop her insta already

>> No.18176732

what kind of brown is this girl

>> No.18176827

"open all the boarders immediately and let them flood in" brown
i would crush western civilization like a gnat for a chance to lick the sweat off her thighs

>> No.18176868
File: 90 KB, 513x1537, IIWJ6G0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better resolution but the source literally doesnt exist.

>> No.18177036

You mean this Sherdog thread with her picture?

>> No.18177072

i know nobody cares but i would do things to this girl, involving one of those massive 20 inch gummy worms, that would be considered crimes against humanity. i would be sentenced to death for my crimes, and her family would watch with satisfaction in the gallery as i received my lethal injection

>> No.18177187

I'm about to lethally inject my cock in your mouth if you don't shut up about my gf

>> No.18177207
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, soy wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18177252

post more pics of this broad or shut up.

>> No.18177320

Would 100% invest in this girls insta

>> No.18177353

It's priced in

>> No.18177361

Looks like an old Max Hardcore girl desu.

>> No.18177407

never knew what being a waifufag was all about until i saw this beauty. tell me everything you know about this lass. i am going to marry and impregnate her

>> No.18177421
File: 7 KB, 257x108, 566DEA37-2E86-486A-BCE8-11E18F141A4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18178510


Sweet. Was an independent contractor doing solar sales. I sucked at it, but I'll apply for that $10k grant.

>> No.18178528

god i wish i looked like her

>> No.18178561

You can literally see the dick on him.

>> No.18178614

ngl i wish that were me
i really dig that bikini

>> No.18178842

ty for coom. i coomed so hard. i just ruined my new sweater. so much spunk

>> No.18178910

Yes this is the main objective. I'm pretty sure this is actually the business model for porn companies. There's no way they make actual money.

>> No.18178953

Fuck that looks my mother in law. Just in better shape. And younger

>> No.18178971

I think she's salvadoran

>> No.18178995
File: 48 KB, 726x701, 1585133706688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides kek