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File: 37 KB, 1160x758, uscorona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18151104 No.18151104[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>dude its just 15 infected and it will be 0 soon Trump said so
>dude its just 100 infected
>dude only like 7 people died from it
>dude its just like 50 deaths
>10k infected? so what man china has way more
>100k infected and #1 cases in the world, dude china probably has way more they are just lying to us
>dude its only 1000 people dead bro
>dude its just 2000 dead stop talking about it
>dude 3 million dead people is not even 1% of the population just chill


>> No.18151121

America is a fucking joke and will be wiped out by this.

>> No.18151130

IFR is more like 0.1% or lower, so at absolute worst (we won't get here), there will be 300k dead. In reality, it will be 80k or lower.


>> No.18151136

I'm not bullish on americans, but dont trust the official numbers from china.

>> No.18151147
File: 223 KB, 640x418, mfw I bought bitcoin at $100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude this is it, America is seriously finished this time

how many times have I heard this in my life time. Keep dreaming pal. Also, not /biz/ related. Fuck off you fucking faggot.

>> No.18151150

And people fucking think were gonna open everything up at Easter and enter a new bull market.

>> No.18151159

I hope it goes lower so I can buy more

>> No.18151166
File: 25 KB, 608x150, Screenshot 2020-03-28 at 3.26.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what makes a quarantine super effective bruh? When you announce you might do it soon in the next day or so, so you give potentially infected people hours or days to panic and leave.

>> No.18151180

I blame the people more so than I do the leader. Trump and everyone else has been saying stay indoors and social distance and people aren't doing that. Americans have what's coming for them.

>> No.18151190

IFR projections from infectious disease specialists are literally all the fuck over the place. Fact his we have no idea.

It is clear that about 3-4 weeks after community spread starts it fills hospitals. It isn't clear how long that period lasts. China suggest 7 weeks, but that's with full lock down.

>> No.18151208

He's been saying that in conferences, then call it LAMESTREAM MEDIA SHUT DOWN, he says we need to mobilize, I'ma war time prez yo! Then he says we'll be open by Easter.

He just bullshits is way through.

Obama would have the military blocking NYC by now, Bush too.

>> No.18151236

Remember Trump shittalking previous presidents for announcing what they will do during war, giving the enemy a chance to defend or change tactics? Thought this was a war with the hidden enemy... then he goes to announce a potential quarantine. Fucker.

>> No.18151362

>4th worlders opens their mouth and speak to other humans
Please mighty Jupiter:
* let his mom get raped by dogs
* let his ugly nigger bones crack open
* let his fat nigger toes get stubbed constantly
* let someone pick up his nigger head and smash into the ground like a watermelon
* let his eyes be ripped out and made into necklace
* let his teeth be smashed out with a hammer and pulverized into dust
* let dogs piss on the bones of his dead children
* Please let these things happen Jupiter and we will celebrate your name and sacrifice to you

>> No.18151402

No it won't

>> No.18151443

You're arrogant like your retarded moron in chief, you'll get fucked up hard in the ass by this "flu"

See ya in 3 weeks

>> No.18151460

Please add this hysterical faggot to this list Jupiter.

>> No.18151523

oh look a its American schizo #254324

>> No.18151604

Its already over for you, playing your fag games isn't going to help. Literally your only chance is to out bribe Jupiter but I doubt you are going to do that filthy dirt poor asshole.