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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 371x311, e43b5e31-ea47-4080-9f76-8dffb1b6d657-AP_Virus_Outbreak_Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18165653 No.18165653 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18165668

>2018 flu kills 80k
nothingburger confirmed from highest source

>> No.18165681

holy shit, that is like 0.08-0.05% of the population.

>> No.18165696
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>> No.18165706

yes. translation: a worse flu year than 2 years ago.

>> No.18165714

jokes and bullshit aside.

ive had 2 military friends tell me that things are vastly worse than the media is letting off.
That they are legit lying about the death count right now to avoid panic.

>> No.18165727

Obviously they are, at first they tried to calm down and play the whole virus down and now countries collapsing left and right..

>> No.18165738

April will be the worst month for any market.

>> No.18165752


The 2018-2019 flu season killed 34,200 in the US

>> No.18165768


>> No.18165771

based le no vaccine man

>> No.18165772

>post the 2019 stats

>> No.18165784

imagine comparing this flu season to one of the worst flu seasons ever and still ignoring that it is going to be 3x times more deadly

>> No.18165788


>> No.18165792

only 200k? so disappointing...

>> No.18165798
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You currently have less than 30k corona deaths globally since december? And the global economy and countries are shut down?

The whole thing is totally insane, it is so absurd if feels almost unreal. How can human race be so stupid and irrational? Flu kills hundreds of thousands people each winter, smoking kills 500 000 annually or more? What is this?

>> No.18165801

imagine advocating shutting the entire world economy over something you didn't even comment on 2 years ago.

>> No.18165803

he's talking about 2017-2018 which was abnormal

>> No.18165856

how can one man be so based?

>> No.18165858

That's how you know he's full of shit. Actual death count will be in the millions.

>> No.18165861


1/200th as many deaths as heart disease will cause this year. Fuck anon I would just take your losses and buy back in when the Dow is 30,000!

>> No.18165872

it was a pretty big topic desu. you just don't remember

>> No.18165883

>smoking kills 500 000 annually or more
the fact that we haven't banned smoking everywhere yet is evidence that humans are deeply irrational, yes

>> No.18165911

just stop testing people. Its what China and India are doing.

>> No.18165912

>100.000 to 200.000 cases... hum excuse me, DEATHS

oh lol

>> No.18165924

you could say the same thing about alcohol, and sports cars.

>> No.18165925

yes 2018 was a high flu year...this will be a very high flu year.
meanwhile 1918-20 spanish flu killed 25M people (1.5% of earths population then), which translates to 91M today - or 5M americans.

so on the scale of:

80k -- 150K ------------------------------------------------------------- 5M

>> No.18165938

>it was a pretty big topic desu

No it was not.

Not everybody was a kid two years ago, jeez, fucking zoomers.

>> No.18165957

this thing will easily kill 5m americans, i'd say that's a lowball estimate. just wait until nurses unionize and strike. already happening in asheville, nc. just fucking wait.

>> No.18165982
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>this thing will easily kill 5m americans, i'd say that's a lowball estimate. just wait until nurses unionize and strike. already happening in asheville, nc. just fucking wait.

>> No.18165994

to, it wil be 6 millions, no wait 60 MILLIONS!

>> No.18166048


>> No.18166053


>> No.18166055

he said 100k-200k cases, not deaths.

>> No.18166064

just try to use science for a few secs.
we are already 14 weeks into this years flu season. so far its killed 1k americans.
we have about 4-6 weeks left of this season. so you think its going to kill 4.99M more people over next month?

>> No.18166067

he said death

>> No.18166073

scratch that. he corrected himself and said deaths later.
what a waste of dubs.

>> No.18166075

I certainly could.
Suicide (and euthanasia) is banned in most countries

>> No.18166084
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nothingburger posters btfo

>> No.18166086

We're already at 120k confirmed cases bud
Probably 500k-1mil untested.

>> No.18166095

WHO the fuck cares about flu season...this shit stays all year long and has and expo growth

When do ppl stop being so ignorant

>> No.18166111

>this coronavirus will not behave like other coronaviruses "because'
oh ok. another science-hating liberal.

