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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18146484 No.18146484 [Reply] [Original]

Will office wagecucks really accept going back into their panopticon open plan misery boxes when the hoax is over?

I literally just sit at a laptop fucking with excel all day. There is no reason I need to be there.

>> No.18146608

This quarantine shit had made me realise how much I'm missing by going to work

Before quarantine:

>Wake up at 6:45
>Rush everything down my throat, rush a shower, rush getting dressed, rush out the door, rush to the train
>Pay 200 euros a month in travel expenses
>Get to work
>Make small talk about my weekend where I did nothing that office normies can even feign showing an interest in
>Grab a coffee
>Go to the top floor
>Lock myself in and start working
>Normie boomer walks in and pesters me about something
>google it, tell them the answer
>wow you're such a zoomer genius
>sit in a 1 hour meeting about nothing which >turns out to be 3 hours long because people like to get pedantic about the details of nothing
>people wondering why i never have lunch communally and just sit in my room instead
>get home at 7pm
>cook for gf
>150 minutes of leisure time a day
>go to sleep

And now that everybody's freaking out about corona-chan
>Wake up at 8:55
>Turn the computer on, grab a cup of tea
>respond to some emails in my jammies
>play music on the speakers
>do my excel wizard skills for a few hours
>take a shower
>start preparing food at 4
>finish work at 5
>450 minutes of leisure time per day
>go to sleep
>wake up happy

>> No.18146620

im a wfh chad so I dont care what wagies have will or will not do

>> No.18146629

no, these 3 months wth (or OFF completely) are going to seriously redpill ALOT of people

could be the silver lining in covid19

>> No.18146668

no lie, this quarantine is going to have people waking up from a multiyear spell. With the state of current technology, people are realising that we should just abandon 60% of the bullshit we used to do.

>> No.18146702

>silver lining in COVID
What? I haven’t heard any bad news come out of this at all. Seriously I dare you, name one (1) thing bad about this pandemic.

>> No.18146911

People will wfh more
Productivity will drop to pajeet levels since women are useless
We'll all suffer and get paid less.

>> No.18146913

desu i've used this opportunity to get into day trading and it's been going really well. if this lasts long enough and my trading makes enough money, i might never go back.

>> No.18147121

Go to bed Michel, you're still dead from AIDS

>> No.18147171
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same here brother. its like neetdom without the poverty and descent into madness

>> No.18147262
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>Cook for gf.
She better be working too.

>> No.18147397

they really fucked up with the quarantine, so many normies are going to realise how shit their jobs are and how much commuting sucks and they are finding their preference for free time again
i'll like to see how many cattle jobs they well be able to herd into big city offices again after this

>> No.18147416

she works most days, but i just like choosing what i eat, and the freedom of cooking takes my mind away from the pure poz of the outside world.

>> No.18147439
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>> No.18147509

>excel wizard skills
You got any idea how to 'clamp' numbers? I'm trying to do a hedging ratio, but I'm hoping to just use percentage values, or more accurately: floating point values as a multiplier. But when you invert the denominator you get values over one, obviously, which breaks the concept.

>> No.18147553

Most normies get stir crazy when they have too much free time, they're trained throughout their lives that they need work for the social aspect if nothing else. From kindergarten on they're trained to go to work, that training doesn't just disappear after a few weeks because you're a shut -in incel who's too socially awkward to enjoy the social aspect of a job

>> No.18147597

yes. i'm in my early 30s. my manager and my coworkers on our team of 6 are in our late 20s/early 30s. they're all freaking out about how inefficient this is, longing to go back to the office. we have daily 4 PM status calls where everyone has to waste 5-10 minutes talking about what they did today. all of the managers, senior managers, directors, VPs, etc. are just blowing each other's outlook calendars with skype meeting requests to waste insane amounts of time with pointless bullshit meetings. it was so bad that our skype was crashing and disconnecting all day because it was under such a massive load.

99% chance they will use this as an excuse to never allow an official WFH policy. "we tried it during the coronavirus and it just didn't work!" yes, because you fucking idiot boomers can't SHUT THE FUCK UP, stop scheduling retarded meetings, and just do work.

>> No.18147617

You will do as they say. Even more so after this is all over

>> No.18147687

Who here /management/ and comfy as fuck? All my guys got forloughed yesterday, I'm on an open ended paid vacation.

>> No.18147837

stonk line go down

>> No.18147909

You work for a catering company?

My mate just got made redundant without benefits because he started the role within the last 3 months..

>> No.18148031

No a retailer in the logistics division managing a warehouse. There's a good chance the company will go under as a result of all of this, but until then I'm fully paid with 0 responsibilities. I don't doubt they'll take my PTO as a result.

>> No.18148037
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No people are more cucked than you are willing to admit. Most people actually enjoy their slavery. Do you think normies actually enjoy sitting home when nothing is open? Most would actually rather be at work. Most peoples sense of autonomy atrophies after spending a lifetime of going to school and then straight to work.

>> No.18148085

Im working from home and its even worse than being in an office because I actually have to deliver products with a deadline and cant just hide in some fucking excel sheet

Im fucking furious, stressing out so bad over this rn.

>> No.18148517 [DELETED] 

>social aspect of a job
At most you can find valuable business partners and later start your own company, byt that is not exactly a friendship making actual friends in a work environment is pretty uncommon, especially when most offices are more about drama than actual work.

>> No.18148646

I worked as a designer for a company just like that back in '17.
My initial agreement with the owner was that I would work remotely and visit the actual office once a week, which worked quite well for a while. I was the only member in the team who delivered everything timely (and I could prove that because we used Todoist), except *one* time I got very sick and had to delay some art delivers by 2 days.

He then used this as an excuse to say that WFH "was not working" and backpedalled on our agreement: he now wanted me to work 9-5 M-thru-F in their offices.
Not to mention he began persecuting me softly: he moved my desk to where he could monitor me all the time, and I found out I was the only worker to whom he did not cover lunch and transportation costs, along with some other BS.

I quit less than a month later. Fuck bosses, fuck them hard.

>> No.18148810

>some may even step outside the cave and decide they liked it better back inside