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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 590x782, pay up - no plz i must shitpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18161195 No.18161195 [Reply] [Original]

>Please landlord-sama no!!!

How many stingy tenants have you had to evict /biz/?

>> No.18161207

why does he wear the hat?

>> No.18161217

i have a family with 3 children. the mom has cancer and the treatment ate up their savings and dad is a chef at a restaurant that just closed. i'm 100% sure they won't be paying rent on time.

how do i throw them out to the street without coming off like an asshole?

>> No.18161222


exceptionally based

>> No.18161231
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They have plenty of family, friends and acquaintances to ask for a place to stay or a small loan. If that doesn't work they can go ask the local church or charity for help.

>> No.18161232

Just do it. You have every legal right to do so.

>> No.18161237

Why would you care what subhuman renters think?
We need to go back to 1 property - 1 vote.

>> No.18161267
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Gotta keep the doo fresh.

>> No.18161313
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>> No.18161318
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Clean it up landie

>> No.18161354
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>> No.18161384
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*chop chop*

>> No.18162043

Keep drawing pictures, landie. Surely the bank will accept them in lieu of mortgage payment.

>> No.18162053

Get a list of resources together for them then serve them.

>> No.18162158

?? what do you mean? the apartment is near a hospital and a supermarket with a pharmacy that's constantly hiring. i'm sure it won't be empty for long. no need to keep them functioning to keep it filled. it won't net me more profit.

>> No.18162171


>> No.18162198

Kek incoming leftists.

>> No.18162243

Take one of the children as your personal slave or fuck the mom, if she's hot.

>> No.18162326
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>Take one of the children as your personal slave
delet this

>> No.18162551

don't evict them, force them to take a loan from you.

>> No.18162666

They make good machine gun crews.

>> No.18163204

its illegal in my country and probably yours too right now untill this corona thing blows away
it doesnt matter anyways, if my landcuck showed his rat face me and my flatmate would break his arms and he knows it.
dont worry, the next one will be someone who can stand up for themself. You will quickly learn how not to be a disgusting leach.

>> No.18163288

late stage capitalism, give all unempoyed 10k$ from bezos and he would have 70b$

>> No.18163346

If i were a landlord with some retarded zoomer tenants who refused to pay, i'd just set the building on fire and collect insurance. They'd either die or become homeless. I win. Not hard to fool the court when i can just say the tenants didn't pay so i couldn't afford maintenance.
Of course only an idiot would let zoomers move in though. Gotta screen the garbage from the few worthy ones.

>> No.18163361

Give all unemployed 10k$ from Bezos and you just made the local drug dealers into millionaires. Then they'll use their money to fund gang wars in an attempt to eat up the territory of other dealers and there you got it, you increased crime, poverty, death and suffering from being a retarded commie who doesn't understand market forces. It's sad but most poor people are poor for a reason. You should be very picky about who you give acquisitive power and the power to shape the world to their liking. Fortunately, the universe is already ruthless enough that we don't have to do it on our own (even though commies have tried). And if even nature fucks up sometimes by giving retards like you internet instead of making you be born in Subsaharan Africa and die from Ebola at 3, what hope do you retarded commies think you have of correctly picking who should be rich and poor?

>> No.18163610

How many daughters?

>> No.18163646

>Thinking that being able to harvest power from the weak is a bad thing

>> No.18163933

jewlords are the same bgtfo

>> No.18163937
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>> No.18163963

thats a great pic...that big fucking dude is btfo out of that fag renter.
I bet that gay fucking renter does his banking at walmart...imagine thats your "bank"

>> No.18163983

in Canada right now it's illegal to kick a tenant out for not paying rent, due to the state of emergency

>> No.18164003

As long as the boys are under a certain age, they may become passable transgirls. You need to wait with the operation until they are 18/19, but they still train how to use their mouth in the meanwhile.

But dont forget to empty their testicles to make later transition easier (skin is needed for making the trans-pussy).

>> No.18164196

this is the only reasonable response here

>> No.18164224

How tight is your asshole?

>> No.18164250

*force them to take a load for you

>> No.18164261

You can threaten to shoot, your property, you have all right to defend it.

