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File: 70 KB, 1280x720, eternal_youth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18163397 No.18163397 [Reply] [Original]

How can we invest in products to stay young forever? Pic related, Japanese know something. How to long raw fish, Asahi and ramen?

>> No.18163457

>La creatividad

>> No.18163470

I don't want to stay young, fuck you nigger

>> No.18163630


>> No.18163677

Japanese also just have optimal genes for it.
But don't eat to excess and maybe look into that young blood plasma transfusion stuff. Also a lot of Japanese people inject placenta extracts which supposedly helps.

>> No.18163706

>look into that young blood plasma transfusion stuff
what's that could you explain?
>lot of Japanese people inject placenta extracts which supposedly

>> No.18163758

mfw spent age 15-27 massively over-exercising, eating to considerable excess, and getting terrible sleep.

I'm 33 now and look 45+ srs

Basically, avoid anything that stresses you too much. And have ideal genetics.

>> No.18163783

>Basically, avoid anything that stresses you too much. And have ideal genetics.

but I like this board

>> No.18164031

>young blood plasma transfusion
Some people put the blood plasma (filtered blood without red blood cells) of young people (voluntarily, they pay them) into their own blood, and it supposedly has antiaging properties.

It apparently also has antiaging properties.

The general idea of both of these is that young humans have something in their blood and bodies that older humans have less of, and putting such substances back into the older person's blood will have an antiaging effect.

>> No.18164151


Read the bible, humans cannot stay young forever nor will they ever.

>> No.18164343

I used to humor you people and give the benefit of the doubt but the more I come to understand Christianity the more loathsome its become.

>> No.18164348

my friend 38 yr old buddy is on welfare and doing whatever he feels like doing
he never had a fucking job in his life, not lying
guys looks like he's basically 23 at most
not a single wrinkle, big smile
lives a pretty happy life desu

>> No.18165285

Infact this is a bad thng to do
Some jogging 30 minuts 3 times x weec is enough

>> No.18165383

but in this way you won't accomplish anything in life. If you're not good looking there is no point of appear younger (you can smash pretty girls)
But if you are average looking.. no job...
you are basically a loser for women

>> No.18165472

Why are you chasing eternal "youth", OP? We are all going to die at some point, this is something that you should have accepted by this point in your life.

>> No.18166188

but in this way you won't accomplish anything in life. If you're not good looking there is no point of appear younger (you can smash pretty girls)
But if you are average looking.. no job...
you are basically a loser for women

>> No.18166213
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>> No.18166248
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Manage your stress and have positive outlets. Walk, run, cycle, or hike. Best if outdoors in sun, cardio is important.

Don't do drugs in excess. Partaking is fine, but you have to know your limits and addiction potential. Apply same rule to sub-optimal foods. Most of us are heavily addicted to sugar even without realizing it, and sugar is potentially just as bad for you as being a drug addict.

Look to keto/paleo meal styles. Grass fed and wild caught has the most nutrition. Make sure your meat/protein is quality. Learn about fasting. Always consider the nutritional value of your food.

Everything beyond this is your discretion. Sunscreen/general skincare, supplements, meditation, good sleeping habits, natural medicine. Investigating holistic lifestyle will take you into the deep end. Remember that this is your only life and try to live in accordance with your principles.

>> No.18166256

Joe Rogan is doing an IV NMN drop and some other shit under the guidance of Dr David Sinclair, shits expensive but lengthens your telomeres

>> No.18166284
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the secret to eternal youth is low stress-activation.

Asians have the least active stress system. That's why they retain youth into adulthood, both physically and biologically. They also have the widest/largest heads and brains.

Arabs have the most active stress system. They have the narrowest/longest heads and brains, and also the most facial hair/baldness.

today's Europeans are basically a two-way racemix of literal Arabs and indigenous Europeans. However, indigenous Europeans are themselves just slightly Mongolized Arabs with surface depigmentation.

As for Africans I don't know, they're very different from Eurasians.

