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File: 364 KB, 2148x1531, non_stop_nocoiner_period.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1815439 No.1815439 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who was on this board back in 2014-2015 remembers the nonstop shitposting from nocoiners mocking Bitcoin and declaring it dead.

Some of you had an altcoin agenda, some of you were just retarded smug faggots.

I hope you killed yourselves

>> No.1815457

"investing" in this shit doesn't make you smart. You pretty much buy and pray.

There's probably more certainty betting on sports than this shit

>> No.1815458

1000x this. For every "bitcoin" that succeeds there are a dozen other that crash and burn.

>> No.1815463

Honestly, this thread is fucking revolting but these two replies are the dumbest thing ever.

How can you not see that bitcoin (cryptocurrency in general) is a world changing paradigm shift in economics? IT'S AS IMPORTANT AS THE INVENTION OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE

>> No.1815466

Well, bitcoin is as important as the invention of paper money. Ethereum is as important as the invention of the joint stock company

>> No.1815482

and like any start-up anything can happen. BTC will probably sick around, but its value still has a long way to go until it stabilizes

>> No.1815483

It isn't a world changing shift in economics.

It is wall st types reincarnated into a different body.

Nothing more nothing less.

It is the stock exchange rebranded.

You only say it is world changing because you own it and love it.

It is no different then a big company changing their name to get better PR.

>> No.1815489

Explain bitcoin to me from YOUR perspective. I want to hear what wacko theory you have about it. let me guess, it's a Ponzi scheme, right? It's devs can magic bitcoins out of thin air, right?

>> No.1815494
File: 9 KB, 205x246, 1400885857712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only own 1 bitcoin because I learned about it only in 2016 and I am too poor to accumulate more

>> No.1815496


Not OP but here's my take: bitcoin is a currency exchange, and a very volatile one at that. If I had $1000 I didn't care to see disappear maybe I'd have grabbed a few after the last big crash. We can all sit here and say what a sound investment it is/would have been 10 years ago, but stuff like this comes and goes all the time, and most of these things crash and burn. Bitcoin will probably survive but the volatility is what scares me. An $800 crash in 1 week is way too steep for me.

>> No.1815498

bitcoin will never be stable with the USD.

maybe gold, someday

>> No.1815501

Honestly for the average person I imagine the blockchain, hashing algorithms, mining etc is pretty complicated.

Most nocoiners probably just think it's a server somewhere with numbers on it or just don't understand the technology.

They're the kind of retards who would have said the internet was just a fad in 1997.

>> No.1815506

He is talking about the concept of a decentralized digital currency.

Bitcoin was absolutely revolutionary.

>> No.1815515

Just because it's a cool concept doesn't mean its value is justified.

>> No.1815544

all bitcoin will ever do is continue to make a few people rich while 90% of society will never touch it or care about it

>> No.1815567

>Things like bitcoin come and go all the time.

Please tell me any other investment you could of earned a 22,000% return on in the last 5 years?

Or any in history for that matter.

I bought in around $30 each, ended up cashing a bunch out on the first ride up and then after the ride down and bought a house. Still holding 100 coins which I'll ride or die with.

I don't feel angry at no coiners just bad, this could of been their ticket to self sufficiency with no work. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but, and I would have invested 100 fold again if I ever knew where we would be today.

>> No.1815573

>internet was a just a fad in 1997
You're clearly too young to remember the late 90s because everyone knew what the internet was doing for the world thanks to the tech-boom in the US stock market at the time. By the way, just because something has a cool "story" or is a cool concept doesn't mean it's worth anything. Hoping to sell something to the next guy for more than you paid for it isn't something that's stable or will last very long in a free-market place.

>> No.1815587
File: 743 KB, 1800x2500, 1478692553740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember that faggot who made his weekly "10 reasons to avoid the Bitcoin hype" thread nearly every day?

Where do you think he is today?

I bought my official Trump maga hat about a month after they became available despite the Jewish media mocking Trump and his campaign. I went to four Trump rallies.

I bought bitcoin and continued to hold despite all the FUD and dumps.

I have a knack for knowing when something is going to be a success despite so many people saying "no, you can't, it won't"

Bitcoin and Trump, a winning combination

>> No.1815690
File: 105 KB, 2464x1325, btcsmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smile for the picture nocoiners, we are hitting ATH... AGAIN.

>> No.1815696
File: 30 KB, 577x361, berk a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BRKA will never be a good investment until it stabilizes

>> No.1815700

It's not a concept you dumb autist, it's very real.

>> No.1815704

Interesting how the recovery to $1000 is nearly a fucking mirror image of the fall.

>> No.1815706
File: 116 KB, 1671x843, cheeeeers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815722

Same. Buy ETH instead.