>> No.18164280

lmao, yeah, that's exactly how a rental contract works

>> No.18164418

So it's okay for them to not pay rent even tho it's required by law under contract? Double standard bullshit. If I was a landlord I'd have them at gunpoint

>> No.18164474

Force majeure (/ˌfɔːrs mɑːˈʒɜːr, -məˈʒɜːr/ FORSS mah-ZHUR, -mə-ZHUR; French: [fɔʁs maʒœʁ]) – or vis major (Latin) – meaning "superior force", also known as cas fortuit (French) or casus fortuitus (Latin) "chance occurrence, unavoidable accident", is a common clause in contracts that essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, plague, or an event described by the legal term act of God (hurricane, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc.), prevents one or both parties from fulfilling their obligations under the contract. In practice, most force majeure clauses do not excuse a party's non-performance entirely, but only suspend it for the duration of the force majeure.

>> No.18164495

if you were a landlord and held them at gunpoint, you'd very soon be in prison, and most likely would have to pay an order of magnitude more money to them than you'd ever lose from them not paying rent for a while

>> No.18164533

Lol you reckon a standard residential property rent contact has a FM clause in it?

>> No.18164547

Put them to work

>> No.18164631

Doesn't matter. What actually matters is what the court systems decide. And there's a lot of legal precedent to honor FM. Plus odds are most landlords don't even think to try to weasel in an anti-FM clause into their contracts, so its not like there is any defense from it coming into play.

>> No.18164666
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You can either stack money or be nice. Pick one.

>> No.18164752
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You don't. You reserved for turnover, damages and physical depreciation. You can use those funds to cover the short term while working actively with your bank to ensure they work with rather than against you.

If this gets as bad as it seems, landlords will be the next class to be bailed out.

>> No.18164918

I was considering getting into the real estate market before the virus hit, now I'm thinking of waiting a bit until we start seeing mass foreclosures so I can pick up some good deals. What kind of timeline do you guys think we are going to be seeing?

>> No.18164935

>squatter refuses to pay refuses to leave
>squatters mistakenly believe the law protects them and not me
>time to teach these squatters a lesson in modern post-capitalist property rights
>shut off water and stop garbage collection
>anything broken doesn't get repaired
>squatter and gibs lawyer threaten to sue
>next available court date is july 2024
>filthy hovel stinking of shit and gargage in less than two months
>nothing new with low income low iq renters
>squatters self-evict
>hire mexicans to clean it up
>nice big tax write off for me

have a nice day, squatters.

>> No.18165021

Half assed rent strike in April.
Legit rent strike in May.
Hospital overload in May because Trump sent all the idiots back to work and packed the churches on Easter.
Mortgage relief not extended through end of summer and into fall.
Overleveraged slumlords clearly not able to pay up to the banks in June/July.
Housing market cheapies in the fall and through the winter.

>> No.18165084

i can delay foreclosure longer than you live in my property for free without water and garbage collection. you should probably just self-evict now.

>> No.18165187

It wont just be lazy NEETs who refuse to pay, dude. There's going to be masses of unemployed and uninsured people packing hospitals. You tossing out half of your tenants' shit and serving illegal eviction notices wont help you get the rent from people who are sitting in line for a turn on the respirator at the local ICU. It just brings you closer to foreclosure faster when you have to explain to the banks that you've been losing clients while still missing mortgage payments. Especially so when you have to explain to any of the few new prospective tenants that the last guy had corona, coofed all over the unit, and you had to let them go because you're too committed to being a slumlord.

>> No.18165235
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The best buys will be in mid-fall. This virus is hitting at a terrible time for the housing market, spring + early summer is go time for them. Once it gets colder demand slows down. There's going to be a glut of inventory and people desperate to sell once it gets cold in fall.

t. own one rental property and about to pick up my second around this time

>> No.18165266

What is landlord frog's name? I like that he's Italian, it makes me sympathize with him more t. Vinny from Arthur Avenue, BX

>> No.18165288

nice cope, squatter. i have enough cash on hand to let my property sit vacant for a few years and go to shit. all the tax write offs for lost income and repairs and i'm sure i'll be fine. the only ones that are going to get fucked are the idiots who went to a get rich in real estate seminar and didn't plan for something like this. i have no sympathy for them either.

