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File: 204 KB, 2440x1768, 1534242646601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18162106 No.18162106 [Reply] [Original]

And now we have more and cheaper than ever?

How does this leftist logic work?

>> No.18162117



>> No.18162268

It was all bullshit of course.
And the medias wonder why noone trust them.

>> No.18162291

>Demand across the globe crashes due to pandemic
>Now we have more than ever
Anon I.....

>> No.18162292

Is this image the start of pols version of fluffy ponies.

>> No.18162312

Well essentially (((they))) lied to the media who then lied to you so certain people could make more money

>> No.18162314

>How does this leftist logic work?
Listen dummy, the oil was about to run out, but thats why they had this quarantine, They can't have anyone see them filling the oil fields up again now can they.

Imagine thinking its a virus

>> No.18162394
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Oil is abiotic it will never run out

>> No.18162493

We have an infinite supply, dont believe the liberal hoax

>> No.18162510

lying is the most effective way to get power and attention

>> No.18162649

bc back then we could only produce from conventional formations (permeable rock with an impermeable top to seal the oil) but now we can produce from the source rock (shale) directly bc of outside-the-box thinking (hydraulic fracturing) and improved technology (directional drilling and MWD)

>> No.18162768
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Look at an oil chart for 5years brainlet

>> No.18162778

crazy that human invention and ability to adapt exist right

>> No.18162798

Justification to intervene in third world shitholes to sieze oil

>> No.18162804

They may not have been right in that oil has physically run out, but they were right in that we should done what they said and changed our society to no longer depend on oil. The limit of oil was not one of quantity but one of causality, and we've crossed it. By continuing to use oil as if everything was okay, we've absolutely raped the future with climate change and pollution.

>> No.18162823
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Oil was propping the dollar up it had to go down. OPEC forces everyone to pay for oil in dollars so in order for the Blockchain rollout to go over smooth we had to reduce the demand for dollars

>> No.18162832

Peak oil panic was the global warming hysteria of the past.
Now that no one gives a shit about oil, we're "15 years from climate annihilation!" instead of constantly being 15 years from peak oil.

>> No.18162836

Peak didn’t happen because advances in new technology opened up previously unknown and inaccessible oil sources. There is still a finite amount of oil on Earth.

P.S. Fuck off back to your containment board

>> No.18162848

Everytime we think we’re at peak production new technology is developed to extract more.

>> No.18162877

never claimed they didn’t. but it’s not crazy to point out a problem before a solution exists and just assume it’s gonna fix itself

>> No.18162932

The oil was steadily dropping for the whole decade, brainlet. The corona just accelerated the fall. oil will be $16 by EOY, the electric memecar industry is on suicide watch.

>> No.18162967

>There is still a finite amount of oil on Earth.
There isn't. Oil isn't made from dinosaur fossils, it has been completely disproved back in 2014. You can literally produce oil in a lab, but the cost of the lab oil isn't competitive. The earth's mantle produces oil over time.

>> No.18163015

>the electric memecar industry is on suicide watch
nope, they will just regulate the ICU out of existence

>> No.18163071

2 pieces of anecdotal data:
1. KSA is diversifying financially and reforming politically. What are they preparing for? Could it be the eventual decline in yield of their oil wells?
2. New well production decline of US shale oil has never been higher. More wells and wells with longer horizontal penetration had to be drilled just so production don't drop from the year before.

>> No.18163076

Fracking turned out to be more efficient than everyone predicted
OPEC is fucked beyond belief

>> No.18163115

Gas prices still kept artificially high due to taxation

>> No.18163151
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Liberals failed to understand basic middle school science. There is literally unlimited oil unless we start launching a lot of space ships.

>> No.18163166

The oil reserves are depleting, but it's the humans who set the price and decide how much they want to pump

>> No.18163255

And you fail to understand common sense. It takes millions of years for oil to form from organic matter. We use up the oil supply significantly faster

>> No.18163262

Space ships fun on hydrogen and I believe some aluminium-based chemical. No oil involved.