Most of this is genetic but it can be overcome by eating low-stress foods. Stress-phenotype should eat low stress foods like milk, sugar, vegetables. If animal meat, it should be from an unstressed animal, preferably like veal. Placid-phenotypes should eat higher stress foods like glutamates, stressed animals, more starch, etc.

>> No.18166308

Good advise, thanks. Haven't heard some of your statements./ fundamentals yet. May you live long and healthy

>> No.18166340

you'll also notice that racial behavior is just a reflection of genetic stress disposition.

Asians basically never lash out. They walk slowly. Arabs lash out at the slightest offense. Europeans, not much different from Arabs, maybe a touch more muted.

>> No.18166369

Except I am of mostly Hyperborean (Nord) descent. 50%. The other 50% is Iberian (Portugal) So I'm 100% a White European Man. My skin is mayonnaise. I have 0% Arab DNA trust me. The Orientals have a higher stress threshold but the European white man has a healthy balance. That's why we tend to live almost as long as them.

>> No.18166373

>genetic stress disposition
Where can I learn more about this?

>> No.18166393

Why then is the Negroid susceptible to behavior that harms society?

>> No.18166423

Yeah but that’s just passive aggression, holding in anger and not letting it out can be more stressful

>> No.18166448

There have been projects to this effect with some degree of success in animal testing here and there. You won't be able to afford it at first when they have a commercial product though.

>> No.18166514

>Basically, avoid anything that stresses you too much.

Chronic stressors wear you out fast. But I thought acute stressors were supposed to provide a boost to your body's systems. e.g. Intense exercise bursts, cold showers, spicy foods, etc. Anything that tricks your body into going "oh fuck I almost died" and start pumping out endorphins and cellular repair agents.

>> No.18166518

>Learn about fasting
how to do that?

>> No.18166539

>Asians have the least active stress system
what does active stress system mean?
In a scientific way

>> No.18166564
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You have to read a lot and come to your own conclusions.

I'll say that the least stressful phenotype is a completely Mongoloid human with light pigmentation.

cope, Europeans are half actual Middle Eastern (from Anatolians and Aryans) and the indigenous ancestry is itself basically Middle Eastern. You can deny this but it's still a fact

Like I said, Africans are so far away from the rest of humanity that this paradigm probably doesn't apply to them.
I consider Africans to be a high-stress phenotype as well. But not in the same way that Arabs are.

I don't think so, Asians just behave differently. There are definitely individual Asians that hold in anger, but the reason they even do this is because they live in such a peaceful low-stress society to begin with that releasing any anger at all is frowned upon. It's comparable to how America has a natural "machismo" culture, which pushes many males to artificially virtue-signal their manliness just for the sake of it--and it always feels forced and fake unlike the natural version.

Also everything about the Asian diet is high stress. Literally based on glutamate (excitatory), fast digesting foods like rice/egg/chicken/whitefish, onions, when they kill animals they want to torture it to make it "taste better" which coincidentally releases stress hormones.

>> No.18166589
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Fund anti-aging research

>> No.18166603

>low stress foods like sugar
nigga what

also I have no idea what definition of stress you're using here, you seem to equate it with phrenology. 'Stress system' is nondescriptive, there are many kinds of stress, physical, mental, emotional, adrenal, hormetic, whatever.

Basically, you sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded. Stop getting your health advice from 8ch/x/

>> No.18166615

I meant soi, it got wordfiltered.

>> No.18166699

sugar is a low-stress food.


>But the women who drank beverages sweetened with sugar had MRIs showing significantly higher activity in the hippocampus and lower levels of stress-induced cortisol than the MRIs of women who had aspartame.

sugar, milk, zinc, magnesium, and glycine (gelatin) are all anti-stress nutrients.

fat is a high stress nutrient. This is also why all the "carnivore" fags go bald in their 20s--just look at sverige.

Incidentally, the sugar/carb metabolism is also why some "vegans" tend to look very young. You don't need to be on a vegan diet, you just need to keep up the carb metabolism and avoid delving into fat metabolism. You can still eat meat, but only when you really truly crave it.

Personally I have the best health of my life drinking a quarter gallon of milk a day.

