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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, joe-exotic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18168680 No.18168680 [Reply] [Original]

Riddle me this. How is it possible that a bunch of low IQ/EQ, white-trash, meth-combusting, homosexuality-practicing, mullet-sporting floridians are running succesufull multi-milion businesses while still finding time for the afternoon tiger&liger wrestling. Is it luck? Do they know about elliot waves?

>> No.18168764

I liked it, joe went crazy after a nice beginning

>> No.18168769
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It's America.
Anyone, no matter how retarded like the Tiger Chad or a nigger rhyming words on Souncloud, can make a fortune.
God Bless America

>> No.18168778

This Netflix documentary is being pushed hard on normiebook and instagram right now. Get your fucking phyop out of 4chan, because people will call you out. You are clearly working for Netflix as this type of viral marketing does not happen organically for a shit-tier directing monstrosity such as Tiger King. 0/10 do not watch, fuck jannies.

>> No.18168895

You're just misjudging them. Just because someone is gay and dresses and talks weird does not mean they aren't hardworking with a mind for business.

>> No.18168921

They're all a fucking retarded bunch
That one guy is an insane cult leader
That woman killed her husband
Nuke all amerimutts

>> No.18168969

Has anyone watched Wild, Wild Country? That shit is crazy like you've never seen

>> No.18168971

This, the land of opportunity baby

>> No.18168981

Kill all niggers and satanic kikes

>> No.18169009

My thoughts exactly. In america it seems to be extremely easy to get rich if you have even a little bit of luck. Here in finland you have to be basically either extremely lucky or extremely educated/have a lot of connections in the business world to even dream of an income over 100k and even then the state takes over half of it in taxes. As soon i have my masters degree ill get the fuck out of here

>> No.18169038

its all an agenda against muh white people. ever notice how EVERY netflix original is some race bait kike lgbtq bullshit?

they were bought out long ago by the powers that be and now serve as just another megalith pushing shit down the throats of GOY who GLADLY gobble it up all day. it gives the goy something to talk about amongst themselves so they can self perpetuate their 'unique' goy ideas and perspectives unto one another

just another thing to be laughing, laughing, laughing out loud about!

stupid fucks.

>> No.18169041

Is this what the normies are watching now?

>> No.18169046

doc antle is based dressing those trainers like pets. the rest are insane

>> No.18169062


>> No.18169072

they explain it in the series. he started making money by selling cubs. a lot of that was probably in cash and off the books. then he paid his tweaker employees 20 bucks A WEEK to work 10 hour days.

the series shows, to me, that it's all about TIMING. they got into the big cat business all at the same time, in the 1990s, and that's how they were able to do so well. an untouched market + committing practically every waking hour to work = getting framed by some dyke prosecutor alongside that creepy rip&runner jeff lowe and his adult-sized chuckie doll friend

>> No.18169109

1. They are all working 16 hours a day 7 days a week, and have found near free labor
2. They aren't following any laws at all
3. They certainly aren't paying taxes

If you follow that ethos and apply it to nearly anything you can achieve monetary success

>> No.18169138

Jesus man

>> No.18169649
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Look at the facts bro.
>Sells baby tigers 3K - 5K
>Opens Zoo in Oklahoma price of land there is probably dirt cheap
>Writes off everything, guns, vehicles, buildings, cages, food, living quarters for his staff, videos, music videos ALL WRITE OFFS because it's all under his business
>Charges people to come to his zoo, probably gets donations as well.
>All his workers are methheads, that he pays almost nothing and then houses with shit housing and walmart food that he writes off.
>All the toys he buys he buys under the company so he writes them off, Guns needed for security of tigers, Trucks, ATV's, AV equipment, its all write offs,
>On top of all this he's not living an extravagant life style, he's just doing redneck things out in the middle of nowhere. He eats garbage food, he clothes are somewhat nice but most likely all thrift store or knockoffs, plus he probably has a bunch of debt just like the other con artist guy Jeff. These people live fast and loose day to day not thinking of the future.

>> No.18169695

stop crying and get back to work, wagie

>> No.18169809

This is why poor americans to me are the lowest possible life form on earth. If you live in the richest and most full of opportunity place in the whole world, yet you somehow still manage to be a poor loser, you deserve zero sympathy and pity. Just looking at the salaries over there, I can easily become a millionaire in just a few years with the same amount of effort I put in now, literally just by wagecucking.

>> No.18169899

Holy shit, that's one of the gayest things I've seen. So the documentary is about the rise and fall of a faggot?