>> No.18163355

RP-1 dude, look into it

>> No.18163478
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Another liberal who didn't pay attention during biology class, not realizing that organic matter is literally made of oil, with trillions of trillions of trillions of cyanobacteria actively converting carbon dioxide into oil.

>> No.18163536
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Crude oil is not made of phospholipid it's just alkanes you dumb faggot. Larp that you're educated somewhere else

>> No.18163542

We maybe have 3 centuries of oil left. Oil formation takes forever.

>> No.18163593

So next year the oil that started forming 999,999 years ago will be ready, the year after that the oil that started forming 999,998 years ago will be ready. In a million years the oil that started forming today will be ready.

>> No.18163679

That's a generation Lambda problem, our generation doesn't have to worry about that.

>> No.18163704

Because the ability to extract oil from known reserves has improved considerably. Once you add in shale it's all ogre for peak oil tards.

>> No.18163709

Shale oil is meme oil, the production of which was propped up by reckless lending spurred on by years of artificially low interest rates. As others have already noted, shale production is characterized by rapid decline rates, requiring continual drilling to stay ahead of the depletion curve. Expect an eventual violent upward move in crude prices as shale drillers go bankrupt en masse.

>> No.18163746

>what is conservation of energy

>> No.18163811
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the funny thing is OIL is probably one of the rarest material in the universe
because it requires millions of years of life, extinction and geological turmoil to exist, there's a fair chance it's millions of time more scarce than any of the precious metals on the universe scale

>> No.18163825

>climate change will ruin the world by:

>> No.18163843

but how much do we use in one year ?
if we use 1000 year of oil production in one year this shit will inevitably run out

>> No.18163846

It's already ruining the world.

>> No.18163861


>> No.18163885

you understand that oil need life to exist right ?
there's literally giant asteroid made of gold floating out there not even counting what's on other planets

>> No.18163891

yes. the 0.83C temp increase has made it a hellhole...
its so obvious how the rich no longer by waterfront properties and now slums have sprung up there because of how banks refuse to finance it.
>you are a delusional fuck head who literally cant see the world around him

>> No.18163940

imagine believing a bunch of academics who lie all the time just to keep their jobs and maintain status among fellow ultra-leftists
I don't know where oil comes from but I doubt whatever bullshit story they came up with
we can only speculate about anything occurring over a couple thousands years, to say nothing of millions

>> No.18163956
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yeah the obamas are definitely worried about it

>> No.18163977

>I don't know where oil comes from but I doubt whatever bullshit story they came up with
the absolute state of biz

>> No.18163980

Its just a bunch of hydrocarbons. Every non retarded civilization should be able to produce it sooner or later.

>> No.18163997

...bb...bbb...but anon these rings on this tree from 800,000 years ago gives me enough resolution and accuracy to predict 1 degree temperature increases 20 years into the future even though I cant predict the weather next week.....

>> No.18164004

and yet here we are still digging for it ...

>> No.18164025

do you know what the reproducibility crisis is?
do you understand the role that politics plays in peer review?
do you understand that despite 100+ years of psychology we aren't an inch closer to helping people with mental illness, only drugging people into oblivion? and yet there are millions upon millions of dollars dumped into research at all the most prestigious institutions, who shit out papers at a rate beyond what dozens of people could hope to read in a lifetime?

>> No.18164030

Nobody ever said we were about to run out. If you thought that then you weren't really paying attention to the arguments about peak oil.

>> No.18164036


>> No.18164131

Right. The upper-tier peak oilers isntead argued that the accessible deposits, which could be produced economically, would be depleted. It was always assumed that a large percentage of the oil would remain forever trapped, because it was located in areas that were either too remote or formations in which it could not be extracted in a cost-effective way.