>> No.18166772

>also I have no idea what definition of stress you're using here, you seem to equate it with phrenology. 'Stress system' is nondescriptive, there are many kinds of stress, physical, mental, emotional, adrenal, hormetic, whatever.

no it's actually quite well defined. The "stress system" is made up of adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, prolactin, and various others, but these are some of the main ones.

"stress" is when your body consumes more ATP than it can produce. That's why it's degenerative.

eating sugar/being in carb metabolism abolishes these hormones. eating high-stress foods (lots of muscle meat, oils, onions sauce) enhances these hormones.

>> No.18166823

eternal youth is a fantasy like stable crypto

>> No.18166841

>This is also why all the "carnivore" fags go bald in their 20s--just look at sverige.
The fuck you talking about? I've always been a meat lover and, currently at 25, I'm actually seeing some new hair grow. Conversely, all vegan males I know went semi-bald once they hit their 30s.

Eating *only* meat though is as problematic as not eating any at all. "100% carnivore" diets are retarded.

>> No.18166883

da fug
you can't make this shit up!

>> No.18166915

t. seething wagie

>> No.18167015
File: 96 KB, 866x1390, fuji appless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with eating meat if you're craving meat.

the vegan males who go bald do so because they eat too many seeds and oils, also processed foods with proven carcinogens (carrageenan, xanthan gum, etc). Fruit is the anti-stress vegan food.

the carnivore males who go bald do so because their bodies naturally produce lots of arachidonic acid--making them overload on it when eating lots of animal flesh. Dairy is the only animal food that is devoid of arachidonic acid. Within animal flesh, beef and shellfish are the most anti-stress. Pork, chicken, and oily fish are the most stressful. Eggs are also stressful

Of course, nobody should be vegan or carnivore, those are meme american diets

>> No.18167039


>> No.18167135

I guess there is a point to what you are saying. Vegan males (and females) will eat the most absurdly processed foods as long as it has a "made from plants" label in it. Like Onions. And those crazy Americans who go to the other extreme by eating only raw meat are signing in for severe malnutrition and salmonella.
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss fat/oils and meat though - given that it is properly prepared with only some pink salt and pepper as seasoning, and eaten *without* any sort of industrialized sauces like those BBQ sauces that Americans put on everything.

Looking too thin also makes you look old. Ideally you want to be thin but not to the point where you look like e.g Vitalik Buterin.

>> No.18167173

The amount of fucking retards that posture as intellectual savants and nutritional overlords behind the veil of anonymity is absolutely fucking mind-blowing.

>> No.18167203


>> No.18167208


>> No.18167257

Invest in Unity Biotechnology like Bezos and Thiel. Demand = Investments = Results

>> No.18168059

>eating sugar/being in carb metabolism abolishes these hormones
so a carb diet is good?

>> No.18168154

Stem cells, christcuck

>> No.18168246

Google blood sugar levels

>> No.18168417

Male pattern baldness is genetic. Any suggestion of epigentic factors like eating too much meat causing baldness is very dubious. You see homeless guys with full heads of hair, despite stress drugs bad nourishment because they don't carry genes for male pattern balding.

>> No.18168432

>Male pattern baldness is genetic
if it's genetic then why are so many men balding earlier than their fathers?

same with myopia, reduced sperm count, testosterone, obesity, gynecomastia, etc

>> No.18168448

Based and Ray Peat pilled

>> No.18168581

I mean against adrenaline

>> No.18168644
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>I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss fat/oils and meat though
oils are definitely stressful. Polyunsaturates are stress-inducing. This is also why ruminant meat is the best meat to eat, they have the least unsaturated fat profiles.

It's also why you need a really "deep" kind of hunger for ruminant meat. Contrast with pork/chicken/fish, which you crave even when you have a "shallow" hunger. Of course eating red meat when you're not actually hungry will also make you unhealthy.