>> No.18169922

I mean if you have the quality of life of wealthy people elsewhere in the world it's not so bad being low income. In America poor people still have cars phones, food, and then spending money on top of that.

>> No.18170011
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Yes, but it goes into all the other characters as well. Even though his a faggot he's pretty based I have to admit. He built a life for himself and lived the way he wanted to.

>> No.18170063

Only one of them is gay. The other two are his straight meth head butt slaves.

>> No.18170099

none of this shit is real you stupid fucks
its a mockumentary

>> No.18170148

Go the fuck back to /pol/. This is a crypto board.

>> No.18170371

Yeahhh.. very simple and you all know why. It is the lure of the wild animals.. even my gf melted at the baby tigers. Then agreed that Joe is an awful person and the rest are just very well stupid or out of their minds

Make no mistake though, the love of those wild animals is exploitation and manipulation to the e nth degree.

>> No.18170512

this. viral marketing for a bunch of fake reality tv meant to blackpill whites
honestly cant believe fags fall for it

>> No.18170542

This, we need to stop tiger captivity so they can go extinct in the wild, the natural way

>> No.18170555

>white privilege

>> No.18170573

I mean half his business was basically illegal and he paid far below minimum wage (and it seems like no worker comp despite dangerous conditions). He was a total scofflaw and just managed to corner a market with extremely little regulation.
desu the only based person was the producer filming the reality show - who got absolutely fucked.

>> No.18170595

just let them die out tiger captivity except for like a few nice zoos/wildlife reserves is a shitty life.

>> No.18170626
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>every episode multiple "oh fuck" moments
>literally gangster/crime mastermind characters only
>one bitch literally killed her husband with so much fuckin evidence for his money, and shes walking freely smiling and laughing in the documentary (wait till you know the full story and all the dots)
>doc is filled with cults, murders, arsons, stealing, shooting,
>basically a blueprint on how to be criminal and not get caught (im talking about other characters mainly, but Joe was connected and smart af)
>basically a blueprint how to brainwash women/men and create a cult of personality

this is a must-watch /biz/ kino and a classic shit

>> No.18170635

this. Also selling tiger cubs for $5k a pop adds up really quick, same with $600 sessions to pet tiger cubs. Doing illegal/shady shit can have huge profit margins

>> No.18170654


>> No.18170665

come back in like a month when the normie hype dies down so /biz/ can be contrarian at that time and then jerk off over it

>> No.18170693

>one bitch literally killed her husband with so much fuckin evidence for his money, and shes walking freely smiling and laughing in the documentary
i mean it does seem this way, but how did she do it, fuck up one of his planes before he took a trip - other than circumstantial evidence there was nothing proving it

>> No.18170730

Scarface guy was cool and seemed like he was getting away with everything without acting like a retard or a cult leader

>> No.18170790

Have you actually watched it? It's easily the most unique documentary series I've ever seen, and a really good presentation of a bunch of things from the exotic animal trade and how corrupt it is on both the trader and animal activists sides, the dangers of business partnerships, how businesses are still getting away with employing people below minimum wage in the US, etc. It also doesn't really take a stance or side, and just presents the information in a pretty unbiased fashion

These people were way too stupid for it to be fake, and a lot of the things covered were actually in the news and are researchable. Joe exotic is actually in prison for soliciting murder for hire

>> No.18170851

i dont own netflix, i dont pay the kikes, utorrent and thinking for myself first. but you two should marry each other you fuckin retards. i found this doc myself and did a backcheck of the history before i got it first, you fuckin reddit imports from 2019 newfags
tigers + meatgrinder its literally in the fuckin doc that her BROTHER came to her house that night and he was a SHERIFF. cut the body, grind it out, and split it to tigers.

other way is just bury that shit under tiger cage, dig a grave and police wont look there. property was too big, and they didnt check shit. literally a perfect crime with a perfect setup and a family member as high rank police insider.

money talks, her family just took over that place like gangsters

>> No.18170881

there's no way anything short of an industrial meat grinder can process a human body, i'd sooner believe she used a shit ton of acid than some kitchen counter grinder. she may have just buried under the tiger cage tho lol

>> No.18170903

This guy's got it.

>> No.18170955

it’s real simple OP. if you believe it, you can achieve it.

literally every single person in this (the ones running the zoos; joe, carol, doc, jeff) were all narcissistic conmen.
you don’t have to be a genius to believe in your goals enough to get people around you to do your bidding. you just have to have balls and understand the power of manipulation. carol is lying through her fucking teeth with every word she says but she knows how to articulate her words enough to get all those other fat cat ladies to volunteer to work at her zoo for free and she’s a multimillionaire from that skill.