>> No.18164137

Are you under 20, because the argument was that we would literally run out of economically viable oil deposits. That oil production would only ever trend downwards. That the world was completely screwed because the world wouldn't be able to ever survive unless we "immediately" regeared the economy to not use oil. That shit was early 2000's. The arguments for peak oil weren't based on claims around pollution or the planet warming or any of that stuff. Those were seperate things. Peak oil has turned out to be a complete fiction. A lot of it probably had to do with misunderstanding the oil price's relation to the raging war in the Middle East back then (i.e. thinking it had a depressing effect and not an uplifting effect)

>> No.18164177

It will, however, be interesting to see what happens to the price if the underlying economics of shale production stay unprofitable long enough to gut shale oil E&P. Investors will surely lose their appetite for funding these non-profitable shale drillers.

>> No.18164216
File: 25 KB, 768x385, artwork-of-river-delta-on-titan-illustration-royalty-free-illustration-1574193020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just got to get to Saturn's moon Titan and we no longer have to dig.


>> No.18164251

oil will bounce back right?

>> No.18164257

>Investors will surely lose their appetite for funding these non-profitable shale drillers.
>Nooo, you can't just ignore fundamentals and overinvest in projects doomed in the long term! You can't rely on ZIRP being a thing forever!!!
Haha, negative nominal rates, money printers go BBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRR

>> No.18164268

This. Fracking is terrible for the environment. God awful actually.

>> No.18164289


>> No.18164326

We will be saying the same thing about (((climate change))) in 15 years.

>> No.18164363

Beyond the BRRRRRRR is nationalization of the industry. We're in uncharted territory and anything is possible now, really.

>> No.18164388
File: 144 KB, 1429x2027, 1011 - abuse author mayclore blood death fluffy_foals foal_abuse pregnant questionable smarty_friend text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fluffy ponies
ah... it's been awhile.

>> No.18164466


>> No.18164485


>> No.18164534

Shale wells are prone to producing a high volume of brackish wastewater that poses a disposal challenge. Shale formations also sometimes contain elevated levels of radioisotopes. https://energycentral.com/c/ec/radioactivity-and-shale-gas-some-it-hot
Large amounts of fresh water is consumed during the fracking process.

>> No.18164541


The problem with that take is that a dependency on oil creates a price spike that might make oil extraction profitable at those levels. Additionally there is always technological innovation.


I think a lot of the left-wing criticism around peak oil either failed to understand basic economics or was a veiled criticism of the power structure around the oil industry that used peak oil as a shell for itself.

>> No.18164586

Of course back in the days the people who took "peak oil" seriously were mainly boomer doomer preppers on forums or zero hedge and they ranted against the politicians for not tackling the problem urgently and the MSM for not talking about the incoming collapse of civilization. I know, I was in those.

>> No.18164598

Peak Oil cancels out climate change so you'll note theyve quietly taken that hoax out to pasture. Now theyre all in on the next big lie, manmade global warming. Oh wait, that one wasnt working either so now its just climate change.

>> No.18164623
File: 28 KB, 403x448, 1513023459218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude our oil supplies are infinite lmao
It is running out, why do you think fracking is a thing now?

>> No.18164626

yeah there's no fucking way they could ever accomplish something so great
just saying
also do you have more like that?

>> No.18164628

I did take peak oil seriously around 2010, in my late teens.
I still feel it's unlikely that oil will last forever if we keep relying on it for transportation and energy, and don't prevent shitholes from breeding and / or developing industry.
My biggest gripe with oil is that after we have used up all easy to access oil reserves, should civilization collapse completely (has happened, at least once, about 12 000 years ago), the next one will have no easy way to restart industry even if their science / engineering are up to the task. I want my great-great-great-grandson to fly to andromeda, damn it.

>> No.18164648

not because of the climate change meme.
but instead of nationalizing and going further down rabbit-hole of shale, a switch to electric would make sense.
in order for that to happen we need 2 things: (a) 10x jump in battery capacity (ie solid state batteries that goodenough is working on), and (b) a next gen solar / wind / fusion effeciency breakthru
"b" is less criticial since we still have lots of cheap nat gas and can always go nuclear.

however this would allow us to walkaway wholesale from ME-russia-china quagmire

>> No.18164656

Oil is charged using solar power, and solar power is a meme.