>> No.18166112
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>> No.18166119
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t-they're lying?
to US??

>> No.18166126

OK... someone high up had to publicly acknoledge the reported case numbers don't mean shit right now (and they never did actually)
The only number that matters now is the death toll.

>> No.18166145

That's why all countries world wide are having the same issue at at the same time? No matter of season or geo location. Sick shit dickhead

>> No.18166149

fuck off commie, I'll smoke what I want

>> No.18166164
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let's do some back of the napkin calculation and try to figure this out:

We will use 350m as the population of America

Best case scenario: assume 30% gets infected (VERY generous) and death rate is half a percent (VERY generous)

350*.3*.005 = 525,000 dead

Again that is literally the BEST case scenario - very low likelihood of happening

Let's assume a "cautiously optimistic" middle of the road kind of scenario: 50% get the virus (probably about right,) death rate of 2% (optimistic but not unreasonable)

350*.5*.02 = 3,500,000 dead

For funsies, let's do a "worst case" scenario - let's assume the spread goes out of control on the east coast as we are seeing in Jew York and a significant death rate follows as our healthcare system collapses. We will use 70% infected (not unreasonable - this has been predicted in the recent past) and a 5% death rate.

350*.7*.05 = 12,250,000 dead

That is not an impossible scenario, at all. This thing going to get bad. 5% isn't even that high of a death rate for a complete system collapse - it could be as high as 8% death rate.

I would say 5-8 million is actually a pretty optimistic scenario. 10 would be my high bound estimate for deaths. Shit's going to get real very soon my friend.

>> No.18166212

why the fuck are you brainlets looking at current deaths? It's about what this virus will do when left unchecked, not what it has done as of now. Dealing with shitcoins, you should have a good idea of what exponential growth means. If we only start taking measures once the death toll is in the tens of thousands and multiplies every two days, it will be much too late.

>> No.18166230

And there was zero panic and zero effect on the markets

>> No.18166231

It was too late a month ago dude, this thing is going until at least 50% of the country is infected if not much higher.


>> No.18166242


china is already back to work. no new deaths very few infections. new cases already peaked in italy. non-event in germany, austria, etc

fauci already said max 200k americans die. In 4 weeks this will all be over in US
a very high flu year, nothing more. get over it, no one is going to pay off your 'gender studies' degree for you. get back to work.

>> No.18166261
File: 104 KB, 1361x709, floridachurchmarch29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that THERE IS STILL NO LOCKDOWN in huge fucking swaths of the US
This is from a church in Florida TODAY:
This South is going to make the New York numbers look like a joke in 2 weeks.

>> No.18166290

these poor people...coofing for 2 days with mild fever.
my god lets shut down the world economy....

>> No.18166301

The desire to price it in will kill so many extra.

I have priced that in.

>> No.18166311

>he believes china

>> No.18166312
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Do you not understand what China had to do to make that happen? Do you not understand that the population density in Jew York is actually *much* higher than in Wuhan? NYPD will not go door to door welding people inside their apartments...they're going to fucking go on STRIKE the second this gets bad. The US government isn't going to compel nurses and doctors to go to work, they'll strike too.

In China they literally bulldozed highways shut, they dragged people out of their houses kicking and screaming to test them and they burned hundreds of thousands of bodies in mobile incenerators. They built 4 massive hospitals in less than a month and spared no effort in stopping the spread, no matter how draconian.

Do you think anything even close to that will happen here? Trump won't even quarantine Jew York because their pasta nigger governor threw a fit about it.

You are going to be surprised at how bad this shit gets, and so will I even. It's going to get fucking bad. Right now as we speak tens of thousands of sick people are fleeing Jew York and spreading this thing to the entire country.

You should mentally prepare yourself - don't say you weren't told.

>> No.18166316

Do we really believe their stats? Plus they have insane contact tracing capability, better collectivism and more resources.

It peaked in the North but other locations are much further behind on the curve and you’ll see the numbers flare back up

Yeah sorry burgerbro - you didn’t do good enough

>> No.18166322

>china is already back to work. no new deaths very few infections.

Is that why China re-opened their theaters for a whole two days before closing them down again?

