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18161880 No.18161880 [Reply] [Original]

Is it?

>> No.18161887

status-quo supporting centrist drivel

>> No.18161900

if they were actually meaningful, it wouldnt be published

>> No.18161912
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Is there alternatives to this?

>> No.18161913


>> No.18161914


BS mainstream media who do hatchet jobs and puff pieces for the highest bidder on top of all.

>> No.18161936


>> No.18161945

it's leftist drivel masquerading as centrist
my mother reads it and she is a leftist

>> No.18161947

3rd gender is not an alternative

>> No.18161957

You will eat the bugs.

>> No.18161968

So what stuff would you guys recommend?

>> No.18162005

"The Wealth of Nations"
anything but modern centrist Keynesian dogma

>> No.18162016


The economist literally just touts Keynesian bullshit with no other points of view

>> No.18162023


>> No.18162041
File: 650 KB, 1125x825, 2D84C4E4-DFAE-4266-9EE0-560AC6286513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other newspapers, magazines or websites?

>> No.18162046

lol no it tries to come off as a kind of gold standard, unbiased economic periodical but it is total neoliberal trash. Every headline and premise for a column departs from postmodern drivel

>> No.18162049


That’s either a man OR a woman

>> No.18162057

the Manga Guide to Economics

>> No.18162060

It’s a woman.

>> No.18162075

idk. i would try to look for classical writings or unbiased modern writers

>> No.18162076

And who will be in charge of redistributing lollies

>> No.18162080

looks like a man

>> No.18162082

No, they've taken a horrendous turn to leftist identity politics.

>> No.18162092

I’ve got some old dusty book laying around somewhere but it maybe outdated.

>> No.18162107
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, 30D1A978-CEED-4F65-98C2-24C37529C18E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it, it’s from 1970 though

>> No.18162145

The Sun with fancy words. wouldn't even wipe my ass with it/10

>> No.18162311

It’s worth a skim to be up to date on what (they) want you to know. If you want to learn economics just read textbooks

>> No.18162332

It is absolute shite. As others have said it's just neoliberal dross with zero investigative essays or interesting long-reads. Bloomberg, Financial Times and Reuters all have more interviews, interesting tech stuff and more balanced articles on topics.

>> No.18162352

This is unironically decent for a manga

>> No.18162456

WSJ if you want mainstream FT if you care about international (lol)

>> No.18162508

if you want to become a pinko, leftist commie who knows literally nothing about how the economy works or how business works then yes it's a good start for you literally /thread

>> No.18162530

I stopped reading it a few years ago when I realized every story in one issue was propaganda. It's meant to persuade, not inform.

The best place to get information is probably whitepapers or directly from the source. Or from direct reporters like Reuters or AP (although they can be biased as well)

>> No.18162578

Jews swindle shekels from goy animals. That’s how the economy works

>> No.18162590

more like the jewconomist haha amirite
so how do we defeat them and go full communism guis? now is the time

>> No.18162638
File: 378 KB, 2560x1440, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a domesticated worker bee.

Remember to bee yourself and BEEHIVE YOURSELF!!!!

>> No.18162740

identity politics is a neoliberal thing, take note how all of them call for more female ceos and shit like that. if they were leftist they would be against ceos as a whole

>> No.18162899

Rothschild owned and de facto Rothschild run. If you like to be mentally assraped and Jewed every single day, the Economist is from you. If you can stand drivel like lack of Obama caricatures in the Economist is purely due to Obama being too beautiful and thus too hard to caricature and that Africa's economic disaster is solely due to lack of education and colonialism, not lazy nigger genes and mentality, etc, then Economist is for you.

>> No.18162916


It's basically a neo-liberal globalist mouthpieces written by some fucking 23-year olds.