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18150487 No.18150487 [Reply] [Original]

>instead of fucking around and waiting for the virus to spread by itself, intentionally spread the coronavirus across the country using chemtrails
>get EVERYONE infected
>this means people will either recover (or die) within 2-3 weeks
>economy can be restarted on the 2nd week thereby minimizing damage

Refute this /biz/
>pro tip you can’t

>> No.18150516
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>30 million people die
>an angry mob storms your house and rips you limb from limb

>> No.18150605

>Refute this /biz/
can't. its pretty brilliant.

>> No.18150674

This is Europe's strategy

>> No.18150679

This is what my nurse aunt said the govt already did to the LA area around February before the media picked up on it. If you check the numbers the west coast is relatively spared considering the vast amount if people. Many many people got corona like symptoms during February out here. Seems like a good idea considering the virus is only really worse than the flu when people over run the hospitals due to panic. So best to get rid of the panic and make them think its just the flu or cough.

>> No.18150687
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Now factor in the finding that the virus can reinfect people.

>> No.18150696

>30 million people die
Yeah, no.

>> No.18150704
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>> No.18150722

t. speculative blog post based on a couple of people

>> No.18150725

Why would the government risk being found out doing that?
Why would a nurse know about it?

I’m not naive and understand government experiments on unknowing populations just seems like the risk of being caught doing that is far too high in this case

>> No.18150729
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>1/5 of Population dies
>could potentially loose critical people in order to ensure our technological standing
I will rip and tear your guts for creating a dark age.

>> No.18150748

what if it mutates and starts killing even more

>> No.18150756

Ah well. Fuck them. We'll get new people.

>> No.18150763

It's actually old rich boomers. So no essential personal

>> No.18150779

>tons of people die at once
>too many to process
>dead people lying around rotting everywhere
>disease spreads
>more people die

There aren't many countries capable of handling millions of people dying in a very short amount of time.

>> No.18150785

Dr. Pepe, or How I learned to stop worrying and Love the Virus

>> No.18150850

My reasoning 9n why it could be possible is that it was in mid February and the media coverage/panic was not there it didn't really start till march 12. Maybe there was foresight by the local government on how to best handle it. As far as being found out only see that happening if insider information got leaked but beyond that a la citizen wont look twice about mass sickness in February cause thats standard out here chalk it to ‘flu season’ and move on but get sick when media is mass covering it its a panic. So maybe they just tried to get rid of the panic.

>> No.18150863

>wE cAn JuSt GeT NeW SciEntiSTs
Man kind took thousands of years to recover from just one critical library burning. KYS honestly.
Nigger do you not pay attention. If you can't get medical attention this kills 1/5th of people who get it. How many more times do you need to see "Young person dies of corona" in the headlines before you stop acting like a fucking nigger.

>> No.18150899

kinda makes you wonder how they managed to bury the ashes of 6 million people over two or three years during a war with the world innit

>> No.18150944

Wouldn’t it be a bit more plausible that due to a high Chinese and general global traveling population that LA and SF have that the virus started a spreading a bit earlier than there than the rest of the world and especially before the media could catch on to it. Also California is such a large state it’s hard to coordinate and contain such an effort. Seems like a bad location for such an attempt. I will say that I have family memebers from the Bay Area that had flulike symptoms in late February that they gave to me. I only had a sore throat for a few days and they refused to test me but I find all this evidence to be a bit underwhelming for such a large conspiracy theory.

>> No.18151278
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>>wE cAn JuSt GeT NeW SciEntiSTs

>> No.18151357

It wasn't like they handled it easily lol. Also wartime measures meant a lot more things like unmarked graves, mass graves, corpse burnings, etc. Don't get me wrong, we'd figure it out, people would survive and society would eventually rebuild, but it wouldn't be easy

>> No.18151471

You can get it multiple times idiot.

>> No.18151479
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>nuke cities
>kill off all liberals, jews, illegals and niggers
tell me why this wouldn't work

>> No.18151571

hey do you know what, this is actually pretty smart

>> No.18151574

hits pipe

i've thought about it logically

i can't refute it

>> No.18151589

oh u still believe people would organise thats never happening again

>> No.18153197


>> No.18153238

>implying that isn't being done

>> No.18153385

this actually sounds way better than what OP said. just literally purge the 99% and be done with it.

>> No.18153677
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>30 million people die
The Imperium of Man would exterminatus any non-vital infected world if they thought it was bad enough. But if only 8% die and there's no permanent effects they'd more likely just let it run out in quarantine.

>> No.18153739

1 million would die at most. Do you really think the current death rate is realistic?

>> No.18154155
File: 14 KB, 500x504, 1578324176766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man kind took thousands of years to recover from just one critical library burning.
You realise today you'd have to burn down every major library, university, and all their servers for an equivalent effect, right? If every scientist dropped dead today all we lose is experience and anything they were holding back from putting on paper.

>> No.18154211

The only thing stopping this from happening is the elections this year. The handling of this would be significantly different if all the politicians weren't worried about people not voting for them because their grandparents died.

>> No.18154296

>This is literally what the globalists elite plan is

>> No.18154796

these are the morons you're getting investment advice from

>> No.18154910

You do realise that the library of Alexandria burned down once every generation on average?

>> No.18155378

Assuming this isn't bait I don't see how it changes that our information storage isn't as centralised and we're talking about just the people going away, not materials.