>> No.18166346
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Another thing - do you honestly think Fauci would tell you if he thought it was possible 8 million people could die?

People like him aren't there to tell you the truth - they are there to placate you and prevent mass panic. That is literally his job when he speaks in public. Privately I believe Fauci and Trump have some very different conversations.

The WHO wouldn't even call this a pandemic until what, last week? Fauci is the figure head of our WHO, he wouldn't say 8 million will die from this. Not in a million years.

>> No.18166349

Italy has a new record das yesterday...Germany is underreporting due to wird death counts and 20days behind italy.
Austria has a 8% testing increase rate and a 8% positive increase rate...test more and you see more shit.
China? Do i really need to start with that shithole? CCP Lied constantly and now you wanna believe them?

Time will tell 200k in US only due to corona, maybe under complete lockdown which isn't the case right now. Hospitals will be filled up and lead to chain reactions like spain, france and italy.

>> No.18166367

Why the fuck does it matter that they are military? They some kind of elevated class of niggers? Fuck off.

>> No.18166383

This shit has been going for 3.5 months, so far 33.500 deaths WORLDWIDE.

No offense but your napkin calculation isn't worth shit.

>> No.18166395

Hi do you understand how exponential growth works anon?

>> No.18166403

This is the truth.

Plus all our manufacturing, agriculture, and logistics will be disrupted by this. Sick truckers, no one harvesting the fields, food processing plants shut down, etc...

>> No.18166421

ITT: a bunch of bootyblasted bullbros seethe and keep spouting cringe ‘just the flu bro’ copes

>> No.18166430

actually we've been totally vindicated. 200k dead (if that actually comes) is a far cry from the 5M you predicted.

>> No.18166478

It doesn’t actually matter. You’re fucked economically either way kek

>> No.18166479

Go visit northern italy you fucking brainlet

>> No.18166491

>were already fucked
possibly...but thats why going back to work and isolating the at-risk has always made the most sense.

>> No.18166517

yeah, Trump was claiming it wuld be 0 (zero) a few weeks back. Fauci's now at 200k (because the fat orange coward is too much of one to present bad news) - they're just adjusting you to the new reality. Slowly. Wait and see what figures they are announcing in May

>> No.18166535

>Trump was claiming it wuld be 0 (zero) a few weeks back
imagine having such little self-awareness you publicly make shit up and expect people to listen to you.

>> No.18166545
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>smooth brain can't into confirmed versus estimated
CONFIRMED flu deaths are microscopic, >10k numbers batted around are statistical ass-pulls, like the ones that attitude millions of deaths to Chernobyl or Fukushima

To put corona-chan into prospective, around 7500 Americans die everyday, 525 Americans died from corona-chan yesterday, by the end of this week corona-chan will be the leading cause of death in the US

>> No.18166554

He literally tweeted that the chink virus is a hoax

>> No.18166559

And it’s nothing

>> No.18166575

Fuck off

>> No.18166579


>> No.18166582

Coronaviruses aren't strongly seasonal, smooth brain.

>> No.18166594

bullish and priced in

>> No.18166630


>> No.18166669

What a moron. Millions will die. Within 2 weeks half the country will be infected and hospitals will all be overrun. 300k are going to die in NYC alone

>> No.18166676

Why is this surprising to you?

>> No.18166697

Its literally seasonal.

Coronaviruses cause colds with major symptoms, such as fever, and sore throat from swollen adenoids, occurring primarily in the winter and early spring seasons.
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronavirus

>> No.18166710

Extremely bullish

>> No.18166744

yes, this particular coronavirus has exactly the same fatality rate as the common cold. Good example. It also hasn't been proven to be seasonal AT ALL thus far, you disingenuous bag of shite

>> No.18166866
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Influenza has an R0 <1 through most of the year, THAT is strongly seasonal, human coronaviruses & corona-chan have an R0 >1 year-round, they are NOT strongly seasonal

>> No.18166914

This. China is savage. Who knew a countries greatest trait, that is, freedom would be what eventually destroy it.

>> No.18166928


>> No.18166939

> just floooo

The 200,000 death figure is IF correct containment happens. With no containment it will spread throughout entire population in a month.

