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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18155284 No.18155284 [Reply] [Original]

They cant stop printin'

>> No.18155319

zero equals infinity
so never

>> No.18155359

They printed for years faggot, which is why they realised now it won't work out any longer. The US FEDERAL RESERVE. AS WELL AS THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK. Will go digital. Why does this excite so few faggots? Because it means the end of ANONs. It means they will build their own chains, and their own systems. They will forbid ours. And more, they will even have ours advise them.

>> No.18155456

You dumb retards like op seriously didn't see that coming? seriously??
That virus was what they were waiting for to have e every excuse they needed to do it

>> No.18155540

US is literally a commie state now. State-run economy picking winners and losers, nationalization of major industries, direct cash payments to placate the populace. The government subsidizes food so people don't notice inflation. While their quality of life gets worse and worse and wealth inequality sky rockets.

It will fail when the state-owned and bankrolled, failing corporations fail again and again with increasing frequency, because they no longer have to compete in the free market, but are repeatedly bailed out by the government. The printing press has to print at an exponentially increasing rate. Eventually the government can't print fast enough to prop them up. And when the grocery shelves are empty. That's when the populace can't be distracted by cheap entertainment from their nightmare of lifelong wage cucking and debt servicing. Because their family will be literally starving. That's when the it finally ends.

>> No.18155616

Am I going to die, fampai?

>> No.18155671
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>> No.18155672

In the end they will use what is here. And no matter what ms oder other companies desperately span now... they are too late

>> No.18155711

For ONCE /biz/ was good for something ^^

>> No.18155840

gayest fake ever

>> No.18155873

This, it will be more like 0.001

>> No.18155881

It can go down 99.99% a day for fifty billion years without going to 0

>> No.18155958
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I think there is a point where its effectively "zero."

>> No.18155978

What other money is as strong.

It might not be backed by gold but it damn well is backed by some very real and expensive military power.

Never forget, if any other country tries to do something about it we can literally obliterate then from the face of the Earth they the #1 military in the universe.

Cmon bro we have the literal space force.

You think the government can't force Tesla to make some spaceships if the combat leaks into space?

We have been to the moon. America biacth

>> No.18156088

I do not know you. But you are undoubtedly a retard. I mean look at your own own post, You're kinda lucky to get out of here alive right now

>> No.18156178

The military comes from the dollar, not the other way around. If the dollar goes, the military goes with it.

>> No.18156192

not really.
look at venezuela.

>> No.18156203


Aliens would disagree.

>> No.18156205

Red and basedpilled

>> No.18156218

worth 0 what?

>> No.18156228

If Venezuela had the world's reserve currency, it could easily print a few aircraft carriers to defend itself. Having the reserve currency means you can print without any checks and balances whatsoever

>> No.18156369


Having a GROWING share of reserve currencies means you can print that extra amount and maintain the same domestic supply of money. Problem is when the USD market share of reserve currencies peaks and starts to drop. Then all of sudden printing don't work so well, in fact the government will have to tax more then they print because all that foreign money will come pouring back into the US.

>> No.18156421

beat me to it, gg

>> No.18156487



>> No.18156922

You guys are missing the big picture here. What would happen if the USD actually became worth less than 0 shekels? Will my networth go up if I wipe my ass with it and dispose of it that way?