>> No.18165290
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There's really no rationale for a rent strike this month. Just put it on your CC until your TrumpBux arrive.

There will be another stimulus/free rent checks if this thing is still going on in mid April and the economy hasn't re-opened yet. Watch and see.

>> No.18165292

Thanks for the info. I’m trying to scoop up my first house later this year

>> No.18165747


Actually your best bet is asking your neighbors if they can't pay or if they would be better of not paying for the time being, so you're all on the same page. Ask them if they would consider merely withholding the rent until this has all blown over. Trying to keep it separated on a side account.

While not paying rent is a reason to be evicted after this whole thing blows over, if evictions have been halted, then withholding the money until then is the smart thing to do. If the rent payments are withheld until maybe September and the landlord is still unhappy, offer them the last 5 months payment all at once with the agreement on paper that no eviction filings will happen. If they do not agree to the lump sum payment, they will have to go through court to get the eviction order filed, and the order will give three months time before having to leave the house. All of which is time the tenant can still withhold rent. Which is a risk, but in the event that happens, you'll have at least 8 months of rent in your bank account.

This is even more likely to work out if you check in with your neighbors and find out who else will be unable to pay, or simply wants to withhold the money until this blows over. Even those who can pay for now should reinforce those who can't. The more people involved, the more likely a deal will be cut. Possibly a lower rate for several months, or no payments until the Crisis has been sorted.

The thing is, that until this blows over, keeping the money in your own account will provide an extra cushion of safety for if another surprise cost pops up in the meantime.

Workers are expected to get by furloughed without pay or on 60% of their usual income, landlords can get used to the fact their passive stream of income might get winnowed down a bit too.

>> No.18165762

>modern post-capitalist property rights
so your big plan is to let them destroy your house, because you think that will make the repent?

>> No.18166010

This is called risk. You took on risk when you rented. The idea that renting to others carries no risk is boomer cancer.
I'm buying another house. I wait until I have the principle paid down before I do this. That way, I don't end up in situations like this.
Do whatever you want anon. Just remember that if the collapse ever comes, nothing stops these people from shooting you and taking your shit.

>> No.18166046

This is the practical one >>18162326

>> No.18166180

digits confirm

>> No.18166286

>squatter and gibs lawyer threaten to sue
>next available court date is july 2024
Not how it works at all anon. They can call the cops and the cops will force you to turn all that shit back on. Ask me how i know...

>> No.18166296


>> No.18166319


Why are you such a coward? It's your property, manage and defend it. Some commies on the internet said they were going to hang you, boo hoo. These faggots are the same ones asking the government to ban guns, bunch of sniveling little retards and you're taking their shit to heart. RE is the best way for low and middle income folks to break into generational wealth and you're letting the bucket crabs pull you back down.

>> No.18166445

no, force them to take a loan and offer them slightly lower interest rates than banks so you make more money in the end.

>> No.18167043

Daddums Pepo

>> No.18167680

#1 Dad teaching his son the importance of paying on time

>> No.18168872

You literally can't. Evict them and accept that you're a shitbag, or do the right and give them a few months to get another job.

>> No.18169034

Based mathlet

>> No.18169169

The smart landlord will evict a few of you, particularly the organizers, and accept a lump sum payment from the rest of you,

>> No.18169222

>give them more money they won't be able to pay back

>> No.18169410

this is the most boomer Facebook post I've ever read on this website

>> No.18170651

Pay your rent with crypto lol. Ppl already paid me with Zano this month

>> No.18170706
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But we can, you know we can
Let's lynch the landlord
Let's lynch the landlord
Let's lynch the landlord man

>> No.18172037

Smart investors buy when others are scared, this is the right time to buy more crypto especially tachyon protocol, ahead of the coming Bull Run

>> No.18172084

based jew

>> No.18172246
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Get a real job

>> No.18172352

You literally can't, retard. When they don't pay, you have to give them notice, which they'll ignore. Then you'll have to sue for a writ of removal. Good fucking luck getting a court date before May, and good fucking luck getting anything less than a one month extension after they tell the judge their story. And if you're in a state with strong renter protections then the process is even more drawn out to give them multiple chances to pay.
If you just physically remove them then you're going to get assfucked to an absurd degree when they sue for wrongful removal, and there's no way you're filling the rental when nobody has work.

