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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18168087 No.18168087 [Reply] [Original]

45 days till the halving

what are yous tacking right now biz

>> No.18168115

>muh halvening
>muh digital gold

kys faggot BTC is going to crash and the network will die before 2021 starts. CAP THIS.

>> No.18168140
File: 86 KB, 814x1000, halvening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18168164

>BTC is going to crash and the network will die before 2021 starts
I'm with you about the crash, but i don't think it will die. And i'm not holding.

>> No.18168198

does that include fake chinese exchange volume?

>> No.18168219

even if it does, BTC is still fucked
if it doesn't, it's extra fucked

>> No.18168325


But that's retarded because you're comparing daily volume to supply. What relevance does daily volume have to daily mining rewards?

>> No.18168367

So you're telling me that we wasted a lost of resources, such a graphic cards (main reason why price of cards are high) and a fuckton of electricity just for some wild highly speculative adventure?

>> No.18168464


Its being used to build a fair and transparent monetary system. Where your savings and income won't be continuously siphoned by the one who manipulate the money supply. Where you can live without having wage slave your life away, servicing never ending debt required to afford basic necessities like a house. Where its clear how your government is spending and using the money that they tax you, what businesses and global corporations are doing with their money and if its ethical or legal. May take decades but it will be worth it when we evolve past the fiat nightmare we live in now.

>> No.18168686

>May take decades but it will be worth it when we evolve past the fiat nightmare we live in now
And it will be painful as well, goddamn.

>> No.18168725
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i used to believe in bitcoin too

until i grew a fucking brain

grow up kids the free ride internet money train IS OVER

>> No.18168796

It has only just begun anon