>> No.1815865

>comparing not only stock, but the most successful stock in history to BTC
BRKA as many solid, intelligent people behind it who built a reputation you fucking retard. It almost breaks-down to science.
You're comparing apples to oranges.
I can tell you right now you won't make it imbecile.

>> No.1815893

If you bought in at $30 and sold at $1,000 that's only a 3,233% return, not a 22,000% return. Not sure how you got that number. Just dropped by to say that, oh and you should google survivor bias, confirmation bias, and cognitive dissonance and what they have to do with investing money.

>> No.1815901

The price 5 years ago was 4,70$.
4,70*220 = 1034

>> No.1815931
File: 805 KB, 439x279, JamesHetfieldMetallicamiddlefingerswear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is proof that you don't need social connections, a bullshit degree from some commie Marxist college, or a rich daddy to make it.

I knew the internet was a big deal in 1996 when I was a teenager and I know Bitcoin is a big deal now.

I dropped out of college three years in, worked shitty wage slave jobs and have no decent employment prospects at the moment.

But you know what? I have enough bitcoins to never have to work again.

They can cry all they want that bitcoin is owned by mostly fucking white males and chinks, but they'll never shut it down because it's decentralized.

The price will "crash" over and over but it will always rise again

>> No.1815979
File: 49 KB, 541x960, 1483571626108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One might just be enough in the long run. Just slowly accumulate, aim for 1.1 next.

>> No.1815990

>but it will always rise again
Until it doesn't.

>> No.1816001


>> No.1816004

it me

>> No.1816008

the internet is a fad bro. and bitcoin will be like all other first movers, taken down by competitors doing it better.

>> No.1816012

>1500% gains over 20 years
>12,000% gains over 4 years

yeah bitcoin is as stable as brk

>> No.1816016
File: 2.77 MB, 5568x3712, 1487915976775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I'm a bitcoin millionaire again even after spending some of my coins. haven't felt this good since 2013.

>> No.1816030

Forget the price. Forget the back and forth banter between teenage speculators who bought bitcoin because "LOOK GAINS".

Focus on the fundamental technology behind the bitcoin network and what it means for humanity. When you understand that, you will see what people mean by "revolutionary". That doesn't mean you should go invest in it right now, that's for speculators who enjoy a large amount of risk. What you should consider however is how this technology is going to shape finance, government, and trust in the coming decades.

>> No.1816033

half of the "coiners" on this board don't even understand what it is.

They see 22000% gains over 5 years and drink the kool-aid without understanding the fundamentals.

Those same kids will be screaming and bitching during the next bear market.

>> No.1816041

the tech is interesting. for most people though, there's no reason they'd care about the trustless aspects of bitcoin. the advantages of the existing systems like VISA or even something like paypal far exceeds the value prop of bitcoin. short of some kind of financial collapse or a significant "bail-in" event, bitcoin just isn't worth the hassle.

>> No.1816047
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>> No.1816053

yeah the immediate use cases aren't really exciting for the average joe.

I'm thinking more along the lines of many decades down the road where crypto has the potential to eradicate nation states all together. It's almost inevitable in my mind. The best part is that retarded bureaucrats will be completely unaware of this until it's too late. The history books will call it a black swan event.

>> No.1816063


> concept

Just stop. It's time to stop.

>> No.1816066


It has been around for a decade. There are GLOBAL banks and companies involved. Did you read the word "GLOBAL"? We are not talking about 300 million or whatever number is in your bubble of a shit world. We are talking 7 billion people that have potential access.

Jpmorgan and Microsoft are both, just to namd a few, who are involved in cryptocurrency. And here you are. On an anime board, shit posting, saying it's a pyramid scheme.

K-kill yourself.

Plus the American government is spending tax dollars to have the sec look over 4 different etfs involving btc. Yes. 4 sec members that have graduated college are looking over whether or not to approve an etf for this currency that apparently has no value.

Your bubble is stupid.

>> No.1816180
File: 2.89 MB, 480x480, 1468044157638.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I thought 400 was amazing when we reached it, after spending 1.5 years at 220

Then this past summer we rocketed to 750, and I came in my pants

Well, now we're above 1200 and all bets are off

I never sold, I never traded, I never got cucked

This Bitcoin thing was made for people like me

Btw you altcoin shills, nobody takes you seriously anymore, just become an hero

>> No.1816194


>> No.1816196

Take your meds. You're literally the only person in this thread talking about a pyramid scheme.

No one with any knowledge thinks that blockchain isn't really promising technology. The problem is your thinking bitcoin will always be at the center of it.

>> No.1816236


Look at the price graph with log scale.

>> No.1816282

buy ethereum tho

>> No.1816533


sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sagesage sage sage sage!

>> No.1816620

>killing yourself over warcraft gold