>> No.18164681

Michael Ruppert was one of the biggest peak oil cospiritards. He went 'off the grid' and later killed himself.

>> No.18164685

>unlikely oil will last forever
one of the theories why MbS wants to take Aramco public is because that will require public audits of their reserves...which they will finally allow.
they think this will serve as a death blow to all other producers since the audit will show they have trillions of barrels in reserve thus will bankrupt all shale producers and substainially hurt russia.

>> No.18164693
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World is still burning 100 million barrels of oil a day, in 2000 it was something like 65. Saudis have always had enough oil to raise the earth's average temperature by 20C, but no one in 1995 thought the world would be run by morons. But conservatives just outsource their self-destruction. And they saw an easy way to grab power, so it was "defense" services & oil&gas R&D (Horiz. drilling, h2O injection) in exchange for Arab oil cooperation, Republican cronies wrote endless debt issues to finance unprofitable shale and fracking operations, they spent nearly as much as they made selling the oil, then 2008 came and they all needed a bailout- and got it- because these "fiscal conservatives" ALWAYS become welfare donors when corporations come knocking, today, its Trump and his Brrrr money printing machine, except now the Saudis are like idgaf and pumping to lower the price below profitability and in fact all the marginal producers are going broke, the rest of the world is literally printing debt fiat to finance their expensive shitty oil because Putin, Xi, etc., are all in the Trump IQ range, and the world is still like, how can I figure out a bigger, heavier, circa 1898 era internal combustion engine solution to hauling my fat ass around meanwhile the climate has increased over 1.5C heading into point of no return by 2030 and literally no major country is acting like this is a problem, no mainstream socioeconomic elite is planning on less jet travel and diesel-fueled Amazon delivery future, and something like 2 billion 3rd world mouths to feed are getting ready to bum rush Old Europe's borders and generally go apeshit

Good job guys, real good job you've done here, blame the shoeless hippies and the dreadlock white girls with milker tits, as if they're on either side of the demand/supply equation. The fact is it was always the conservative vote for the throwback nostalgia, the trap of thinking there was an endless supply of money printing, oil, clean air, and

>> No.18164745

I mean oil being limited resource is not bullshit, it's literally a fact of reality.

>> No.18164760

>writes 8000 words
>thinks this is a rep vs dem issue
you're stupid, gay nigger.

>> No.18164764


Oh I'm not in favor of the oil assholes. Don't get me wrong. The problem is that you can't overthrow the cartel's stranglehold on the energy supply without understand both the market forces and the politics of oil. I don't curse the hippies or the dreadlock white girls for their enthusiasm, I simply lament their naivety.

>> No.18164767

based retard

>> No.18164778

>i mean literally
why do faggots talk like this?

>> No.18164780

We're already past peak China dude, oil demand only goes down from here for the next forty years. But prices will go up, because oil supplies across the world are gonna get absolutely fucked.

>> No.18164790

who is "you faggots"
"I mean" because I mean
"literally" because literally as in it's a fact of the matter and cannot be refuted you fucking mongoloid

>> No.18164817

>oil can't be generated
Absolutely cringe and un-sciencepilled

>> No.18164819

>"I mean" because I mean
great explanation. you now realize there is LITERALLY no reason to start every sentence with it.
Also, are you triggered by "you faggots"??? Or just trying to sound like your pwning some internet argument

>> No.18164838

Foundries and steam engines can run on charcoal. Steam engines can run lathes and mills and electric generators. Electric generators can separate water into hydrogen and oxygen. Your great-great-great-grandson can fly to andromeda on liquid hydrogen / liquid oxygen propellant, as long as there are still woody plants.