>> No.18172532


Owning a property is an investment and no investment is guaranteed a return. Have some empathy for your tenants instead of trying to evict them--- which you won't be able to because the housing courts will either be overloaded or shut down or imposing a 90 day moratorium on evictions---- and join them in petitioning the government to freeze rents and mortgages. You are going to lose more money in legal fees trying to evict them (and not getting rent anyway) than maintaining their good will and having them resume paying when they can. God you sound like such a shitty person.

>> No.18172588

>how do i throw them out to the street without coming off like an asshole?
Not possible, and you're looking at eating your rental income for at least 3 months, even without the covid shit.
Oh, wait, this is 4chan, so 99% this is a weak bait post in an even weaker baith thread, made by the obsessive autist /poltard who's been spamming them.

>> No.18172591
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>landlord with insurance that covers catastrophic loss and extended monthly rental loss

>> No.18172621
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>> keeping deposit

No real landlords on here.

>> No.18172648

Shhhhhh.... don't tell the retarded gen x and boomers that land lording isn't something to retire on....

>> No.18172658

>poor people are poor for a reason
The reason: late stage capitalism

>> No.18172702


Nah. It’s a poverty mindset. This game really isn’t that hard to play, you’re just an idiot.

>> No.18172723

Yes yes, all poor people are just drug addicts. Kys

>> No.18172853

Wouldn't the best move be to not pay anything and not make them pay anything like the big companies?
>inb4 they have billions
this is happening on a large enough scale across the country that I doubt anyone would fucking take your property or forcibly remove you or them. The resources to do so are stretched thin or closed. Most cities won't turn off power and utilities right? So why not just wait it out and tell anyone who tries to take your property to fuck off. It's not like you'll find new renters any time soon.

>> No.18172872


Most of them are dumb as hell, having grown up around them. Bitter retards who spend every last cent on booze, cigarettes, lotto tickets and cars. Not all ofc, but this is why "the poor" are poor in the US. It isn't hard at all to become middle class and above.

>> No.18173227
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Ooooh a tough guy.
Landlords have the most powerful gang of thugs at their disposal: the police.
Not that they'd them for you, how much mass have you lost after you started HRT?

>> No.18173319

Based demonic moneymaker

>> No.18173354

>drug dealers deal drugs for fun and not as a way to make money

>> No.18173527

Literally the only reliable way to become middle class is to be born middle class and even then you can get fucked by a random accident that fucks up your spine and puts you in debt to hospitals for the rest of your life.

I doubt you've ever been around poor people because most of them work harder and longer than those in the middle class.

>> No.18173723

If he pulled it off would he die?

>> No.18173757

Yes and restrict property ownership to male gentry

>> No.18173787

None, because I waived rent for April.

>> No.18174255

Fake and gay

>> No.18174688

learn how to read leach
also, police cant do shit as long youre not extremely stupid or life in a third world shithole(like usa)

>> No.18174698


>> No.18175020


Based literal retard who can’t write

>> No.18175793

he's arab. peepobaba

>> No.18176043


>> No.18176098

I killed my landlords cat and hung it above his door with the note that I will not be paying rent for the foreseeable future, and I'm sorry about his cat

>> No.18176308

I haven't evicted anyone yet but I did decline to renew the contracts of 3 tenants so far.

>> No.18176344

I kicked everybody out when they said they refuse to pay. You should have seen their faces.

I took another $50K loan and put it into UND.

>> No.18176669

what a fuck-stupid graph

>> No.18177497

Fuck off from biz you subhuman jew kys

>> No.18177522


>> No.18177554

Go to bed commie

>> No.18177572

>hate someone
>take it out on the innocent
typical commie

>> No.18177745
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>> No.18178127

Weak bait

>> No.18178204

There was a bank that suspended temporarily the mortgages of people who couldn't pay. It was Western something. The bank didn't end up reposessing tons of useless devalued houses, recovered nicely and got a big loyal customer base. Being "nice" can be the smart thing to do.