>if you’re already on 4chan chances are you already think the rest of the world is beneath you. just take the extra step and start manipulating OP. ezpz.

>> No.18170970

Don’t you know about the /pol/ /biz/ pipeline?

>> No.18170972

the logistics to check everything with wild cats, nobody did shit. imagine taking every animal out of their space, check every corner of cages, look under everything, examine every piece of meat/bone on the property.

that thing would take months and this would take like 50 people. FBI should've been involved from start, but they didn't want that mess.

imagine taking out every animal, check their cages, examine every piece of meat/bone/SHIT from there to look for human trace

this would take months and the place should've been closed from day1 with that bitch and everyone who was on property in handcuffs

>> No.18171012

they had a butcher grinder, and she was showing the diamater of it.

crush the bones with a hammer, and put pieces with the muscles etc.

i wouldnt be suprised if she managed to starve like 3 cats for couple of days, and just throw him there naked.

they would eat everything including bones

>> No.18171021

It literally was an industrial meat grinder lol. I ground up lots of deer, elk and moose with my grandpa in his meat grinder that was literally like 1/4 the size. It wasn't fast, but processing a human body with just a regular meat grinder in one night is no where out of the realm of possible. I've processed way more meat in way less time

>> No.18171086

This and it's very fucked up

>> No.18171097

thought I was the only one who thought this. Gave it a shot but it was fuckin terrible. Realized all the normies love it because they're being told to by social media

>> No.18171157

dude there's a tiger harem cult ran by a doctor of 'mystical science'

>> No.18171188

That entertains you? Pathetic creature

>> No.18171193

Tiger King has nothing to do with race baiting or any of your stupid shit. Hating everything will ensure your future poverty.

>> No.18171273

It's the American dream. It really is available to anyone willing to work hard enough.

>> No.18171364

kek holy shit watching this too. what an absolute trainwreck. you couldn't write fiction this entertaining. it's like a real life american trailer park boys, but incredibly sad.

>> No.18171371

America belongs in the bin, your country is a meme. Everyone watches it to laugh at how ridiculous it all is because it's such a extraordinary series of events.

Literal Truman show tier society

>> No.18171380

The most shocking thing to me is a tiger cub cost $3k-$5k. I would think it would be a lot more for an endangered species and majestic as fuck animal like a tiger.

>> No.18171386

Funny that you steal content while complaining about Jews...what an absolute nigger.

Stop being a contrarian faggot. Netflix, like all media hosts, has trash and good stuff.

>> No.18171388
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>> No.18171418

I work at a butcher shop...the grinder they showed wouldn’t grind bone. I can say that with certitude.

>> No.18171432

One thing I noticed. Once a company grows to a certain size it seems to be "taken over" I mean the company and its directives seem to shift completely from what it was originally. Just something I observed.

Disney is pretty much a textbook case.

>> No.18171558
File: 107 KB, 1125x943, based CEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stealing from jews, and from netflix who's pushing anti-white lgbtg agenda is literally MOST BASED THING AS INVIDUAL CAN DO





>> No.18171562

Imagine unironically typing this. In any case, none of you faggots have even answered the OP

>> No.18171582
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fuck off glow niggers

>> No.18171724


Fuck off Mohammed

>> No.18171787


How is this man not based you fucking faggot?

>> No.18171889
File: 550 KB, 600x600, 5CA4ADB7-A80B-4352-BC14-C576F0479340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go back to pol incels

>> No.18171972

Based, how do I contact this pol? I heard that they were hackers or some sheeeeit like dat

>> No.18171992

>idolizes a faggot
>calls me a faggot

are you actually pretending to be this pea-brain figure online for a persona or are you genuinely retarded? either way you're a sheep or a glow nigger.

>> No.18172019

lets see you're stack bitch. you dont even know what team im on how PATHETIC.

>> No.18172863

I’m /pol/ as fuck and this is the most retarded shit I’ve ever read. Joe doesn’t use his gay sex shit as some sort of social leverage.

>> No.18173034


can i get a quick run down, what is this?

>> No.18173059

Low inhibition is everything. There's a lot of low inhibs with constant failure stories but virtually no success stories among high inhib people.

>> No.18173077

"How do you do, fellow /pol/?"

>> No.18173084

>Lets see you're stack
>Let us see you are stack

>> No.18173086

>Tiger King
I just looked it up, and apparently the doc trashes Big Cat Rescue, which one of the best animal sanctuaries in the country.
Seriously, fuck the Jews who made this doc.

