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File: 223 KB, 2803x930, Annotation 2020-03-29 121725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18165463 No.18165463 [Reply] [Original]

Doomers absolutely BTFOd. Unlimited Fed prints actually strengthens the dollar, boosts the economy, and debt makes sure US assets are safe. Bitcoin and Gold are officially dead. Fiat forever!

>> No.18165486

Based FED turning US into a communist country

>> No.18165522

So as I pray, unlimited dollar works

My power is not to create money, but to create a world where everyone is a millionaire. So King of Zimbabwe, do you have enough million dollar bills in stock?

>> No.18165528
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>> No.18165567

They forgot the part where this "strengthening" is temporary and ends in the implosion of the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

>> No.18165758

This has nothing to do with assets "dying". Bitcoin is going to have a serious dump but it will surge again upwards and grow stronger but it'll take some years for that. That said, I trust the Dollar more than the Euro so my money is flowing in right there.

>> No.18165774

Hello, kike. First day on the job?

>> No.18165882

I seriously cannot understand how short-sighted these retards are. In a couple of weeks the workforce in the US will be expected to return to prior efficiency and cohesion despite millions of people filing for unemployment and tens of millions now having to struggle with rent and eviction issues with their landlords. There will still be serious risks of mass-exposure because the virus hasn't died out and asymptomatic carriers are still in their homes, not being tested. There will still be massive holes in the economy as several businesses have capitulated to the lack of operation and tons of small businesses are fucked because of this circumstance. We don't know exactly how far the reach of negative weight on the economy just a few weeks have caused, but we do know that hundreds of millions of Americans will need to resume their activities as if it didn't matter, and as if this virus doesn't exist anymore. Printing infinite money and putting it in the hands of banks only secures the stability of bankers, who do not put produce on the shelves of stores, electricity and clean water into homes, or opportunities for the lower class to work.

>> No.18165899

>becoming like Japan is positive

You realize Japan has had zero growth these past three decades right?

>> No.18166038

Absolute delusion. Your fake internet money scam is over. The dollar is forever.

>> No.18166224

>((((Yohay Elam))))

>> No.18166427

Hahahaha money poopoohole go brrrrrrrap hahaha peeepeee POOPOO

>> No.18166447

...dollar positive for a while
the US is just digging themselves into a deeper hole

>> No.18166794

The US is going to come out of this stronger than ever because of the wise decisions of the experts at the Fed

>> No.18166865

>get $2,000,000 paycheck at end of week
>candybar cost $10,000
>go out to eat
>need to take taxicab home too drunk to walk
>landlord catches you on the way up the stairs
>demands $4,000,000 monthly rent
>only have $1,870,000

>> No.18166870

Why would they grow?
This infinite exponential growth meme needs to stop.
Population stabilized already.
Who cares if some numbers go up or down if they have an homogeneous society with low crime?

>> No.18166910

>more dollars in the market trying to buy fewer goods

>> No.18166950

>pullout 1/10 oz silver coin and cheese grader
>shave off two slices
>landlord says he'll repay the change by "lending" his wife for a few month

>> No.18167009

>more debt actually saves the economy that's based on debt for just one more day
We know that retard.
It's honestly amazing how fucking short-sighted people like you are.
In 10 years when this shit happens again it will be unbelievably so much worse.

>> No.18167055

Lol that's pretty close to the Vietnamese Dong. A cab ride is about 20,000 vnd.

>> No.18167086

Not even close.
You are fucking too stupid

>> No.18167093


>> No.18167145

>In 10 years when this shit happens again it will be unbelievably so much worse.
They'll come up with a solution during those 10 years

>> No.18167185

based, neets on suicide watch

>> No.18167235


>> No.18167325

Will it be the same solution as today?
Because it's the same solution as 12 years ago and its destroying the people who actually make society run.
Bailing out the financial sector, the fuckers who caused this, the mother fuckers whose only value is enriching other useless mother fuckers in their ponsi scheme, and then allowing them to continue with the exact schemes that caused this is not wise.
It's retarded.
You're retarded.

>> No.18167359

sounds like a nation of simps

>> No.18167376

>becoming like Japan
>infinite growth meme destroyed

>> No.18167438

Because they are deflationary retard. No growth means nothing gets fixed. It's not status quo, it's decay. Ends with the government owning everything.

>> No.18167650

You can't stay world police or world leader if your country is decaying.

>> No.18167696

Is he wrong? Explain like an adult, you can do it

>> No.18167730

Why would I want that when my country could boast a homogenous community proud of their culture and a high quality of life? Being world police isn't beneficial for me except for patriotard bragging rights when my son gets to die for pissrael.

>> No.18167746
File: 140 KB, 800x800, laugh_with_mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most COPE thing I've ever read

>> No.18167794

Much better than living in a degenerate dystopia that the west is. You can't measure life quality with "number go up". Japan will come back, the west won't come back from this one, because it destroyed own fundamentals for the short-term economy pump.

>> No.18168548

I think I am going to believe economic experts over a bunch of spergs who post chinese cartoons.

>> No.18168572

You're the one coping

>> No.18168598

the treasury and fed weren't working together last time. at the very least you can be sure that things will be different this time