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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18145124 No.18145124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You're laughing.
>Landlords think they're providing a valuable service and you're laughing

Take your pick, landlords get either the rope, the guillotine, or the bullet

>> No.18145140

I pick neither and give them rent money like a good boy.

>> No.18145150
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You misspelled "cuck"

>> No.18145172


hello newfag
/biz/ is about making money. if you can buy a property and rent it out then good for you

>> No.18145211

>making money
oh boy

>> No.18145219

That, in and of itself, is half the joke. Landlords don't even own most of the property they rent out, they're still paying off loans to the bank with the money they're syphoning off people living paycheck to paycheck without putting any actual effort into earning their money. Even then they go for interest only mortgage where they'll never pay off the mortgage, just the interest

>> No.18145237

>Take your pick, landlords get either the rope, the guillotine, or the bullet

lmao another larping commie manchild. why do these fuckups have such violent fantasies?

>> No.18145238

>Recycles the same BS meme till its past worn out
It's worn out Anon, sadly we still have days till the larp psyop date of april 1st.
Whats it matter to you, anyways. you live at home

>> No.18145257

What's your solution to dealing with kikes?

>> No.18145258

They take the risk of everything.

>> No.18145261


so what? most people on this board is trying to make money without putting any actual effort into earning it. i think you'd be better suited to r*ddit or tumblr.

>> No.18145414

>most people on this board is trying to make money without putting any actual effort into earning it
Literally half of /biz/ are "buy and hold" investors (or should i say "buy and hope"), driven by FOMO fueled by shills, who think the price if their assets will skyrocket over 1000000% in a year.
On the other hand, if you're a bobo, you think the market will crash to 0 without survivors in a month.

>> No.18145460

if someone has property they are not using whats wrong with renting it out?

>> No.18145483


hello newfag
/biz/ is not about making money. if you can buy high and sell low, kys you cuck.

>> No.18145506


>> No.18145525

>if you can buy high and sell low
>everyone is retarded here because some faggots went all in with 10x leverage and then they spammed pink wojack
Nice argument.

>> No.18145544

If you own it and don't need it, while other people need it to survive, why not give it away?

If you took out a loan to speculate on making profits on other people's basic human needs, then you're scum and deserve the bullet.

>> No.18145623

I imagine a guillotine is the most humane and (more importantly) cheap option
construction costs will definitely outweigh bullet costs given enough time, and a guillotine will be a lot more reliable and much faster than a rope. I'm sure we can decapitate at least at the rate of 1 head per minute, meanwhile with ropes there would be both a bigger and inconsistent time to kill a person, so we'll need multiple ropes, it just seems complicated. I do imagine ropes are more likely to get damaged than a guillotine too.

>> No.18145628

Landlords are based

>> No.18145651

Landies really think we wont werewolf and go wild, huh?

>> No.18145666

you mean if you own it you can rent it out, right? i agree that lending money to buy rentals is actual scum tier since ur propping up rent prices, but if you own a property without loans you could keep the rent to a fairly reasonable price

>> No.18145698

when is this commie retard invasion going to end. Some of use hang out here every day and you actually think we don't fucking see you?

>> No.18145708

quit larping.. u are one. doing your service no doubt. please fuck off and hope we never find you.

>> No.18145720

If landlords didn't provide a valuable service, people wouldn't be giving them loads of money.

>> No.18145727

we have jails for people like you. the same as niggers.

>> No.18145797

I can't believe you're so fucking stupid you genuinely don't even consider something like a monopoly existing on housing. I swear everyone on this dogshit website feasts on lead paint chips.

>> No.18145800
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>If you took out a loan to speculate on making profits on other people's basic human needs
Oh no, we forgot about people's basic human needs!

>> No.18145876

You think I'M a kike? Oh that's funny, you're a real funny goy, you know that?

>> No.18145891

I still don't understand this meme. I feel like it's just people who want free stuff but they spout insult buzzwords to justify being irresponsible.

Where I live, rent is 550. Most utilities are included. My neighbors are mostly retired/disabled old ladies. After all my Bills, including groceries, I still have 65 percent of my income to save/blow/whatever. Maybe this is just a regional thing but I actually like my place and it would be way more expensive/obnoxious to try and get a house.

>> No.18145901

So if i held a gun to your head and ordered you to hand me your money, you would appriciate my services and give me the money like a good little cuck that you are?

>> No.18145918

Landlords are providing a service, the use of their house

>> No.18145939

You mean the banka house? Landlords just took a loan, the banka are the ones actually financing the party

>> No.18145941

Hardly a meme tho. I work for my money (or did until the virus made all the contracted workers redundant for cost saving measures), unlike landlords who sit on property they don't even own artificially inflating the price of the housing so they can overcharge on crappy apartments
But good on you for finding somewhere decent to live with enough of your paycheck left over to afford a decent standard of living, but unfortunately you're in the minority

>> No.18145951
File: 17 KB, 300x310, E58DEA25-0501-4558-859A-EC3C717EB68A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banks wtf not banka

>> No.18145992

what is the punchline /biz/

>> No.18146035

But what do they actually DO? Most landlords just outsource maintenance, many outsource even the management and have little need of actually doing something. They're at best middlemen, and at worst leeches.

Couldn't the tenants just be their own "landlords"? On a one-household-one-share and one-share-one-vote principle? If necessary, they could choose a manager from among themselves, or elect to hire some professional from outside.
I mean, apartment-shares and housing co-ops exist already and work. The former is a sign of wealth an prestige around here, and they only pay a relatively small monthly sum to their commonly-directed company to fund maintenance and improvements. As such, they skip the part where there's an excess sum is drained from the community to go to fund the lifestyle, profits, and investments of a completely unrelated person.

So why nut off the slack and improve efficiency by getting rid of the middleman?

>> No.18146043

>>18146035 (me)
I need another cup of coffee, I'm slipping.

>> No.18146047

>Someone buys some property and rents it out, taking risk of the loan, taxes and utilities
>You don't defer any consumption from your shitty 'real job' in case of an emergency

Bet you don't even complain about the artificially low interest rates encouraging people taking out loans for assets, cause your a liberal arts 'sandwich artist'

>> No.18146069

Electrical engineer, actually, but go on, continue thinking that anyone who complains about landlords being leaches is some liberal arts retard rather than being a part of the working class who actually earn their money through legitimate labour

>> No.18146070

Buy a house then wagie

>> No.18146088

If I could be paid enough money to actually afford the deposit in the first place before the mortgage then I would if I could, but I still have to live with my parents because some retards were handing out mortgages like they were fucking candy and ruined the housing market

>> No.18146133

What risk? You can insure against every possible event. Even if my houses are empty I make money.