>> No.18164879

it is energy hoax, we use free atmospheric electricity , but they lie

>> No.18164915

I dont know what you mean by you faggots LITERALLY. Fucking learn reading comprehension
This is like trying to teach a fucking todler how to communicate. Want me to hold your hand when you take a shit and guide through that too? What a surprise that anon is a fucking retard.
oh look, another retard. Making artifical oil takes more energy than it would give you so you would be in net loss. So yeah, oil is finite and making it would be useless.

>> No.18164936

>meanwhile the climate has increased over 1.5C heading into point of no return by 2030
And in 2030, you'll hear the same thing, but the date will be pushed up to 2050. I know, I've been there, thinking the world will end. You will wake up one day, hopefully, and realize that literally fucking nothing has happened and that it's all fine. I remember thinking the world was going to end early 2000's just like many other misinformed young people.

>> No.18164990

EROEI isn't the end all of metrics. If it were, we would have dammed up every river on the planet.

>> No.18164994

>You will wake up one day, hopefully, and realize that literally fucking nothing
2023 aug 30 - the "hottest day on record"
2031 jul 31 - the "hottest day on record"
they can keep the scam going for along time because we only have about 100 yrs of data "on record". the average 93iq slob has no realization that when you only have .0000000002% of days "on record" there is going to be lots and lots of records broken constantly.
tldr. people are stupid

>> No.18165004

you fully know flammy faggots or teenage girls say "i mean literally".
you sound like an idiot. just acknowledge and own it

>> No.18165006

What if we released covid and piled all those bodies together under a couple landfills?

>> No.18165068

Because we started fracking and drilling horizontal wells. But really what are you even trying to prove? If we haven't reached peak oil yet we will eventually because there's a finite supply. And it takes millions of years to produce more.

>> No.18165069

Well, civilization does not progress unimpeded from steam to space.
There is a window of opportunity after industrialization allows both population explosion and a huge percentage of people to not be busy all their lives providing food for themselves and their warlords, but before a disease black swan kill off 50% of all living humans / degeneration brings the civilization to nigger levels.
At least that's how I see things. Breakthrough leads to plenty, which leads to both more breakthroughs and a general degeneration.
An industrial revolution is basically the start of a fuse, ending with a collapse within 20 generations. Oil lets you skip certain milestones, increasing your chances to go orbital before your time's up.
Not that I can do anything about it anyway, so I've stopped worrying. But it still feels shitty to expect all of humanity to keep dying on that one shitty rock.

>> No.18165072

>produced brackish wastewater
injection into disposal wells is done thousands of feet below aquifers so unless the casing is cemented poorly no impact there. plus there’s a lot of progress being made in recycling and reusing produced water in the Permian, Marcellus, and Bakken
>elevated levels of radioisotopes
fair point, I don’t know anything about the downstream business so I can’t speak on how they dispose of the waste when they process the oil and gas
>large amounts of fresh water consumed
another fair point but again, technology is progressing fast here. improved recycling methods making it more cost effective, friction reducers that are compatible with saltwater so freshwater isn’t needed, etc

>> No.18165104

>post another "contributor" forbes article. aka a blog post...aka fat nobody

>> No.18165118

i must have missed this. where did this meme come from?
i only have the torture porn of /jp/s weird touhou characters in ball form.

>> No.18165145

Lefties just say alarming-sounding crap to scare anxiety-ridden weens into hearing them out about the rest of their gay program.

>> No.18165155

How much is produced by the Earth in one year?
Nobody knows.

>> No.18165159

New technology made previously unusable oil usable.

>> No.18165177
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Leftists are feels-based voters. It's not enough for any issue to simply be an issue on their plate for them, it has to be "the end of the world" too. Just like the current end of the world pandemic. Or the upcoming end of the world climate change. Not that long ago the internet was going to end because NN was getting rolled back. It's so tiresome.