>> No.18173399

The thing that really got me was Carol's first husband (the one she clearly murdered).

Dude was worth 10's of millions of dollars, and if you looked closely at the restraining orders he filed for pro-se, the dude couldn't even write in English. He spelled like every other word wrong, clearly low-IQ to a point of near retardation.

Yet the dude was fucking loaded. It just makes you realize that you don't have to be smart to be rich - you just have to be a good businessman or a Chad. He was tall and fucking everything in sight so he was definitely a chad.

>> No.18173412


>> No.18173435
File: 5 KB, 250x174, cringepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus you cringey fucking redditors need to leave immediately

imagine thinking a Netflix documentary is a "piece of art", lmao. Netflix shows are like the fast-food of entertainment - low quality, easily accessible garbage for the plebs. It's fucking dogshit but still entertaining. Basically allows you to completely shut off your brain and all cognitive abilities and just enjoy the funny characters on the screen. Tiger King was a documentary made for chimpanzees

>> No.18173452

we are born and bread to be the Spartans of capitalism.
>work hard
>do whatever it takes to make money
usually by not paying your workers anything and paying as little taxes as you can.

>> No.18173461

Yeah except your whole country is shit

T. coronavirus

>> No.18173466

>imagine thinking a Netflix documentary is a "piece of art", lmao. Netflix shows are like the fast-food of entertainment - low quality, easily accessible garbage for the plebs. It's fucking dogshit but still entertaining. Basically allows you to completely shut off your brain and all cognitive abilities and just enjoy the funny characters on the screen. Tiger King was a documentary made for chimpanzees
Also fuck them for trashing Big Cat Rescue and promoting an animal and meth abusing faggot with a mullet.

>> No.18173502

You learn Joe is actually broke like halfway through

>> No.18173612

somehow i doubt yall watching fellini and tarkovsky over a glass of private reserve on the weekends

>> No.18174485
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WTF checked and I just came home and found one of my roommates watching Tiger King with a friend coincidentally or synchronistically pilled.
>post yfw you really realize that oen bitch really did feed her husband to the tigers

>> No.18174694

You obliviously haven't seen the documentary

Also op the reason is because for every one of these "low iq white trash" millionaires you see there are a hundred actually low iq white trash working for them. In other words, they are actually very intelligent, but you expect financially successful people to act and dress proper when that is not reality

>> No.18174889

Even without brains 2 things the Tiger King had will take you far:

> unlimited confidence in yourself
> a willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed, including complete abandonment of all moral integrity

>> No.18174943

>big cat rescue
I live in tampa. its a fucking zoo dude. the bitch is on drugs to say it is anything but. real conservation would be shipping them wherever theyre native and letting them go. the did this with wolves in the northwest. captured them and put them where deer pigs etc were abundant. rinse repeat

>> No.18174954

Some of the most successful people I've met are eccentric fucks. They end up being the most ruthless business people who give zero fucks about screwing people over to make a profit, so you just gotta hope your particular autism lines up with your business endeavours. Clearly it worked for them

>> No.18174990

>Thinks everyone can be a millionaire.
If there were no poor people, there would be no wealthy people. Brainlet

>> No.18175284


I'm on this episode. Waiting for the new season.

>> No.18175519

>the absolute state of /pol/

>> No.18175552
File: 892 KB, 1249x1383, DB35891B-BB54-47F7-B219-F7217098F77A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Carol and her cuck ass husband
They framed my nigga joe

>> No.18175881
File: 142 KB, 960x735, 5FDA27E7-5EA5-4116-B4C7-20B49DE9D0B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joe exotic
>chad Big cat keeper
>is gay yet never once tells anyone unless they ask
>learns magic from 14to autist to build his business
>sells his business in malls across the country
>constantly fighting off the government and peta activists
>makes his own music
>makes his own music videos
>makes his own tv show
>Gives degenerates a job and a purpose
>loves guns
>runs for governor as libertarian
>Trolls carol

is their anything joe can’t do? Joe is /our guy/ he had a successful tiger petting mall zoo operation going and bizzy botty ass hippy activist bitches stalked his ass all over the country harassing his potential customers and shutting his law abiding business down. She’s a cunt even if she didn’t kill her husband, witch we all know she did.

>> No.18175894

Someone needs to make an "if you only knew how bad things are" version of this

>> No.18176045
File: 278 KB, 1177x1336, ECBBCE85-FC03-47B6-BF93-EAB4388C3E58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say less