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18168876 No.18168876 [Reply] [Original]

What are some smart stocks to buy monday?

>> No.18169015
File: 63 KB, 612x491, Apustajagondola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which fires if the trigger is pulled
As opposed to guns that don't fire when the trigger is pulled?

>> No.18169110
File: 31 KB, 600x449, 1583522248853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that whole post

>> No.18169144

There way of saying no safety.

>> No.18169146

A high capacity assault glock

>> No.18169197

explain it to a non-gun cuck, I thought all guns fire when you pull the trigger?

>> No.18169209

is the bitch not even joking?

>> No.18169215

Bridget is such a value to society !!! The future is female bigots

>> No.18169228

her retarded way of saying glocks do not have a manual safety, which is true.

>> No.18169234

Women are retarded, whorish children.

>> No.18169250

They do. That's like saying someone left the keys in a car that turns when you steer it.

>> No.18169254

This, what the fuck?

>> No.18169268

$TVIX and short everything else

>> No.18169302

That aint nothing, my TV turns on when you press the power button.

>> No.18169354


Just don’t hold over a week or two

>> No.18169364

allowing women to speak in public was a mistake

>> No.18169767

>fires if the trigger is pulled
This sounds extremely dangerous. It shouldn't be legal to buy something like this

>> No.18169780

They really should ban police from having guns

>> No.18169846

Go safe and buy coca cola. Shit's immune basically immune to the crises.
Or buy bombes out shit like movi asa (norwegian salmon producer) or something else that got its price cut in half, although it is not at risk of a total collaps

>> No.18169859


>> No.18169888

Yeah and she chose the optimal wording to make her sound completely retarded.

>> No.18169907


>> No.18169923

Seconded on KO. The share price does drop in market crashes but their revenue will be fine. It's a solid choice to buy when people are panic selling everything indiscriminately.

>> No.18169974

glocks don't have safeties because it takes 6 pounds of pressure to pull the trigger.
they don't go off by accident.

>> No.18170396

Wtf happened to it?

>> No.18170425

The only safety on a glock is the trigger safety which isn't much of a safety.

>> No.18170655 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just any a gun ... one that FIRES IF THE TRIGGER IS PULLED

>> No.18170698
File: 575 KB, 808x720, GRETA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just any gun ... one that FIRES IF THE TRIGGER IS PULLED

>> No.18170762


>> No.18170787

They have a drop safety as well. The trigger safety is all the safety it needs. Other safety mechanisms are mostly holdovers from guns with exposed hammers. A safety isn't meant to be an "Are you sure you want to delete this file" button, they exist to prevent the gun firing at times the trigger isn't intended to be pulled. A Glock will not fire unless the trigger is pulled with intent.

>> No.18170798

buy tanker stocks. The overflowing oil supply is going to end up in floating storage and tanker rates are going to moon

>> No.18171457

Wrong. Glocks have several internal safeties.

>> No.18172021

The trigger safety and firing pin block ensure that dropping the gun or getting the edge of the trigger snagged won't cause a misfire or negligent discharge. Glocks are extremely reliable and safe (for the user) firearms. This is coming from someone who doesn't own a Glock or any stock. I really don't like the aesthetics of their guns.

>> No.18172190

>The trigger safety is all the safety it needs.
Safeties are there so that if the trigger gets pulled accidentally the gun doesn't shoot.
That is why the 1911 has a grip safety, another safety for when the hammer is cocked, a mid cocked hammer safety.

Pistols have less safeties now because there aren't many accidental trigger pull accidents. If you are holding the pistol, your hand already covers the trigger from snagging on something.

But imagine a rifle with trigger safety only, people grabbing it by the barrel, the trigger snagging fuck knows where and accidentally shooting. It's not hard at all.

I like guns, but I can see the point, a child could pick up a chambered glock and shot it.
A child couldn't do the same with a decocked 1911 or a 1911 on safe.

>> No.18172436

This entire post is retarded. You don't need an actual safety on a handgun, the trigger and drop safety are more than enough.
>But imagine a rifle
We're not talking about rifles.
>a child could pick up a chambered glock and shot it
>a child couldn't do the same with [...] a 1911 on safe
First off, if the child has access to the gun at all, you've failed as a gun owner. Second, a child could absolutely disengage the safety of a 1911, it's a lightweight switch. Have you ever seen an actual child? They fucking touch everything. If anything, the glock has the advantage here with a heavier trigger pull, AND the trigger safety might actually help if it's a smaller child and they're just fumbling around drooling on the gun.
>a decocked 1911
In this case you'd have to compare it to an unchambered glock and I'm unsure how you think the 1911 is safer.

>> No.18172500

Why act like you've been personally attacked? They're just guns. You're not a woman are you?

>> No.18172586

Holy shit it fires if trigger is pulled

>> No.18172694

MIST. Possible insider buying to be reported

>> No.18173512
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>Glocks are extremely reliable and safe (for the user) firearms.
Except for when it blows up in your hands because it's made of fucking plastic.

>> No.18173696

Ah the good ol glocknade.

>> No.18173744

That was from brittle metal, not plastic. It happened on a small number of firearms and was largely overblown. Pulling the magazine and tossing your glock to take out a large group is comedy gold, but it wasn't actually a big deal.

>> No.18173771

its just leftist antigun propaganda ignore it

>> No.18174716


>> No.18174768

Pfftt well, my pee pee goes up when i tug it

>> No.18174793


>> No.18174816

Based gun nerd

>> No.18174818

Short sell bitcoin. With no drug market to represent its value, due to precursor limitations from COVID-19 shutdowns, bitcoin will fall