>> No.18165192

Basically just make up some imaginary fictitious scenario about the future which we have no way of proving and capitalize. The Climate, The Virus, The Oil

>> No.18165227

>In early 2000s, everyone said oil was about to run out


As someone who was alive in the early 2000s, and already an adult, rather than being born in the 2000s like every frogposter here, I can give you my personal guarantee that absolutely fucking no one was talking about oil running out. There was like one hippy documentary, and that was it. Not even a mainstream Michael Moore movie either, just some indy piece of shit that got played at hippy college film festivals.

>> No.18165247

>upcoming end of the world climate change
lefties as a group have the most solemn religious personalities. even tho they larp as atheist they are devote (original sin, end of world, penance and redemption, etc)

>> No.18165251

also there wasn't nearly as much offshore drilling. also the oil sands (largest reserves in the world) weren't a thing until like 2005

>> No.18165253

and fluffy ponies are just a western newfag version of yukkuris
time is a flat circle

>> No.18165256

>pretending that the virus isn't real in a thread about oil that has nothing to do with it

Is this how Americans cope with their slow-burn collapse of society?

>hey johnny how was your hamburgers today

>> No.18165270

i mean like literally guys omg

>> No.18165287


Yeah right dude. As the 2000's went on and gas prices spiked dramatically it became a serious thing. People downsized cars and wondered about "peak oil" and whether it would be even possible to keep driving.


The Spanish Flu killed far more (and will remain ahead of this one) without any collapse of society. You don't know what a collapse is anymore because you're a cupcake modern 1st worlder.

>> No.18165303

>oil will run out by 2000
>oil will run out by 2005
>oil will run out by 2015
>oil will run out by 2300
Reminds me of muh ice caps.

>> No.18165316

Always believe the opposite of MSM. Unironically. That is also valid for the current (((David-19))). If they say it's very dangerous, it isn't. If they would have said that it's not dangerous at all, then i would have been scared and take precautions.

>> No.18165319

I'm not sure about oil, but there is tech to make CO2 into fuel.

>> No.18165327

>The Spanish Flu killed far more (and will remain ahead of this one) without any collapse of society. You don't know what a collapse is anymore because you're a cupcake modern 1st worlder.
It's not about the deaths, genius. it's about sending 40% of your fucking population into ICU of hospitals all at once. States are already running low on space and on resources like obviously the meme respirators that donal trump tweeted at general motors to build while not even @ing the right twitter account.

>Yeah right dude. As the 2000's went on and gas prices spiked dramatically it became a serious thing. People downsized cars and wondered about "peak oil" and whether it would be even possible to keep driving.
Okay zoomer, show me all those news articles about peak Oil on CNN and MSNBC and fuckin Yahoo News and the rest of the MSM. The internet was around back then, you should easily find all those articles.

>> No.18165334

people started inventing electric cars over it.
"gas guzzelers was a term
Suv's were shamed
people definatly downsized cars for gas friendly.
that guy was probably a sperm in 2000 or lived in some remote shanty town

>> No.18165344

Yeah leftists are feels based voters. That’s why they voted for trump after he said some feel good stuff like Mexicans bad, wall, and muslims bad and then proceeded to do nothing because it’s not realistic. You live in your bubble where we are one day away from a race war

>> No.18165346

But your retard alternative media is also saying that the flue is bad. They're actually doubling down on it, saying that there's millions of Chinese corpses burning in the streets and it's a new world order conspiracy

>> No.18165352

there's still a lot of offshore oil that we've all just become too lazy to explore and extract.

>> No.18165375

These retards believe that it’s just a flu and that China is lying at the same time.
If China is wrong then it’s not just a flu because that implies millions of Chinese corpses and a burning China

>> No.18165381

>people started inventing electric cars over it.
The first electric car was invented 130 year ago you absolute muppet

>> No.18165402


> It's not about the deaths, genius. it's about sending 40% of your fucking population into ICU of hospitals all at once. States are already running low on space and on resources like obviously the meme respirators that donal trump tweeted at general motors to build while not even @ing the right twitter account.

200,000 dead old people isn't going to trigger the collapse of society idiot. Humanity has dealt with way, way, way worse things. This is exactly what I mean, everything is taken as hysterical and without an ounce of nuance. RIP to those affected but this will hardly register after 5 years.

