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File: 524 KB, 1600x1200, kb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1814190 No.1814190 [Reply] [Original]

Never go bust digislaves


Let it sink in....

>> No.1814242
File: 137 KB, 367x557, wwwbust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me clue you in to a widely accepted fact:

"So they will use the media, blogs and other well known sources to draw investors into purchasing the stock at high prices.

So if there is no volume, it means there are no operators and worse the public participation may also be low. So anyone buying that stock is likely to see it exhaust very quickly and come crashing down."

>> No.1814254
File: 16 KB, 447x152, dowunder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see how the game is played yet?

>> No.1814259
File: 13 KB, 241x57, usdebt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's next to bust /biz/?

>> No.1814283

OP, what the fuck is this schizophrenic shit you're posting?

I can't understand what you're saying. Are you trying to say that the market is in a bubble because there's no volume on the Dow? The market is closed rn bro... wherever you're getting your quote from is showing an implied price of +.16 of a percent because of futures trading

>> No.1814291

You could have just answered "no. I don't 21".

I don't see how you could even understand your own ramblings.

>> No.1814334

Let me spell it out for you:

Bitbucks Market cap over 21 Billion = Bust (Volume vanished)

DOW not at 21,000 = still a chance for redemption

US DEBT 19 trillion plus = still a chance for redemption

>> No.1814342

US debt is about 1:1 with GDP. If you produce 300k of value each year, make 100k, and have a 300k home loan, you worried about that loan?

>hurr durr the debt bubble will collapse

>> No.1814415

Maybe your brains are broken.

All this gambling and no one knows 21?

What a sad day.

Your stuck thinking like cucks and slaves.

>> No.1814439

Dumb fucking spastic nocoiner forgot to buy 21 BTC, now he's insane.

>> No.1814453
File: 35 KB, 400x300, gravity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even told you at the beginning.

21 million.


Bitslave volume a shadow of its former self.

Like a rocket without any more fuel.

You didn't make it past the atmosphere.

Did you think no one was watching you all?

Look down....

>> No.1814490

DOW running on fumes and US debt about to go bust.

You "pro traders" don't have anymore time for Mercury shots.

Better have an exit strategy cause the table is getting flipped.

It won't wait for you to realize it.

>> No.1814583

Oh no, whatever will we do?
Guess I'll just short the fuck out of it at that point, genius.

>> No.1814598

Yeah I don't think you understand what happens when you play blackjack with MAGA whales.

They will take all your money and you will have to start from square one again.

You won't even be able to bitslave anymore.

You smart enough to make a new game cause I heard all you love mommy's milk way too much?

>> No.1814624

>rambles on about blackjack analogies
Wtf are you babbling about?
Do you even understand how shorting works?

>> No.1814630

Do you even understand what happens when a market evaporates?

Bulls and Bears disappear with it.

Go past 21 and you go bust.

You have a way out you just have to open your eyes to see it.


>> No.1814632

Do you even understand what happens when a market evaporates?

Bulls and Bears disappear with it.

Go past 21 and you go bust.

You have a way out you just have to open your eyes to see it.

And yes I do know what shorting is....I just so happen to be shorting some ADHD Mercury bucks at the moment.

>> No.1814641

This part I believe.

>> No.1814673

please see a doctor

>> No.1814722

Literally what are ANY of you talking about in this thread?

>> No.1814742

I'll grant you, it's pretty confusing, but here's what I've figured out so far:
One of OP's shots had mercury in it, which gave him ADHD.
Then some guys in MAGA hats showed up at his 21 table and flipped it over.
He's kind of upset now.

>> No.1814746

OP is either trolling or schizophrenic or using google translate from a shitstain language for all his posts

Everyone else is either making fun of him or confused like you

>> No.1814934

All markets about to go bust if they clear 21 (thousand, billion, trillion).

Bitslaves showed their hands by breaking a 21 billion market cap and premature evacuation of volume.

Next is the DOW then the US Debt bubble.

Lets see if they stop telling the dealer "hit me".

When you lose in black jack the game is over.

There is only one way to redeem yourselves and unless you are too cucked, slaved, or bluepilled it is easy to figure out.

>> No.1814935

The first thing that anyone will do if they feel threatened is try to assassinate the character of the so called attacker.

I can't help if you ladies are out of the loop and have no idea what is going on.

>> No.1814972
File: 179 KB, 454x270, okaygetthisguys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 is a magic number

>> No.1815011
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 21js1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh we have someone that is on to something here....

>> No.1815245
File: 34 KB, 920x469, bandb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the host of "Bulls and Bears" hangs it up:


Translation: Bulls and Bears are dead.

>> No.1815258

>Most corporate friendly administration we've had in a long time
Market is gonna crash!

Haha, I'd give it another year or two. Valuations are still in the realm of normalcy.

>> No.1815269

US DEBT = fooked
EQUITIES = over extended and fooked
FOREX = fooked
BONDS = fooked
BANKS = fooked
BTC (an arm of the left) = over extended and fooked

>> No.1815277

m8, you sound psychotic.

>> No.1815283
File: 33 KB, 485x340, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep trying

>> No.1815284

Can't stop laughing at all these blackjack analogies. Please post more op.

>> No.1815314

I'm not trying to insult you. I've seen your posts before and they're quite recognizable. Mainly because they never make any sense. Please take your meds, bred.

>> No.1815319

I have a feeling that if you talked to a rocket scientist you would tell them the same thing.

Your ignorance is not my problem.

Try to understand reality and sit back and listen.

>> No.1815334

I understand that your delusions make sense to you, but you need to get help.

>> No.1815343
File: 16 KB, 500x212, gg-the-number-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still 21s
>doesnt 23

pfft you may be slightly enlightened but ur not there yet

>> No.1815364


But in all seriously to clue people in who don't understand.

>OP has a mental problem
>See's the number 21 appearing at multiple places
>Has fear about something
>Is doing some godlike mental gymnastics to make that fear make sense
>Trying to communicate it

It's a shitty feeling. OP feels like they have something figured out and is frustrated and annoyed that other people don't understand. I've been there bro.

>> No.1815476

You might want to check your date.....

>> No.1815484

My brother deals with people like this as part of his work in a psychiatric ward.
They're usually on four five different medications at any time, and it's a challenge to comprehend much of what they say.
On the plus side, they write down some really bizarre, but interesting shit, like on a level with Kevin Spacey in Seven.

>> No.1817308
File: 48 KB, 600x601, bluepills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to take some blue pills to be as ignorant as you but you bit slaves are hogging them all.

>> No.1817580

Let's diagram some of these problems you're experiencing. You can talk us through where the pain is coming from, and maybe reach a satisfactory resolution.
It has to be better than this deep personal anguish you're manifesting, whatever the outcome.
Don't give up hope just yet.