Over 100,000,000 people in the US are over 50 years old. The death rate for that figure is over 1%. This means if full spread at least 1,000,000 will die.

>> No.18166941

The pollution rates and traffic are returning to normal, so...

>> No.18166946

Priced in. Most of them will flee to the trading floor for cheapies.

>> No.18166954

Actually, about 4 million Americans could die. The death rate is about 1,4%

>> No.18166980

China flew in 90,000 medical professionals into Hubei and soaked up most of the world's supply of PPE to deal with this crisis. They stopped it dead in its tracks in Hubei.

We aren't capable of doing that and we won't do that. Jew Yorkers will flood every single state and province as they flee like rats from their sinking shithole of a city.

>> No.18167261

no you don't have friends, now stop larping

>> No.18167575

why didnt you listen

>> No.18167671

China's fatality count is magnitudes higher than the official tally.

>> No.18167699

They didn't, you fucking retard.

They just welded the sick into their homes and killed anyone who reported additional cases.

Holy shit how dumb do you have to be to believe the chicoms.

>> No.18168253

>everyone will get infected

>> No.18168292

Yeah in Michigan. What about the other 49 states?

>> No.18168358

Imagine you get got by a car and you get fuck up and you get sent to the covid tent by mistake. Get fixed up real good

>> No.18168360

It's the complete opposite. Media is hyping and overexaggerating everything.

All hospitals are empty. Corona is a hoax.

>> No.18168366

Brazil is currently doing nothing and their projected death count is 1 MILLION

>> No.18168395

It's millions.

>> No.18168415
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>exponential growth meme


>> No.18168416

>All hospitals are empty.

>> No.18168425

Their hospitals are empty


You've been conned - again.

>> No.18168469

How many under the age of 65 without preexisting conditions? Like a dozen? We're really freaking out over this?

>> No.18168475

oh my god...run over by a car, pelvis smashed, liver punctured and sepsis in blood. Head cracked open on pavement, shards of skull protruding into brain...
and now a 2 day coof on top of that!
today's not my day.

>> No.18168491

>How many under the age of 65 without preexisting conditions?
Around half the country has a preexisting condition called obesity

>> No.18168499
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>> No.18168519

Ok schizo

>> No.18168521

> denies science
> believes youtubers
> scared to leave moms basement and check local hospital

>> No.18168532


>> No.18168542

Most of the country is fat, we’re not talking about a minority here

>> No.18168546

These numbers are *with* shutting down the economy. It would be millions without shutting down.

>> No.18168549
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Shills seething


Kys faggots

>> No.18168551

>MSM is lying
yeah maybe
>politicians are lying
>hospitals are lying
>doctors are lying
>CDC is lying
or maybe your favorite youtuber is lying?

>> No.18168585

>no one actually goes inside a hospital

>> No.18168586

Yes, yes. Everything you don’t like is a hoax, my dear schizo. It’s ok.

>> No.18168590

>Most of the country is fat
Well im not, so 0 fucks from me

>> No.18168610

Literally walk into a hospital

>> No.18168622

> world is a hoax
> friends are a hoax
> we live in simulation
> think for yourself

i think i've found the preexisting condition

>> No.18168638

Why? You’re the one who thinks it’s fake

Walk into your local hospital and put it on liveleak, expose those lying doctors and virologists

>> No.18168655

>nuclear reactor just one block away from the houses

>> No.18168657

Yeah no doubt. I was just checking semi-famous people who died all over the world and
>48 year old special forces dude who was deployed all over the world on counter-terrorism missions died of the coof
He spent years in Africa or the middle east so I doubt he had a weakened immune system or respiratory issues, not to mention being in an elite unit.

>> No.18168693

Lol what the fuck are these videos, nobody even goes inside the hospital or if they do they only enter the lobby

My hospital doesnt even have anything at the front, do these people expect it to be flooded with people crying and screaming like in Chernobyl or some war scenario?

>> No.18168701


>Regular floors a a ghost town because nobody wants to go to a hospital now and those that are there the hospital tries to get out as soon as possible
>ICU completely packed and overflowing

Not exactly a hard thing to comprehend

>> No.18168714

Bro they do pushups for a living, trust them.