Red meat is the meat for stress-phenotypes to consume. The shallower foods can be handled by placid-phenotypes--note that Caucasia has always relied on wheat and dairy, while Asia has relied on rice, chicken, eggs, and fish. The Asian foods, in addition to being unsaturated, are also very "craveable" and addicting. Rice and the glutamate pastes (onions sauce, miso, gochujang, fish sauce, etc) are also more addicting than wheat/sorghum/curry/mustard.

red meat, lentils, wheat, and dairy protein take longer to digest. They don't overload the body with energy. Fish, chicken, pork, and especially eggs digest very quickly.

There's a study floating around that I can't find anymore. It looked at starch digestion between Asians and Caucasians. In Asians, the starch enzymes hang around for much longer in the stomach. In other words, I think they are low intensity high duration. So it makes sense that they would be able to eat quickly digesting and addicting foods without issue.

>> No.18168699

What the fuck kind of homeopathic books did you read to come to this broscience, jesus christ mate get a load of yourself, I bet ure a skeleton IRL

>> No.18168916
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>given that it is properly prepared with only some pink salt and pepper as seasoning, and eaten *without* any sort of industrialized sauces like those BBQ sauces that Americans put on everything.

The main problem with these sauces is actually the umami in them. Whether it's MSG, onions sauce, tomato paste, yeast extract, doesn't matter. It's excitatory and stress inducing. Most White people are very stupid because they think that MSG is uniquely unhealthy, when the reality is that all free glutamates are unhealthy, MSG is simply the pure form of that. Similar to how drinking soda with some veggies is NOT bad for you, it's almost like eating a piece of fruit.

Of course the carrageenans/gums are bad as well, and they're in everything these days. But the umami ingredients are the biggest problem that never gets named.

A carbohydrate based diet is good for stress, yes. Sugar is better than starch if you're very sedentary. Fructose preferentially fills liver glycogen, while starch does a 50:50 of muscle/liver glycogen. So if you're not getting much walking/exercise, sugar is better for refilling your stores. Optimally taken through fruit, or a mix of veggies + soda (imitates fruit).

Sugar also has a lower glycemic index than starch and doesn't spike blood sugar. Note that Asian people HATE sugar compared to other Eurasians. All their desserts are very mildly sweet, the oreos in their country are specially formulated to be not sweet.

Assuming you're 6 feet tall, there's no reason to eat more than ~4 oz of meat in one sitting. Much more than this just induces stress via gluconeogenesis. And if you just wait, you'll notice that you'll get a lagging indicator of fullness after just 3-5 ounces.

Fat should be eaten along with red meat, and only if you're really craving fat. Do not ever eat potato chips or processed food.

>> No.18169047

also, IF the adrenochrome bullshit has any truth to it,

it would be because wealthy elites have very low stress-systems. Having money, having a father in the household, and having a full-time mom are all scientifically proven to lower stress in childhood, and sets you up for a lower stress level throughout life. Being obscenely rich would just take this to the next level.

Such people could conceivably benefit from a stress-hormone byproduct like adrenochrome. Similar to how Asians think stressed/tortured animals taste better (it can help in the context of their own low-stress systems)

>> No.18169982

Can you provide an example of what you’d consider to be an ideal dinner?

>> No.18170414

>I’m Portuguese
>zero Arab blood

>> No.18170545
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I don't know man, he posted a bunch of pictures of apples so by default I think hes more credible than you.

>> No.18170558

holy shit my mom used to make those borek all the time, I believe you because you're credible in my eyes now

>> No.18170658

4 oz beef shank, some noodles, piece of fruit

>> No.18170673

no veggies, cmon mate u need veggies

>> No.18170684

I don't like eating veggies with meals, just personal preference. I eat them throughout the day

>> No.18170738
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when I said 'Arab' I meant nondescript Middle Eastern. All Europeans have this. pic related, the orange and green.

In addition to that, people from Southern Europe have specific Gulf Arab ancestry, which isn't found in Northern Europeans.

And in addition to this, Iberians specifically have a bit of Black African ancestry from the Moors.

>> No.18170859

It's the omega3s bruh.
They love their fatty fish, mostly mackerel.

>> No.18171084
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Okay bro anon you have me pretty convinced you have your shit together. What are your holdings?