> Okay zoomer, show me all those news articles about peak Oil on CNN and MSNBC and fuckin Yahoo News and the rest of the MSM. The internet was around back then, you should easily find all those articles.

I'm the zoomer and you don't even remember this consistent story? I'm having a hard time believing you were out of diapers around then.


Nice try at reductionism. He said we need to enforce and tighten immigration law, address trade with China, cut taxes, clamp down on global terrorism, and avoid any new foreign wars. Check check check check check. Sorry about the next 4 years.

>> No.18165423
File: 335 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190719-090758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does this leftist logic work?

Because the early 2000's didn't have magical fracking. With fracking once unreachable oil is now easily obtainable, flipping everything we thought we knew about available supply on it's head. The U.S. is now energy independent thanks to fracking, something we've been trying to be since the 1970's. The U.S. is also now the worlds biggest oil exporter as well, bigger than even the Saudis, which is also something no one thought was possible.

Thanks to fracking the winning just doesn't stop.

>Well essentially (((they))) lied to the media who then lied to you so certain people could make more money

The (((they))) being Arabs of course, because we are talking about oil here. Or were you trying to blame someone else for some reason?

>> No.18165432


>> No.18165440

>Large amounts of fresh water is consumed during the fracking process.

Less than we use annually for golf courses. It's only even brought up because the biggest shale fields (that we know of) are in the arid parts of the country.

>> No.18165459
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>200,000 dead old people isn't going to trigger the collapse of society idiot
Good cause that's not what I wrote at all. You want to actually read my post and try replying to what I actually wrote? The bit about nearly half your country potentially being hospitalized all at once?

America has 150 million ICU and ventilator beds just laying around? No. States are already running out of those.

>I'm the zoomer and you don't even remember this consistent story? I'm having a hard time believing you were out of diapers around then.
I remember it quite well, and it was a fringe belief then as it is a fringe belief now. Not mainstream media issues at all.

>> No.18165483

yet ironically the first mainstream electric hybrid, Prius debuted in 97, just three years shy of 2000. why did they wait till then to make such a major change?

>> No.18165507

ah yes the famous mainstream media of "peak-oil. fanclub.net"

>> No.18165523

>Good cause that's not what I wrote at all. You want to actually read my post and try replying to what I actually wrote? The bit about nearly half your country potentially being hospitalized all at once?

Oh, so now we're pretending every single person who gets a serious case of this disease will be in the hospital all at once. See! No hysteria there, totally practical and sound logic. The collapse of society is nigh.

> I remember it quite well, and it was a fringe belief then as it is a fringe belief now. Not mainstream media issues at all.

It was one of the biggest overarching stories. When people have to pay $4-5 a gallon for gas it registers on the entire country's consciousness you fucking moron.

>> No.18165555

A. Oil was safer and simpler than electric, 130 years ago of course both technologies were trial and error, but oil was easier and simpler.

B. Environmental concerns, not peak oil. Up until not even a decade or two before that everything was just extra lead extra mercury extra CFC extra asbestos you name it, people had no idea that sending toxic shit into the atmosphere was bad for ourselves, so they started looking for low-emissions and of course introduced lead-free gasoline and other things like replacing the gases in fridges and spray cans that were damaging the ozone layer, etc.

Again, had nothing to do with peak oil.

>> No.18165564

fucking brainlet, oil is produced in the lithosphere and over millions of years of heating and pressure. most oil reserves are cretaceous or early cenozoic algae, or things that have been dead and buried for tens of millions of years

>> No.18165599

>Oh, so now we're pretending every single person who gets a serious case of this disease will be in the hospital all at once

40% of American's population is overweight. Then there's all the diabetes and the smokers & vapers and people with asthma and sleep apnea and all sorts of rampant medical conditions.

The virus has hospitalized perfectly healthy people, athletes who run marathons.