>> No.18168718

I can't wait for the bigly numbers in burgerland thanks to it being full of retards like yourself

>> No.18168780
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/biz/ is a shithole since it got flooded by poltards.

can't wait for the world to go back to normal in a few months while the happooners drown in misery cause nothing happened. have sex you sad incels.

>> No.18168809

Every positive test is more money for them

>> No.18168812

>1 post by this ID
so which BTFO schizo were you?

>> No.18168840

so why are most countries undertesting?

>> No.18168847

Summer time soon and this will all be over

Can only hope everyone dies

>> No.18168850


>he doesn't know the difference between hospital main lobby and ICU service

>> No.18168853


Yeah my friend works in the white house. He said the numbers are really over tenfold what they are saying. Martial law is being implemented...

>> No.18168857
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 1564091878421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none, i just dropped by to check if the poltards have left /biz/ and alas they haven't.

go outside, the world isn't ending because of a flu. seethe more incel.

>> No.18168861

How many special forces dudes do you think they lose every year to the flu?

>> No.18168867
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Nobody watched the videos. Parking lots empty. Nobody rushing. Waiting area is a ghost town. All employes say there's nobody with the virus. They also don't know anyone with the virus. Media says hospitals are overcrowded. Doctors working overtime. Meanwhile every hospital is empty.

How much do they pay you to spread corona panic online? It's the flu folks.

>> No.18168888
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how many retards like you fearmonger every year every time there's some sort of panic?

>> No.18168892

Lmao you kikes are hilarious

>> No.18168893
File: 152 KB, 1584x1188, dominic-cummings[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole thing is totally insane
<- ask this gentleman, probable originator of the 'herd immunity' theory of letting the virus run a bit. Then, they started crunching the numbers and said, 'Holy Fuck, shut the fucking country down. NOW' He's maybe not everyone's cup of tea and he can be a bit of a stubborn bastard. But even Mr Cummings here is intelligent enough to admit when he's got it totally and fucking utterly wrong. And for those Burgers among you soon-to-be suffering under Trump, may God Himself come to your aid. Because that fucking idiot 'President' is liable to kill you otherwise

>> No.18168919

But those are spread out. These deaths are all concentrated which will overwhelm the medical system which in turn causes more deaths from all the normal treatable diseases/conditions that can't be treated. This will snowball to other types of deaths indirectly.

>> No.18168928

Remind me, on what occasion were 3 billion people ordered to stay home last year?

>> No.18168934

>the world isn’t ending because of a flu
The world didn’t end in 1929 either dawg, and it was pretty comfy in 1928

>> No.18168936
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>> No.18168953

i work in a hospital in trumptown, we have a bunch of covid patients, not overflowing yet

>> No.18168955
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lmao the absolute state of poltards
christ, you'll be the first ones to die if it really does ever happen

>> No.18168961
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The little man scares me

>> No.18168963

If there was no quarantine, there would be a 60+%infection rate.
This may still happen if the quarantine is lifted too soon.
With that many infected, the number of deaths could be anywhere between 2 and 20 million.

You can stop being a retard any time.

>> No.18168980

>Exhales in your face
Let me guess. Your porn addiction is so much more healthy than a cigar on a nice sunny day.

>> No.18168988


>> No.18168990

>guys trust me I have youtube videos

>> No.18169086

"If I keep denying it, it doesn't exist" The thread

>> No.18169094

>refuses to make a single argument for fear of being outed as a supreme retard

>> No.18169096

Let's see.....
China banned journalists from entering the country
China then banned any entry of foreigners
Regional police from Jiangxi clashed with Hubei police and workers who wanted to cross the river to get to work because Jiangxi police chief didn't want Coronavirus to spread(long after Corona was supposedly done spreading in China)

It's an either or thing here. Either the Flu bros are right which means a lot of politicians are as in the dark about some over arching scheme, or it really is a bigger issue.

>> No.18169102

"If I blame it on the jews I don't have to face the reality of things actually getting out of control" The thread

>> No.18169107
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>> No.18169112

New Orleans already has an outbreak

>> No.18169116

there really is no point in talking to 7th graders who have two weeks off.