You imagine what it's gonna do to America's "healthy" population?

>> No.18165602

how are you claiming to have been alive during 2005-2010 timeframe?
hubberts peak oil was talked about constantly
i mean this is like first page search results on google...

>> No.18165609

nobody mentioned trannies, geologists have been studying oil for the past 2 centuries and for most of its existence it was an apolitical field unlike social "sciences"

>> No.18165612
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>2005-2010 timeframe?
>In early 2000s

>> No.18165629

i remember seeing ads comparing fuel efficiency of prius and others for people to save moey at the pump. i think i even did a class project on it.
people downsizing cars was 100% a thing in the late 90s/2000s. idk why i'm arguing with some autistic fag about this

>> No.18165638

Nice digits for that fluffy post

>> No.18165641

it started to be talked in 2003 when iraq war kicked off in full force. the chorus grew from there.
you were probably unaware as you were a young fag in college.

>> No.18165651
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We had one totally controlled study of this disease with the cruise ship. Total population sample of n=3,000, forced to live together in cramped conditions, 700 got sick, 30% of those people were asymptomatic, 30% mildly symptomatic, 30% moderate to severe, and ultimately 1% of those people died, for an effective mortality rate of 0.5% age-adjusted. Everyone who died was over the age of 70.

This disease is primarily dangerous to the quite elderly, and the quite unhealthy, two groups of people who aren't exactly the breadwinners of society or the economy. The US could literally lose 2 million people and hardly miss a beat after 2 years. You don't understand how hard it is to "collapse" a massive, diversified and decentralized society and economy like this. Which circles back to my original point: leftist hysteria. Any issue, no matter how big or small, has to be dressed up as the end of the world for whatever womanly reason. It's not enough to be an issue on your plate, it has to be THE issue, and then people start taking advantage of that to be controlling and statist as all hell. Chill the fuck out.

>> No.18165662

>fuel efficiency
Sure yeah that was another selling point.

But the marketing wasn't "AAAHH THERE'S NO MORE OIL LEFT QUICK BUY THIS CAR SO WE CAN SAVE THE LAST DROPS OF OIL" it was "hey you want to save some money on all those grocery trips and drives out to the football field you dumb soccer mom?"

>> No.18165677

Projections always miss the mark.
Look at climate change and covid.

>> No.18165679

I wouldn’t say it’s because of laziness, it’s been cost prohibitive since 2015. there’s been exploration efforts (Guyana for example) but not the right price environment right now to do full field developments

>> No.18165686


Should have fixed your dividends to a commodity that Muslim hillbillies and vatniks can’t torpedo at a whim

>> No.18165687
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>In early 2000s, everyone said oil was about to run out
Who was this "everyone?" Is it possible that multiple industry "experts" and oil discovery personnel were bribed or coerced to lie about peak oil? OPEC certainly has an incentive to control the narrative about oil supply, since scarcity gives me more power and profit. do you believe everything that you are told?

>> No.18165710


It was the general narrative. What is manipulated? Certainly, I'm pretty sure that's the whole point of this discussion. People love bandwagoning a scary idea and using it to control people.


>> No.18165719

Trump had to invoke the war time production act to have GM produce ventilators because hospitals are running short accross the country. many of them are also running low on just straight up money.

Tell me more about how this virus isn't real and it's leftist hysteria.

>> No.18165736

>it started to be talked in 2003 when iraq war kicked off in full force.
No. There was the whole meme of "war for oil" but it was just for money, no one was saying that the war on terror was done because peak oil.

>> No.18165739


>Tell you more.

No I told you perfectly coherently and you pretty much just ignored the central point and brought up some random tabloid tier gotcha. It's clear that you're either a kid or a braindead redditor incapable of critical thinking and the worst part is you're all over this thread with your word vomit.

>> No.18165775

>you pretty much just ignored the central point
Because you insist on arguing about something that is completely irrelevant, the death count.

The death count doesn't matter, it's about the drain on medical resources & the infrastructure that is already happening.