>> No.18169162

Are u srs?

>> No.18169196
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>Are u srs?

>> No.18169229

front entrances in the cities here are staffed by volunteer old people. Nothing exciting.
ER entrances are different and little faggots wont be let in before getting triaged.
You would know this if you werent 12

>> No.18169259

Prove it.

>> No.18169271
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Prove it shill.

>> No.18169439
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Priced in. He said millions a few weeks back.

>> No.18169472

>2 weeks later another outbreak happens because 1 person got impatient and left his home

>> No.18169600

It kills something like 2-6% of those infected. It's not about current death toll, it's about potential death toll.

>> No.18169634

>Death toll anywhere between 20k to 5 mil
Uhhh thanks for your ((professional)) opinion doc

>> No.18169647
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Corona virus is actually SAVING lives. I thought you believed in science?

>> No.18169653

>buy the dip

>> No.18169724

And if you lift the quarantine, you'll get back to previous non-corona deaths + increased corona deaths.
Sounds neat.

>> No.18169747

Bullish as fuck, I'm going long

>> No.18169822

Yeah like what happened in Taiwan and South Korea!

>> No.18169910

>people stop driving in the streets because of quarantine
>1000s of driving accidents don't happen
they would rather have those people die in car accidents than have the economy in the shitter
difference is the flu, bro

>> No.18169945

You're absolutely right, early quarantines coupled with mass surveillance work really well!

>> No.18169991
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certainly not where the outbreaks are critical, smartass

>> No.18169996
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>people worried about a virus that only kills you if you're already dying from comorbidities
>same population will continue to eat shit and die from heart disease 15 years before their time

Clown world confirmed.

>> No.18170003

wtf are you even talking about

>The tomb-sweeping, or Qingming, festival is one of the most important dates in the traditional lunar calendar, when people go to cemeteries to make offerings to their ancestors and ensure the graves are properly tended. It is also a four-day weekend holiday for Taiwan, where many people take religious traditions very seriously.

>Speaking to reporters on Thursday (March 26), Ms Lin Ching-chi, the Interior Ministry's director of civil affairs, said this year they were encouraging "chill-out" tomb sweeping, in which people make their offerings online.
>Standing next to a cartoon image of a person sitting in the lotus position at home with a laptop on a coffee table, Ms Lin said local governments were setting up websites for the virtual offerings.
>"If you really want to meet your ancestors, you can do it online," he said. If you do have to go out in person, make sure it's only one or two people, Ms Lin added.

march 26
>“Foreign nationals will be forcibly repatriated and Korean citizens will be reported to police for due penalties and lose financial support provided for those who have faithfully implemented a 14-day quarantine.”
>South Koreans who violate the rules could be jailed for up to a year and fined 10 million won ($8,100).

march 22
>Restrictions on high-risk events such as religious, sports and entertainment gatherings took effect on Sunday, requiring facilities to ensure space between the attendees and allowing local governments to conduct on-site checks and issue fines.

>> No.18170028

Oh no, 200k sick, crippled, and old people who are a burden on society will be gone!! Oh no this is so badd for the markets!! sell sell sell!!

>> No.18170070

Hope you die by ass rape

>> No.18170086

>sick crippled and old people who are a burden on society
And also 40something special forces guys who were still active:

>> No.18170123

RIP Gay Jesus

>> No.18170142

That's King Gay Jesus to you

>> No.18170179

he is too optimistic i think the number will be higher than that unless vaccines are rushed into deployment for those that are the most endangered group

>> No.18170203

>murricans stay at home and not shooting each other...

>> No.18170214

>special forces dude
his immune system was massively compromised from all the inoculations they get in the military. he wasn't as healthy you might like to think

>> No.18170245

>its the NRA's fault. Its because american love affair with guns!
>*rent free
fuck off

>> No.18170288

i love guns i just hate the way murricans especially murrican cops are using them.
the entire nation is in trigger happy psychosis.

>> No.18170302

No mass shooting on schools

>It's not the fault of the NRA REEEEEEEEEEEEE!

>> No.18170323

>trigger happy psychosis.

They all think they are Rambo.